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Author: green~tea

Love ourselves more, ladies...

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2021 08:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tom2 replied at 11-2-2021 07:57 PM
Tergelak pulak part menggerutu tu. Sebelum ni i bidang maintenance, jadi tau la keje merepair2 bar ...

Gelap tu sbb kulit bibir kering or react dgn senstivive chemical dlm lisptick.. biasa maybelline or sesetengah avon lipsitck merengsakan and jadi gelap... so pakai la lipsitck yg helok... or treat bibir tu dgn pakai lipbalm sebelum tido.. i suka vaseline lipbalm atau eucerin aquaphor.. pakai betul2 sblm tido.. esok bangun masa mandi,  cuci muka tu.. lap bibir ngn hujung towel basah2 sikit...

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2021 08:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tom2 replied at 11-2-2021 08:09 PM
Hi pon baru je google cuckold tu ingatkan nama burung position baru ke. Hehe silap

I pernah dengar cuckold tp couldnt be bothered nak paham kan sgt.. lepas sarah duk citer dlm ni i sendiri baru google iols ingat iols advance skali byk je bende masih blom familiar terms hahahaha

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2021 08:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 11-2-2021 01:36 PM
Ada.. Ramai sangat.. Mostly dari background educated..ada yg pernah join cuckcold masa study kat l ...

Wow BBC pergh... tskuttt... tak lobos ke besar sgt..  i tengok BBC dalam porn pun i seram, seronok tengok je kot, to experience that i rasa sakit and needs a lot of lubricants.... giler.. ahhaha

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2021 08:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lola0311 replied at 11-2-2021 04:46 PM
Terbuka minda kejap. Hihi. More tips on penjagaan muka dan badan pls.

Yes2... coming soooonnnnn.... nnti i reply to you for the penjagaan badan...

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Post time 11-2-2021 08:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 11-2-2021 08:52 PM
Wow BBC pergh... tskuttt... tak lobos ke besar sgt..  i tengok BBC dalam porn pun i seram, seronok ...

Entah la.. But mmg bila i join group tu.. Iols buka mata la.. Ada yg curang pada suami sbb tak dpt kepuasan.. Jadi sapa kata sex tak penting dalam pernikahan iols middle fingerkan saja.

But again.. Iols juga kenal org2 yg baik dalam group tu even depa mcm tu.. Betul la kata arwah tok iols.. Setiap manusia ada baik walaupun jahat.

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2021 09:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 11-2-2021 09:15 PM
KIM.K replied at 11-2-2021 06:54 PM
Ok kaka moving on, iols ada persoalan tentang vagina sihat, sempit sedap ni. Apa rupa miss v terpali ...

Miss V kita kat dalam tu semua menggerutu in fact u boleh google alat masturbation lelaki nama "tenga egg" .. alat masturbation lelaki ni dia mcm imitate internal vagina pompuan... u bleh google if susah nak imagine, and u  boleh  tengok that pattern menggerutu miss V ni adalah pelbagai... design miss V menggerutu berlipat ni mmg khas utk beri kenikmatan pada penis lelaki... mmg itu wonders ciptaan Tuhan... so kita sendiri takkan dpt beza design mana terpaling best..

Yang penting is KEGEL je... itu senaman paling penting especially lepas beranak... kalo normal delivery lebih laaa kena melatih otot kegel.. tak kira dara atau tak, kegel tu penting sbb itu grip yg nikmat bg lelaki masa sex.. so kegel  laaa..

Bab kering or not.. sbnrnya masa sex.. lelaki nak yg geli2 so kena laa ada plenty of lubricants.. so kering is not good sbnrnya..  kena ada lubricants... discharge yang sihat is discharge yg colorless.. masa kita ovulate range 3-6 hari tu je... waktu lain x sepatutnya ada discharge...  kalo discharge warna putih, mcm susu... itu maknanya vagina candidiasis, sejenis yis infection... lama2 dia gatal2...

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2021 09:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 11-2-2021 08:58 PM
Entah la.. But mmg bila i join group tu.. Iols buka mata la.. Ada yg curang pada suami sbb tak dpt ...

Betul tok you ckp, kita tak boleh judgemental towards others.. setiap org ada kelebihan masing2.... and nobodys perfect pun.. i akui i nakal, and mujur i have same wavelength dgn suami... so dia boleh tolerate kekurangan i.. its best we find a partner that can complement us gitu

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2021 09:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 11-2-2021 10:08 PM
KIM.K replied at 11-2-2021 07:00 PM
Dah lama tinggal..kadang2 buat tp taktau nak measure efek dimana

Nasib baik chuol sudi turun il ...

Honestly... nak dapat orgasm dalam sex suami isteri mmg require some time jugak utk master teknik tu.. and usually ramai je dah kawen belas2 tahub pun tatau orgasm tu apa... RAMAIIIIII ya.... sbb tu kita kena ada ilmu.. i senang je nak detect kalo that woman tak sure and tanya kita orgasm tu apa, itu maknanya dia tak pernah orgasm lah...  

Benda ni jgn malu2 bgtau pasangan.. kalo kita tak reti, explore sama2 cemane nak buat.. tp sesungguhnya orgasm tu mudah je nak dpt... dalam 11 list jenis orgasm tu, explore dulu clitorial orgasm.. sbb itu paling senang nak capai sbb boleh lihat mutiara khorsani nya

Once dah tahu and dah master, mmg seminit dah tahu nak capai orgasm wanita tu cemane..

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Post time 11-2-2021 09:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 11-2-2021 09:18 PM
Betul tok you ckp, kita tak boleh judgemental towards others.. setiap org ada kelebihan masing2... ...

Yap... I lepak je group tu.. Komen2..bukan saja boleh kenal org.. At least boleh kongsi citer.

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Post time 11-2-2021 09:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 11-2-2021 09:10 PM
Miss V kita kat dalam tu semua menggerutu in fact u boleh google alat masturbation lelaki nama " ...

Candidiasis pulak dah..dapat kat mana tu

Bawah ni tenga eggs. Baru tahu ada banyak design..macam penis jg ya banyak design. Kalau lepas insert jamu mmg rasa macam 'spider' or 'wavy' tu

Iols taknak rekemen meruang ni, dan taknak debat dengan orang lagi2 medical people. Biarlah jadi rahsia sendiri. Cuma banyak beza dan manfaat

10 years ago masa buat postgrad tak habis tu, iols kurus sikit tapi nak bangun dari sujud kena bersilat dulu wo..sekarang elok je spring kuat dari sujud boleh lompat galah

Untung la sapa sihat rahim ni. Menggerutu, sempit, sihat semua dapat

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Post time 11-2-2021 10:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 10-2-2021 09:31 PM
Esok or later i will cover pasal topic penjagaan body. bila body ideal, harus lebih happy kan....


Menarik topik penjagaan badan tu.
I selalu wonder boleh ke badan kita cantik takde cela macam artis dengan sekadar scrub kt rumah je? Sebab artis2 mesti pegi klinik buat laser ke apa.

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Post time 11-2-2021 10:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by KIM.K at 11-2-2021 10:12 PM
green~tea replied at 11-2-2021 09:22 PM
Honestly... nak dapat orgasm dalam sex suami isteri mmg require some time jugak... and usually ram ...

Iols so far tak suka tengok porn reramai haha. Ganggu je org nak layan porta pottie ke, alien invasion ke hapa

iols tak terbuka kalau laki nak confess berahi kat iols macamni macamtu detail gila ke offer batang. Keep it to yourself jelah..apoo muka aku ni meminta ke

Kat sini forum..lain, kita terbuka dalam berlapik. Harap yang membaca di luar tu punya akal pertimbangan. Kadang rasa tak selamat

Iols memang suka lelaki yang berilmu. Rajin baca kamasutra ke ape, pengalaman lak banyak macam daddy2 memang cepat cair. Bayang jelah nak servis orang, biarlah someone yang memuaskan


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Post time 11-2-2021 11:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 8-2-2021 01:02 PM
Sejak balik alor setar.. I dah keluar dgn 2-3 lelaki..
1. MO
2. PTD

Wah Sarah...... Good luck. Moga bertemu yang baik2

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Post time 11-2-2021 11:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kuihbakar replied at 11-2-2021 11:04 PM
Wah Sarah...... Good luck. Moga bertemu yang baik2

Tq kaka burn.. Sy x kisah janji bukan bewak..

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 Author| Post time 12-2-2021 09:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lula2 replied at 11-2-2021 10:08 PM
Menarik topik penjagaan badan tu.
I selalu wonder boleh ke badan kita cantik takde cela macam art ...

Artis2 celebrity tu mostly buat treatment kat aesthetic clinic... they're paid a lot, from commercials semua tu.. and in order to maintain their income, they have to maintain their looks... mmg kena rawat leklok la.. stakat cam kita2 ni tak perlu la kot nak menghabis puluh2 ratus ribu utk treatment tu.. takpe lah, its good to know pun whats available out there...  i know just a lil basic je takpe kita discuss sesama in lengthy... sharing is caringg...

For natural utk bentuk badan cantik (not that i have great body pun, tp okay laa, husband masih tiada complaint....

Nak jaga badan, 80% is from diet... 20% is from exercise... nak tak nak, kena put effort... ada mcm2 diet plan ikut believe..

Diet - i tak strictly follow pun, tp i amek sana sini sikit and combine ikut kesesuaian i... why nak stress kan diri? Just follow what u can do, so that kita boleh CONSISTENT...

1. Diet Suku Suku Separuh, which means dalam sepinggan tu suku carbs, suku fibre and separuh protein.. i sendiri amalkan yang ni sbb diet paling mudah nak folllow... protein intake penting masa diet or strict food intake sbb protein utk repair/build cells kalo xcukup nnti kuku brittle, rambut gugur and feeling of satiation tu xde, asik kebulur je nnti...

2. Clean Eating
Means, less chemicals, home cooked.. follow rules suku suku separuh.. boleh google how to make meal prep.. youtube... some clean eating yang extreme, jadi vegetarian, in which i tak mampu nak follow... yg key point dalam clean eating ni is reduce GLUTEN, reduce SUGAR, reduce CHEMICAL

3. KETO diet, atkins diet, GE diet, Detox diet..
Keto diet means, ambil lemak, reduce carbs.. atkins plak high protein diet.. boleh google  kot cara2 nak diet yang ni sbb dia ada level2 dia... bleh refer youtube lah the reason of this diet concept... tp diet atkins and keto ni takleh buat lama prolong sgt sbb our body sbnrnya need carbs and kalo kurang lama sgt our body akan self-adjusted... and lagi satu, high protein diet akan menyebabkan kidney loading, tpaksa bekerja kuat... so nan buat atkins or keto, kena set time frame, lepas tu buat diet suku suku separuh utk maintenance

4. Blood type diet
Ada study and research that certain blood type best with certain kind of food.. mcm blood A, better makan cereals, sayuran.. in fact ada table pun utk senang refer. Concept nya, makan ikut kesesuaian darah to reduce inflammation dlm badan.. bila less inflammation, reduced penyakit and badan lebih sihat... metabolism pun terjaga

5. Intermittent fasting
Ni concept puasa, ada beberapa level of progress or phase.. makan ikut window yang ada je... ni pun bagus buat once in a while.. our ramadhan fasting is a good example of how it benefits our body.. terlampau lama buat maybe menyebabkan kita hilang motivation sbb asik semua benda nak strict kan... so listen to your body...

Paling penting above all diet concept...
Kurang kan minum air manis. I suka manis so i limit 1 cawan white coffee or sweet drinks... and the rest of the day i would minum air kosong je or kalo i teringin sirap, i would use stevia drops beli from iHerbs... yang 100% stevia and organic.. mostly kat pasaran kita ni mixed stevia dgn other sweeteners mcm aspartame, sucralose atau saccharine yg kita sepatut nya avoid pemanis tiruan ni...

About exercise, next posting lah.. i nak cari ilham dulu menulis

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 Author| Post time 12-2-2021 09:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 12-2-2021 09:37 AM


Just 20% is from exercise.. tp WAJIB  buat supaya body kita function properly.. exercise kita kena combine all kat bawah : cardio, strength and flexibility.. and body kita ni kita boleh agak, what exercise combo works best... boleh refer body type and tengok recommended exercise for your bodytype.. contoh bodytype is ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph...

I dont remember details, you can google it.. but myself is mesomorph, easily develop muscle.. so i kena limit my weight training sessions like once per week sahaja, and focus more on cardio exercise maybe 2-3 times a week...

1. Walk n run
Target 10k steps per day. Kalo BMI lebih 25, sila brisk walk je utk protect lutut, kalo BMI dah achieve ideal, boleh run, coz running burns more calories... get a good sneakers... even for brisk walking, u need a good pair of shoes utk protect LUTUT.... lutut ni benda kita nak pakai lama and takde spare part, so invest laaa dalam kasut.. best is aasics and brooks and mizuno... nike adidas under armour tu so so je lah, sole absorber technology dia tu...

2. Cardio
Same as above but it covers more options like dancing, HIIT, tabata, fitness dance, step board.. mcm running, this also requires a good pair of shoes for the purpose.. nak jaga lutut.. for certain occasions or events yang kita buat cardio/running for more than 2 hours, kita kena makan glucosamine la utk elak sakit lutut and speed up recovery

3. Strength
Body weight training, or pakai weight training... get a grip shoes la sbb nak plank, squat lunges, angkat berat, all need stability and for this purpose kena cari kasut yg grip tapak dia, tak slipping.. ni ada focus on CORE which abs and back spine.. BIG muscle group mcm paha  kaki and shoulder... small muscle group mcm bicep, tricep... so balance your strength muscle.. kiri kanan kena sama.. utk buff, kena pakai weight yg berat.. tp utk tone and slim down kena ambil light weight tp high repetition... low weight, high reps contoh cam ambik 1-2 kg dumbell, tp buat reps 30-40 angkat utk biceps.. kalo nak bulk up, amek 5 kg above and cuma 15 reps for biceps (small muscle group).. tu je maksud nya comparison.. utk big muscle group usually 5 kg is minimum and max can go to 20- 40 kg.. jgn amek berat sgt awal2 sbb your core (abs and back) blom strong.. nnti dtg masalah lain plak... be wise, or nak selamat, amek PT (personal trainer) lor...

4. Flexibility
Ni stretching yang sufficient lepas workout.. like 10-15 mins focus utk repair and relax balik muscle lepas workout... kalo buat cardio, lama kan sikit stretching bahagian kaki dan pinggang, glutes... kalo stregnth training, u stretch area mana u angkat berat tu.. nak better, tambah 1 yoga class per week... its good for your overall body health

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Post time 12-2-2021 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Hargai dirimu dulu, kemudia baru hargai org lain

Kunci katanya ialah, “Kita tidak boleh menyayangi orang lain tanpa terlebih dahulu menyayangi diri kita sendiri


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Post time 12-2-2021 09:53 AM | Show all posts
Banyak yang menganggap mencintai diri sendiri sama dengan narsis. Padahal keduanya adalah dua hal yang berbeda. Mencintai diri sendiri artinya kamu menghargai diri kamu. Kamu peduli dan menerima segala kelebihan dan kekurangan yang kamu miliki. Ada kalimat bijak yang mengungkapkan, bagaimana kamu mencintai orang lain jika mencintai diri sendiri saja tidak sanggup.

Apapun keadaan kamu, mencintai diri sendiri itu perlu. Jadi berikut ini adalah alasan mengapa mencintai diri sendiri sangat perlu.

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Post time 12-2-2021 09:55 AM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 12-2-2021 09:35 AM

Just 20% is from exercise.. tp WAJIB  buat supaya body kita function properly.. exercise ...

This, i couldnt agree more !

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 Author| Post time 12-2-2021 10:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sebelum I touch about artificial beauty... veneer, plastic surgery, lazers tu... i nak touch about sex and open mindedness..  

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