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[GAME] Bersembang Tentang Nombor V2
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Bekas pengurus didakwa 26 pertuduhan menipu babit RM6.2 juta |
RAMALLAH - Pasukan Pertahanan Israel (IDF) melancarkan operasi berskala besar di Tebing Barat selama dua hari berturut-turut bermula Rabu ketika perang genosid di Genting Gaza sudah berlarutan selama hampir 11 bulan dan tiada tanda akan reda dalam masa terdekat. |
KUALA LUMPUR - Seorang lelaki berbangsa India nekad untuk memeluk Islam selepas terselamat daripada insiden tanah jerlus di Jalan Masjid India, di sini 23 Ogos lalu. |
Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Razarudin Husain mengesahkan laluan sepanjang 1.4 meter di Jalan Masjid India ke Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur telah ditutup susulan mendapan tanah dikesan berlaku di kawasan berkenaan.
Menurut beliau, arahan tersebut sudah dikeluarkan kepada Ketua Polis Daerah Dang Wangi dan ketua polis negeri. |
Since 1945, all British tanks have included equipment to make tea. |
The world’s shortest war, the Anglo-Zambian War, lasted less than 45 minutes. It was fought between the United Kingdom and the Zanzibar Sultanate in 1896 and was won by the British. |
Incans, who ruled in South America from the 13th century to 1572, were able to perform successful skull surgeries. |
Over 100 Incan skulls have been discovered with holes drilled into them, and archaeologists estimate the survival rate for this surgery was around 80% |
Humans have more than five senses. In fact, we have nearly 20, including pain, hunger, thirst, and balance. |
KUALA LUMPUR: Berjaya Corporation Bhd (BJCorp) kembali meraih keuntungan bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 30 Jun 2024 dengan keuntungan bersih berjumlah RM446.18 juta berbanding kerugian bersih RM110.26 juta setahun lalu. |
Pada jam 6 petang, ringgit melonjak kepada 4.3080/3140 berbanding dolar AS, daripada 4.3425/3460 ketika ditutup semalam. |
Malaysia ada 14buah negeri |
Genting Malaysia Bhd saw its net profit jump 74.5% for the second quarter, driven by its leisure and hospitality business. |
Hong Leong Bank Bhd, Malaysia’s fifth-largest bank by assets, saw its net profit rise nearly 20% in the fourth quarter thanks to higher operating income and provisions writeback. |
The High Court of Singapore has dismissed an application by BSI Bank Ltd to strike out the US$394 million (RM1.71 billion) claim brought against the bank by 1Malaysia Development Bhd and its subsidiary Brazen Sky Ltd. |
India’s Eros Investments Ltd, along with its Immerso AI-IP division, is set to invest US$1 billion (RM4.33 billion) to establish an artificial intelligence park and film studio in Malaysia. |
Malaysia Aviation Group Bhd said the reduction in its network, following multiple disruptions to its services that took place in recent weeks, involves 20% of its capacity. |
Guardiola bagi bonus RM56,800 kepada kakitangan Manchester City. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara