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Author: kirawang


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 Author| Post time 17-7-2009 10:36 AM | Show all posts
2657# skywalker107

Teringat kenangan bersama tam di Vatican city...
Tam confident je sembahyang mengadap kiblat, rupanya mengadap church pope ..haa..ha..

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 Author| Post time 17-7-2009 10:45 AM | Show all posts
Jom, penat buat sales hari ni kita semua pi minum di KLCC ..

tam, jom lah turun, jam 8-00...jel...join sekali...

mana tahu tauke nak belanja ke...kaya dia sekarang..

tauke, jom le..

ganti yg kelmarin, saya tak sempat nak join mu dengan meor...

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Post time 19-7-2009 04:44 PM | Show all posts
Iklan jap.......

ade sesiapa yg nak join aku esok tak.............

Second Malaysia match confirmed.....MU vs Malaysia

The club have confirmed they will play a second game against a Malaysian XI on Monday evening (20 July) in Kuala Lumpur following the cancellation of their visit to Indonesia.

The Reds had been due to fly to Jakarta on Saturday evening after the opening tour game, but Friday's terrorist attacks in Indonesia prompted a change of plan.

Julian Kam, CEO of ProEvents, the tour organisers, revealed further details on United's second match in Malaysia at Saturday's post-match press conference.

"The game will take place on Monday 20 July at 20:45 local time [13:45 BST] again at the Bukit Jalil Stadium. Looking at the tremendous reception the team have received in Malaysia, and the capacity crowd on Saturday evening, we believe many fans will be eager to watch the team play again. A second match will give fans who missed out first time around another chance to watch the players in action, and those who would like to watch them again can also do so.

"Fans from the UK who have bought tickets to watch the match in Indonesia can exchange them for new tickets for Monday's game in Malaysia. Similarly, fans in Indonesia who bought tickets for the match in Jakarta can also exchange them to watch the game in Kuala Lumpur. We have arranged for 3,000 seats in the stadium to be allocated for these purposes.

"Fans can exchange their tickets at a special counter at the green gate at the Bukit Jalil Stadium which will be open on matchday from 12:00 to 19:00."

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Post time 19-7-2009 08:28 PM | Show all posts
2663# tauke

ko blanje :pompom:

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 Author| Post time 21-7-2009 07:21 AM | Show all posts

Stocks rally anew on more signs of economic health
Wall Street extends rally as economic data, solid earnings lift investors' spirits
By Sara Lepro and Tim Paradis, AP Business Writers
On Monday July 20, 2009, 5:58 pm EDT
       Buzz up! 5 Print
Companiesaterpillar inc.Cit group, inc.Goldman sachs group inc.
NEW YORK (AP) -- Investors are taking the numbers and running with them.

Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
CAT 36.65 +2.66

CIT 1.25 +0.55

GS 160.03 +3.19

HAL 22.33 +0.95

HAS 26.45 +1.07

IBM 116.44 +1.02

INTC 18.90 +0.11

MRK 27.94 +0.26

{"s" : "cat,cit,gs,hal,has,ibm,intc,mrk","k" : "c10,l10,p20,t10","o" : "","j" : ""} Stocks jumped again Monday, giving the Dow Jones industrials their sixth straight advance, as investors got more robust earnings news from big companies and data that suggests the economy is closer to a recovery. News that CIT had struck a financing deal that will keep the troubled commercial lender out of bankruptcy also drove the market higher.

A 100-point gain pushed the Dow back into the black for the year, while the Standard & Poor's 500 climbed to its highest finish since November.

CIT Group Inc.'s deal with bondholders stoked the market's growing sense of optimism, which got a big boost last week from a string of good earnings news. The company's future was cast in doubt after negotiations with federal regulators for bailout funds fell through. Its failure would have been a blow to investor confidence and would have hurt industries like retailing, which has suppliers who rely on CIT for financing.

The market also got a stream of news that bolstered the argument that the economy is in fact heading for a recovery.

A surprisingly large rise in a predictor of future economic activity also supported stocks. The Conference Board's index of leading economic indicators rose 0.7 percent in June, more than the 0.4 percent forecast. It was the third straight month of gains.

Market indicators jumped about 7 percent last week following a monthlong slide driven by discouraging reports on the economy. Solid earnings and outlooks from leading companies including Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Intel Corp. and International Business Machines Corp. gave investors hope that the worst of the recession could be past.

An even busier week of earnings reports will further shape investors' view of the economy. Reports are due Tuesday from industrial equipment maker Caterpillar Inc. and drug maker Merck & Co.

Among the companies reporting Monday was toy maker Hasbro Inc., which beat the market's expectations and helped reassure investors somewhat about consumers' willingness to spend.

George F. Shipp, chief investment officer at Scott & Stringfellow in Virginia Beach, Va., said word that CIT might be able to sidestep bankruptcy gave investors another sign that the economy and the markets are healing because the government wasn't forced to intervene.

"The private sector is stepping in where the taxpayer didn't have to this particular time. That's the way it's supposed to work," he said.

The Dow rose 104.21, or 1.2 percent, to 8,848.15, its sixth straight advance, the longest set of gains since a seven-day rise in April 2007.

Wall Street's best-known index ended at its highest level since Jan. 6. The last time the Dow was this high stocks were just about to endure a steep drop that left the blue chips at a 12-year low on March 9.

The Dow is up 35 percent from its March low but still down 37.5 percent from its record of 14,164.53 in October 2007.

The S& 500 index rose 10.75, or 1.1 percent, to 951.13, its best finish since Nov. 5. November's lows last year came after months of brutal selling as the financial crisis intensified in the fall with the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Investors had hoped the November lows would be the bottom of the market's retreat but stocks slid further by March.

The Nasdaq composite index rose 22.68, or 1.2 percent, to 1,909.29, its ninth straight advance. The index is at its highest mark since Oct. 3, during the most furious selling of the credit crisis.

Among the earnings news, Hasbro's profit rose 5 percent, beating expectations, as strong U.S. revenue offset international sales hurt by the stronger dollar. The stock gained 4.2 percent, rising $1.07 to $26.45.

Oilfield services company Halliburton Co. said its profit tumbled 48 percent amid sluggish exploration and production activity, but the results were better than analyst forecasts and its shares rose 95 cents, or 4.4 percent, to $22.33.

With the bulk of earnings reports still to come, the market has yet to hear from some key industries including retailing. If those results are disappointing, it could force investors to rethink their most recent rally. Several factors are still hanging over the market including record-high unemployment and a damaged housing market.

On Monday, though, the CIT news and optimism over better earnings reports stoked investors' appetite for risk. Investors moved out of safe-haven assets like U.S. Treasurys and the dollar, and into riskier bets like commodities. CIT jumped 55 cents, or 79 percent, to $1.25.

But some analysts said the market could have a hard time advancing, even with more welcome developments.

"The market itself has hit kind of a top here temporarily. People are already getting used to the earnings," said Matt Lloyd, chief investment strategist at Advisors Asset Management.

Oil prices rose 42 cents to settle at $63.98 a barrel. Gold rose, while the dollar was mixed.

Bond prices rose, pushing yields lower. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note fell to 3.60 percent from 3.66 percent late Friday.

Advancing stocks outnumbered those that fell by more than 3-to-1 on the New York Stock Exchange, where consolidated volume came to 4.9 billion shares compared with 5 billion traded Friday.

The Russell 2000 index of smaller companies rose 7.74, or 1.5 percent, to 526.96.

Overseas, Britain's FTSE 100 rose 1.3 percent, Germany's DAX index rose 1 percent, and France's CAC-40 gained 1.6 percent. Japanese financial markets were closed for a holiday

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Post time 21-7-2009 10:58 AM | Show all posts
Mari Mari semua dengar ini cerita..
ini ada berita BAIKKK PUNYAAA utk semua org..

akhirnya makcik bedah blkg rumah tu telah BERSETUJU utk terima pinangan abe Toke.. hu hu
(ini cuma selingan jee... tidak ada kena mengena dgn yg idup atau x idup)

actually baru dpt berita yg pagi ni seorg kawan kita telah dpt mengklose Cash investments lebih RM100K... Yahoooo...
mlm ni dpt makan free...

insyaallah jika berkesempatan dia akan cuba berkongsi cerita macamana dia boleh dpt mmengklose Cash investments lebih RM100K itu dgn kita semua mlm ni.. DAN
sama sama lah kita fikirkan kenapa brader amr.. yg hanya separuh hansomm drpd brader Mazl.. , TETAPI telah dpt mengklose Cash investment BERATUS RIBU setiap bulan sekrg..
apakah sebenarnya yg dilakukan oleh brader amr.. yg hanya separuh hansomm drpd brader Mazl.. yang tidak dilakukan oleh brader Mazl..

firkir fikir kan lahh..
sorry merapu pepagi ni..

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Post time 21-7-2009 11:01 AM | Show all posts
mlm ni apa topik mau cerita..

Aku dah jadi SENIORRR... korang respek skitt..
tapi camana aku boleh dpt kredit sampai 287 tuu.. mana mari?

apa apa pun aku dah jadi SENIOR..
tak macam ada org tu masih PIONEER lagiii.. sapa tu?

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 Author| Post time 21-7-2009 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Mari Mari semua dengar ini cerita..
ini ada berita BAIKKK PUNYAAA utk semua org..

akhirnya makcik bedah blkg rumah tu telah BERSETUJU utk terima pinangan abe Toke.. hu hu
(ini cuma selingan jee.. ...
cmf_LAT Post at 21-7-2009 10:58

kau ni demam ke chief lat.....

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 Author| Post time 21-7-2009 12:18 PM | Show all posts

Market movement for Julai - December from year 2005 to 2008 by Cheif Lat..

Silap  switch..? How to remedy and how to solve.

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Post time 21-7-2009 12:54 PM | Show all posts
2666# cmf_LAT

Tahniah kepada Tauke dan kwn kita yg closed cash rm100k tu.. skrg ni saya terpaksa slow down dulu sbb wife saya tak sihat sgt2.. kena jaga dia lebih... anyway I will be back soon....

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Post time 21-7-2009 12:57 PM | Show all posts
2668# kirawang

Bukan demam dia excited dpt naik pangkat senior... he he

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 Author| Post time 21-7-2009 04:59 PM | Show all posts
haa..ha..member nak kena jadi defender tu edy..lg excited nanti..
Utk chief lat, sebelom tauke jawap, kita share dgn our friend silence reader and non univest member.

Utk nak sales banyak kena berkeliaran kat join our club after 5..salah satu cara, munkin bg abg tam tak sesuai....tapi tam blh join..mencuba..

disana kita lihat org pelbagai ragam..kita ambik yg positive..yg gila shopping, yg trendy, yg kaya, menyebakan kita rasa kecil je..dan berkobar utk berusaha..
Kita jadikan turning point motivasi diri..
Semalam saya ada gathering dgn kawan2 lama, geng model﹑ kami bersosial dengan makan kat dome klcc
Kata beliau ramai pakcik melayu yg hadiahkan mereka bag lv berharga belasan ribu untuk taackle mereka..
salah sorang PR kat pavilion yg juga model kata, kat pavilion ramai customers even melayu yg shopping lebih 50k satu hari..
Itu menunjukan ramai yg duit banyak..

Balik pd tauke, cuba tengok dia sekarang. Lunch kat hotel, minum ptg kat starbuck, exercise kat california fitness, kawan dgn awek pakai mercedez, selalu tengok org kaya, so terpaksa beliau upkan diri dengan bekerja kuat untuk berada setaraf dengan org lain..
Btw, kita sambung masa training mlm ni..

Tengah angkat besi kat clark hatch hilton ni...aduhhh..penat........:..

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 Author| Post time 21-7-2009 05:24 PM | Show all posts
jom mai training ramai2:: Tam dan konco konco dia dah ada kat sana dah....jam 6.30 kita kat fatimah..

Jel, abang fatima tu dah lama cari kau....

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Post time 22-7-2009 02:45 PM | Show all posts
sunyi thread ni skg..
tak mcm dulu.. laju jerr :re:

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2009 09:34 AM | Show all posts
2674# elle_gogo

hai elle..sexynya..ermm..ermm..avatar..

sekarang ni masing masing sibuk mambanting tulang empat kerat elle..dengan eko yang tak menentu dan persaingan semakin hebat, semua bekerja dan focus..

dan lagi satu, kami tak boleh berborak kosong sangat kat sini, nanti ade je yang report, dan jizz klong klong pon datang,...

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2009 09:39 AM | Show all posts
Market abuzz over possible Maxis relisting
By Chong Pooi KoonPublished: 2009/07/23

News of a potential relisting of Maxis Communications Bhd, the country's biggest mobile phone operator valued at some RM40 billion before it was taken private in 2007 by tycoon T. Ananda Krishnan, saw the market all abuzz yesterday.

It has drawn mixed reaction from analysts, with some doubting that the deal would help the company since Bursa Malaysia is still way off its historical high even after the recent rally.

"Why now? Ordinarily, you'd say now is not the best time (for an initial public offering (IPO))," said Khair Mirza, a senior telecommunications analyst with Maybank Investment Bank.

"Still, the company's requirement to raise fund through the debt market could be cheaper if it were listed," he told Business Times.

However, some analysts said the plan makes sense because being a public-listed company will allow Maxis to raise cheaper funds for expansion from the bond market.

In a media briefing on his working visit to Saudi Arabia yesterday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said he had suggested Maxis be relisted to help attract investors to the local stock exchange.

The premier had discussed the Maxis IPO proposal with King Abdullah Abdulaziz Al Saud as Saudi Telecom Co, which owns 25 per cent of Maxis, is a government-linked company.

The potential listing is expected to boost the profile of the Malaysia-Saudi partnership while enlarging the size of the local stock market. A large and global IPO like Maxis will also help profile Malaysia to international investors.

Maxis, whose management was meeting to work out a response to the Prime Minister's statement, decided late last night not to issue a press statement.

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2009 09:45 AM | Show all posts
Thursday July 23, 2009
Economy set for V-shaped recovery

Objective research and analysis pointing in this direction

i Capital has, unlike many others, been expecting a V-shaped economic recovery and that the global equity markets are on the verge of a major bullish reversal.

i Capital is not saying these optimistic views for the sake of being a contrarian or for cheap publicity. i Capital is doing so because the objective research and analysis points that way. i Capital is convinced that many are confused by the cause-effect relationship and missed the role played by the Lehman Panic.

Many have compared the present US-led financial crisis with the 1929 Great Depression and worry that the world economy is heading that way. There are, of course, some similarities between now and the 1929 Great Depression. But there are even more substantial differences.

A major difference that the current situation presents is the presence of a strong China, whilst there was no strong major economy in the 1929 Great Depression.

Nevertheless, comparing the two periods in such a superficial manner is futile. What is important is to establish the cause-effect relationship. What caused the 1929 Great Depression? What is causing the current steep economic contraction?

The headquarters of the Lehman Brothers investment bank in New York. Many are confused by the causeeffect relationship of the crisis and missed the role played by the Lehman Panic — AFP

The causative factors for the two periods are very different and many economists, professors, analysts, investors, etc have mixed all of them up. In the case of the 1929 Great Depression, the plunge in the New York Stock Exchange in 1929 was not the cause.

It was essentially a series of major policy mistakes that caused a normal recession to become the Great Depression. The major policy mistakes created a downward spiral, as one policy mistake reinforced the mistake of another.

Often the responses from the various governments throughout the world were slow in coming and when they finally came, they created more harm than good.

The situation now is very different. The governments and authorities are panicking and responding in the right manner. The one vital policy mistake in the current situation was caused by not rescuing Lehman Brothers. The United States has since then been trying to undo the rapid damage caused by the Lehman Panic.

In fact, there are increasing signs that the world economy is quickly stabilising and that the global equity markets would soon be anticipating a global economic recovery. Too good to be true?

US retail sales are recovering. Even the US housing industry, which no one expects to ever recover is now on the mend. New and existing home sales have risen. Affordability has reached record levels. Even the US durable goods orders, the mother of all sensitive economic data, are recovering.

In addition, many major global banks have reported that business since early 2009 has been good. More importantly, China’s economy is already humming along fine, so fine that a second stimulus package is not needed. The mass media keeps harping on the fact that China’s economy has slowed from a growth rate of 13%.

What is left out in the reporting is that the 13% growth rate is the abnormal rate and not the normal state of affairs. At 13%, China’s economy was overheating and needed to be cooled down. The more normal growth rate for China is 7%-9%, which 2009 will most likely produce.

Instead of worrying and fearing Great Depression 2, investors should mull over the chances of a synchronised global economic recovery, leading to a V-shaped recovery. As i Capital has been asking, are you ready for a rally?

The i Capital Long Boom is alive and kicking, courtesy of China’s sustained economic development. In this Long Boom, which by the way does not preclude panics, recessions, bear markets, etc happening along the way, the world economy is driven substantially by the transformation of China’s economy. This is the main catalyst.

At the same time, enabling the i Capital Long Boom are two other important developments. One is globalisation, which every country now knows is extremely vital to keep intact. Two is the computer/Internet revolution, a revolution that throws up open-ended possibilities and is still in the early stages.

Magnifying the impact of China’s economic transformation on the global economy is the iterative benefits from CLEB, aka the China-led Economic Bloc. China’s economic development pulls up the economies of the rest of the world. Through higher commodity prices, economies from all corners of the world enjoy better standards of living. Lower prices for many manufactured products benefit consumers from all over the world too.

China’s economic transformation has both inflationary and deflationary impacts. Which prevails at a particular point in time depends on a wide range of factors.

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2009 09:54 AM | Show all posts

apakah nasib hang seng hari ni,,,..


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 Author| Post time 23-7-2009 10:02 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kirawang at 28-7-2009 14:32

semalam kami baru je habis meeting psl signature diff untuk switching forms.
banyak benda yang kritikal, hanya yang saya boleh share kat sini..
kalau U all ada case rejected, tapi u all ada bukti signature switching forms sama dengan Additinal form,,(tp borang New Investor particular forms berbedza, dan mereka dah reject), u all boleh berikan kat saya..

saya akan carikan talian hayat...

btw, kat tangan HOD bahagian operation yang bertanggung jawab untuk reject tu, kat depan ada lists..saya tak tahu apa tajuk lists tu..

tapi yang pasti..
nama unitholder ialah perempuan2..

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2009 10:10 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kirawang at 23-7-2009 10:13

btw, pihak management bangga dengan U all semua yang tidak terlibat dengan any skim cepat kaya , MLM..instead of group lain banyak mereka dan kenakan tindakan dan katanya mereka akan terus investigate...

My advise untuk any agents diluar sana yang serius dengan UT PM, u all just focus je, nanti satu hari nanti U all dah jd GAM, tapi ada MLM, skim skim corrupt ke, definately u all ada downlines2, org kuat, dll..

Masalah akan timbul 2 persimpangan..
U all kena pilih mana satu untuk dilepaskan either PM or other business..
Jika PM terminated, semua komisyen u all gone, career benefit, bonus, dan segala galanya,,,
kena start from zero kalau nak join co lain....

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