aku rasa dia tak berapa reti nak mingle around kot sbb masa futsal kat shah alam tawun lepas tu... obviously dia tak reti nak mingle.. takat ngan kengkawan af7 tu dia reti la...
aYuGiLeR Post at 18-1-2010 15:36
ada time tu.. aku tunjuk2 intro2 org kat die baru die hai hai bagai..
ku tak faham naper apish tak g birthday bash murai jumaat lepas... reasonnyer mama in town... takkan sebab tu jer nak lepas peluang beramas mesra dengan retis² lain ko ...
aYuGiLeR Post at 18-1-2010 13:12
erkkk......maybe ko kene sms kat dia la ayu......cakap kat dia utk letak priority dia kat mana......if he wants to be an artiste he need to get to know ppl in the industry.....if he still wants to be momma boy then he need to pack his bag & go back to kuching.......opppssss!!! huhu.......apiz bukan masuk sini pun....sama la kalo weols membebel pasal dia kat sini pun cam buang ayak lioq je.....hehehehehe.....
erkkk......maybe ko kene sms kat dia la ayu......cakap kat dia utk letak priority dia kat mana......if he wants to be an artiste he need to get to know ppl in the industry.....if he still wants to b ...
Along_XX Post at 18-1-2010 15:43
tu dia bos dah mali....dah ok ke long? aku suka jawapan ko.....ayat2 yg sungguh power dan curlastttttt!!!!!!
erkkk......aisey.....sorry la......maybe ramai yg x suka ngan ayat2 aku tu.....but it's the truth......he need to shape up.......grrrrrr.......some of us realize these problems but we don't know where or how to channel our concerns or frustrations........apiz bukan masuk sini pun......kat CB pun jarang......huhu :kant:
aku rasa dia tak berapa reti nak mingle around kot sbb masa futsal kat shah alam tawun lepas tu... obviously dia tak reti nak mingle.. takat ngan kengkawan af7 tu dia reti la...
aYuGiLeR Post at 18-1-2010 15:36
may be die tak tau nak citer apa kat die org tu kot....adehhh.....kalo cam gini susah la die nak jadi artis...
erkkk......aisey.....sorry la......maybe ramai yg x suka ngan ayat2 aku tu.....but it's the truth......he need to shape up.......grrrrrr.......some of ...
Along_XX Post at 18-1-2010 15:59
tapi bagi aku ok je ayat2 ko tu....he needs to know the truth for his own good...kalo kita tak tegur pun satu hari nanti org kat luar pun akan nampak dan bercakap....so it is better kalo fans tegur dulu...takde la nanti org nak kata kita ni fanatik tak henggat....
then blajar la....masa2 kat AJL.....kat pesta murai tu.....mingle around.....huhu....kalo x mmg la susah.....jd la artis terpinggir....
Along_XX Post at 18-1-2010 16:05
af8 dah nak bermula.. apiz kena wake up kalo tak nak jadi retis terpinggir/overshadowed by retis baru..