Blusher yg paling best...tarte cheek stain ke??..MAC ke?..BB ke?..
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Originally posted by reynna at 19-5-2006 12:48 PM
tickled ngan tickled peach tu sama ke? ishh.. mcm nakkk gak je.. isk, kalo beli yg mini tak worth ke eh?
Baik beli yg besar terus ler reynna..
Tickled peach is the old name..but i use both names dalam forum nie.. |
Originally posted by Ice_Q at 21-5-2006 06:44 PM
Kadang-kadang teringin nak jadik SA kat beauty counter..tetapi memikirkan kerjanya ikut retail hour..tak larat..Lupa kan saja..
ice kalo jadi.. mesti orang will not leave the counter without buying anything.. yr reviews.. pergghh.. membuat orang macma segera nak beli benda tu ajer selalu kehehhee |
Originally posted by chemist_UTM at 19-5-2006 12:56 PM
haz,tahap mana best tarte tickled ni?
kalau from 5 stars haz bagi brp?
apa yg best dan tak best about tarte?
Yg tak best..initially ianya melekit..kena tunggu ia kering dulu barulah tak rasa melekit..But tidak berminyak.. |
Originally posted by Ice_Q at 21-5-2006 06:45 PM
Really nice!! : Tahun depan ice nak angkat satu lah!
PS: Mcm Lucy Liu ler youuuu...
thnks ice .. hehe angkat angkat .. jangan tidak..
errr i tink lucy liu tu half of my weight  |
Originally posted by haz at 21-5-2006 06:46 PM
so sweet laa dilah...!!! :love: :love:
10q haz , awak pon apa kurangnya.. flawless skin .. lovely |
Originally posted by haz at 21-5-2006 06:49 PM
boleh munie....2 in 1...
itu pasal, beli lah tarte cheekstain!!! can be used on the lips too!!! :cak: :cak:
:devil: hehehehehe
haii haii.. bahaya nyerr... :geram::geram:
mini nyer size berapa? full size lak berapa?
haku ni tanya sikit sikit.. hadoii.. :geram:
mula2 tanak masuk langsung thread ni takot teruja.. sekali terrrr-masuk daaa.. iskk iskk.. :geram: |
Originally posted by miz_munie at 21-5-2006 06:47 PM
comelnya dilah.. baru tgk muka dilah.. cute mcm chinese la.. :love:
tarte ni bleh pakai kat bibir jugak eh? :stp:
thnks munie kehehe me memang chinese muslim 
eh boleh2... worth it ... apa lagik.. belilah satuu.. mesti tak regret punya tauuu :nerd: |
Originally posted by dilah21 at 21-5-2006 06:51 PM
ice kalo jadi.. mesti orang will not leave the counter without buying anything.. yr reviews.. pergghh.. membuat orang macma segera nak beli benda tu ajer selalu kehehhee
Tak jugak dilah, ice ni kalau org tanya cantik ke tidak..kalau tak cantik..tak pandai nak menipu..kelat jer muka sambil geleng kepala..Boleh bankrap kompeni yg ice kerje tue..
Tp kalau memang betul cantik kat org tu..ice yg terlebih excited..mulut brokbrekbrokbrek..n mata light up..n sengih-sengih..Yg tu mmg confirm org beli ler..Hubby kawan ice mmg tau dah..kalau bini dia shopping ngan gue confirm perabis duit punya..coz she knows..if i say it's beautiful on her..i'm not kidding..it's the truth..dan dia akan beli segera.:ah: |
Originally posted by dilah21 at 21-5-2006 06:55 PM
thnks munie kehehe me memang chinese muslim 
eh boleh2... worth it ... apa lagik.. belilah satuu.. mesti tak regret punya tauuu :nerd:
wah ye ke.. now i know.. :love:
i like ur eyes sbb ada kelopak.. maksud munie mata kecit yg ada kelopak.. cantik :love::love: |
Originally posted by dilah21 at 21-5-2006 06:52 PM
thnks ice .. hehe angkat angkat .. jangan tidak..
errr i tink lucy liu tu half of my weight
Mesti nak angkat...Harap-harap by that time my other Tarte shades dah luak sikit n i don't feel guilty buying one more..
Lucy liu n u both have the same facial features..cuma mata dilah besar lagi lah dr dia.. |
Originally posted by mrs_livingstone at 19-5-2006 05:11 PM
errgghhh...manyaknyerrrr.....ni baru blusher yg suka...blusher yg hang tak suka???:geram:
Me selalu tak suka blusher becoz of the colours jer..Terlalu terang/tak masuk ngan kulit like Artistry n Body Shop Golden Pink (this one looks nice in the pan but terlalu merah di pipi ice..tak taw kenapa..org lain pakai semua kata ok) |
Originally posted by mrs_livingstone at 19-5-2006 05:14 PM
tak manyak pilihan la ice kat ebay
Eh banyak jer ice tgk.. |
Originally posted by Ice_Q at 21-5-2006 06:56 PM
Tak jugak dilah, ice ni kalau org tanya cantik ke tidak..kalau tak cantik..tak pandai nak menipu..kelat jer muka sambil geleng kepala..Boleh bankrap kompeni yg ice kerje tue..
Tp kalau meman ...
heheh ... eh bagus jugak eh.. kalo really doesnt suit.. tak waste kita beli.. kahahaha.. takper ah bilang ngan yr fren's hubby.. untuk pandangan mata dia jugak kan? :love: |
Originally posted by yela at 19-5-2006 05:33 PM
kalau kira nak...kita nak tipsy and tickled jugak to add to the collection...but mmg tak terhabis pakai kalau macam tu! best kan kalau masa bujang2 dulu...leh share dgn sister ke, roomate ke...then ...
Tak payah fikir-fikir sis..tutup mata n rembat jer :nerd: |
Originally posted by minidictionary at 19-5-2006 09:41 PM
BTOL! ekekekekeekek
hantu menghasut nie ekekekeeek
korang nie dah kawein yek?
Haku belom! Haku belom!  |
Originally posted by elecom at 19-5-2006 09:51 PM
patut tukar tajuk thread nih kepada tarte blushers...kekekek
Excited sungguh mereka..:cak: |
Originally posted by haz at 19-5-2006 10:07 PM
haku nak bagi korang jeles laa....hehehe

abaikan pipi yg merah sebelah yer, serta pipi yg amat gebuss itu....
Simply gorgeous! |
Wallaa... comelnyer...
Neve guna Maybelline... warna pink nyer... |
Originally posted by Ice_Q at 21-5-2006 07:12 PM
Simply gorgeous!
thanks dear....
hari2 pakai tarte tau....moga2 cepat habis, so that i can try flush or dollface or blushing bride lak...:bgrin: |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki