Originally posted by luv_ma at 26-11-2007 09:17 PM
hai kak riz..
yg ni ha swings,
kat ebay ada nak jual 210,tp dia x replypun msg ma,hari2 tunggu
http://i9.ebayimg.com/06/i/000/c6/10/b333_1.JPGhttp://i18.ebayimg.com/03/i/000/c6 ...
hah 210??? murah bangett tuh ma...brand new ker used?tapi nampak baru..oklah tuh..napalah seller tuh tak reply..nak bisnes ker tak?x der contact no ker?apa kata ma email lagi sekali...
Originally posted by luv_ma at 26-11-2007 09:33 PM
kak riz,bnyak dah emial ma bg..hehe
dia still x reply,sekali je reply..ntah nak jual ke tak..
dia x bg contact num.
Originally posted by alamaktuan at 27-11-2007 08:11 AM
jump stroller ni..comeiiii sangat..
boleh pusing 360darjah
http://www.moderntots.com/go_play/files/cache/6772fed032968f68b311273 ...
Alamaktuan ni canggih manggih betoi hasil carian dier...
sayer tumpang coci mater ... hehe
eii..kalau duit banyak teringin gak rembat 1
The Orbit Stroller is one of the most maneuverable strollers on the market, so it will be easy to navigate around all those tables. When you sit down, the Infant Car Seat can rotate to help keep the Stroller out of walkways, and to face your baby towards the table like everyone else.