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Author: eddlisa_uyuk


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Post time 8-9-2015 08:36 PM | Show all posts
Edited by eazy at 8-9-2015 12:39 PM

Salam The Spice.
It took me so long untuk continue menulis dan menulis di sini. Disamping busy yang teramat dengan kerja, I macam dah hilang 'rasa' apa yang nak ditulis kat sini. I melawat, I baca, I senyum tapi I pointless nak tulis apa. Padahal ada banyak gila benda yang boleh je nak tulis especially pasal travelling beruang. Tengok gambar gambar shooting diorg kat IG. Tapi tu la 'rasa' tu dah slowly fade out. Tak sangka jugak la secepat ni I boleh move on. hahahahaha

I give myself some space untuk drama drama lain yang ganti slot Akasia untuk replace 'keterujaan' I menonton drama melayu. None of it nailed it secermelang Teman Lelaki Upahan. Drama-drama ganti sikit pun tak boleh ganti TLU di hati. Apatah lagi nak buat I rasa 'rindu' untuk menonton. Rasa 'risau' kalau terlepas tonton walaupun seminit. Rasa 'sayang' untuk biarkan drama ni tamat. I dapat semua ni dengan TLU, infact lebih dari itu and bila tgk 'Mencintaimu' tadi made me reallized I missed TLU damn bloody much (sbb ost dia hujan sepi)!

Kenapa la cerita sekarang takde kualiti setanding TLU. Acting wise. Editing wise. The impact of each ost. Ploting and directing wise. And right now Im watching TLU again for the million times. Im still laugh at the same jokes between El & Adam. Im still crying at the same scenes between Kyra n mommy. And here I am menulis another karangan yang dah lama gila tak buat. Rindu gila tulis karangan.  Kiranya ni nak asah bakat balik menulis karangan dekat The Spice.

Rindu zaman rollercoaster kita. Zaman I skip my lunch break just to spent time here. Eh tak masa buat kerja pun I rather be here. Because this is our hiding place. The place where our souls met.

"Apa benda kita buat pun kita olok-olok" . Tapi apa yang pasti yang I tak pernah olok-olok, I miss our 'togetherness' , I miss spent my day and night here, I miss my The Spice family, I miss them (cast), I miss everythingggggggggg related to TLU. Itu pasti. Tak pernah olok-olok.

Muahx The Spice.

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Post time 9-9-2015 12:41 PM | Show all posts
eazy replied at 8-9-2015 08:36 PM
Salam The Spice.
It took me so long untuk continue menulis dan menulis di sini. Disamping busy yang ...


same goes here la...
i still visit the spice...walopon kadang nye tade sape pon meninggal kan kesan melawat...
termasok ai sndiri...
tp tetap gigih...evryday kot!
and at other point, i nk check whether my opis ni blok ke x "hiding place" kita ni...
coz knowing my opis, they will blok all those site yg berkisar kepada sosial ntwking...entertainment etc.
so rase lega bile still bole surf...dan usya the spice...

and i miss all your writing...our spekuan...our
the same feeling when watching TLU...
even i can tgk drama yg skrg ni...but the feeling is not the same kan..?
and yes...the hujan sepi dlm mencintai mu tu...alahaaii...
throwback sesungguhnye pon..!

tp utk diri is still bole layan la some drama yg di tayang kan...(just nk bgtau i da move on kot..ahahaha)
neway, chill ya!

masih juga nk "emo" kan perasaan bile menonton dan terdengar kan OST TLU...

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Post time 9-9-2015 04:18 PM | Show all posts
iematulrizal replied at 9-9-2015 04:41 AM

same goes here la...

kannnnnnnn...rindu uuuuuuuuu...rindu semua..........i miss us here.....ingat lagi page kemain laju berdesup masa ABP tu pasal diorg berdua...hahahahha

pastu tak lama pas kua cerita ejad dah nikah semua mcm kena landa tsunami...huhuhu
kenapa restoran The Spice tak serancak dulu? I rundu sangat sangat nak tgk chef adam...
When can we watch him on screen again....huwaaaaa....pakailah minyak angin cap kapak....

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Post time 10-9-2015 12:30 PM | Show all posts
eazy replied at 9-9-2015 04:18 PM
kannnnnnnn...rindu uuuuuuuuu...rindu semua..........i miss us here.....ingat lagi page kemain laju ...

Rindu adam kan?

nak throwback no 89
dari episod 24

scene adam bebelbebelbebelbebel potpetpotpet bebebbebellllbebelpotpetbebelbebelpotbebelpetbebel

Scene Adam bebel bila tau Kyra dumped EL.

Kat Dapur kiter (The Spice) .

Adam tengah bebel bebel sambil berulang alik tengah dapur. EL plak dok diam jer dengar Adam bebel. Muka sedih bermuram durja Mr EL.

Adam: Masalah dia sekarang... dia ingat dia saper? HAH? Ingat dia anak orang kaya, dia boleh beli semua orang ke? ingat dia saper? Ingat dia boleh guna duit tu untuk arah orang sesuka hati macam tu? Phuiii!

(Adam nampak ada orang dok skodeng dia bebel)
Adam: Kau jangan cuba-cuba nak dengan cerita orang. Buat kerja kau!

(tumpukan balik perhatian kat EL)

Adam: Dia masalah dia ni... yang masa kau balik kuching tu dia dah okay dah. Dah takder masalah. Dia dah cool down sikit. dah nampak dia punya baik... boleh dengar cakap orang. Tapi PAP! lepas tu! Datang balik giler dia. HIPOKRIT! Nak... (tak jadi sambung) Faham tak dia ni macam mana? Yang masa malam tu, ingat? Yang masa kau plan nak propose dia masa tu. Okay... tak der masalah. Tapi tengok lepas tu macam mana? Aku memang tak pahamlah dia ni! Sekarang, kau balik rumah dulu... kau tenangkan fikiran kau. Kat sini biar aku settle kan.

EL: aku nak balik Kuching ar.

Adam: Ha, ok. Kau jumpa umi kau. Kau tenangkan hatikau. Itu lagi bagus. Jom aku hantar gi airport.

Adam: (to am) AM kau cuci ni. settle kan.


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Post time 10-9-2015 12:51 PM | Show all posts
xfilesfan replied at 10-9-2015 04:30 AM
Rindu adam kan?

nak throwback no 89

Terkejut kita masa chef Adam marah sampai Phuiiii....hahahah...sebab selalu dia funny2 blur tender je kn...and dia marah perkerja semua pn cam real between ckp ngan el sound staff dia...sangat sangat real..

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Post time 10-9-2015 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Hari ni baru nampak The Spice timbul setelah lama tenggelam ke lautan mana pun tak tau....and bila I dah bersemangat nak masuk balik sunyi tak berpengunjung pulak rumah ni...where are thou my lovely Spician? hehehe

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Post time 10-9-2015 05:00 PM | Show all posts
Siapa penaung kelab fc ejad yang tipu duit tuuuuuuuuuuuu? Ada sesiapa tau?

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Post time 10-9-2015 05:43 PM | Show all posts
eazy replied at 10-9-2015 05:00 PM
Siapa penaung kelab fc ejad yang tipu duit tuuuuuuuuuuuu? Ada sesiapa tau?

Hey easy how are U? miss ur karangan so much and semua warga the spice yg lain... hahaha . Motif arini masuk menjengah the spice & nampak u gerakkan sikit rumah ni lalala..Rasanya kite tau sape,tp xpela dorang da slowly setelkan pun..manusia mmg xkan lari dr kesilapan ambil la tu sbg pengajaran kan..kononnya saja je nk jengah the spice tp arini nmpk u, jd mmg xley tahan diri dari menaip jugak haha..mana warga the spice yg lain da move on ke? Setakat ni xde drama yg blh tanding TLU lagi, masa bulan puasa tu la layan Syurga Nur jap & minat Janna jugak,blh digilap tp setakat ni tgk drama lain blm sampai lg tahap TLU..What can I say TLU kualitinya lain macam kot..and kite sebenarnya rindu jugak nk berkarangan dgn arwah Fariha dr teamagumon tuh kalo arwah update & kite komen pasti akn berkajang2 kat IG arwah..dulu arwah la yg rajin edit pasal soulmate ni, skrg dorang da slowdown sikit..kite pun sebenarnya terkesan jugak dgn pemergian arwah walau kenal sekejap but meaningfull.. Al Fatihah utk Muslifariha bt Tapadal.. Semoga warga the spice yg lain2 berada dalam keadaan yg baik2 sahaja ye

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Post time 10-9-2015 06:22 PM | Show all posts
tehtarik_g replied at 10-9-2015 09:43 AM
Hey easy how are U? miss ur karangan so much and semua warga the spice yg lain... hahaha . Motif ...

Betul ke dia bernama E? Sekarang beralih ke fc lain plak which u mentioned nama dia...kekekeke....i just nak tanya memang dia bersalah or salah paham?...

btw teh tarik kita semua miss each other it just tak tau nak borak ape la kot....I pun suka Janna Nick, I can see the potetial in her...
tapi still tak boleh lawan ejad la..terkejut tiba2 ternampak nama ejad kat BG...and it was related to her FC..tu yang saja nak tanya...

Kesimpulan nak bagi kat ejad, tak payah berfc bagai pun org boleh tgk bakat dia...kadang-kadang nak gelak bila artis sekarang byk prob related to their fc...kesian pun ya...

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Post time 11-9-2015 09:58 AM | Show all posts
eazy replied at 9-9-2015 04:18 PM
kannnnnnnn...rindu uuuuuuuuu...rindu semua..........i miss us here.....ingat lagi page kemain laju ... is pening skrg...

"bila rasa sakit kepala...
serba tak kena jadi nya...
terlihat dia di mana2...
guna kan minyak angin cap kapakkk!"

scene paling ai suke...EL-Adam...
sume pon real! veri veri real...


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Post time 11-9-2015 09:59 AM | Show all posts
xfilesfan replied at 10-9-2015 12:30 PM
Rindu adam kan?

nak throwback no 89

walopon singkat scene ni..!!
mendalam sgt...

bff sebenar..!

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Post time 11-9-2015 04:31 PM | Show all posts
bungaros replied at 1-9-2015 10:17 AM
tv3 tengah re-run VC. mesti diknyam tak peluang lepas peluang kan

ironinya kaka, iols tak folo sangat.

sbb tehtiba takde semangat nak polo.


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Post time 11-9-2015 07:18 PM | Show all posts
ubatnyamuk replied at 11-9-2015 08:31 AM
ironinya kaka, iols tak folo sangat.

heyyyyyyyyyyyy nyamuk...mana hilang..........sombong naw naw twit pn xreply

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Post time 12-9-2015 09:34 PM | Show all posts
eazy replied at 11-9-2015 07:18 PM
heyyyyyyyyyyyy nyamuk...mana hilang..........sombong naw naw twit pn xreply

Ada ek twit?

iols dah lama tak bukak tuiter. kekekeke.

sat nak zassssss

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Post time 14-9-2015 11:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iematulrizal replied at 11-9-2015 09:59 AM
walopon singkat scene ni..!!
mendalam sgt...

Throwback number 90
Dari episod 24

Scene EL di Kuching lepas kena lempang dgn Umi.

EL enters bilik sofia.

Sofia: betul ke abg ngah nak kawin?
EL: (jambul dah roboh) You have time?
Sofia sits up in her bed. EL duduk di wheelchair. Tangan menongkat pipi.

Sofia: are you okay?
EL: first time in my life, umi sepak (tampar) abg ngah
Sofia: Sofia dengar.
EL: it's just too much for me (his voice breaks)
Sofia: abg ngah... sofia tahu yg abg ngah stress. Sofia pun stress jugak. Bila sofia dah sedar, papa dah takder, abg long pon dah takder. Sofia dah mcm ni... Tapi nilah ujian kita, kan?
(EL diam. Pejam mata)

Sofia: sofia tahu sofia susahkan abg ngah.
EL: No. (Geleng kepala)
Sofia: I'm sorry.
EL: No. You don't have to be sorry. Takder benda. We will go through this together, right? Zara. I'm so proud of you. Look at you. You will survive. Kan? So proud. Jgn jadi mcm abg ngah. Hidup tapi mati sebenarnya.

Sofia: Abg ngah...
EL: hmm?
Sofia: i love u.
EL: i love u too.
Sofia: tapi sofia kena tanya, kenapa abg ngah sanggup kahwin senyap senyap? I know you. Abg ngah takkan pernah nak buat mcm tu.

Muka EL dah basah dgn air mata.

EL: Well, mulanya kompleks. Tajuk awalnya teman lelaki upahan. Kalau nak cerita penat. Jauh sangat. But the main thing is i really love her now. (Flash back of his memories with Kyra. THE incident di the spice, cherating, insist beli dress kuning makcik)

EL: we're so cool, we're so close. You know... somebody yg kita boleh text pagi pagi, somebody yg kita boleh call tengah malam. Somebody yg boleh kita spend time, although it was fake. And then i found out that everything was just a game. She played me. Played me well. And I lost her. I lost everything. I lost babah. I lost abg long. And now. Tonight I lost umi. I almost lost you.

Sofia: Abg ngah... you will never lose me. OR Umi. Abg ngah kena sabar sikit ilah.

EL: always my life. Tidurlah. I'm just gonna be here for a while. Okay?

Sofia goes to sleep
Terdengar EL sobs

--sad scene--


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Post time 15-9-2015 11:02 AM | Show all posts
xfilesfan replied at 14-9-2015 11:11 PM
Throwback number 90
Dari episod 24

   rase nak tgk balik scene ni especially masa EL flash back el-kyra moments

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Post time 15-9-2015 12:22 PM | Show all posts
xfilesfan replied at 14-9-2015 11:11 PM
Throwback number 90
Dari episod 24


dan dan plak tgh lagu sempurna waktu ni hah!
halah halah....
mmg mengimbau sungguh la...!

bile nk merempit TLU ni...!
aiyooo..kang x move on sungguh klu da terjebak...

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Post time 15-9-2015 12:29 PM | Show all posts
solaris80 replied at 15-9-2015 11:02 AM
rase nak tgk balik scene ni especially masa EL flash back el-kyra moments

kan kan kann...?

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Post time 15-9-2015 01:57 PM | Show all posts

dah selamat tgk iols rase mcm lg feel plak tgk skang ni.. hahahha maybe sbb dha lame tak layan sekali layan terlebih2 plak feel nye.

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Post time 15-9-2015 05:05 PM | Show all posts
solaris80 replied at 15-9-2015 01:57 PM
dah selamat tgk iols rase mcm lg feel plak tgk skang ni.. hahahha maybe sbb dha lame tak layan sek ...


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