Alhamdulillah SHY da sihat :)
Alhamdulillah, dengan izin Allah swt, Shy yg saket sejak cuti skola haritu da mula makan n da berselera balek macam dulu. Cuma, ada lagi sekor si comel yg agak kurang sehat dan akan dibawak ke vet esok. Moga2 Mummy diizinkan untuk jage korang lebey lame.... |
i have 2 kittens, nemo n coco. nak masuk 3 bulan dah. nak tanya forummer sumer... lately ni i perasan montot coco macam berair je..pastu kemerah-merahan. i check nemo punya..tak pulak cam tu. tengok jugak tempat poo poo diorang..tak delah berak darah. any idea ?...pastu nak tanya..bila umor yg sesuai for vaccination n deworm tu..actually memang pernah bela kucin b4 ni..tapi bila besor sket..manjang hilang..sekarang ni jangan harap my kittens tu dapat kuor umah.  |
Reply #256 coffeebeans's post
coffeebeans, betul cakap hubby u tu.
better buang uterus dia dari dia mati.
actually bila buang uterus tu maknanya dia kena neuter.
u akan nampak kucing u tu nanti lebih sihat (kurang sakit = tak banyak jumpa vet = duit kurang keluar ), kurang merayau, lebih manja & lebih bersih...
[ Last edited by boocik04 at 24-3-2009 19:27 ] |
Originally posted by rinadini at 24-3-2009 10:18 
i have 2 kittens, nemo n coco. nak masuk 3 bulan dah. nak tanya forummer sumer... lately ni i perasan montot coco macam berair je..pastu kemerah-merahan. i check nemo punya..tak pulak cam tu. ten ...
coco ni jantan atau betina?
kalau betina, mungkin dia dah matang dan sedang ber'ovulasi'.
maknanya dia dah dtg period...
kalau u belum neuter tu mungkin dia boleh preggy kalau u bagi dia keluar rumah... |
boocik..coco ni betina..betul ke tengah ovulasi..cam tak caya lak kucing cam kita gak..tapi kucing kita ni baru 3 bulan..bila sesuai nak neuter kan kucing ni |
Originally posted by kenari7117 at 23-3-2009 09:30 
Simba sakit.
Hari Jumaat lepas time balik keje..bukak pintu dapur semua kucing berlari-lari masuk rumah. FYI kucing-kucing ni time aku pegi keje tinggal belakang rumah..washing area..siap jari ...
memula dgr citer kenari sedih pulak.. kesian simba...
lepas tu hati berbunga balik sbb bila kenari kata dia simba aktif balik.. & dgr yg lain menjerit2.. dah terbayang betapa buasnye simba kat sana.. mcm akak jaga dia dulu.. mmg x reti dok diam..hehe |
Reply #262 leotazz818's post
hmmm...dah ok dah kak..cuma still on medication..antibiotik kena habiskan...dia dah sihat ni makin kuat la melawan nak bagi ubat..dah la antibiotik tu tak sedap...badan susut sikit .. demam rindu kak leo & hubby kot...  |
Nak tanya pada forumers semua,
bila masa sesuai nak bawak kittens newborn gi jumpa vet ye? My kittens was born last Sunday kira baru 3 hari. So far diaorg nampak sihat la, asyik melekat je kat nenen mummy diaorg.
I need to bring the mummy cat to vet as well sebab nak spay dia so ingat nak bawak sekali baby dia. |
Originally posted by mamamikhail at 25-3-2009 10:54 
Nak tanya pada forumers semua,
bila masa sesuai nak bawak kittens newborn gi jumpa vet ye? My kittens was born last Sunday kira baru 3 hari. So far diaorg nampak sihat la, asyik melekat je kat ...
tunggu kitten2 tu bukak mata dulu mama.. lepas tu bole bawak anytime..
maknye neuter bila 3 bln selepas melahirkan anak.. atau bila anak2 tu dah pandai makan kibbles...
Originally posted by rinadini at 25-3-2009 07:56 
boocik..coco ni betina..betul ke tengah ovulasi..cam tak caya lak kucing cam kita gak..tapi kucing kita ni baru 3 bulan..bila sesuai nak neuter kan kucing ni
umur 3 bulan tu dah bole hantar neuter.
although ada vet maybe suruh tunggu lagi sebulan dua... |
kenari, here's some info on tapeworms in cats:
What are Tapeworms?
Tapeworms are a parasite that are found in the small intestine of cats. The most common tapeworm found in cats is the Dipylidium Caninum. They are flat and segmented, white in colour and can grow up to 20cm long. How does a cat get tapeworms? The tapeworm cycle begins with the flea larvae eating fecal matter that contains tapeworm eggs.
The eggs hatch inside the flea and become cysticercoids.
A cat may then swallow or eat a flea that contains these cysticercoids while chewing or biting at a flea during grooming.
Once the flea passes into the cat's intestine the flea is broken down and the cysticercoids develop into an adult tapeworm.
The tapeworm attaches itself to the lining of the intestine and feeds off the nutrients.
As the tapeworm matures the tail segments drops off. These segments are mobile. Each segment contains the eggs of the tapeworm. The egg packets are passed in the faeces of the cat into the environment.
The eggs are then ingested by the flea larvae
The most common areas that tapeworm eggs are found are in the cat's bedding and in your carpet. Cats can also acquire tapeworms by eating infected rodents or lizards.
How do I know my cat has tapeworms?
You can often see the dried sections of tapeworm around the cats anus. They resemble rice grains. You may see the moving segments of tapeworm in the cat's faeces. Your vet may examine a smear from your cats anus under a microscope.
How to treat tapeworms in my cat?
Treatment is simple and in most cases extremely effective. Tapeworm tablets can be purchased from your vet.
How can I prevent tapeworms in my cat
Effective flea control is important and a regular de-worming regime.
Can I or my children get infected with tapeworms?
Humans can become infected with the tapeworm Dipylidium Caninum but it is quite rare.
[ Last edited by boocik04 at 30-3-2009 12:04 ] |
Balas #268 boocik04\ catat
tqvm boocik..good info..
hmmm...wonder gak dari mana dia dapat...kat rumah takde pasang carpet..unless ada tetamu datang je..tak tau la tapi lately dua ekor ni dah pandai merayau kerumah jiran..
patutla kitty kurus je takmau gemuk ..berat dia semalam 1.2kg je compare to kutty 1.6kg..padahal dulu berat lebih kurang je |
anak2 kenari dah kena cacing ye... kesian kat budak2 tu..
tak pe kenari, pakai syringe pon tak pe... janji ubat masuk..
wat hang p jual kat jiran acana tu? haa.. kang dah x cukup utk anak sendiri..kehkehkeh....
tanye jiran tu, dia nak oder acana tak? sebelum akak koling2 distributor tu...
esok la hari last oder.. petangnye nak buat oder dah... bila cina tu dah hantar, kira xder side oder tau... dia tak nak hantorrrr.. |
hari jumaat tu mulut meekee bejejeh2 meleleh air lior...rupanye dia tejilat tempat pancutkan fl combo...hape da..dah picit betul2 tengah tengkuk tu..boleh gak dia teleng kepala dia jilat...ecollar tak ade..sudahnye aku pakaikan tshirt lama emil..hah sehari suntuk la mcm katik jek pakai baju...  |
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