Teori Pemanasan Corona Matahari berdasarkan tafsiran Alquran dan Sains
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Originally posted by blastoff at 15-3-2009 10:48 ![](http://eforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Aku tak nafikan kewujudan wavelength ni , tapi yang aku tolak adalah teori yang kata wavelength dalam kategori "visible light" saja yang boleh di lihat mata, sebab apa yang berlaku di corona membuktikan bahwa teori ni adalah teori palsu sebab mata kasar manusia ternyata boleh lihat X-Rays yang di pamerkan pada corona !
ko sape nak tolak teori yg dah established nih? kah kah
Teori sains kata semua wavelength X-Rays dari space di absorb oleh atmosphere bumi , tapi ketika corona wavelength X-Rays di corona tak di absorb oleh atmosphere bumi pun yang menyebabkan mata kasar manusia boleh tengoknya ! Jadi dah jelas teori ni adalah teori palsu so patutnya teori ni di tolak masuk kedalam septik tank aje . ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
mata kasar ko buleh nampak xray corona? mane ko tau xray?
Corona memang hanya wujud X-Rays padanya kerana suhunya yang tinggi bermillion K tu , itu di akui oleh semua saintis , dan aku pun tak menolak mengenai kewujudan haba yang tinggi di corona kerana ia sesuai dengan ayat -ayat Allah yang menceritakan mengenai kewujudan haba yang tinggi di kesemua regions di ketujuh-tujuh langit .
sebab suhu tinggi jek terus kire xray? kalo lagi tinggi terus kire ko nampak gamma la yek. saintis isele ke yg akui?
Apabila tiada gas maka tiada pantulan EM waves lah di situ , sebab EM waves hanya akan di pantulkan oleh zarah yang disinari cahaya matahari , tiada zarah maka tiada pantulan .
nampaknye semer EM waves yg datang dari distant space akan memantul kat zarah yg disinari cahaya matahari dulu sebelum sampai ke bumi
Sebab tu dah jelas bahwa pantulan EM waves , cahaya dan haba bukan elemen yang sama, tapi tiga elemen yang berbeza , jadi teori yang kata ia adalah satu elemen adalah teori palsu semata-mata ! Dan yang masuk ke mata manusia bukan haba dan cahaya , sebaliknya hanya pantulan EM waves saja yang tiada energy apa padanya , EM waves ni ibarat "info bergambar " la yang sampai ke mata kita untuk di proses oleh otak kita agar kita boleh kenal rupaparas objek yang disinari cahaya matahari tu !
Ada impak nya dari apa yang kau kata ni , kalau kita tak boleh kesan X-Rays semata-mata kerana luminosity matahari lebih tinggi , maka itu bermakna atmosphere bumi tak absorb X-Rays from space , sebaliknya X-Rays memang boleh tembusi atmosphere bumi , cuma kita aje tak boleh tengok nya disebabkan luminosity matahari yang menghalang penglihatan mata kita .
xray dari bintang ko tak nampak pulak waktu malam time matahari takde. kan penah jadik mase supernova dulu sampai blackout ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
baru refer last 2 pages dah rase nak tercirit aku ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Balas #298 aku_EnSeM\ catat
aku ingat tengok cerite matrix, sorang mamat negro tu tengah makan apa tah, dia kata ooh sedapnya, tapi dia tahu sebenarnya pizza tu takde pun, cuma impulse yg excite rasa sedap tu.....
lebih kurang macam tu lar die kate....
last sekali die kate, aku peduli ape......
dan dia terus makan....![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Balas #305 aku_EnSeM\ catat
.....damn right.....
kekadang aku terpikir, alamak pikir lagi....
kita nie kenapa selalu berfikir tentang apa yg ada beyond this....? kenapa kita wujud utk itu?
kenapa tak kita hanya rasa apa yg pancaindera rasa macam binatang...........?
memang kita ni satu makhluk yg diwuujudkan dgn proses yg amat kompleks akhirnya mencapai keselesaan utk hidup dan berfikir utk berfikir tentang kenapa kita wujud.....
aiyakkk!!!! |
Balas #302 fashasipan\ catat
yaa, tahan dulu, nanti dah page 10 ko tunaikan hajat ko![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Originally posted by fashasipan at 20-3-2009 22:09 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
baru refer last 2 pages dah rase nak tercirit aku
now you know the "heart of the matter" heheh i am glad that you did
so, how is it gonna be then? |
well dear
Originally posted by fashasipan at 20-3-2009 16:10 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
i don't know wat the fuss with how does the corona get the energy. from sun of course. how? through heat transfer of course. vacuum? that mean the transfer is not through conduction and convencti ...
the "fuss" has something to do with another thread on hoax moon - landing mission 3 decades ago when we were discussing on the camera being used by the astronaut - there is something about the camera ...that I cannot really remember now , but it has something to do with heat/energy transfer. Someone at some point mentioned about the likelihood of the camera being damaged by the heat thru other means apart from radiation you see - that 's why we said it can never happened as the space in itself is already "vacuumed" . Then the discussion goes haywire since there onwards....since we truly believe that heat /energy from the sun could reach any planets thru radiation but no ..some one does not believe this. So, we just leave it like that ..as ensem said dah berbuih dah.... tu tak masuk the EM wave lagi tu...but tak pa lah .. iam okay with that .
so when the basics are pretty like that forget about the rest lah ooh ya we argue about being literally buta and metaphrocally buta
but overall since this is a public forum well it has been a nice discussion.
i mean we still civilized and try to avoid judgmental verbs/ adjective terhadap this so called "saintis Barat " hahahhah
[ Last edited by mbhcsf at 20-3-2009 23:40 ] |
Reply #310 aku_EnSeM's post
u reminde me of an article in the New Scientist yr ? 1993 1994 on bubbles and the black spots on the leopard skins...the scientist are trying to find / derive a mathematical equation that would explain those thingy...
how about chaos? macam mana "mathematical equation" regarding chaoes and you know the flapping of butterflies wings tu ? |
corona temperature is refer to their electron temperature or ion temperature?if it is refer to electron temperature, even the electron temperature is more high than the surface of the sun...we feel nothing....we call it as plasma temperature....the plasma temperature created in lab can be much more higher than the sun but we will feel nothing..because the size of electron is damn small.... |
Kat bumi ni kilat/petir masih menimbulkan banyak persoalan. Sama macam korona matahari. So, adakah kedua-duanya mempunyai kaitan khususnya dari segi konsep kejadian? |
Originally posted by paparock at 18-5-2009 02:13 AM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Kat bumi ni kilat/petir masih menimbulkan banyak persoalan. Sama macam korona matahari. So, adakah kedua-duanya mempunyai kaitan khususnya dari segi konsep kejadian?
They could be...
Btw, ape persoalan2 utama kilat dan petir ek? Rsenye kite pernah buat kilat/petir, cume dlm skala yg kecik je la |
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 18-5-2009 13:03 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
They could be...
Btw, ape persoalan2 utama kilat dan petir ek? Rsenye kite pernah buat kilat/petir, cume dlm skala yg kecik je la
Persoalan utamanya adalah cemana ia mampu menjana tenaga yang amat besar... |
all can be answered if you read about the plasma physics. corona and lighting is a kind of plasma.... |
Originally posted by physic at 18-5-2009 23:44 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
all can be answered if you read about the plasma physics. corona and lighting is a kind of plasma....
Plasma? Yup. Tapi misterinya adalah bagaimana ia boleh menghasilkan - suhu yang amat tinggi dan tenaga yang amat hebat. Kita cuma ada teori, bukan exact fact. |
Originally posted by paparock at 19-5-2009 06:07 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Plasma? Yup. Tapi misterinya adalah bagaimana ia boleh menghasilkan - suhu yang amat tinggi dan tenaga yang amat hebat. Kita cuma ada teori, bukan exact fact.
plasma is always created in laboratory with temperature hundred to thousand K. we have the relationship between kinetic energy and temperature which Boltzmann constant as a proportionality constant. the high kinetic energy is transformed in to heat with high temperature during the formation of plasma.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_(physics) file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Steve/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.jpg |
Teori mereka ni macam ignore yg ruang corona tu ialah vakum empty space tapi assume ia mengandungi gas. Adakah benar assumption mereka itu?
corona itself is plasma....who say it is vacuum? plasma is ionized gas... |
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