nak tanye...
da berapa hari ada masalah dengan blogspot nih. tak bole nak view gambar kat
blog sendiri and blogspot orang lain. camne ek? tolong2 |
Originally posted by wau at 16-2-2009 10:35 PM 
nak tanye...
da berapa hari ada masalah dengan blogspot nih. tak bole nak view gambar kat
blog sendiri and blogspot orang lain. camne ek? tolong2
Chek browser punya setting wau...
kalau firefox bawah Tools ==> Content ==> Load imges automatically
kalau IE chek bawah Tools ==> Internet Options ==> cari images... |
Balas #263 kupia\ catat
kupia, need yr help la..........
saya nk tukar template yg saya pilih dr pyzam.com tp kan takleh la... ada error masa saya buat kt edit html tu... |
Originally posted by julie at 17-2-2009 09:13 AM 
kupia, need yr help la..........
saya nk tukar template yg saya pilih dr pyzam.com tp kan takleh la... ada error masa saya buat kt edit html tu...
error apa dia tulis julie?
adakah template baru tu lepas upload berjaya di save atau tak dapat save...
atau error tu keluar selepas template baru berjaya di save?
atau error tu masa nak save selepas awak edit html code? |
Balas #262 wau\ catat
ha ah msalah yg sama dua tiga hari ni..dah buat mcn kupia ajarkan tu..tp tak masih jadi... |
Reply #259 kupia's post
aku try guna IE tapi result dia sama jugak
hmmm adakah maksudnyakita kena guna blog template da gadget yang disediakan blogspot je sekarang ni?
leceh ah macam ni.malas aku nak guna blogspot:@ |
Originally posted by kupia at 17-2-2009 04:32 PM 
error apa dia tulis julie?
adakah template baru tu lepas upload berjaya di save atau tak dapat save...
atau error tu keluar selepas template baru berjaya di save?
atau error tu masa nak s ...
selepas edit html, bila kite klik save kuar la msg error tu.......... |
Originally posted by <i>julie</i> at 18-2-2009 11:09 AM <a href="http://eforum9.cari.com.my/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=29045979&ptid=360827" target="_blank"><img src="http://eforum9.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
<br />
<br />
selepas edit html, bila kite klik save kuar la msg error tu.......... <br />
Ada 2 sebab yang saya boleh agak:-
1. Kalau keluar BX.... error macam yang nana punya error kat atas tu maknanya template code tak ada salah cuma tak boleh save je, solutionnya saya dah tulis kat atas cuba banyak kali.
2. Mungkin juga ada kesilapan pada code punya syntax, memang dia tak akan save sehingga dibetulkan...
cuba cerita sepsifik sikit errornya.... |
kupia, saya masih tak bole view gambar even da buat semua yang awak suruh hari tuh. Actually both firefox and IE tak bole view gambar from blogspot...
Adekah kerana bugs?? |
Originally posted by wau at 18-2-2009 10:47 PM 
kupia, saya masih tak bole view gambar even da buat semua yang awak suruh hari tuh. Actually both firefox and IE tak bole view gambar from blogspot...
Adekah kerana bugs??
kalau boleh bagi alamat blog awak (kalau segan PM saya)..
tengok kalau dengan komputer saya boleh buka image tu maknanya ada silap komputer yang awak guna. Sebelum ni boleh tengok kan? Kalau saya pun tak boleh buka maknanya salah tu mungkin dari dalam blog sendiri...
Kalau image lain boleh tengok melalui komputer yang awak guna maknanya blog tu yang silap...
atau gambar yang dimaksudkan disimpan dalam host lain...
[ Last edited by kupia at 18-2-2009 11:54 PM ] |
Originally posted by Az_ at 19-2-2009 06:25 PM 
terima kasih kupia
mungkin saya perlukan sedikit bantuan ttg edit templates... saya dah buat ikut panduan yg sdr beri dlm Tambah Add Element pada header and body post sprt beri ...
Dalam blogger baru pada masa ini kod yang digunakan lain sikit, dia tak guna lagi "maxwidgets" dengan "showaddelement", dia guna macam ni:
<div id='main-wrapper'>
<b:section class='main' id='main' prefered='yes'>
Cari tag yang tulis <b:section.... > kalau tak ada tag prefered='yes' boleh taip dan tambah sendiri kat ujung dia macam contoh di atas..
<b:section.... > di bawah <div id= "Header" dan "Main atau Content" dan "Sidebar" (kalau ada 3 sidebar tambah semua tiga-tiga). Separuh template ada berlainan sikit nama <div id=""> dia, tapi mesti ada <b:section...> tu.
Hasil yang akan diperolehi adalah kerangka "Add a Gadget" dalam template blogger baru. |

Ni email yang saya terima dari blogger buster berkenaan BX--- error bila nak tukar template baru. Saya dah uji tapi masih tidak berkesan mengatasi masalah error ini. Banyak orang dah mengalamai sendiri error BX ni bila tukar template baru terutama yang menggunakan browser firefox.... Cara paling baik yang dicuba adalah dengan cara tukar browser, gunakan browser IE untuk tukar template baru, selalunya menjadi tanpa masalah tetapi ada beberapa kali dia masih menunjukkan error yang sama. Exit browser firefox dan ulang semula selepas beberapa jam.
Bx-Errors When Uploading New Templates? The Problem and the Fix
Posted: 24 Feb 2009 03:34 AM PST
For around a week now, many Bloggerusers have experienced Bx-error codes when attempting to upload a newtemplate to their blogs when previously these templates had worked justfine.
I discovered the reason for this on the Blogger Help Group after reading this post from Gatsby, a Blogger Employee:
Recently we changed the way our template editor accepts certain third party code, so that it is now less tolerant of certain templates. We did this because we had seen a lot of data corruption due to 'bad templates,' and we are trying to stave off some of these issues pre-emptively.
Now we realize that this has caused some inconvenience to folks, so weare re-thinking our decision and will post an update on that shortly. Atthe time of writing this post, I have not found any notification thatthis issue has been fixed, and many of my own custom templates do notwork in their initial state (I'll explain the fix later in thisarticle). Since there are so many bloggers complaining in the BloggerHelp Group, I would imagine the Blogger Team will resolve this issueshortly.
However, in the meantime, many of us are stuck wondering what to do about our templates:
- Those wishing to upload a new template will at present need to fix their template in order to be able to use it.
- Those of us who design and distribute Blogger templates are facingcomplaints from our readers (and in some cases, from buyers of ourpremium themes). Should we "fix" all of these templates or wait for theBlogger team to resolve the template editor issue?
Personally I would prefer to wait a few more days for the BloggerTeam to fix the issue (and hopefully provide some clarification of whatis expected from third-party templates!). In the meantime, there is amethod which we can use to fix the templates which initially receive aBx-error code.
How to upload templates without receiving a bX-error codeMany Bloggers who have been unable to upload third party templates have received the following error codes:
- bx-bliced
- bX-ev85ll
- bX-39cc9q
- bX-y6cz0v
- bX-982020
There are several other codes too, though the issue appears to be the same for all.
Thanks to joleneliow from the Blogger Help Group,many Blogger users have reported that the following fix resolves theissue, and they have been able to upload a new template successfully.Here are the steps you should take:
- First of all, try to upload your new template in theLayout>Edit HTML section of your dashboard. Not all templates havebeen affected by this issue, so it is advisable to check beforeattempting to edit your template significantly. If you do receive abX-error code when trying to upload your template, you should proceedto step 2.
- If your new template is an XML file (with the .xml entension),browse to where this is located on your computer and right click thefile. Choose to open with Notepad (or your favorite basic text editor).If your template is contained within a text file (for you to copy andpaste into the template editor), simply open this with your text editor.
- Search for every instance of b:widget id= in your template, for example:
- b:widget id='Header1'
- b:widget id='Blog1'
- b:widget id='Label1'
- b:widget id='HTML1'
Replace each of these IDs with the next number up. For example, Header1should become Header2; Blog1 should become Blog1, HTML3 should becomeHTML4 and so on. - Once you have changed each and every instance of widget id to adifferent number, you should save the template under a slightlydifferent file name (to be aware of your altered file). If this is anXML file, be sure to save with the XML extension.
- Now you have made these changes, attempt to upload your file againin the Layout>Edit HTML section of your Blogger dashboard. Now you should not receive the error code and will be able to upload your template.
If after following these steps you are still unable to upload yourrevised template, it is worthwhile to close your browser and delete alltemporary internet files and cookies. Then restart your browser and try to upload again. Clearing all of these temporary filesfrom your browser will ensure you receive a fresh page when editingyour template. Previously when I have received error codes whileediting Blogger templates, this technique has resolved the issue.
It may also be worthwhile using CCleanerto remove all such temporary files from your system. This is a freeprogram which I use on a regular basis to clean up (and speed up) mycomputer.
I do hope that these techniques will enable you to upload a newtemplate to your blog if you have previously received a bX-error code.If you know of any alternative solutions please do let us know aboutthese by leaving a comment or sending me an email.
A message for the Blogger TeamI completely understand yourconcerns that certain third party templates may contain code whichcauses data corruption (and I'm sure most other Blogger users do too!).None of us enjoy experiencing issues with our blogs, and of courseensuring all templates contain no malicious code is of the utmostimportance in maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for Bloggerusers. |
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