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Author: rezeki

Scotland, saujana mata memandang.

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Post time 25-5-2012 09:52 AM | Show all posts
Reply 282# choice


Berry mmg suka scotland the most! nnt berry tempek picture and update sikit my trip haritu p sanaaa... cantik sgt laa scotlandd.

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Post time 25-5-2012 10:02 AM | Show all posts
Reply  choice


Berry mmg suka scotland the most! nnt berry tempek picture and updat ...
whiteberry Post at 25-5-2012 09:52

ayat berry ni membuatkan jiwa tak tenang la ..
rasa nak sekarang


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Post time 25-5-2012 10:46 AM | Show all posts
Reply 284# kerepeklicious

haha tu la.. berry tiba2 rasa bersyukur sgt2 pergi scotland.. sbb kalau tak mmg melepek kat london je la yg mana kejenya cuma shoping. huhu... 3 days kat scotland mmg berry happy sgt... and the landscape so lovely... berry sukaaaa sana.. camne ni... tibe2 teringat. hahaha..

my next trip kalau boleh nak cover UK.. sbb UK cantik2 view dia...

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Post time 25-5-2012 04:46 PM | Show all posts
Reply  kerepeklicious

haha tu la.. berry tiba2 rasa bersyukur sgt2 pergi scotland.. sbb kalau  ...
whiteberry Post at 25-5-2012 10:46

kita org pun akan 3 hari jer kat scotland sblm ke london...
tak sabar nak tunggu update berry nihh... heheheheh...

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Post time 1-11-2012 12:45 PM | Show all posts
uikss..lamanye thread ni mendap.... I am going to Edinburgh and Stirling next week... on short business trip... kalau aku ada masa 5 jam nak tour kat Edinburgh tu, rasa2 sempat cover tak edinburgh castle dgn apa lagi tmpt menarik kat sana? Holybrook Park tu mcm menarik je, nampak seaside kan? aku plan nak naik train dr Stirling ke Edin, dr Edin strain stn, nak menapak ke Edin Castle tu jauh nye agak2 berapa minit walking ye? Anyone?? hehe...

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Post time 1-11-2012 01:44 PM | Show all posts
azre posted on 1-11-2012 12:45 PM
uikss..lamanye thread ni mendap.... I am going to Edinburgh and Stirling next week... on short busin ...

ni maklumat dari google map.. boleh la dijadikan rujukan lebih kurang..

kalau jalan kaki dari Waverley Railway Station... ada la dlm 1km..

Coordinates: =",+Old+Town,+Edinburgh,+City+of+Edinburgh+EH1+1BB,+UK&daddr=Edinburgh+Castle+Grounds,+Castlehill,+Edinburgh,+United+Kingdom&hl=en&geocode=FVnCVQMdSFPP_ykr8_G-j8eHSDG8deIylBhhcQ%3BFTq0VQMdWTPP_yFYCkzl6x6aRin3wJkgmseHSDFYCkzl6x6aRg&aq=1&oq=edinburgh&sll=55.950978,-3.193395&sspn=0.009828,0.01929&dirflg=w&mra=ltm&ie=UTF8&ll=55.950978,-3.193395&spn=0.00356,0.01059&t=m&output=embed

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Post time 1-11-2012 04:33 PM | Show all posts
azre posted on 1-11-2012 12:45 PM
uikss..lamanye thread ni mendap.... I am going to Edinburgh and Stirling next week... on short busin ...
kalau aku ada masa 5 jam nak tour kat Edinburgh tu, rasa2 sempat cover tak edinburgh castle dgn apa lagi tmpt menarik kat sana? Holybrook Park tu mcm menarik je, nampak seaside kan? aku plan nak naik train dr Stirling ke Edin, dr Edin strain stn, nak menapak ke Edin Castle tu jauh nye agak2 berapa minit walking ye? Anyone?? hehe...
uiksss azre...
lama tak nampak...

kalau 5 jam setakat nak pegi ke edinburgh castle mmg sempat...

or you can take the HOHO bus and see the city to cover the new town and the old town...

kalau you keluar dr train station just make your way to princess will see banyak HOHO bus beratur tepi waverly station and you akan nampak tourist information centre on yr left..

p/s: kalau lela silap bg info dan you sesat...minta maaf yer...
I tak sengajaaa..kadang2 masa kita pegi situation dia lain dan bila org lain pegi mungkin keadaan dah tak sama.....


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Post time 2-11-2012 09:37 AM | Show all posts
Thanks lela n bazaraya....dpt tgk castle kat edin tu pun dh ok kot..i stay kat stirling so plannye nk g visit monument wallace tu jugek..smlm tgk skyfall 007 makin teruja nk g scotland.... Mmg ade eyh tmpt nama skyfall kat scotland tu or just nama kawasan umah bond tu je?

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Post time 2-11-2012 11:09 AM | Show all posts
azre posted on 2-11-2012 09:37 AM
Thanks lela n bazaraya....dpt tgk castle kat edin tu pun dh ok kot..i stay kat stirling so plannye n ...

Hi Azre!

Where have you been. Senyap je lama. hehe...

Smlm I tgk cite Skyfall tu terus rasa mygoddd! Ada ke tempat tu... Nak pergi... Anddddd memang teringat Scotland sgt sgt sgt sgt... Rinduuuu. Nak pergi lagi. Kena pergi. Haha..

Pastu dia tunjuk underground London pulak.. Huwahuwa... terus rasa macam nak pergiii lagi please please...

P/S lela help meee.. hahaha.. gila dah ni...

Last time I pergi Edin amek tour HairyCoo dia cover semua tempat tu la dr pg smpai ke ptg... And i tido kat travelodge princess street tu...

P/S lela, still mcm pondan terbengkalai ke princess street tu? kekeke...


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Post time 2-11-2012 05:23 PM | Show all posts
whiteberry posted on 2-11-2012 11:09 AM
Hi Azre!

Where have you been. Senyap je lama. hehe...

hi whiteberry...

been busy with daily routine... huuhu...
well...getting excited to travel long distance after a while not able to do so...
aha...glad that i have chance to travel long distance once a year... gonna keep that consistent...hoepfully...
2010 -korea
2011 - paris & swiss
2012 tak tersangka dpt gi scotland plak..

apa souvenier yg patut kena beli kat scotland?

smlm tgk skyfall london tube, terkenang memori gi i wish i studied in the UK....

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Post time 2-11-2012 05:33 PM | Show all posts
azre posted on 2-11-2012 05:23 PM
hi whiteberry...

been busy with daily routine... huuhu...


Bestnya kalau dapat study UK *jeles ngn lela* sobs. hahaha.. tengah pk nak buat kerja gila ni nak sambung study sana hehehe... tapiii tatau lagi.. confirm parents tak bg. hahaha. and my daily routines, work semua ni camne... sobs... teringin sgt dah ni ha.. haha.. semua salah SKYFALLLL! hehehe

Souvenir kena beli kat scots... apa eh? haha... i beli FM je.. i beli plate kat semua countries yg i pergi tp kat scotland boleh pulak terlupa. Dah laa dalam banyak-banyak ni, Scotland yang the best... Best sgt... Sbb tenang. Hehe...

If you naik train tu mesti bestt je tgk view kat sana... Memang saujana mata memandang.. and sayu pun ada jugak. Huhuhu.

So berapa lama you kat sana... mana next entry kat blog.. busy sgt neh.. kekeeke...


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Post time 2-11-2012 09:32 PM | Show all posts
azre posted on 2-11-2012 09:37 AM
Thanks lela n bazaraya....dpt tgk castle kat edin tu pun dh ok kot..i stay kat stirling so plannye n ...
RE: Scotland, saujana mata memandang. [Modify]

    whiteberry posted on 2-11-2012 05:33 PM

    Bestnya kalau dapat study UK *jeles ngn lela* sobs. hahaha.. tengah pk nak buat kerja ...
Azre and Berry...
actually skyfall lodge tu tak exist... in the movie it is said to be in scotland somewhere in glencoe kan...lodge tu was made from scaffolding then dirikan dengan plywood pastu tampal ngan plaster...

tempat filming tu kat surrey kalau tak silap...

dah botak dah padang tu or what it is known as common or meadow...

if you want to know more just visit this site...

but kalau nak cari RUI baru jumpa...
<betul ker ni...nama monster yg kat princess street tu...kehkehkeh...>


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Post time 2-11-2012 09:50 PM | Show all posts
whiteberry posted on 2-11-2012 11:09 AM
Hi Azre!

Where have you been. Senyap je lama. hehe...
P/S lela help meee.. hahaha.. gila dah ni...

Last time I pergi Edin amek tour HairyCoo dia cover semua tempat tu la dr pg smpai ke ptg... And i tido kat travelodge princess street tu...

P/S lela, still mcm pondan terbengkalai ke princess street tu? kekeke...
next time you come to england scotland and wales jangan lah allocate a few days... spend at least 2 weeks..
jangan campo adukkan ngan venice rome amsterdam bagai...cer try..
you cannot imagine what an extra week can do...

I can help you to geder2 with Irene and russell...

you know kan lela tido easyHotel...
sebelum tido tenung castle, bangun tido nampak castle sbb bilek ngadap castle..
but Berry punya bilek pun awesome kan..sbb si Rui tu... so I jelly you also jelly...

princess street edinburgh ni manjang jer cam pondan terbengkalai sbb council asik memonen tak nak kuar sterlingnya...
so how? tapi lagi senang kan kalau cam pondan...senang nak cikcur kat situ takyah nak susah2 pening kepala pasal traffic...
the only thing is kalau nak naik cab mmg hazab lah dia suh kita tunggu kat jln belakang...

so moral of the story kepada siapa2 yg nak ke edinburgh...
dr waverley station lebih senang menapak kalau nak put up kat princess street or rose street or george street...

owh berry... do you still miss primark edinburgh..terbaekkkk khennnn...

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Post time 3-11-2012 01:18 PM | Show all posts
smlm tgk skyfall...sgtla majestic glencoe itu! suke sgt

Last edited by About-Jane on 3-11-2012 01:19 PM


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Post time 3-11-2012 02:00 PM | Show all posts
azre posted on 2-11-2012 09:37 AM
Thanks lela n bazaraya....dpt tgk castle kat edin tu pun dh ok kot..i stay kat stirling so plannye n ...

azre, alang2 g edin, g la calton hill gak..nice view gak..leh jalan kaki je from train stn tu tp arah dia btentangan dgn castle..n kt stirling pun ada castle, bayaran masuk dia lg murah dr edin castle tp of course edin castle lg worth a visit..

n kalo nk beli soveniour, kt the works paling murah..dkt princess st, dia kaler biru study dkt glasgow dlu, bru je abis last june..x sangka ada gak org appreciate scotland..most ppl suka england je memanjang..hik3

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Post time 4-11-2012 09:49 PM | Show all posts
azre posted on 2-11-2012 05:23 PM
hi whiteberry...

been busy with daily routine... huuhu...

souvenir i would suggest shortbread tapi bukan walkers but borders. borders ada mcm2 jenis, choc, ginger, caramel pun ada. walkers ada je jual kat tesco sini. kalau kat princes street tu ada jual haggies vegetarian kalu nak try. others biasa ls fridge magnet, caramel tablets, mugs etc. kalau ada fulus lebih beli la kilt hihi.

i would also suggest beli cd lagu bag pipe. ada kedai kat princes steeet selalu mainkan lagu konsert bag pipe. sedap giler.

satu lagi, saya bila turun edin jerk, mesti gi makan nasi briyani kat masjid edinburgh. sedap. lagi sedap dari mamak.

enjoy your trip to scotland.

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Post time 11-11-2012 12:51 AM | Show all posts
heyya... (huhu..duduk kat UK 5 hari je terus tukar cara menyapa)....

aku skrg kat amsterdam schiphol...tunggu connecting flight ke KL ... untong dpt free wifi sini... best lah airport ni, the last time i was here back in year 2006...lama dah tu... tp rasa mcm semalam je... as of now, airport ni bertambah's a nice airport to do the transit... kalau korang gi europe bebila kalau kena transit, choose amsterdam schiphol OK!

i ve seen few attractions in the land of the scotts.... most of the days aku kat stirling... keje...bukan trip ada gap2 yg boleh aku spend on sightseeing!

hmmm...scotland nampak very similar dgn england....cuma bezanya bendera scotland tu, kadang2 leh nampak lelaki pakai scot skrit , dan accents loghat percakapan dia aku tak brp nak boleh paham...sesapa yg dulu belajar kat UK leh citer skit tak pasal ni... tp time buat kerja jumpa vendor diorang ckp english yg mcm kat england tu lah...bila diorang ckp to each other, then aku dah start ternganga...

first day sampai sight seeing kat castle...cantik... view mmg superb...stirling ni the heart of scotland... ni lah  castle yg terawal didiami oleh raja scotland... stirling is nice city..calm, quiet, nice natural setting dgn background rugged mountains, sungai2 yg melingkar...boleh nampak snow-capped mpuntain dari kejauhan.....mmg picturesque.... aku lagi suka stirling dr edinburgh.... utk stay 2,3 hari stirling ok la.. ade shopping mall , 'the Thistle'..all the UK's brand ade, M&S, debenhams, h&M (ni dr sweden kan, tp byk kat UK), etc...yg paling best kedai poundland...everything is 1 pound...beli coklat kat sini je..

hari kedua, keje.... ptg tu lepas balik gi jumpa vendor,dia bawak aku gi Wallace Monument... half-way dari Alloa ke Stirling... nice view dari atas tu... tp ptg tu was so windy and chiiling breeze... aha..kat negara belah2 sini, senang jumpa rainbow kan...2,3 kali aku nampak rainbow masa kat sini.... kat area sini lah tmpt battle wallace dgn english invaders...

hari ke-3, since the vendor can only get the equipment ready by afternoon, sempat la aku gi edinburgh pagi tu...naik train, sejam... paling eye-catching edinburgh castle tu la...impressive...dominate the sky of edinburgh... bangunan2 lain kat edin biasa2 je aku rasa...tak lah cantik sangat... aku rasa mcm burok2 je bangunan dia...kat europe ni mmg bangunan lama byk, tp bangunan lama (old town part) kat edinburgh ni design dia hodoh2 lah senang ckp....huhuhu...mcm dlm citer harry potter pun ade... jalan punyer jalan sampai ke kaki bukit holybrook park...mcm table mountian kat capetown plak... x naik pun, dh tak larat, get back to train stn naik bas x larat dh nak jalan....

hari ke-4...kerja lagi... ptg tu, balik, sempat gi stirling castle lagi sekali, tgk sunset dr situ...since aku ade travel pass...ade 3 hari excess to any attractions...23pound je,.. lebih murah dari beli tiket asing asing...lepas tu gi shopping kat The Thistle...

hari ke -5, pagi, aku jalan2 aku ambik angin kat striling...the thistle bukak kol 9 pagi...aku tgk orang2 tua kat sini dh tercegat dpn debenhams sebelum pintu dibuka, knp diorang buat mcm tu? dpt apa apa ke kalau masuk awal?

tu dulu citer serba sedikit...nanti in details aku tulis kat blog...hehe...

Last edited by azre on 11-11-2012 01:02 AM



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Post time 11-11-2012 12:52 AM | Show all posts
aku dah lama nak ckp pasal ni...aku rasa orang2 putih ni very polite, tak selfish, friendly dan well mannered... even cashier pun akan say hi dan senyum kat every customer dan layan customer dgn mesra dan penuh hormat,,....lain betul dgn cashier kat malaysia kan, jgn kata nak say hi, nak senyum pun susah...
Last edited by azre on 11-11-2012 01:21 AM


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Post time 11-11-2012 12:52 AM | Show all posts

same posting
Last edited by azre on 11-11-2012 12:56 AM


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Post time 17-11-2012 10:37 PM | Show all posts
azre posted on 11-11-2012 12:52 AM
aku dah lama nak ckp pasal ni...aku rasa orang2 putih ni very polite, tak selfish, friendly dan well ...

btol2..ritu ak balik mesia sensorg je..dlm flight sensorg tu, ak lyn borak dgn org putih seblah sbb org mesia kt seblah ak agak kerek..

1st time dgr scottish accent ak pun blur..dah lama2 bleh la tangkap..accent dorg mmg len dr england..kalo ko pasan kekdg dorg ckp cam india pun ada n dorg pronounce later, computer, twenty semo tu mcm ni lat-er, comput-er, twenn-ee..

poundland mmg bes..coklat semo pun 1 pound..weehoo..balik sini rasa coklat mahal jek..padahal kalo convert, lebih kurg je kan..

kalo seawal pagi buta org beratur kt depan kedai means ada saaaaleee..aku pnah je dgn member pegi city awal2 pagi kol 7 just nak dpt tag 50% discount tuk brapa customer yg terawal ntah tp malangnyaaa ktorg terlambat sket..hua3

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