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Author: green~tea

Love ourselves more, ladies...

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 Author| Post time 14-2-2021 05:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sayacantik replied at 14-2-2021 05:01 PM
Gud info..
i’m in the middle of nak bangkit semula after kecurangan suami.
But it is hard you k ...

May i know what's the reason your ex curang? Tanggungjawab zahir dan batin fulfil tak? U notty2 and open dgn husband tak? Apa kelebihan penyondol tu as compared to you, memandangkan u dah cantik?

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Post time 14-2-2021 08:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 14-2-2021 05:23 PM
May i know what's the reason your ex curang? Tanggungjawab zahir dan batin fulfil tak? U notty2 an ...

Sis I rasa i pernah baca you punya sharing kt thread mane tah. Yang u guna olive oil to bj hj husband. I tak ingat la, olive oil yang jenis mana yek. Tq

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Post time 14-2-2021 08:52 PM | Show all posts
I tak rasa akan berkahwin based on my financial situation
Also Im so frightful of my financial, I used to make handsome money but now my customer's trust dah tarnished due to excessive publicity
Paling merosakkan nama baik ialah family sabotage..meranapkan security, respect, good names even safety..apa je yang I can hold on to..itu semua mereka nak rebut

Yes money is everything, key factor, forgiveness, good names semua tu based on money. Even my forgiveness is based on it. Sexual desire ke..chemistry ke..semua pakai duit. Sape nak stroke batang orang miskin dek.. I tak kisah lagi takde kawan, tak kawin, takde apa2..but jangan ganggu orang nak buat duit je. At this point rasa nak kekah orang tau..eyy rasa nak makan orang betul this pandemic

Back to beauty education. Give me that and Ill make a coctail of the hottest and most haunted concoction


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 Author| Post time 14-2-2021 08:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
paiayam replied at 14-2-2021 08:34 PM
Sis I rasa i pernah baca you punya sharing kt thread mane tah. Yang u guna olive oil to bj hj husb ...

I buat sendiri oil tu.. i beli olive oil 500 ml jenis extra light, mild tasting (supaya tak busuk kepam)... pastu i campur drops of essential oil

25 drops geranium
25 drops lavender
25 drops frankincense

Actually ikut uols la nak bubuh EO apa, as long as wangi.. tp i suka combination above EO sbb nak minyak yg untuk beauty skin & hair skali... multipurpose la... lavender utk hydration, geranium utk anti-aging, frankincense utk anti-free radicals & cegah cancer....  semua oil and ingredients dia tu wangi and yang penting EDIBLE... tertelan time blowjob pun takde hal.. enak di hidung jua... it gives pleasant experience when we do that service to husband

Oil tu i campur2 drop dalam botol kaca minyak tu.. and bila i nak pakai i tuang dalam botol plastic beli kat daiso atau Mr DIY.... senang nak segregate.. satu letak tepi katil utk blowjob/handjob/body massage... satu lg kat meja solek utk moisturize hair and skin.... jimat kan takyah beli bodylotion dah

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 Author| Post time 14-2-2021 09:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 14-2-2021 09:14 PM

Brand essential oil tu tak penting.. yang penting, boleh makan.. safe to consume..

Kot rasa kaya beli laa brand young & living

Kot rasa cerdik dan suka barang harga berpatutan boleh beli brand il puro (online malaysian) atau iHerbs brand Now Foods... i pakai brand now foods je sbb selalu order supplements and jajan makanan kat iherb

Kalo stakat essential oil nak buat diffuse kat bilik tido dengan ruang tamu, beli brand watson je la, skin labs, pure EO dari australia... very cheap and good for eucalyptus & peppermint... frankincense, myrrh i prefer beli brand il puro and now food sbb i hanya yakin yang oil tu patut source dari somalia, yemen, middle east and geranium & lavender hanya selayak dari france sahaja

So sikit sebanyak kita kena ada ilmu EO tu dari mana... frankincense & myrrh wajib dari middle east sbb itu makanan sunnah sejak zaman dulu kala and pokok2 myrrh and frankincense atau LUBAN / manna tu hanya tumbuh meliar kat sana je.. and highest quality dari sana JE.... lavender ni byk negara ada.. tp lavandula stoechas hanya yang berquality dari spain france  italy greece and area2 situ je... normal US and other countries diff species ya, nama lavandula angustifolia... different smell and taste and diff species pun..  sorry byk bebel i mmg camni suka citer panjang lebar.. kasi terang hahahaha

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Post time 14-2-2021 09:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 14-2-2021 08:58 PM
I buat sendiri oil tu.. i beli olive oil 500 ml jenis extra light, mild tasting (supaya tak busu ...

Thank youu. Panjang lebar explain. Hehehe

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Post time 14-2-2021 09:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 14-2-2021 09:00 PM
Brand essential oil tu tak penting.. yang penting, boleh makan.. safe to consume..

Kot rasa kaya  ...

Tq jugak sharing pasal EO ni, baru nak berjinak2. Still dok membaca psl eo

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 Author| Post time 14-2-2021 09:15 PM | Show all posts
paiayam replied at 14-2-2021 09:13 PM
Thank youu. Panjang lebar explain. Hehehe

most welcome uols.. i memang cengginih banyak benda nak cerita.. dulu sebelum buat concoction sendiri, i mmg khatam buku history and kegunaan essential oil.. ala2 mak dukun dah rasa ni

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 Author| Post time 14-2-2021 09:21 PM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 14-2-2021 09:25 PM
KIM.K replied at 14-2-2021 08:52 PM
I tak rasa akan berkahwin based on my financial situation
Also Im so frightful of my financial, I u ...

betul kata u.. money cannot buy everything.. but everything need money... money cannot buy happines, but without money, also not happy maa....

u know what, i dengan husband ada buat excel spreadsheet utk calculate/ re-iterate our financial and planning... kitorang buat roadmap utk chart our career, our business & our retirement plan progress... kitorg kalo buat financial & future planning, tak boleh terlalu rigid, sbb kalo tak tercapai, or ada obstacles, kita takde laa kecewa frust menonggeng... selalu make sure ada plan B.. selalu make sure ada benchmark... kalo invest, kita kena ada benchmark, so that bila negotiate, kita ada fallback plan.. pegi mampuih laaa kalo plan tak jadi, aku dah ada back up plan, gituuhhhhh

nak citer detail meh PM sis.. sometimes we need friends, to bounce ideas..

sometimes i lambat reply kawan2 bukan sbb i takmo layan, tp i sendiri cannot sleep at night bila ada masalah besar kat office i nak kena handle... how i wish bulan june ni datang dengan cepat.. tp i know i kena berani face all these challenges... kena hadap, nak tak nak... kena hadap dgn berani.. resolve it.. baru kita takde rasa unsettled things kalo kita lari2 and denial... im talking and advising myself though...


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Post time 14-2-2021 09:29 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 14-2-2021 09:21 PM
betul kata u.. money cannot buy everything.. but everything need money... money cannot buy happine ...

dah tender kan? kira sis banyak masa lah sekarang kan...

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 Author| Post time 14-2-2021 09:31 PM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 16-2-2021 09:25 PM
aina_shaira replied at 14-2-2021 09:29 PM
dah tender kan? kira sis banyak masa lah sekarang kan...

dah bincang ngn bos haritu.. dia suh sabaqqqqq sikit bulan 4 neh... takut anak2 buah demotivated sbb nak kena present kat president huhuhuhuhu...

Tapi husband i dah siap bukak company utk i uruskan lepas i resign ni.. heols lagi laju dari i...

hint:business with customers from EFTA countries (European Free Trade Association)


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Post time 14-2-2021 10:30 PM | Show all posts
Love our self more=  memerima diri......Setiap org memiliki kehidupannya masing2,jadi kita  harus memperhatikan & sayang diri untuk menjalani kehidupanmu. Sebab, kita sendiri adalah orang yg menentukan bagaimana kehidupan yg kami sendiri  jalani. Dengan mencintai diri sendiri, kita dapat menerima kekuranga diri sendiri  dan tentunya dapat menunjukan kelebihan kita.

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Post time 14-2-2021 10:31 PM | Show all posts
Love yourself memang penting. Dengan mencintai diri sendiri maka akan membuat kita merasa percaya diri. Hal ini sangat diperlukan dalam menjaln sebuah hubungan. Kalau kita enggak mencintai diri, kita  tak memiliki rasa percaya diri yang baik dan ini akan menimbulkan keraguan pada diri sendiri & org yang kita cinta.

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 Author| Post time 15-2-2021 09:33 AM | Show all posts
FussioAnwar replied at 14-2-2021 10:30 PM
Love our self more=  memerima diri......Setiap org memiliki kehidupannya masing2,jadi kita  harus me ...

truly agree...


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 Author| Post time 15-2-2021 09:34 AM | Show all posts
FussioAnwar replied at 14-2-2021 10:31 PM
Love yourself memang penting. Dengan mencintai diri sendiri maka akan membuat kita merasa percaya di ...

tips untuk self love....


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Post time 15-2-2021 11:04 AM | Show all posts
akies replied at 10-2-2021 01:59 PM
Anak yang sorang ni tadika, kul 7am  nak kena siapkan dia..lite breakfast..

Yang sulung, kela ...

ohhh different situation yeahhh anyway masa kerja kat office i go to the gym near office during lunchtime, kena let go la semua activity social during lunch.
Now since wfh, maybe i can suggest dkt you to curi masa after office before dinner tu, allow yourself one hour of evening walk/run to keep yourself sane la...ask your hubby tgk anak2 masa tu. endorphins is good to have especially during this period, my 2cents la. I realised exercise keep me busy, rehat tu mlm2 lepas anak2 dh siap kerja sekolah between 9pm to bedtime tu boleh la rehat.

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 Author| Post time 15-2-2021 11:48 AM | Show all posts
juruterra replied at 15-2-2021 11:04 AM
ohhh different situation yeahhh anyway masa kerja kat office i go to the gym near office during lu ...

this routine also works for me... i pun dulu pre-covid suka workout lunchtime, sbb pagi dah busy uruskan apa2.. petang nak hadap jem balik rumah pick up anak plak... malam je masa utk family... post covid, fully WFH, mmg siang hari busy kerja & monitor homework anak and online classes... so lepas pukul 5 baru ada masa workout.. kita kena make time laa utk jaga kesihatan ni.. the best investment for our future....

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Post time 15-2-2021 02:58 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 14-2-2021 08:41 AM
Paling penting kalo sayang diri mmg kena jaga badan la.. jaga makan, jaga exercise... tak boleh  ...

i suka sgt jogging, last 3 days jog more than 10km everyday so today husband marah katanya kena juga ada rest day. i dh addicted because of the feel good hormones tu, org lain struggle nk get out of bed nk keluar rumah berlari, i pulak struggle not to berlari. camana tu...but i dont lose weight pun at my age ni, berlari utk happykan diri dan make sure berat tak naik sbb suka sgt mkn. my BMI is 21 so i guess i am already ok lah, just nk maintain je though i wish i can lose few more kgs

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Post time 15-2-2021 04:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
juruterra replied at 15-2-2021 11:04 AM
ohhh different situation yeahhh anyway masa kerja kat office i go to the gym near office during lu ...

hihi. Betul. Mmg kena pandai ‘curi-curi’ masa juga buat masa ni.
No choice.
Jika tidak, kita jadi malas dan terus malas.
3 hari tak workout, badan akan jadi lembik bila nak lari. 5km pun semput.


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 Author| Post time 16-2-2021 09:18 AM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 16-2-2021 09:20 AM
akies replied at 15-2-2021 04:08 PM
hihi. Betul. Mmg kena pandai ‘curi-curi’ masa juga buat masa ni.
No choice.
Jika tidak, kita j ...

i pun dah  1 week tak workout ni.. hopefully lepas lunch hour ni mampu lah workout barang 1 jam.... lama paused from workout sbb too busy with work, biasa la, tengah peak planning cycle, beratus companies & investment nak kena evaluate.. tak sabar nak retire tak lama lagi... pasni bleh bincang2 pasal tips cantik2 je hari2 tips2 layan laki, takyah semak otak nak kena present dlm meeting, nak paham segala mak nenek strategy


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