Blusher yg paling best...tarte cheek stain ke??..MAC ke?..BB ke?..
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Originally posted by haz at 21-5-2006 07:43 PM
thanks dear....
hari2 pakai tarte tau....moga2 cepat habis, so that i can try flush or dollface or blushing bride lak...:bgrin:
hehehe jadi nanti tak rasa macam bersalah sangat kan.. pasal da bis kekekkeek.. cute ah yr theory ni haz |
Originally posted by haz at 21-5-2006 07:43 PM
thanks dear....
hari2 pakai tarte tau....moga2 cepat habis, so that i can try flush or dollface or blushing bride lak...:bgrin:
hehehe..ice pun kalo boleh hari-hari nak pakai, tp malas..ice doakan haz punya cepat luak..supaya ada alasan nak try yg lain..:pray: |
Originally posted by dilah21 at 21-5-2006 07:49 PM
hehehe jadi nanti tak rasa macam bersalah sangat kan.. pasal da bis kekekkeek.. cute ah yr theory ni haz
betul tu dilah...at least tak laa rasa guilty bila beli baru...coz yg lama dah luak 1/4 ker...1/2 ker..hehehe:nerd: |
Originally posted by snj at 21-5-2006 06:41 PM
mutia.. sekarang beyondpretty tak ada special discount for birthday ker ?
ada sure ada punya .. cuma mutia tak sempat inform jer
just semasa bulan birthday tue .. tulis ler kat section notes yg you birthday that month  |
Originally posted by msd_brit at 21-5-2006 09:53 PM
ada sure ada punya .. cuma mutia tak sempat inform jer
just semasa bulan birthday tue .. tulis ler kat section notes yg you birthday that month
ah ic, thank you hmm, how do we know what items have discounts etc ?
[ Last edited by snj at 21-5-2006 10:49 PM ] |
Originally posted by haz at 21-5-2006 07:43 PM
thanks dear....
hari2 pakai tarte tau....moga2 cepat habis, so that i can try flush or dollface or blushing bride lak...:bgrin:
wow.. teruja habis.. tengok fotd haz & fairy pakai tarte :love:
tarte yg haz guna, mini or full size ? |
Originally posted by snj at 21-5-2006 11:14 PM
wow.. teruja habis.. tengok fotd haz & fairy pakai tarte :love:
tarte yg haz guna, mini or full size ?
haz pakai yg full size snj....rasa2nya 5 tahun pon lom tentu abis... |
Originally posted by haz at 21-5-2006 11:15 PM
haz pakai yg full size snj....rasa2nya 5 tahun pon lom tentu abis...
brp ringgit tarter tue? lima thun...hmmm...lama tuh.. |
Originally posted by pinkjambu at 21-5-2006 11:35 PM
brp ringgit tarter tue? lima thun...hmmm...lama tuh..
haz beli ngan kak yela...rm88...
sama cam mutia jual...
dia bentuk gel stick...sekali pakai sikit jer...itu pasal haz kata 5 tahun pon lom tentu abis... |
hang x tdo lagi ke haz..hehehheh..oo rm88..ingatkan beratus2..looks natural tarter tue...tahan lama x, i mean brapa jam baru nak ilang? |
Originally posted by haz at 21-5-2006 07:43 PM
thanks dear....
hari2 pakai tarte tau....moga2 cepat habis, so that i can try flush or dollface or blushing bride lak...:bgrin:
or snow bunny:love:
:lol |
Originally posted by dilah21 at 21-5-2006 06:39 PM
hahaa oh ice tak sempat tengok eh.. ok here is another one me pakai flush.. pic pagi tadi .. pegi big walk..
using flush on cheeks and lips..
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v342/dils82 ...
comelnyerrr...awak gi big walk eee... |
emm...wahai pakar2 sini..kalu tarte mini size tu ada kaler snow bunny,dolliface dgn apa aar?tgk kat beyondpretty tak jelas lerr..hehehe:tq: |
Originally posted by tembamgirl09 at 22-5-2006 06:59 AM
emm...wahai pakar2 sini..kalu tarte mini size tu ada kaler snow bunny,dolliface dgn apa aar?tgk kat beyondpretty tak jelas lerr..hehehe:tq:
mini size - tickled,snow bunny dan dolliface..tp kat BP takde kan yg mini size bam? |
kalau ditakdirkan chem dapat mini size tu, chem amik tickled,haz amik dolliface..
manakala yg snow funny :lol, terpaksa kot chem let go murah2..although harga mini around rm45 each,dpt let go rm20 pun alhamdulillah..sekurang2nya ada gak yg nak try snow funny :lol |
kalau takde rezeki nak dpt yg mini,terpaksa beli yg full size kat BP nampaknya ;) |
Originally posted by chemist_UTM at 22-5-2006 07:58 AM
mini size - tickled,snow bunny dan dolliface..tp kat BP takde kan yg mini size bam?
ha'ah..kat bp takde yg mini...cuma tgk gambar je...hehehehe
teringinnya nak pakai:love: |
Originally posted by tembamgirl09 at 22-5-2006 08:12 AM
ha'ah..kat bp takde yg mini...cuma tgk gambar je...hehehehe
teringinnya nak pakai:love:
tu laa pasal..:gila: |
Originally posted by snj at 21-5-2006 10:46 PM
ah ic, thank you hmm, how do we know what items have discounts etc ?
mostly ada discount
yg tak der discount: Dermalogica, Neostrata, Peter Thomas Roth, Reflexions, Skinceuticals (unless if the price RM 200++ for 1 item)
Even makeup biasa contohnya seperti Tarte ada discount :ting:
tetapi kena ingat .... Birthday Promotions nie untuk customer beyondpretty yang sudah pernah buat belian sebelum birthday monthnya :nerd:
[ Last edited by msd_brit at 22-5-2006 08:25 AM ] |
Originally posted by msd_brit at 22-5-2006 08:22 AM
Even makeup biasa contohnya seperti Tarte ada discount
weeii..korang apa lagi...tanya lah siapa yg birthay bulan ni...tumpang ler beli tarte :nerd:
sape yg birthday bulan ni,mengakulah :bgrin: |
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