Post Last Edit by skywalker107 at 29-6-2009 14:24
sorry la bos kurang minat la dgn Z4 ni
sebab pd pendapat patik
bawak benda al ...
skywalker107 Post at 29-6-2009 14:17 
elok lah tu, kau bawak menatang tu..
nanti mu bawa pi jumpa customers mu yang ada penyakit macam uncle tam99., terus padam ,,terkujat... |
tak baek tau cakap mcm tu
semoga abg tam dan kita semua sihat walafiat
semoga berkat usia kita selama kita hidup 
747 rocks!!! :pompom: :pompom: |
Post Last Edit by kirawang at 29-6-2009 21:01
Post Last Edit by kirawang at 29-6-2009 20:45
tak baek tau cakap mcm tu
semoga abg tam dan kita semua sihat walafiat
semoga berkat usia kita selama kita hidup 
747 rocks!!! :pompom: :pompom:
skywalker107 Post at 29-6-2009 16:49 
isskk,,mu ni ..
mana kata kat uncle tam mu,,,,
ianya ditujukan pd clients mu yang sakit jantung..
mu bawak kapal terbang landing atas office dia..
terkejut dia...
btw..uncle tam mu dah sihat dah..
kerja balik this week...dan terus buat sales kaw kaw..
p/s..Diharap ianya tak de jadi isu...
just misunderstanding je..
untuk tam99, sorry...tak ditujukan pada mu...
Tak sudi maafkan...aku paksa untuk sudikan jua.. |
U all tengok, betapa bijaknya..
our customer service ..respond agent punya pertanyaan..
To....xyz (already adjusted..)
I have submitted switching from low load fund PIMF to equity, PISSF.
The clients list are below..
Last 2-3 month I met them bla..bla...bla...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and application were rejected due to diffirent signature
This morning I call my customers ,,,,,,,bala..bla... One of them argued with me, how Public Mutual can approve their application to invest for the latest? maknya additional inv..
We wish to inform you that the signatures on the switching forms have been checked accordingly against the unitholders’ EPF Members’ investment forms. They are found to be different from our record.
Mereka bagi jawapan yang paling bijak..pdhal dah mentioned reject psl diff sign..
If your unitholders are unable to recall their signatures, you may advise them to update their latest signatures by submitting the Change of Unitholder Particulars Form personally to our Public Mutual HQ or any of our branches. The new signature must be witnessed by our staff. Unitholder may then submit a new switching request.
itu saja..jaw mereka....
bukan nak settle, tapi menambah hangin kat badan je.. |
Stock Market’s Rally Likely to Last Into 2010: John Dorfman
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Commentary by John Dorfman
June 29 (Bloomberg) -- Every investor is pondering the same question: Has the stock market’s spring rally fizzled?
After rising 41 percent from March 9 through June 12, the market started to sputter. From June 12 through June 22, the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index declined 5.6 percent. Since then it has bounced back, but remains below the June 12 level.
I believe the rally that began in March is sustainable at least into early 2010. The main reason: The economy is recovering.
The best-known index for predicting the U.S. economy, the Conference Board’s index of leading economic indicators, rose in April and May after falling in nine of the previous 10 months.
Ned Davis Research Inc. has its own set of a dozen predictive indicators. It said this month that the final piece had fallen into place, so that all 12 indicators now point to a recovery. The firm expects the recession to end as soon as August.
Specific items I find encouraging are monthly auto sales for U.S.-made cars (up 14 percent since February) building permits (up 4 percent in May after being down in nine of the previous 10 months), and the pattern of interest rates, often called the yield curve (which is normalizing).
Rally’s Oomph
In addition to the turn I see coming in the economy, I have three other reasons to think that the current market rally has legs that will carry it into 2010:
-- Valuations on stocks are normal.
-- Interest rates are pleasantly low.
-- Market history puts the odds in investors’ favor.
Let me elaborate, beginning with valuations. The market (as measured by the S&P 500) sells for 14.5 times earnings, two times book value (corporate net worth) and 0.94 times revenue. The dividend yield is 3 percent.
What’s remarkable about those numbers is how strikingly normal they are. An investor who grew up watching “Father Knows Best” on a black and white television set would feel right at home with them.
It’s worth noting that these multiples are not multiples of peak earnings (or book value or revenue) but of depressed earnings. So there’s room for further improvement.
Yields currently are about 3.5 percent on 10-year Treasury bonds, 0.4 percent on one-year Treasury bills, and 5.4 percent on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages. We can fret about how rates may increase, spurred by the need to finance a nasty federal deficit. For the moment, though, the rates are fine.
As for market history, I wrote in February (when I predicted a rally within a month) about what has happened in the past after waterfall declines -- that is, declines of 20 percent or more within a few weeks. The fall 2008 plunge was the 11th waterfall decline since the beginning of 1929.
History’s Pattern
In all 10 previous cases, the big decline was followed by a basing period, then a rally. In nine of the 10 cases the rally lasted at least a year. In the sole exception, 1929-1930, the market stayed roughly flat. While history doesn’t come with guarantees, the pattern suggests an uptrend continuing at least until next spring.
What happens after that depends on how forceful, and how lasting, the recovery is. An onerous federal deficit, high personal debt, a persistent fall in home prices, or ripple effects from high unemployment could all keep a damper on the recovery, or shorten it.
Contrary Signs
To be sure, not all signs point to the rally continuing. A Deutsche Bank report released last week said there is only a “dim light at the end of the tunnel” for the U.S. economy. It said that “many hard data series….such as payrolls, production, and employee tax withholding receipts, are still declining.”
The bank added that inventories remain high compared with sales, and that some laid-off workers are now seeing their unemployment benefits run out. The economic recovery, it concluded, is “expected to occur in slow motion.”
On balance though, I think the evidence favors continued gains, pockmarked with occasional rude interruptions. If you share my view, here are a few recovery plays you might want to consider adding to your portfolio.
Commercial Metals Co., based in Irving, Texas, makes, recycles and trades steel and other metals. It has been profitable in each of the past 20 fiscal years. Whether it will extend its streak by logging a profit for the fiscal year that ends in August is hard to say. Still, I find its record impressive, and believe that the company is a logical beneficiary of a stronger economy.
Garmin, Ladish
Garmin Ltd., based in the Cayman Islands but traded on Nasdaq in the U.S., makes portable global positioning system (GPS) devices. Since GPS systems are a discretionary purchase, I would expect sales to improve as the economy does. Meanwhile, the stock sells for 8.5 times earnings and yields 3.2 percent in dividends. Garmin’s earnings fell about 17 percent in the recession last year, but the stock dropped 80 percent. I think investors punished it much too harshly.
Ladish Co., based in Cudahy, Wisconsin, makes engineered metal parts for jet engines, helicopter blades, missiles and industrial applications. The stock is trading below book value and at seven times earnings. I believe that aircraft engine makers such as General Electric Co. and United Technologies Corp. like having Ladish as an alternative supplier to Precision Castparts Corp. Ladish has roughly a 20 percent market share to Precision’s 40 percent for certain engineered parts. I like both Ladish and Precision, but find Ladish more of a bargain.
Disclosure note: For clients and personally, I own shares in Commercial Metals, Garmin and Ladish.
(John Dorfman, chairman of Thunderstorm Capital in Boston, is a columnist for Bloomberg News. The opinions expressed are his own. His firm or clients may own or trade securities discussed in this column.)
To contact the writer of this column: John Dorfman at [email protected]. |
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Public Mutual to launch new fund
Published: 2009/06/30
PUBLIC Mutual is launching a new fund today, Public Natural Resources Equity Fund (PNREF),hat will give investors the opportunity to capitalise on the long-term growth prospects of the natural resources sectors in the domestic and overseas markets.
The resources sectors which PNREF will invest in include energy, metals and mining, agriculture, forestry and paper.
The initial issue price of PNREF is RM0.25 per unit during the 21-day initial offer period from today to July 20.
The minimum initial investment is RM1,000 and the minimum additional investment is RM100. |
Hari ni training perlu ada tak?
jel...nak buat tak ini hari...? |
Post Last Edit by kirawang at 30-6-2009 09:36

market local naik hari ni kot...
dj hijau semalam...
DJ MARKET TALK:KLCI Tipped To Open Up; Funds' Bargain Buys-Dealer
0042 GMT [Dow Jones] KLCI likely to open higher, taking cue from gains on Wall Street overnight (DJIA +1.1%), say dealers; "funds may bargain-hunt some blue chips after yesterday's mild weakness ahead of book closure for the first half of 2009. Retail investors may also be tempted back into the market with particular interest in property and construction stocks," says dealer. Tips KLCI to trade in 1,069 (20-day moving average) to 1,095 (year high) range with upside bias vs Monday's close at 1,075.84 (+0.07 point). PM Najib Razak kicks-off Invest Malaysia 2009 Conference today; further liberalization measures to attract foreign investment expected to be revealed including some goodies for property sector, dealer adds. (VGB)
DJ MARKET TALK:Report Bumi Rule May Be Eased May Boost M'sia Shrs
0103 GMT [Dow Jones] Malaysia stocks may get mild boost in anticipation of government introducing further liberalization measures to boost investment, say dealers. The Edge Financial Daily reports Tuesday, PM Najib Razak may today remove 38-year 30% Bumiputera, or ethnic Malay, equity requirement in business enterprises, including listed companies, citing unnamed sources. Adds, may replace requirement with policy to enhance Bumiputera manpower development to create more opportunities for ethnic Malays. "If these restrictive measures are removed, non-bumiputeras and foreigners will be able to have full control of a listed entity," says a dealer. Adds, move will also be viewed as a positive step toward addressing corruption and increasing transparency and improving corporate governance. KLCI ended +0.07 point at 1075.84 Monday. (VGB) |
U all boleh check masingf masing..
champion this month is abg LAT......
tahniah.... |
As an investor can I rely on technical analysis?
Personal Investment - A column by Ooi Kok Hwa
Investors need proper training as this area requires a lot of subjective judgement and experiences
ALL the famous investment gurus in the world, like Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett, say that we should not try to time the stock market because we will not be able to predict its movement.
However, professional technical analysts believe that investors are able to time the market by looking into the historical price trends and trading volumes. They believe that the weakness in fundamental analysis is it is unable to provide the timing to buy or sell stocks.
Fundamental analysts are able to detect good quality stocks for long-term investments. However, they do not know when to accumulate or to dispose the stocks.
Technical analysts believe that a lot of good fundamental factors for certain stocks may have already been reflected in the stock prices. As a result, any investor who would like to purchase the stocks may not be able to make gains as the stock prices have already included the good fundamental factors.
Nevertheless, if investors know technical analysis, they may be able to discover the stocks much earlier than the others. A lot of time, these fundamental factors may not be made known to the public.
However, some investors, who are aware of these fundamental factors, may start accumulating the stocks. Technical analysts believe that these early actions can be detected by looking into charts.
Technical analysis is based on the interaction between the supply and demand for the stocks, which can be caused by the rational and irrational factors.
Technical analysts believe that prices move in trend and can persist for a long time until something happens to the stocks.
Even though technical analysts do not know all the factors that influence the buying or selling of all stocks, they believe that investors are able to know the actual shifts in the supply and demand of stocks by looking into their market price behaviour.
One of the advantages of technical analysis is that it is simple to use. Compared with the fundamental analysis, investors do not need to read financial statements before using technical analysis. Nevertheless, investors are still required to have adequate knowledge on how to interpret various types of charts.
Given that there are many types of charts, investors may get confused as some charts may indicate buying signals while others may indicate selling signals.
Sometimes, when there are too many investors using different types of charts, the effects may be neutralised between each other.
For market efficiency believers, they postulate that it is not possible make any gains by merely looking into stock prices and volumes because they believe that the stock market may have reflected all these factors. They label this phenomenon as weak-form of market efficiency.
In most academic researches on testing weak-form stock market efficiency (testing the market based on stock prices and volumes), they discovered that investors cannot consistently outperform the market.
Fundamental analysts believe that by merely looking into technical charts alone may sometimes cause investors buying into poor fundamental stocks.
However, technical analysts argue that these negative factors can also be detected using charts because poor fundamental stocks will normally face heavy selling by investors.
The technical charts will indicate when the stocks start facing selling pressures and investors need to sell the stocks once the charts indicate the selling signals.
Some investors believe that there may be self-fulfilling prophecy on technical analysis.
When many people are using the same technical chart on one company and the chart shows a buy on the stock, many investors will follow to buy the stocks. These may cause the stock prices to go up and reinforce the idea that the technical rules work.
We believe that investors need to know both fundamentals as well as technical analysis as these two methods can complement each other. Both methods have their strengths and weaknesses.
Sometimes we may want to use fundamentals to identify the stocks for purchase, then, use technical analysis to gauge when to buy the stocks; or we can use technical analysis to select stocks and use fundamentals to confirm the quality of the companies.
In conclusion, as technical analysis requires a lot of subjective judgement and experiences, we believe that investors need to have a proper training in this area. Interested investors are encouraged to read books related to this area to have better understanding. |
Post Last Edit by kirawang at 1-7-2009 09:48
Air France yang crash kat brazil...
Tengok gambar ni, rasa seram lak..
Jel..berhati hati ke Seoul next week...
Kau jangan lah buas sangat kat dalam flight tu, takut kapal tak balance..
semoga kau selamat pergi dan selamat kembali dengan sihat walafiat...

Last month a B737 had a mid air collision with a Embraer Legacy while cruising at 35,000 feet over South America . The Embraer Legacy, though seriously damaged, with the winglet ripped off, managed to make a landing at a nearby airstrip in the midst of the Amazon jungle. The crew and passengers of the Embraer Legacy had no idea what they had hit. The B737, however, crashed killing all crew and passengers on board.
The two photos attached above were apparently taken by one of the passengers in the B737, after the collision and before the aircraft crashed. The photos were retrieved from the camera's memory stick. You will never get to see photos like this. In the first photo there is a gaping hole in the fuselage through which you can see the tailplane and vertical fin of the aircraft. In the second photo one of the passengers is being sucked out of the gaping hole.
Photos taken inside the plane.
These photos were found in a digital Casio Z750, amidst the remains in Serra do Cachimbo. Although the camera was destroyed, the Memory Stick was recovered. Investigating the serial number of the camera the owner could be identified, as Paulo G. Muller, an actor of a theatre for children known in the outskirts of Porto Alegre It can be imagined that he was standing during the impact with the Embraer Legacy, and during the turbulence he managed to take these photos, s econds after the tail loss the aircraft plunged, so the camera was found near the cockpit. the structural stress probably ripped the engines away, diminishing the falling speed, protecting the electronic equipment but not, unfortunately, the victims. Paulo Muller leaves behind two daughters, Bruna and Beatriz, from a previous relationship.. |
1050 je..?
MIMB = Maybank investment..
DJ MARKET TALK: MIMB Keeps KLCI 2009 Year-End Target At 1,050
0113 GMT [Dow Jones] STOCK CALL: MIMB keeps KLCI 2009 year-end target at 1,050; says "all the good news on economic recovery, 9th Malaysia Plan, stimulus budget and monetary easing have been factored in or already in the price;" expects few catalysts to limit any further KLCI rise. "Although the 3rd stimulus package could be on the cards and hence, be a catalyst for KLCI, we think that the chances (of a third package) are rather remote," MIMB says in report. Believes government will wait for impact of 2 previous stimulus packages before embarking on 3rd; recommends investors trade in commodity theme investments such as plantations, oil & gas. "Any rally of KLCI above 1,100-points would trigger a Sell call, while retracement to 950 to 1,000-points would trigger a Buy call," MIMB says. KLCI +0.12 point at 1,075.36, off low of 1,074.51. (VGB) |
U all study sikit ttg economy outlook...
Economic outlook for 2H09 ight at the end of tunnel?
Tags: MARC | Nor Zahidi Alias | outlook
Written by Nor Zahidi Alias
Wednesday, 01 July 2009 11:25
What started as an external shock for Malaysia has now cascaded into the domestic economy. As has been the case with most Asian economies, plunging exports led to massive cutbacks in production, resulting in weakened labour markets on increased layoffs particularly in the manufacturing sector. Following a contraction in domestic demand due to the weakening of private consumption, the economy contracted sharply in 1Q09 and is expected to experience an outright recession this year, its first since the Asian financial crisis.
Notwithstanding, the prospects for the second half of 2009 (2H09) and 2010 look more encouraging as improving global economic conditions will provide the impetus for an open economy like Malaysia.
On the domestic front, private consumption, while struggling to revive, will gain strength following better prospects in the labour market. The Malaysian ringgit will get some reprieve from a weakening US dollar (USD) as risk aversion diminishes. Monetary and fiscal policies are likely to remain status quo as policymakers try to gauge the impact of past measures.
Concerns that budget deficits could affect Malaysia’s macroeconomic landscape have been exaggerated given its favourable fundamentals.
Growth: Firmerrecovery in 2010
We foresee the economy shrinking by 3.8% in 2009 as opposed to our previous forecast of a 1.5% contraction. The latest revision is primarily based on the following factors — more severe contraction in exports and weaker-than-expected domestic demand.
The vulnerability of Malaysia’s external sector arises from its heavy dependence on electrical and electronic products (E&E)
segment which accounts for as much as 38.3% of its total exports. As such, a meaningful recovery in global demand for semiconductor products is critical for Malaysia’s export sector.
In addition, two other important export components — oil-related products and palm oil — are not likely to grow significantly as in early 2008 when prices hit all-time highs. In addition to the external sector, domestic demand has played an important role in magnifying economic weakness in 1Q09.
Notwithstanding that, a mild recovery in global economic activity, as envisaged by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will lead to a rebound in the country’s exports. Moreover, the impact of the government’s RM67 billion fiscal stimulus will take effect in late 2009 and the first half 2010. As such, we foresee a milder contraction of 1.6% in the 2H09 before rebounding by 3% in 2010.
Private consumption will slowly gain strength
The contraction in private consumption in 1Q09 convinced us that consumers will no longer be able to withstand economic shocks associated with the crash in external sector.
Private consumption, an important pillar against a sharp downturn in economic activity, is now feeling the brunt of a deteriorating labour market particularly in the manufacturing sector which registered a 7.7% decline in 1Q09.
The significant drop in the level of consumer spending from +5.3% in 4Q08 to -0.7% in 1Q09 signified the sudden shift in consumers’ attitude towards spending. In addition, forward-looking indicator such as the MIER consumer sentiment index (CSI) has remained at near historical low since 3Q1998 while the MasterCard Worldwide Index of consumer sentiment recently dropped to the lowest level since 1H01.
Going forward however, we expect the deterioration in private consumption to moderate as labour market condition stabilises. Slowing inflation will also boost consumers’ appetite for spending.
Against such a backdrop, although we anticipate private consumption to grow at a much slower pace of 2.4% in 2009, we foresee it rebounding and registering a positive growth of 3.9% in 2010.
External sector willbenefit from improvement in global trade
The outlook for E&E products, Malaysia’s major export component, remains murky as global appetite for semiconductor has yet to improve. This is despite the recent improvement in two important forward-looking indicators for the sector: the US book-to-bill (BTB) ratio which rebounded from its low of 0.47 in January this year to 0.74 in May; and Institute of Supply Management’s (ISM) new orders index which recovered from its low of 33.1 in February to 51.1 in the recent month.
Nevertheless, we are of the opinion that it is too soon to conclude a meaningful recovery in export sector in 2H09 is underway, considering the unusual nature of the current economic cycle.
Improving global economic conditions envisaged in 2010 will help Malaysian exports to register a positive growth following an expected 11.2% contraction in 2009. With the collapse in imports, higher surplus in merchandise balance will likely result in another year of huge current account surplus.
Further improvement in the financial account will come on the back of a smaller net outflow of portfolio investment. This is evidenced by the first quarter statistics which showed a RM9.2 billion net outflow, as opposed to RM37.6 billion in the 3Q08.
Ringgit to gain fromweaker greenback
Weaknesses in Malaysia’s macro performance following the global economic crisis has led to a sharp depreciation in ringgit against the USD between December 2008 and March this year. The ringgit fell from as high RM3.13 in April 2008 to as low as RM3.73 in March this year, almost to the level it was pegged against the greenback in 1998.
However, since other major currencies also weakened excessively due to global economic malaise, the ringgit has not moved significantly against currencies like the Singapore dollar (SGD), Chinese yuan (CNY) and Thai baht (THB).
The outlook of ringgit is closely linked to the prospects of the greenback. We do not foresee a collapse in USD as some are predicting due to the fact that an excessive weakness in the greenback is not in the interest of not only the US but also other countries like Japan and China which are heavily invested in US Treasuries.
In addition, there are no other currencies or asset classes large enough to absorb the amount of global liquidity without creating another bubble. Against such a backdrop, we foresee a slight appreciation of the ringgit against the greenback as risk aversion among investors continues to abate.
Based on Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER), the ringgit is about 3% undervalued against its major trading partners. Looking from a technical side, although the ringgit is about to break its short-term downtrend channel against the greenback, a downward breakout of the head-and-shoulder formation may bring the ringgit to RM3.37 in the medium term especially if net inflows into the financial market improve by the end of the year. We foresee a range of RM3.35-RM3.55 for the ringgit against the USD in the next six months.

kita tunggu amerang balik dari tawau untuk buat presentation.. |
Future policy response
We see a limited possibility of monetary intervention following an anticipated recovery in the global economy. As economic contraction becomes milder in 2H09, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) will leave its policy rate at the current level of 2% well until next year.
In addition, the authority has made it clear that it does not favour an extremely low interest rate environment. As mentioned, BNM is focused on ensuring credit availability rather than on the absolute financing cost.
Judging by recent government rhetoric to be more fiscally prudent in the medium term, there is also less likelihood of using fiscal policy to support the economy. This is not surprising as government budgetary position has been in the red since the Asian financial crisis in 1998.
We opine that the government’s projected budget deficit will exceed 7.6% of GDP as economic contraction will be more severe than had been originally expected. On that score, we think the government will take greater effort to trim budget deficit starting 2010 when economic recovery becomes firmer.
Budget deficit andsovereign rating
We beg to differ in respect of concerns on the budget deficit that certain quarters have taken into consideration in evaluating the country’s sovereign ratings.
First and foremost, the speed of reduction in budget deficit since the Asian financial crisis has been almost the same as other regional countries. The likely reason that Malaysia is still incurring a deficit is because the country had a bigger budget gap to start with in 2000.
Secondly, one of the plausible explanations for Malaysia to experience budget surplus in the mid-1990s was related to its high economic growth which averaged around 9% during that period — meaning that the growth has to be robust enough to put the budget back on track. Since Malaysia’s average growth has declined to an average 5.5% between 2000 and 2008, naturally the deficit could not be eliminated.
The question now is whether the deficit should be reduced through efforts to stimulate growth or measures to cut spending. Our fear is that measures that are meant to cut spending will dampen overall growth of the economy.
Thirdly, Malaysia’s macro condition remains generally healthy. For instance, international reserve position remains huge and sufficient to cover retained imports by more than eight months, way above the required level of three months, while external debt level stood at 31.8% of GDP in 2008 (1997: 57.6% of GDP), relatively low by historical standards. In addition, the fact that Malaysia is highly integrated with the global economy also reduces moratorium risk, the risk associated with the country’s decision to stop servicing its foreign debt. This is a stark contrast to a country like Argentina, which defaulted on its US$132 billion (RM464.64 billion) debt in 2001 and imposed moratoria on its foreign debt services. |
Tentative start to 2H09
Written by Insider Asia
Wednesday, 01 July 2009 17:40
Stocks started the first trading day for the second half of the year on a somewhat tentative note. Although most of the regional bellwether indices closed in positive territory, gains were not very convincing.
Indeed, the strong upward momentum that drove share prices sharply higher for the better part of 2Q09 has been absent for a while now. And the prevailing sentiment may persist over the near term.
Asian stock markets have already done very well in the year to date, chalking up strong double-digit gains. The Chinese market has been among the best performers in the world – the Shanghai Composite index gained nearly 63% in 1H09. Most believe that the world’s third largest economy will recover faster from the current downturn on the back of strong domestic consumption and massive government stimulus package.
The KL Composite Index was up by a more “modest” 22.6% in 1H09. Our economy is more dependent on external trade. Although the worst appears over, a recovery in exports is likely to be slow given that demand from major consuming countries like the US and Europe remains weak.
Indeed, recent data on US consumer confidence indicated some renewed weakness after rebounding strongly in previous months. With unemployment expected to continue rising, consumers are less likely to go on a spending spree. Households are still trying to de-leverage and are saving more to repair their balance sheets.
The KLCI had on July 1 fluctuated within a narrow band throughout the day, slipping in and out of positive territory. A last-minute spurt of buying lifted the benchmark index to close at its intra-day high of 1,079.4 points, up four points from June 30. Some of the bigger gainers include Tanjong plc, Nestle, BAT and Genting.
Market breadth was, however, negative. There were roughly seven losing stocks for every four gaining ones at the close. About 826 million shares were traded. KNM was the day’s most actively traded stoc |

DJ MARKET TALK: Bullish KLCI Charts Point To Test Of 1095 -OSK
0101 GMT [Dow Jones] OSK maintains near-term bullish view on KLCI with immediate resistance at 1,095 (200-week moving average); technical analyst Shin Kao Jack notes benchmark managed to rebound off 50-day moving average (on June 23) and violate downtrend line dating back to June 15 and close above 20-day moving average at 1,071 yesterday. "This suggests that there is a possibility of the KLCI constructing a new uptrend from the 50-day moving average line, which is less steep than the previous rally and supported by the 20-day moving average line," he says. To downside, immediate support at 1,071, followed by the Upside Gap ranging from 1,057 to 1,064. KLCI ended +0.4% at 1079.40 Wednesday. (VGB)
lama tak read updated info from frapamocha.. |
Post Last Edit by kirawang at 2-7-2009 22:50
lama tak read updated info from frapamocha..
amirul_nazri Post at 2-7-2009 17:03 
sis frapa sekarang tengah busy tahap melampau...
akan start come back very soon...
we all also missing her.. |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi