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Author: kirawang


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Post time 15-7-2009 10:44 AM | Show all posts
2639# kirawang
Jel, jom buat trip ke Korea sama Univest
aku nak beli kain pelikat.

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Post time 15-7-2009 11:05 AM | Show all posts
client saya pon kena mcm boss gak
dia invest tahun 1999/2000 dulu
pastu agen lari
bila saya jumpa dia, saya redeem la yg lama tu
n dia invest baru dgn saya

yg heran nya redemption kene reject sbb signature tak tally
tp new submission tu ok plak
haihhh~~ apa mau jawab sama client?

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Post time 15-7-2009 11:07 AM | Show all posts
sapa laa yg seronok sgt nak naik kapalterbang dgn saya smlm?
doa la saya murah rezki
kalau tak dapat bawak 747 mcm profile photo kt tepi ni
dapat bawak yg kecik pun jadi laaa

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Post time 15-7-2009 11:48 AM | Show all posts
utk renungan semua;

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing – that's why we recommend it daily.
  ~Zig Ziglar


if you feed yourself a lot of good stuff.. good stuff is bound to come out.

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Post time 15-7-2009 04:07 PM | Show all posts
thanks abe lat... very inspiring!

peeehhhh klci almost 1100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post time 15-7-2009 04:18 PM | Show all posts
yes, dah touch 1,100!

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Post time 15-7-2009 05:57 PM | Show all posts
2643# skywalker107
Sky, abe Tam dgn Abe Tauke nak jadik co-pilot boleyy...

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Post time 15-7-2009 05:58 PM | Show all posts
2643# skywalker107
Sky, abe Tam dgn Abe Tauke nak jadi co-pilot boleyy

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Post time 15-7-2009 05:59 PM | Show all posts
2646# whomyd
naik dan teruih naik....aku dah SW balik dah ke equity

Mana hang pi semalam Di?

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2009 08:56 AM | Show all posts
2649# tam99

humaidi ambik adik dia balik dr mesir....edy pulak, isteri kurang sihat..

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2009 09:00 AM | Show all posts
2643# skywalker107

Iya, kami semua akan mendoakan....
dah berjaya nanti, bawak lah kami satu group naik flight tu,,

trip ke seoul beli kain cotton diketuai oleh ketua rombongan cik zam or cik jel....

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2009 09:04 AM | Show all posts
2642# skywalker107

nanti saya ada meeting this wednesday bersama KG  dan mr chooi kat HQ
Dengar apa mereka nak cakap..

saya pon dah letih dengan karenah mereka yng buat kerja half cook ni....
apakan daya, kuasa ditangan mereka...

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Post time 16-7-2009 09:10 AM | Show all posts
akhir nya baru dpt masuk forum nih...hangin tul

muning all

alhamdulillah sihat se adanya....blum ada tanda2 kena H1N1

sbb byk sgt beli we all post balik dalam 10 kotak gituk. 3 lepas...7 kena tahan ngan kastam and kena tax. tp yg bengong nya owg kastam nih....dari senin smpai semlm...asik call aje. nak aje lah and then release aaaa. byk songeh sungguh....kalau hilang kain aku. aku tak halal kan se sen pun

sekian laporan dari seoul pada ari ini :pompom:

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2009 09:25 AM | Show all posts
nah, untuk humaidi yang suka sangat dengan 1100 mata ni..

Hadiah dari Dato Yusli bersempena dengan pertunangan kau..

FBM KLCI breaches 1,100 points

PETALING JAYA: The local stock market’s benchmark index breached the 1,100 level yesterday for the first time since August last year but the gains were pared after investors locked in profit on key blue-chip stocks.

The FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (FBM KLCI) ended 17.61 points or 1.63% higher at 1,097.24 after touching an intra-day high of 1,104.87.

“Confidence in the markets has somewhat returned,” said Jupiter Securities Sdn Bhd head of research Pong Teng Siew.

Yesterday’s volume increased to more than 1.3 billion shares from about 800 million shares on Tuesday and 550 million shares on Monday, reflecting increasing confidence among investors.

The uptrend came after several major overseas companies like Goldman Sachs and Intel Corp reported quarterly results which surpassed analysts’ estimates, subsequently setting a positive tone as the earnings season gets under way in the United States.

Locally, news that SK Engineering & Construction Co, South Korea’s third largest industrial group, would build Malaysia’s biggest oil refinery valued at US$10bil, helped keep sentiment robust, analysts noted.

Around 30% of the contracts for the refinery will be carried out by domestic companies.

Oil and gas counters got a boost with stocks like KNM Group Bhd jumping 11% to 83.5 sen, Petra Perdana Bhd advancing 7.6% to RM2.84 and Dialog Group Bhd putting on 2.8% to RM1.11.

But yesterday’s index gains came largely from the three major banking stocks.

At the close, Malayan Banking Bhd finished 25 sen higher at RM5.90 after touching an intra-day high of RM5.95, Public Bank Bhd also ended 25 sen higher at RM9.95 after hitting RM10 earlier while Bumiputra-Commerce closed up 20 sen to RM9.70 after touching RM9.90 earlier.

“There was a trickle of inflow of foreign funds yesterday but at this juncture, much more foreign liquidity is needed for the index to significantly breach the 1,100 level,” Jupiter’s Pong said.

“A significant break, i.e. at least 2% above the 1,100 level will convince me that there is a change of heart among foreign funds on investing in Malaysia,” he added.

Others are even more cautious.

“I do advise investors to sell into strength because a retracement in an overvalued market like this is inevitable,” said Chris Eng, head of research at OSK.

Technically, however, all the short-term indicators, such as the daily slow-stochastic momentum index, the daily moving average convergence/divergence histogram and the 14-day relative strength index are positive, a technical analyst said.

“The FBM KLCI’s bullish breakout from the recent peak of 1,095.97 indicates the market is on a new leg of uptrend after the recent consolidation phase but further observation is very much needed, simply because it failed to finish above the 1,100 points mark yesterday,” he told Starbiz.

“Nevertheless, if it’s another good day (today), the index should reach a comfortable level, thus confirming the breakthrough is real,” he said, adding that the immediate upside target would be at 1,120 points, followed by the 1,140–1,142-point band.

As for the downside, initial support is seen at 1,083 points while the next level of support is envisaged at 1,050, according to the technical analyst

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2009 09:26 AM | Show all posts
When will the markets and economies recover?
Property Insights - by Christopher Boyd

Predictions on exactly when recovery will set in seem to depend on which channel you watch

IN Albert Camus’ celebrated book, The Plague, we read of an insidious outbreak of disease accompanied by a rat infestation in the French town of Oran. At least, that’s what we appear to be reading, but the story is actually an allegorical reference to the inexorable Nazi occupation of France.

It seems to me that the potential A(H1N1) threat could be read as an allegory for the impending danger of the global financial crisis.

Here, we have a life-threatening sickness sneaking unseen into the country to wreak havoc and destruction.

We can see minor signs popping up at random but the real tsunami has not hit us yet and already, we are reading of early signs of recovery.

It’s like sitting in a dark ride at the amusement park, waiting to be smacked in the face by a wet fish.

Just how the region is doing in terms of economic growth is shown on the “weather” map.

Predictions on exactly when recovery will set in seem to depend on which channel you watch.

Certainly the Malaysian market has seen some bright points recently.

The relaxation of local equity requirements for foreign investors has already generated renewed interest in the commercial property market.

There is a strong possibility of new foreign capital inflows and some of the many investment property sales that collapsed in the second half of last year could well be achieved this year.

Malaysian commercial property remains attractive in terms of yield, price and growth potential and having seen a recent minor value adjustment of around 15%, it is looking better value than ever. Be prepared for a number of major sales to be announced in the next 12 months, to both foreign and local investors.

The top-end residential market, while falling some 25% in value from its peak, has shown remarkable resilience and even renewed confidence. For example, the recent launch by Eastern & Oriental Bhd of their St Mary’s serviced apartments in the Golden Triangle has met with strong sales at around RM1,000 per sq ft. Sunrise Bhd has seen similar success with a new release in Mont’ Kiara, and Mah Sing Bhd has reportedly done equally well with its super-sized three-storey link houses in Batu Maung, Penang.

Globally, the office leasing market has felt some of the greatest impact of the financial crisis, with many multinationals resorting to deep cuts in operating costs, large-scale retrenchment and a freeze on new investment. Regionally this has dragged rental values down.

In Malaysia, the office leasing market has been a victim of circumstances since the beginning of the year and we hope we will not see a reenactment of the stagnant period from 1999 to 2006, with companies reluctant to expand.

Personally, I remain optimistic because the growth of the services sector is likely to pick up and will be boosted by a climate of liberalisation. Nevertheless, what we might see in the investment market is a greater differentiation in value between fully let buildings and those sold vacant or off the plan with no rental guarantee.

The appreciation of yield and the quality of that yield is a science that finally emerged in 2005 when the Securities Commission announced its new guidelines for the formation of real estate investment trusts and caused a scramble for investment properties. We are still waiting for banks to embrace this movement and provide more longer-term finance for commercial properties.

There is some cause for optimism with the recent growth of regional equity markets and successful elections in Indonesia and India. Maybe, that wet fish won’t come after all.

The writer is executive chairman of Regroup Associates Sdn Bhd property consultancy.

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2009 09:28 AM | Show all posts
Tam, jangan lupa mu dok berehat rehat tu, organize bowling....
Nak harapkan si tauke tu...dari jan masuk Julai dah dan akan ke dec tak tentu ada hasil.....

btw, tahniah lah tauke, semalam dapat ratus ratus ribu....berbaloi pergi sampai ke banting.,...

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Post time 16-7-2009 04:52 PM | Show all posts
tau info ni dah lama tapi lupa nak paste.

Checking Prayer Direction this Thursday

KUALA LUMPUR, 13 July, “A change in one degree only can cause the direction of prayer (qiblah) to move by about 128 kilometer,” said the Deputy Director, Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), Omar Said when explaining the importance of determining the direction of prayer here today.

Therefore Muslims in this country are asked to review their position of prayer at home or more accurately the place of prayer this Thursday at 5.28 pm.

According to him, at that time the position of the sun is exactly above the Ka’bah in Mecca, which makes establishes it as the direction of prayer for Muslims.

“The direction can be reviewed on the day and time mentioned effectively the traditional manner or by looking at the direction of the setting sun,” he said.

He said so when opening an extended course on Falaq (Qiblah) state level here.


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Post time 16-7-2009 09:55 PM | Show all posts
2656# kirawang

Tahniah tauke.. kau mmg patut duduk umah je takyah ada ofis.. sales lagi bagus.. he he

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 Author| Post time 17-7-2009 10:12 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 17-7-2009 10:32 AM | Show all posts
2653# Jelita

jel., mana makanan seoul....
kata nak menjamu kami....

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