Reply #197 MrsJohn's post
Let me get this straight - u mean when u click the image link, u want to open the image already inserted into the same page (as in ada titlebar, navigations, layout etc) gitu ek? Meaning ada same page layout but instead of content in the middle tu ada image tu?
As far as i know... u kena create a new article but letak image tu saja as content. Then use the link to that new article kat the image link. Takyah guna target pun. That way when people click on the link, terus akan buka the same page layout (header/navigations etc still there in place) but with the image jer in the content area. |
nak letak game kat joomla
nak tanay..
camner nak letak game kat website joomla..
mcm game2 flash lar...
senang kata arcade lar..
sape2 leh ajar..
tq.. |
Reply #1 am_i_rulez's post
Paste jer codes untuk game tu... kalau flash, guna embed codes. Buat cam html biasa jer and letak kat section of the page yg ko nak.  |
xleh install kat joomla...
nk tnya..
kenapa sy xleh nk install compnent@module kat joomla...
sy kena update laman web kolej..
tp xleh nak install..
dia tulis ERROR: Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package.
satu lg..
nape sy pny camnie yek..
media/ | Writeable | administrator/components/ | Unwriteable | components/ | Writeable | images/stories/ | Writeable |
kat admin/com 2 mmg unwriteable ker??
please tlg yerk... |
Reply #1 am_i_rulez's post
Dah try tukar chmod? Masuk ikut FTP atau cPanel and tukar ke 777. Try upload benda ni then tukar balik ke 755 (atau apa2 current chmod ko).
Pasal ERROR: Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package tu, try ni:
1. Bukak zip file tu kat luar dulu... tengok kalau ada tak XML file.
2. Cari file templateDesigns.xml and kat part opening and ending 'install' tag tu, ko tukar ke 'mosinstall' kat dua2 tags tu.
Kat head part of XML file tu ko tukar version nyer seperti dibawah:
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Copy the Code
Apa2 post balik sini and include info pasal server ko, version etc including PHP. BTW, server tu ada guna PHPSafe ke? |
erm, sorie ek...
aku agak noob..
mcm mane nak tukar chmod 2..
aku xtau lgsung ape yg ko ckp..
kat dlm zip files 2 mmg ade file.xml..
tp bukan templatedesign lar..
version dah same...
yg mosinstall 2 aku xpaham...
mcm mane nk taw php 2 ek..
aku serius xtaw...
aku pkai joomla 1.0.15
p.s. aku kene update laman web kolej.. perlu ke aku install wamp?? |
Reply #3 am_i_rulez's post
OK... pasal chmod tu... tu adalah permissions untuk directory/files situ... baik ko google cari info pasal tu... nak citer tu satu2memang berjam.
Cara nak tukar chmod tu is guna FTP. Login ke ftp site tu, and depending ngan FTP software ko tu, right-click kat directory administrator/components tu and pilih properties. Ko leh edit chmod situ... buat masa ni, ingat mana permissions yg check/uncheck... kemudian checkkan semua (akan jadi chmod 777 gitu).
Now cuba upload module/component tu and cuba install.
Also check module/component tu untuk version apa? Kalau utk joomla 1.5, memang akan ada problem nak install kat joomla 1.0.
Lepas dah install (atau fail to install) kembalikan chmod setting ke asal - penting ni untuk security.
Soklan aku... site tu host kat mana? Kat PC ofis/kolej ko ke kat hosting site? Kalau kat hosting site, ko email jer admin site tu and tanya dia version apa semua yg ko guna - webserver, db, php etc.
Install WAMP atau XAMPP ONLY kalau server tu kolej ko sendiri host and blum ada apa2 lain yg dah diinstall. Kalau nak, leh install kat personal PC ko untuk testing purposes (leh install Joomla kat pc tersebut juga).
Oops... lupa... pasal mosinstall tu... bila buka XML file (guna notepad atau dreamweaver), tengok and cari tags 'install'... edit kat mula2 install tu dan kat ujung tag 'install' tu. Tapi ni only buat kalau module tu untuk current joomla version ko tu.
[ Last edited by 0001 at 12-4-2009 18:20 ] |
aku rase aku dh paham sket....
tp satu nk tny,,
nape bile aku bukak site>global configuration
dia kuar camne..
configuration.php is : Unwriteable
sebab nie ker???
pas2 kat global configuration ak jumpe yg nie ker??
Directory Permissions
Dont CHMOD new directories (use server defaults)
CHMOD new directories to: tooltip
User: read write search
Group: read write search Apply to existing directories warning
World: read write search
check sume ker??
tp xleh nak ubah pape pon.. |
Reply #5 am_i_rulez's post
component, module atau mambot utk joomla..
hye guys..
nak mintak pendapat, ape component@module yg cool yg patut ada dlm joomla website...
bglar something yg gempak ker..
thanx... |
camne nak masukkan lagu kat joomla
boleh x sape2 tlg ajar..
xkesah la lagu background atau playlist..
mane2 pon bleh.. |
Reply #1 am_i_rulez's post
Banyak cara nak insert audio kat site (click link, embedded player, flash player etc)... semua guna codes yg ko type masuk memaner bahagian kat Joomla tu (index.php, sidebar.php or apa2 lain). Baik ko buat google search - 'insert embed audio website'
Also gi check out site ni:
http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/ |
Reply #1 am_i_rulez's post
Pada aku yg paling gempak is header image rotator. Mamcam jenis modules itu ada... gi search kat Joomla extension page. |
Originally posted by am_i_rulez at 22-4-2009 01:51 
hye guys..
nak mintak pendapat, ape component@module yg cool yg patut ada dlm joomla website...
bglar something yg gempak ker..
bergantung kepada website ape ko nak buat la |
shoutbox, dulu ada masalah sket ngan 1.5 tapi skang mungkin dah okey kot.. visitor counter , quran translation ... banyak la... ko try le pelan-pelan... |
Originally posted by zacko_inc at 22-4-2009 12:09 
bergantung kepada website ape ko nak buat la
aku nak wat website utk kolej aku..
kalau boleh component yg bg website lg menarik lar.. |
ko nak pakai v1.0 ke v1.5 ? kalo ko nak tengok cth joomla yang menarik, laman web jpj pun menarik gak. |
| |