Reply #319 niy's post
plak dah
member last week pi tukar kat alliance kejap jek org x ramai
maybe masa tu org belum gaji lagi |
Reply #321 greyrose's post
gitulah cerita nya
itu yg lambat mula buat biskut
merayau gi bank dulu
sekali... itu aje yg dpt
mungkinlah kan
sbb org dah gaji |
Reply #316 niy's post
dah siap eh buat kuih raya
berapa balang dpt? |
Reply #314 houdini's post
x pelah...
kalo nak bg duit raya rm5 nti
letak je la 5 helai duit siggit tu... |
abe punya 01
Would you like to know if your mobile is original or not ?????
Press the following on your mobile *#06# and the-international mobile equipment identity number appears. Then check the 7th and 8th numbers:
IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 02 or 20 this means your cell phone was assembled in China which is low quality
IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 08 or 80 this means your cell phone was manufactured in Germany which is fair quality
IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 01 or 10 this means your cell phone was manufactured in Finland which is very Good
IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 00 this means your cell phone was manufactured in original factory which is the best Mobile Quality
IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 13 this means your cell phone was assembled in Azerbaijan which is very Bad quality and also dangerous for your health
[ Last edited by icelemontea at 24-9-2008 02:12 PM ] |
kalu dini jadik mod kat sini,
mesti dia tak heran ngan aku dah kan
padahal dia janji dulu
semua sesama |
Reply #320 greyrose's post
kalo ada kenal org bank
senang la kot nak tukar duit
rasa2nya this year mmg susah sket la nak tukar duit baru kat bank
< ke kitorang yg lambat pi tukar > |
Reply #327 kazz's post
grey mmg slalu guna org dlm
malas nak pi beratur |
Reply #314 houdini's post
kena que kat bank sikit punya lama, rasa nak collapse..gue blah aje..pastu masa jln nak masuk keta adalah balak wat kempen road safety bg cd lagu raya, sticker jom klik dn kad ucapan hari raya pokloh |
Originally posted by icelemontea at 24-9-2008 01:53 PM
abe dah promote hang tu..pi tgk.
katner promosi dini tu? |
Reply #326 Syd's post
maksudnya syd tak setuju? bagi abe siapa yg ndak, kita bagi. |
Reply #330 tikusmondok's post
tengah tunggu jwpan abe ice juga |
Reply #330 tikusmondok's post
kat bod yang berantem tadi. |
Reply #329 tikusmondok's post
org dah gaji lagi panjang beratur |
Originally posted by icelemontea at 24-9-2008 02:18 PM
maksudnya syd tak setuju? bagi abe siapa yg ndak, kita bagi.
pasal mod bod mawi ke?
sokong abe ice
setuju je bagi sape yg nak dan tak ada niat yg pelik2 |
<mintak kerjasama siapa yang setuju ngan abe, pi sokong cdgn abe kat sana> |
Reply #335 niy's post
lepas ni niy kena cari org keje bank ler |
| |