kejinyer perangai..cam binatang sekor2....geramnyerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr |
asal pasal duit..untung.. |
makhluk yg kat luar sangkar tu lebih binatang dr makhluk yg kene sangkar.... |
please search existing thread before creating a new one... |
please search existing thread before creating a new one...
boocik04 Post at 6-4-2010 09:07 sorry momod.......... |
yang nih kat China plak;
Syd Post at 2-12-2008 09:09
Ya Allah.. Jahatnyee.. takde belas lansung kat dalam hati tuh.. ish2.. |
sepatutnyaa manusia yang di cipta sebaik2 umat nih tak kan sanggup terlintas nak buat camni.. ishh sakit tul hatii |
tgk thread ni aku jadi panas, marah... |
kalau tak kerana terpaksa, saya pun tak nak masuk thread ni. hu hu hu... |
sesak nafas nak abeskan thread ni...
manusia penuh kekejaman...aduhai kesian sungguh dgn haiwan yg xdk berdosa tu...
blsn seksaan akhirat yg dasyat pasti menanti mereka2 ini yg membunuh haiwan2 tsebut... |
'Kumpulan Pencinta Anjing' Saman KTMB
Read it here
aku tak kisah isu halal atau haram
ini sepatutnya x berlaku...kalau kita bertamadun.... siapa yang buat ni mmg tak berperikemanusiaan
Ghastly animal abuse at Kepong KTM station
I am writing because of a grievous incident thattook place on Monday, March 15 at about 3pm at Kepong Central KTMStation. My friends and I (six of us) were there to take the train tothe Bank Negara station.
Afterparking our cars, we heard a dog howling, more like a painful cry.Then, we noticed a dog being tied to the grill (steel fence) of the KTMstation. As we approached the dog, we stood aghast at the sight.
Thestray dog's leg and neck was tied very tightly to the grill and a pieceof wood had been shoved down inside its throat! The dog was bleedingand its feces were all around it. The string was attached to a pole inthe KTM station.
Immediately, we confronted the KTMworkers. They said that it was done by Kuala Lumpur City Hall workersbecause a minister was to be visiting the station next week. Theyfailed to explain further.
At once, we called the SPCAand the Paws animal welfare society. The SPCA responded efficiently byinforming us that an animal control officer would be there soon. Wemade a slight commotion in front of the KTM station but the KTM workerswere not concerned at all. After about an hour, as wewere returning to the KTM Kepong Central Station, we received a callfrom the SPCA officer stating that the dog was now not tied up and wasmoving around. When we
arrived,the dog was limping. The same KTM workers avoided us as we tried toconfront them. A passer-by told us that the dog has been that way forquite some time. The SPCA officer could not capture thedog as it walked away for quite a distance. He advised us to write tothe media and to the SPCA as well. Doenn't our country'sanimal rights support the idea that an animal has the right to live itslife without being harmed and hurt by humans? We realize that peopledefine the meaning of animal rights and abuse in different ways butaren't the citizens of our country merciful? This dogcould have been just put to sleep if it had been harming the public orcausing a nuisance. Why stick a wooden stick down its throat?
http://www.malaysiakini.com/letters/126798 |
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ke ni sah nak kenakan Melayu
napa dia tak bawa balik anjing tu masuk rumah dia
ni bukan pasal anjing
tapi pasal cina terhina
sbb Anjing tu adalah cina (berkaitan)
kat rumah aku anjing melalak siang malam
bila complen diboleh cakap "Apa lu boleh buat"
so kita org letak kain bekas air kencing Harimau dan tabur taik harimau
kat kawasan rumah dia
3 hari je anjing tu mampus.
pawer oh kencing harimau ni
Tips:cam ner nak dapatkan air kencing tu?
kat zoo lah. |
Reply 2# ajijah
tu lah dolu2 banarkan pendatang dari China masuk Malaya
sekarang siapa yg susah
sampai anjing pun Melayu kena jawap
kat Singapork terus tembak je
takde kecoh2 |
fuh yooo...pasal anjing pun nak di jadikan isu perkauman ke..?apa da punya sengal..anjing tu makhluk allah jugak..org melayu suka kepada penginayaan pada binatang kot..yak gitu..?aku sebagai orang melayu,islam tak suka kekejaman... |
Post Last Edit by boocik04 at 3-9-2010 07:40
Reply 173# ajijah
merged. please search existing thread before creating a new one... |
Reply 175# cm_gagahperkasa
encik gagah perkasa... please refrain from your racism sentiment.
we at Animal Lover forum do not condone this attitude.
kalau berulang lagi, saya terpaksa potong kredit dan report kepada super moderator. |
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