GOOD BARGAIN : tempat cari barang2 murah.....
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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 4-1-2005 09:38 AM:
lupa nak ceta sini...
ada tu hari pegi rumah my fren, then dia ada taruk bear Monster Inc yang Sully tu kaler biru tu kat hall dia...
me tanya, wah berapa ko beli pasal looks expensive and th ...
sungei road ni memang ada that old world punya kind of feel....
apek kat sana pun banyak sua antique and tua tua..... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
tadi someone mention mangkok tingkat.....kalo korang ka tanjung pinang .
ada hotel nama dia royal palace...infront of the hotel ada macam small mall..
kat ada jual barang2 household yang murah.
mangkok tingat jual murah kat sini.even pinggan ,periuk and barang2 dapor...the price is good.
on the road side, tep petrol station yang depan royal palace ada small shop jual petai and fruits.petai kat sini gemok2 macam size kerang....very very cheap... |
Hmm.....hari tu masa Aries buat open house ada hamba allah tu tanya brapa harga tempat buffet....masa tu Aries beli quite expensive lah...7 years back....
So now sesiapa yg nak beli tempat buffet yg quite reasonable price, pergi ke Jurong Point shopping ctr...kedai lifestyle 1.99 eh? hmm..kedai tu dekat dgn NTUC...barang2 kat kedai tu semua murah2....then tempat buffet tu dorang jual $19.90 aje... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
kalo nak carik jam casio ko try pergi kat the bencoolen....ada 3 or 4 kedai jual jam casio with the price list displayed...i belikan my son G shock and my daughter a small casio...to me casio is very durable... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
deaf,tadi aku pergi ka grammephone kat oub centre...aku nampak
dvd the best of black sabbath volume 2...selling for $25 on their used vcd/dvd corner... |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 10-1-2005 02:36 PM:
deaf,tadi aku pergi ka grammephone kat oub centre...aku nampak
dvd the best of black sabbath volume 2...selling for $25 on their used vcd/dvd corner...
ah ah gramaphone murah2.... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
nihari centre page section 1 kat straits time...ada bargain under $20 sempena NETS 20 tahun....kalo ko early bird,ada ticket return to perth for $20.00.ada lagi offers tapi first come first serve basis...... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
siapa2 kalo nak cari vcd cerita melayu like cerita hantu or what have you,
ko pergi kat malay village.ada kedai near the road...i saw alot of malay movie title...all yang orignal.
dia pun ada jual cd and casette lagu melayu.do check it out....... |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 18-1-2005 09:43 PM:
siapa2 kalo nak cari vcd cerita melayu like cerita hantu or what have you,
ko pergi kat malay village.ada kedai near the road...i saw alot of malay movie title...all yang orignal.
dia pun ada jua ...
Bang Matz, cakap pasal VCD Melayu ni....tempat tu ada jual VCD citer Indon lama tak? Macam citer Suzana dulu, yang Sundel Bolong semua.... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by chicsee at 18-1-2005 10:02 PM:
Bang Matz, cakap pasal VCD Melayu ni....tempat tu ada jual VCD citer Indon lama tak? Macam citer Suzana dulu, yang Sundel Bolong semua....
i saw some old and new titles...ada banyak range...wrestling pun ada...
the shop is next to the road.... |
Originally posted by chicsee at 18-1-2005 10:02 PM:
Bang Matz, cakap pasal VCD Melayu ni....tempat tu ada jual VCD citer Indon lama tak? Macam citer Suzana dulu, yang Sundel Bolong semua....
joo chiat complex, 1st shop kedai apek....kalo ko jalan dari jejatas yang bawah ada 7-11 tu. |
tapi aku rasa gi JB beli lagi much cheaper la.....
Aku beli vcd " Arsenal greatest victories over Man Utd" 6rm aje, original wei...siap ada stiker kerajaan msia smua , kat city sq tingkat tiga.
tapi kat music valley tingkat satu memang banyak ah ceta melayu/wak kang, cuma ko masuk kena buat bodoh je, staff kat kedai tu nengok orang semacam, mungkin pasal banyak kecurian la.... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 18-1-2005 11:58 PM:
joo chiat complex, 1st shop kedai apek....kalo ko jalan dari jejatas yang bawah ada 7-11 tu.
thanks for the info, blood. |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 19-1-2005 08:18 AM:
thanks for the info, blood.
matz kedai tu ada vcd Inul....sekeping $12...
then tu hari dorang main vcd konsert live 60an, smua original artis wooo... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 19-1-2005 10:21 AM:
matz kedai tu ada vcd Inul....sekeping $12...
then tu hari dorang main vcd konsert live 60an, smua original artis wooo...
deaf..me tak follow music scene.
muka inul aku tak cam sangat...cuma selalu dengar pasal dia punya bontot ...
orang cakap..power... |
Last weekend, I went to the MPH book fair...fuyooo...worth it man....each of us spent more than a $100. Ordinary novels cost $5. I managed to find DaVinci Code...woo hooo...that book's a keeper...and I got a few autobiographies...for some reason I lurve to read about pple. Beckham and Owen's, hardcover, original price $46.90, I paid $8 each.... |
Originally posted by chicsee at 19-1-2005 03:28 PM:
Last weekend, I went to the MPH book fair...fuyooo...worth it man....each of us spent more than a $100. Ordinary novels cost $5. I managed to find DaVinci Code...woo hooo...that book's a keeper...a ...
Chic, MPH book fair tu kat mana eh? |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
i pernah went to joo seng road and lim teck boo road...
ni warehousesale for books...very very cheap...bought alot of story books for family... |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 19-1-2005 03:48 PM:
Chic, MPH book fair tu kat mana eh?
Pat Expo....Chic tak tau, my cousins yang ajak pegi...very worth it... |
Originally posted by chicsee at 19-1-2005 04:02 PM:
Pat Expo....Chic tak tau, my cousins yang ajak pegi...very worth it...
I see....thks for the info Chic.... |
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Category: Negeri & Negara