Post time 28-5-2022 07:32 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 26-5-2022 06:59 PM
hari khamis arah utara. hari jumaat arah selatan.
tp pg td takdenya gerak awal.
asben cakap jln ...
Sm la kita. Mgg ni nov ke utara. Mgg dpn ke selatan. Tgh tgg srg2 mandi nk g bekpes. Cari ns lmk best. Haha x bole buat ape nov mmg suka ns lmk. Cari kedai dkt fp tp nk pegi dine in. Tgk delivery charges rm10 dlm 12km. Lps waze mmg btl.
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