Reply #320 7276's post
hang ingat world cup nie sopa AF ka....
ala2 menuju puncak la konon.....
kui kui kui.....
Reply #319 Nikotina's post
kui kui kui...
lepas nie bekham plak...
Reply #321 jj's post
kami suruh tgk hierarki tuh...
tgk sama dak negara kat dua dua belah...
saman kan.. |
Reply #322 jj's post
kalo beckem aku rs lutut bini dia yg akan patah... lol |
Reply #323 7276's post
nie cerita world cup...
bukan topik sejarah dunia tingkatan 5...
kui kui kui
Reply #325 jj's post
awat yg aku boh tu tak sapa menang world cup...
tak negara yg menang world cup ka???
world cup tu tak sejarah dunia...
ngok toi la... |

dasat tul betih kering bini beckem...kalah betih kering pelari pecut india...wakakaka
[ Last edited by Nikotina at 22-6-2006 10:58 AM ] |
Reply #327 Nikotina's post
tapi still laki kat sebelah tu dok menjeling..... |
Reply #329 7276's post
mamat tu jeling awek rooney kat atas tu...sekoq lagi awek yg tak berjenih :lol |
Originally posted by Nikotina at 22-6-2006 10:55 AM

dasat tul betih kering bini beckem...kalah betih kering pelari pecut india... ...
betis ja kering tapi gunung mantap gak..miahahahaha:lol |
Members Visiting this Forum
7276 Nikotina jj riss_1688 kubus eis_82 hanis00
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Kereta anak Beckham...
Originally posted by Nikotina at 22-6-2006 10:42 AM
owen mlm sebelum tu tibai 2,3 round kot...lutut longlai satu mcm ja time jatuh tu hahahahahaa
lol |
Originally posted by hanis00 at 22-6-2006 11:35 AM
gelak besaq nampak...
hang pun sopa owen ka semalam...
kui kui kui
amik ni..senang nk tgk...
Originally posted by 7276 at 22-6-2006 10:42 AM
1982 - Italy
> Know something interesting about FIFA World Cup
> Brazil won the world cup in 1994. Before that, he had won this title
> the last time in 1970.
> If you add up: 1970 + 1994 = 3964
> Argentina won the world cup for the last time in 1986. Before that
> in 1978.
> And 1978 + 1986 = 3964
> Germany , though, won the world cup in 1990. Before that, Germany won
> 1974.
> Look: 1990 + 1974 = 3964
> This could lead us to guess the winner of the World Cup in 2002, since
> it should be the winner
> of the 1962 World Cup (In fact 3964 - 2002 = 1962).
> And Brazil won the world cup in 1962! (And, in fact, Brazil won the
> WC)
> This numerology seems to work...
> And now, who would be the winner of the 2006 world cup?
> Let's see, 3964 - 2006 = 1958
> And who won in 1958?....
> Oh, Brazil did!!! |
Originally posted by 7276 at 22-6-2006 11:30 AM
Kereta anak Beckham...
:lol |

mau senak 2,3 jam nihh :lol
Reply #338 Nikotina's post
hang boooo banyak2 sikit...
kereta koman buat apa....
dah kaya tu bagi la kereta anak tu guna spotrim JRD...
nie pakai spotrim lama... tak kelas langsung...
kui kui kui
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara