MissNigga posted on 16-1-2013 12:42 PM
khenn... tak pernah rasa obsess ngan siri TV selama nie..
tapi merlin ni... kuat tol penangan naa ...
ha'ah..boleh tgk di chanel DIVA ahad ni...lagi best sebab tak ada scene kena cut macam tv3..
best juga downtown abbey tu..
aku suka tgk downtown abbey tu sbb dia story sebelum dan selepas perang dunia kan..
costume pun lawa2..suka tgk rumah besar bagak tu..
rasanya product BBC quality mantap..macam merlin,downtown abbey,sherlock..
cmf_lemontea posted on 16-1-2013 12:56 PM
ha'ah..boleh tgk di chanel DIVA ahad ni...lagi best sebab tak ada scene kena cut macam tv3..
be ...
Kaka lemon.. jum layan bidio ni... frankly spiking, air mata iols kuar lebat tyme layan bidio nie ...
Ntah ler... iols rasa persahabatan yang terjalin diantara Arthur dan Merlin dibina atas dasar perasaan yang benar-benar jujur dan ikhlas... Best Friend Forever...
Kalo ler Merlin ni betul betul wujud dalam sejarah England pada suatu masa dahulu, memang teramat berat sekali cabaran-cabaran hidup yang terpaksa ditempuhi oleh Merlin. Kehilangan ayah... berpisah dengan ibu... dikelilingi oleh ramai kawan, tetapi terpaksa menghadapi hakikat ramai kawan kawan dia yang mati atas sebab dikhianati... berkorban demi Camelot dan Arthur ... kehilangan Friya, kehilangan Lancelot (satu-satunya kawan dia yang tahu yang Merlin ni memiliki kuasa sakti) .. dan yang pasti, kehilangan Arthur betul betul meremukkan hati merlin ... uwaaaaa nangessss balik dah nie ...
tyme memegang dahi arthur ... scene yang tol tol meremuk hati iols . tyme merlin melepaskan perahu tersebut membawa jasad arthur ke tengah tasik, iols dapat rasakan betapa seksanya perasaan merlin menahan kesedehan, riak wajah merlin tyme tu tol tol menyentuh perasaan iols ...
Time Of Our Lives lyrics
This is where the chapter ends
And new one now begins
Time has come for letting go
The hardest part is when you know
All of these years
When we were here
Are ending
But I'll always remember
We have had the time of our lives
And now the page is turned
The stories we will write
We have had the time of our lives
And I will not forget the faces left behind
It's hard to walk away from the best of days
But if it has to end, I'm glad you have been my friend
In the time of our lives
Where the water meets the land
There is shifting in the sand
Like the tight that ebbs and flows
Memories will come and go
All of these years
When we were here
Are ending
But I'll always remember
We have had the time of our lives
And now the page is turned
The stories we will write
We have had the time of our lives
And I will not forget the faces left behind
It's hard to walk away from the best of days
But if it has to end, I'm glad you have been my friend
In the time of our lives
We say goodbye, we hold on tight
To these memories that never die
We say goodbye, we hold on tight
To these memories that never die
We have had the time of our lives
And now the page is turned
The stories we will write
We have had the time of our lives
And I will not forget the faces left behind
It's hard to walk away from the best of days
But if it has to end, I'm glad you have been my friend
In the time of our lives
Sume yang rapat dgn Merlin sume dh mati...lancelot, gwaine ngan arthur..Mek sdh time naga tu suh merlin lepaskan arthur...sbb sepanjang season mmg nmpk kesungguhan Merlin nk wujudkan Albion dengan Arthur...
habis je citer tu suami aku pun seraya berkata...
'bermula la pemerintahan queen elizebeth....'
kekeke...ni gara2 arthur dah mati dan gwen jadi raja.....
sapa nama naga tua tu ha..? lupa pulak sapa...
kan dia ada kata kat merlin.... arthur akan kembali bila albion perlukan arthur...
pastu kan..... merlin/emerys tu ada lagi kan sampai ke zaman moden ni..
nanti ada la pulak series baru pasal arthur dan merlin ni di zaman moden..hehehe..
mungkin arthur lahir semula dlm istana..jadi prince arthur..
mesti handsome tu arthur pakai tuxedo..
forselab posted on 18-1-2013 04:54 PM
hehe...Arthur lembik ni berlakon dlm Twilight:Breaking Dawn...aritu tertengok kat tv2...Morgana di ...
Arthur lembik berlakon twilight? Dia jd pe... x perasan pon
haa.. Eva Green jd Morgana... tertengok episod yg mak Arthur mati kena bunuh. Pastu Arthur dok nangis meratap jer... sbab tu panggil dia lembik hahahaa