Author|Post time 27-6-2021 11:55 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 25-6-2021 04:29 AM
Kaki buli ni most of them mmg insecure dgn diri sendiri, sengaja bully org utk tunjuk power, hidin ...
Dulu kam masa i keje , i baru paham apa intention sebenar org yg buli i ...
1. Dia tak dapat apa yg dia nak, tapi i dapat .. so dia buli and rampas
2. Dia tak dapat pangkat / pujian yg dia nak .. tapi i dapat .. so dia buli i and badmouth pasal i and siap tag team dgn kawan yg baik dgn i ...
So that i know kawan2 tu semua x boleh pakai and so lalang ..
Macam meg , dia akan cari org yg sebulu dgn sokong dia and tag team and against org lain .. wpun pon org tu xde salah apa pon ... Hanya meg yg greedy and tak dapat apa yg dia nak ..
Author|Post time 27-6-2021 10:39 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 25-6-2021 04:45 AM
TMZ has obtained copy of baby Lili's Live Birth cert.
Kenapa JUST HARRY listed his name as HRH Du ...
Kiranya bila duduk US .. he is no longer prince harry
Terus jadi marhaen mountbatten winsor macam archie ..
So no more la duchess of sussex...
Boleh la pangil dia meghan je witout any title
Author|Post time 27-6-2021 10:42 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 25-6-2021 05:04 AM
A Royal Quiz 4 you...
No 9 tu mmg win ..
Abang and kakak ipar kau pon kena keje la henry ...baru boleh enjoy allocated allowances ...
Ko dgn bini sewel ko tu .. nak duit x mao keje siap lari dari masalah ..
Boleh tak jadi normal sikit ?
Accept je reality ko anak raja tapi klu dah di takdirkan takde anak .. tak perlu nak surrogate bagai and nak create mess on this earth ..
Me too looking fwd to it, but lepas tgk pic ni, I have a sinking feeling that it's gonna be Diana sitting on a bench, sbb statue tu tak nampak tinggi pun.
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Mehh kita tunggu sama ada Smeg akan saman Lady C over her latest claim... sheols claimed that someone penah terdgr Smeg sebut "we are one plane crash away from the throne".
Post time 28-6-2021 06:11 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
adelea replied at 27-6-2021 11:55 AM
Dulu kam masa i keje , i baru paham apa intention sebenar org yg buli i ...
1. Dia tak dapat ap ...
Re workplace bully ni, especially pompuan, they have the need to be liked and be popular, mean girls versi kertu, perangai ni mmg sickening. Yg jantan kaki bully pula lebih kpd suka taichi keje, malas follow-up & tak nak handle documentation but tak malu nak take credit.
Meghan ni spesis parasite, only be nice to people yg akan beri manfaat kat dia, then discard them all once they’re no longer useful to her.
Post time 28-6-2021 07:12 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 28-6-2021 04:28 AM
Me too looking fwd to it, but lepas tgk pic ni, I have a sinking feeling that it's gonna Diana sit ...
Kalau betul, mmg cunning betul minah tu sbb dah tau awal2 pasal kan, terus ambik kesempatan. Dah ler letak title duchess kat spine buku tu, authors lain biasa letak title buku.