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Author: manganini

JOO WON ❤ ¸¸.•*¨*• ♫

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Post time 12-2-2016 09:56 PM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 12-2-2016 07:51 PM
steal my heart..
aku rasa ini antara penampilan joo won yg paling hensem dlm banyak2 drama dan mo ...

yup setuju.. lg2 bila dia pakai t -shirst putih.. dah lah tinggi... dah mcm model dah..

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 Author| Post time 13-2-2016 12:07 AM | Show all posts
Edited by manganini at 13-2-2016 12:11 AM
masdiana-ana replied at 12-2-2016 09:54 PM
hahaha..adik aku kata masa first time tgk joo won berlakon dlm yong pal..dia tgk kt tv..dia komen  ...

aku suka muka dia yg tak berapa jambu.. sebab aku bukan peminat muka2 yg delicate dgn kulit putih melepak mcm kim soo hyun, song joong ki, lee jong suk..aku suka kulit joo won yg sedikit gelap dan fizikal dia yg tak terlalu kurus..

dan.. lesung pipit tu mahal aku rasa nak je cubit2

Joo won Guerilla date 2014

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 Author| Post time 13-2-2016 12:13 AM | Show all posts
Edited by manganini at 13-2-2016 12:15 AM
masdiana-ana replied at 12-2-2016 09:56 PM
yup setuju.. lg2 bila dia pakai t -shirst putih.. dah lah tinggi... dah mcm model dah. ...

aku berjaya cari balik komen aku kat cari forum masa tengok citer kim tak gu dulu..

begitu rupanya first impression aku pasal joo won..

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 Author| Post time 13-2-2016 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Edited by manganini at 13-2-2016 12:24 AM

Who do you desire as your partner?

Must be kind. From young, I already liked people who are kind. When I grew up, I realized that outward appearance is temporary, the most important is being kind and having good manners. A person who loves to laugh looks the most beautiful.
Are you the type who loves at first sight? Or the type who cultivates love over time? And what is the reason?
I am the type who once I am attracted, I will pay attention. However, if it is like this, it will grow cold over time.
And what makes Joo Won fall in love at first sight?
Beautiful smile.

aku ulangkaji balik interview lama dia..

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Post time 13-2-2016 12:42 AM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 13-2-2016 12:07 AM
aku suka muka dia yg tak berapa jambu.. sebab aku bukan peminat muka2 yg delicate dgn kulit putih  ...

aku terpikat kt lesung pipit dia..

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Post time 13-2-2016 12:46 AM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 13-2-2016 12:13 AM
aku berjaya cari balik komen aku kat cari forum masa tengok citer kim tak gu dulu..

tapikan aku baca semula komen2 youtube dan blog memang byk yg suka kt watak majun.. walaupun jahat.. ada juga yg menyampah sampai sekarang x leh tgk joo won berlakon gara2 majun dapat gilrls yg tak gu suka..aku rasa ada terbaca satu komen nie ,,,nanti aku cari semula..tuelah joo won debut drama dia pilih watak antoganis.lepas tue caras plk awek yg hero suka..

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Post time 13-2-2016 01:02 AM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 13-2-2016 01:10 AM

ok dah jumpa komen tue @manganini  

I’ve to admit I can be unreasonably petty-minded when watching drama. My disdain for characters who committed spiteful acts against my drama hero/heroine can easily be blown out of proportion. While watching Baker King Kim Tak Gu, I harboured a strong resentment against Ma Jun (Joo Won) due to the pain he inflicted upon innocent and trusting TG (Yoon Shi-Yoon) time and again. He was wilfully scornful and jealous of his half-brother, callously snatched away his first love, and caused him to be poisoned. Obviously, I must have liked YSY lots to have developed such a strong resentment against JW. I was also unimpressed that JW out-performed YSY. YSY probably made the wrong choice going down the flower boy path, while JW’s path to stardom has been comparatively smooth.

So I boycotted JW’s drama, with the only exception of Good Doctor. He was actually very likable in it and just when I thought my resentment against him was long overdue, Yong Pal started screening halfway through almighty oppa’s SWWTN and stole all the limelight away. Ouch! How dare he!! Instantly, the impetuous teenager in me switched into automatic defence mode and started to badmouth JW like the way Shi-Won always did so vehemently in defence of her Tony oppa in Reply 1997.

Forget about Yong Pal, forget about Gaksital too, but I just could not strike Cantabile Tomorrow off my drama-to-watch list. It is a remake of jdrama Nodame Cantabile which I enjoyed tremendously. My curiosity drove me to watch CT and it was fun to nitpick JW as he would have to be damn good to surpass Tamaki Hiroshi’s portrayal of Shinichi in NC.

For a start, Shim Eun-kyung does not fit my expectation of Nae-Il, a quirkily cute and gifted pianist in the making. Ueno Juri is truly kawaii, so she was able to bring out Nodame’s character quite naturally in NC. SEK is pretty no doubt, but she is not considered that cute. I find her quite pathetic at times, she did put in very good effort into the acting but tried way to hard just to appear pleasingly cute. Off-hand, I could not think of any k-actress which could do a better job here, perhaps someone like Audrey Tautou of Amelie would fit the bill. CT did a great job in filming aesthetics and background music with a good repertoire of orchestral pieces being depicted. Considering that NC sparked an unprecedented interest in classical music in Japan, I think CT did earnestly attempt to do likewise to introduce classical music to its viewers and is definitely a much better production than Beethoven Virus. Typical of KBS drama, it is more conservative, at least CT’s version of Maestro Milch appeared more decent than the comically sleazy NC version.

The no nonsense and serious Cha Yoo Jin required JW to carry a snooty look at times. Needless to say, he could deliver effortlessly as he already mastered that atrociously arrogant demeanour in BKKTG. To be fair, he did well in bringing out the mellow side of the character kept hidden under the disguise of…
komen2 seterusnya memang byk dia puji lakonan joo won dlm TC.. jadi sungguh watak majun sampai org benci menyampah nk tgk drama2 dia pas tue..itu buktikan dia perlakon yg bagus,..,tapi aku tgk kim tak gu tue susahlah nk benci watak majun.. pasal aku rasa dia tak jahat sangat cuma dia kekurangan kasih sayang.


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 Author| Post time 13-2-2016 01:18 AM | Show all posts
Edited by manganini at 13-2-2016 01:27 AM

@masdiana-ana ok aku tambah sikit timeline aku hari tu:

ojakgyo family  6 August 2011- 19 February 2012 (*first episode - last episode)
bridal mask  30 May 2012 - 6 September 2012
level 7 civil servant  23 January 2013 - 28 March 2013

video cantata coffee CF joo won & uee uploaded on 12 May 2012. maknanya filming dibuat selepas habis OB dan sebelum BM, atau mungkin masa tu dah start shooting BM (?)

A recent coffee advertisement, with the pair posing as a couple, has been receiving explosive attention.

UEE's agency, Pledis Entertainment stated, "The two have met for the first time in awhile as they have had busy schedules after 'Ojakgyo Brothers' and haven't been in contact... During the filming, a lot of people kept saying 'The two look really good together' and there was a lot of laughter while filming."

yg video diorang visit Sungkyunkwan Universiti tu pulak bertarikh 23 October 2012. maksudnya joo won dah habis drama BM.
around October - November 2012 masa Uee dapat tawaran berlakon drama Jeon Woo Chi, joo won cakap dlm 2d1n Uee ada contact dia..

yg joo won & uee kat baeksang awards tu pulak tarikhnye 9 May 2013.. joo won dah abis L7CS pun.. uee maybe dah start join Barefooted Friends (?) ..Barefooted Friends punya episod started from April 2013 - November 2013 (aku tak tau uee join setiap episod ke, aku tak tengok show ni)

mungkin betul kata kau, tahun 2012 diorang contact lagi.. maybe lost contact tahun 2013.. kot..

kenapa ko tanya? aku ni slow sikit menganalisis benda2 gini..


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 Author| Post time 13-2-2016 01:33 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 11-2-2016 12:40 AM
lupa nk tanya joo won dulu idol juga kan.. aku sebenarnya cofuse dia join grud frees tue sebelum d ...

oh ini jawapan nya..

Actor Joo Won Used to Be an Idol?

Well, not a K-Pop idol, but certainly an idol to little children.
On April 7, MBC’s “Section TV Entertainment News” revealed a photo of Joo Won when in he was in a co-ed television performance group called “Frees.” The group was formed by the network SBS as part of a children’s television program, “Viva! Frees,”  in the manner of Disney’s “The Mickey Mouse Club,” which brought to the limelight future world stars like Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. “Viva! Frees” premiered in 2006 but Joo Won left the show quickly after.
This little-known fact came to light when fellow Frees member Paul revealed during the news program that he was once part of the group and debuted along with Joo Won.
In the photo shown, Joo Won is wearing all white, matching with the other members, and smiling brightly for the camera.
Upon seeing the picture, netizens commented, “Joo Won looks exactly the same,” and “He was just as handsome then too.” ... used-to-be-an-idol/


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 Author| Post time 13-2-2016 01:50 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 13-2-2016 01:02 AM
ok dah jumpa komen tue @manganini  

masa TC tu memang ada tau artikel kat korea yg puji lakonan dia.. point dlm artikel tu - lakonan joo won berkesan so penonton dah boleh lupa lakonan japanese actor tu.. haaa camtu la lebey kurang lebey kurang..
tapi aku cari artikel tu dari hari tu lagi tak jumpa2
artikel tu dlm hangul dan tak di translate, just joo won's fans translate tajuk & point2 penting je.. isk
kalau aku jumpa aku paste sini..

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Post time 13-2-2016 05:07 PM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 13-2-2016 01:18 AM
@masdiana-ana ok aku tambah sikit timeline aku hari tu:

ojakgyo family  6 August 2011- 19 Februar ...

tak ada apa..saje jer nak tahu..mcm ko kata joo won rapat dgn semua cast yg berlakon dgn dia walaupun drama tue dah habis..tapi kes uee nie lain skit..oh uee dah ada drama baru thn nie hero tualah skit lee seo jin ... age-to-lee-seo-jin/ dia dah setuju pun nk berlakon drama nie..

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Post time 13-2-2016 05:15 PM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 13-2-2016 01:50 AM
masa TC tu memang ada tau artikel kat korea yg puji lakonan dia.. point dlm artikel tu - lakonan j ...

aku tak tgk pun drama yg versi japanase tue.. so tak bolehlah nk buat perbandingan sapa lg bagus tapi yg aku tahu rata2 yg tonton TC kebanyakkan puji lakonan joo won yg aku bacalah.. yg byk kutuk pun fans2 yg japanase version punya.. tapi diorg kutuk pun kt lakonan heroin shim eun kyung..lakonan dia terlalu mencuba untuk bawa watak nael..

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2016 04:27 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 13-2-2016 05:15 PM
aku tak tgk pun drama yg versi japanase tue.. so tak bolehlah nk buat perbandingan sapa lg bagus t ...

bagi aku dua2 dgn style masing2, so dua2 ada kelebihan masing2.. TC bukan tak best, cuma skrip dia lari dari manga yg asal, so tak heran kalau peminat anime/manga/LA kecewa tengok jalan cerita dan watak berubah.. pastu plot dia ringan je, pasal student2 muzik dan personal growth diorang, takde part2 yg suspen yg buat penonton teruja sangat.. aku rasa lakonan heroin tu annoying masa episode awal2.. tapi lepas episode 3-4 baru la dia into the character... sayang betul lah, lakonan dia dlm movie best je.. stress agaknya..

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2016 04:28 AM | Show all posts
Edited by manganini at 16-2-2016 05:18 AM
masdiana-ana replied at 13-2-2016 05:07 PM
tak ada apa..saje jer nak tahu..mcm ko kata joo won rapat dgn semua cast yg berlakon dgn dia walau ...

ntah la.. mungkin jugak tak de pape, just masing2 sibuk kot ..dgn yoon shi yoon pun dia tak contact dah kan sebab masing2 busy katanya.. dgn fashion king punya casts pun mcm tak rapat sangat kot? kalau tak silap aku la.. betulkan kalau salah..
aku jarang tengok drama uee sebab dia selalu dapat hero yg bukan taste aku drama dia yg aku tengok OB dgn you're beautiful je .. dulu aku suka uee lepas tengok dia dlm wgm season 1 (tengok sikit2 je).. masa tengok tu first impression aku ialah dia seorang yg baik hati..


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 Author| Post time 16-2-2016 05:06 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 12-2-2016 06:14 PM
review filem joo won part 2

perasaan aku masa tengok filem fashion king ni sama mcm perasaan aku masa tengok web drama the prince's prince (yg ni aku tengok sebab drama ni pun Sim yg produce).. dua2 dari webtoon dan dua2 ceritanya tak masuk dek akal ---> student pegi skolah pakai uniform pelik2, boleh terbang la ape semua.. aku pikir kalau nak appreciate genre begini, kena bayangkan yg ko tengah tengok anime..  baru boleh hadam..

memang pun masa filem ni di tayang dulu lakonan Joo Won & Kim Sung Oh dapat pujian kat korea (oleh film critics kalau tak silap, nak cari balik komen tu kat soompi ofkos tak jumpa dah).. manakala lakonan Ahn Jae Hyun & Sulli pulak dikatakan masih below the standard.. tapi aku pun setuju ngan ko, bagi aku lakonan sulli okey je dlm filem ni, cuma lakonan ahn jae hyun yg masih kekurangan.. lakonan park se young pun tak menarik bagi aku.. dan yup sulli cantik walaupun wataknya dah dihodohkan

betulla tu.. yg depan tu yg jadi bodyguard yong pal.. nama dia min jin woong, kawan joo won sama agency Sim..


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 Author| Post time 16-2-2016 05:16 AM | Show all posts
Edited by manganini at 16-2-2016 05:27 AM

hari ni aku nak tulis pasal bestfriend Joo won, Lee Se Wook.. pasal dia ni tak famous, maka aku terpaksa rajinkan diri sendiri research pasal dia..

Joo Won & Lee Se Wook

dia ni kawan Joo Won dari highschool..  sebaya dgn Joo won, 1987er.. peminat tegar Joo Won sure pernah nampak dia ni jadi guest Joo Won dalam 2D1N dan jugak Life Log.. so memang obvious lah kan keakraban diorang.. aku tak tau dia ni bawah agency mana, tapi aku tengok dia join je geng2 Sim Entertainment yg lain melepak & keluar jalan sama2.. dulu dia ada instagram, tapi aku check semalam dah takde dah, ntah kenapa ntah.. aku pun dah lama tak skodeng dia .. btw ni akaun twitter dia

*pic credit to owner

Joo won & Se wook in 2D1N (atas) & Life Log (bawah)

aku suka sangat tengok friendship joo won & se wook.. mcm sweet jer personality diorang nampak sama.. dua2 nampak jenis yg simple, guys next door type yg tak buat masalah.. dipendekkan cerita mcm tenang2 aja dua org ni..

se wook ni pelakon jugak, tapi cuma pernah berlakon watak2 kecik je dlm drama, movie dan jugak MV.. antara movie/drama lakonan dia ialah Fashion King, Witch's Love & Reply 1994..

ni pulak profil & filmografi dia tapi dlm hangul lah.. pandai2 ye translate sendiri..

ntah kenapa aku stalk dia aku pun tak tau..
all the best to Se wook-ssi!! semoga maju jaya di masa akan datang

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2016 06:02 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 16-2-2016 06:04 AM | Show all posts

Joo Won & Kim Young Kwang for Men's Lab by GGIO2.

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Post time 16-2-2016 12:43 PM | Show all posts
bila joo won nk berlakon drama baru.. tak casting apa2.. penantian itu satu penyeksaan..

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Post time 16-2-2016 12:48 PM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 16-2-2016 04:28 AM
ntah la.. mungkin jugak tak de pape, just masing2 sibuk kot  ..dgn yoon shi yoon pun dia tak con ...

drama uee thn lepas hogu love best.. tapi high society tak best.. byk drama dia aku tak layan sangat..tapi cuma perasan uee tak comel mcm dulu..kurus sangat sekarang nie tak mcm zaman dia clubby dulu2...comel jer muka dia tue yg unik.senang nk cam.. idol2 lain muka lebih kurang sama jer..

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