so nak kata watchmen utk orang2 pandai dan sucker punch utk org2 bodo ke?
aku taknak cakap lebih2, sebab taknak guris hati orang. tapi aku cakap ni betul, berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri. memang dulu masa aku belum tumbuh bulu, aku pun rasa watchmen boring nak mampos. masa tu aku tengok kat wayang. memang masa tu aku rasa menyesal gila beli tiket wayang. tapi a few months ago aku tengok balik kat pc, aku rasa wow, this is the best superhero movie to date sebegitu.
dan berdasarkan pengalaman aku sendiri:
tahun 2009 - watchmen sucked.
tahun 2016 - still sucks
watchmen penuh falsafah, politik , drama? so what... tetap bosan , ambitious and pretentious.. superhero movie jadi la macam superhero movie.. entertaining and fun... apa yg rasa pandai sangat dengan superhero movies sedangkan diorang semua pakai stupid costumes, suits and spandex for starters, for God's sake ... aku lebih berbulu fanboys yang beriya2 kata comic books should be dark and serious.. wtf?? nama pon comic, memang patut pon ada part comical... kalau tengok Action Comic asal superman tu , memang mengarut, kelakar dan tak hopokrit.
tapi itu pon personal opinion aku, aku pon takkan kata orang yg tak minat The Box otak kosong dan belum tumbuh bulu..
who the hell mention anything about this one being dark or that one being bright or something like that? from your writing, I can see that you did not get any clue about the thing I've said, like, at all?
clue about anything you said? clue about what? otak kosong dah tumbuh bulu? sebab itu je pun point ko..
sama ada itu jah point yang kau nak ketengahkan, lalu buat2 tak nampak point utama aku, atauuuuu....... memang itu jah level otak kau mampu untuk entepret. tak apa, aku pikir positif, kau situasi yang nombor satu tu.
tahniah la.. otak dah tak kosong dan dah tumbuh bulu... what an achievement
thank you.
dan berdasarkan pengalaman aku sendiri:
tahun 2009 - watchmen sucked.
tahun 2016 - still sucks
btw, I feel sorry for you because you had not achieved anything yet.
you are welcome.. but i wont consider being able to decrypt a shitty ass movie as a life achievement though..
1 tip for you my dear, don't look at thing based only on the movie we mentioned earlier. life is broad as fuck, as wide as your loosen fuckhole my dear.
wtf? what has it got to do with anything here ? i dont base my life on anything fictional , thank you for that shitty advise anyway...
1 tip for you dear... kalau you betul2 you mature as you claim .. and kalau you suka your shitty movie , just say you suka your shitty movie.. tak perlu nak insuniate orang yg tak suka your shitty movie as immature and stupid... not that hard, right?..
oh dear oh dear... the one that i insulted was the younger me lah... you pulak yang melebih-lebih. wow terasa macam you bekap my younger me pulak. thanks again.
p/s: that wide loosen fuckhole thing is a perumpamaan, if you unable to understand that. your welcome.
why you insulted your younger self at the first place? sebab younger you tak mature dan otak kosong kan.. you relate your younger self dgn org yg dont get the movie.. so dont deny yang you imply utk minat filem yg you claim "the greatest superheroes movie" tu, seseorang tu perlu mature dan otak tak kosong .... kalau ini pun you tak boleh connect the dots, i rest my case then..
nak pergi tengok bVs kali kedua malam ni.. second viewing maybe dapat pick up apa yg terlepas pandang sebelum ni.. otak pon macam dah lebih terisi berbanding sebelum ni... mode *intellectual* |
Best la bvs ni. Dr mula smpai habis x bosan. Aku bg 10*
Plg aku suke watak superman. Dah la hensem berhati mulia pulak... |
iya ka otak dah terisi sebelum nak pergi tengok buat kali kedua tu?
confirm? please double check.
suckerpunch tu file biasa biasa aje
watchmen tu, antara filem superhero terbaik
memaparkan realiti superhero bila pencen dan jadi orang biasa |
one of the best superhero film ! tak sia2 tunggu .... aku bagi sepuloh stars |
Filem BvS ni mungkin akan senasib macam filem Star Wars prekuel trilogy.....dapat kritikan teruk tapi kutipan box office memang tinggi juga.....and then next year surely filem ni akan dicalonkan untuk kategori yang merepek bagi Razzie Awards.....hmmmm |
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