Post time 2-7-2021 01:53 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
adelea replied at 2-7-2021 01:12 AM
Ye laaaa macam tu rupanya .. but yg dgn diana tu.. budak mana .. not PH and PW kann
Budak 2 org lelaki n perempuan tu katanya simbolik je utk tunjukkan yg di penghujung usia Lady D byk dihabiskan dgn benda yg paling dia suka which is children, charity n humanitarian works..
"This statue isn’t to everyone’s taste but it isn’t about you. This is about her loved ones and they get to decide how she is remembered, time and thought went into it."
Harry’s transformation to Meghan is complete. Sebaik shj dia sedar kewujudan cameras, dia boleh gelak2 dan senyum for no reason. Takde nak triggered bagai, begitu senang dia lupakan his TRAUMA... ajaib sungguh!!!
Dan ohh, ramai yg perasan heols pakai kasut baru!!!
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it's okay babe, dulukan yg mana penting, porum dan benang ni still akan setia menunggu you, kitaorang kat sini janji akan well behave, takde gaduh2 dan cakar-mencakar dan tuduh-menuduh... #bukansugars
“I love my boys to death and hope that the seeds I’ve planted will grow and bring the strength, knowledge and stability that is needed” - Princess Diana
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