tapi suka tengok jet kena kan dan/jordan masa kat starwars tu
konpem jet geram sebab dan potong Q masa kat airport
memang rude lahhhh
selamba badak potong Q orang
should know.... after that model
jet/cord punya turn
lagi pun si cord dah baring dah kat atas lantai tu
marking his place
just jauh skit jer dari beg si model tuhhh! |
Reply 281# chekshu
yep..diorg potong q masa beli flight ticket tuh masa di shanghai...a little bit rude ah...org dah mark awal2..mai2 dia terus potong..tp koboi cam rileks je wp aku tgk expression muka diorg cam tak puas hati .. tp sabar je lah
tp kat starwars tuh mmg aku suka sgt...koboi tuh sengaja kacau..padan muka brothers tuh! |
perasan tak si jordan dah siap buat notes pasal setiap league, sapa terkeluar, kat mana, etc etc.. (kononnya biggest fan of TAR, dah tgk semua 15 seasons), that's why dorang boleh cepat siap masa last task tu.
ada terbaca kat 1 forum ni, actually prepared notes is disallowed. sebab task ni more to memory task. tapi tak tahu lah, kenapa dorang tak kena penalti.. |
Reply 282# honey_jelly
tu lahhhh
tapi cord buat selamba jer
siap bagitau kat jet... don't get mad or something like that lahhhh
but then... cowboys kan dah cakap
they race with integrity
but for me
they are the real winner
kalah pun... dapat jugak lah
250K kan kalo tak silap???
but then... hadiah2 yg depa dah menang sebelum ni
lagi berbaloi lahhhh
all those percutian
semua five days above
tempat bercuti pun... best bangetttt! |
Reply 283# tweety_cute
tu lahhhh
konpius plak si jordan
ngan suara cord & daniel
tapi kan... patut cord direct jet pegi the other side lah
no need tunggu beakang si jordan tu
since ada 3 ke 4 point yg dia bleh pegi
even si brent tu pun
guide caite pegi the other side
siap cord gi sound kat Dan
lama sangat nak carik n baca clue
hahahahah |
Reply 284# tweety_cute
tu lah.... part tu heran aku
pesal tak kena penalti
dah sah2 si brothers ni tulis
sapa yg terkeluar bagai
patut memory challenge
mana bleh baca kan????
kena ingat apa yg depa lalui
or team mana yg terkeluar
kalo kena penalti
konpem lah cowboys menang |
okey... part dan & jordan tukar seat dlm flight
Reality TV World : Given you never fell out of first place after that, how big of a role do you think the fact that you guys were able to move up to first class and be the first ones off the plane [in San Francisco] played in your win?
Jordan Pious : There was a flight attendant that really took a liking to my brother and he milked it for all it was worth, and that's what you've got to do in the final leg of The Amazing Race. I mean at the end of the day, that fifteen minute lead that we had getting off the plane, we never lost that.
I mean we were in first throughout the final leg and you know, we sat in first class for the last 30 minutes because that flight attendant let us move up to first class. We were the very first people off the plane and we really never looked back.
Reality TV World : So I just want to be clear, even though the rules don't let you buy first class seats, there aren't any restrictions about what you do once your on the plane, right?
Jordan Pious : No, in fact you can have first class tickets if you pay the economy price, or the coach price.
Dan Pious : Right, you can't pay to get an upgrade but if the airline's willing to give you an upgrade -- and that never happened -- but what you're saying and what we did is 100% right. If you're anywhere on the plane, you can move anywhere else on the plane if the flight attendants will let you.
so.. next season
konpem lah ada team yg akan buat taktik yg sama nehhhh
source : http://www.realitytvworld.com/ne ... -race-win-10913.php |
Reply 288# chekshu
tapi kan, ada 1 season tu (tak ingat season bile..), ada 1 team ni nak beli ticket, yg tinggal cuma business class, economy dah abis. even counter tu offer harga sama dgn economy, team ni still tak berani nak beli sebab takut langgar rules. kenapa CBS tak inform team tu yg sebenarnya boleh? tak aci la kan? |
frust,... koboi dpt 2nd jek.. |
Reply 290# tweety_cute
tak boleh beli first class / business class
hanya boleh beli second class / economy sajorkkkk
tapi dlm flight
no rules whatsoever
kalo pandai bodek flight attendant
boleh tukar gi first class / business class
kalo ada kekosongan
baca balik yg dan/jordan cakap tuuuu
no rules dah bila dah naik flight |
Reply 293# tweety_cute
kalo ada All Star kali ke 2
harap2 jet n cord ada
nak sangat depa masuk kan???? |
Reply 278# opocot
nanti leh tgk..walopun.. |
for me..cowboys are the winner... |
Reply 298# chekshu
khennnnn... org semua tepuk tgn, boleh lak dorang berdua berpeluk tubuh, buat tak tahu je.... betul2 berpatah arang berkerat rotan.. hahahaha.. mcm lawak lak nengok kan, dah tua2, tapi perangai mcm budak2..
yg si caite tak abis2 nak timbulkan isu kononnya dia tak le sebodoh yg disangka. tapi kan, memang karma kot, dia & brent asik dpt teksi yg apa2 tah... dah kat US pun, dpt taxi driver yg tak faham bahasa, tak tahu jalan.. karma sungguh kan??
cowboys jugak best, teksi dorang mesti ok je, tak de buat hal. |
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