"Habislah Lofa", Sampai Dr.Amalina Pun Tegur 'Over Claim' Susu Pisangn
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guesswho09 replied at 7-12-2019 03:05 PM
dia tu yg typical melayu mentality
hanya kerana dia pernah interview org tu
dia expect org tu ke ...
Dia dpt interview org tu pun atas kapasiti dia sebagai host yg dibayar stesen TV.
Mcm ni la bila pemikiran x profesional kih3 |
tak paham.kenapa.nelopa nak cakap.melayu jatuhkan melayu...aku tgk kes ni dia.la yg jatuhkan melayu sebab keluarkan product tak sihat.mcm tu...dr amalina tu tgh membantu bukan sahaja melayu tetapi semua org supaya sedar yg minuman tu tak mcm.dlm.packaging tu.
takkan neelopa tak.paham.mende tu..hanya sbb dia kaya raya..tak boleh d tegur.m |
mislead dari segi apa, boleh bawak bertenang dan jelaskan sikit?
Penjilat dia Kat nilofa hq tu memang btoi2 penjilat tegar...percaya bulat2 jahpisang cakap..iols kesian kat marketing team dia tetiba disalahkan..sebelum launch ape2 bukan dia kene check dulu ker..approve ape yg patut..sedeh oiii dpt founder mcm ni... |
kembangbunga replied at 7-12-2019 04:32 PM
Dating dgn ank owner glomac. Myb sbb tu kena behave. Kalo x melepas jerung besar.
Dulu dh melepas anak duta |
ekmal_sorrow replied at 7-12-2019 04:24 PM
Owh great, another fanboys Dr Amalina Bakri.....
why there is some people still consult, give thi ...
Apanya yng kot melayakkan title slut kt Dr Amalina?
Dan apanya yang Dr Amalina cakap tak betul esp medical facts? |
yes dh merata benua pi siap naik emirates 1st class...ko ado??so melayu sila shut up & togak susu jahpise 4 kontena now!!

tak tau nak pusing kot mana dah nak defend
geng lobenak dok salahkan
netizen pulak kunun dok laga2kan
dr amelina dgn jahlop depa |
Yg penting outsourcing 3rd party disalahkan buat advert & marketing.. walao pun... |
MsCinderella replied at 7-12-2019 02:06 PM
ni lofa dgn promo khasiat tu ker?
ohmai.. ni mmg bukti terang lagi bsuluh yg lopak tau pasal poster overclaim tu.. dpn mata sheolsnkot masa meeting!
mmg lopak jelas terang lg bsuluh sheols nak lepas tgn blame org lain.. |
noell replied at 7-12-2019 09:28 PM
yes dh merata benua pi siap naik emirates 1st class...ko ado??so melayu sila shut up & togak susu ...
Pak aku org biasa2 je pn naik emirates g umrah.huhu adakah satu kebanggaan??? |
ekmal_sorrow replied at 7-12-2019 09:24 AM
Owh great, another fanboys Dr Amalina Bakri.....
why there is some people still consult, give thi ...
Chuols rileks sikit boleh? Mcm melampau sgt bahasa chuols. Chuols fan jahpise ko??? |
Sepatutnya jah buat air utk bagi pemenat dia cerdik dan waras sket. Jah dan keluarga lagi la kena minum setiap 1jam.. |
Tudungpink replied at 7-12-2019 08:41 PM
Penjilat dia Kat nilofa hq tu memang btoi2 penjilat tegar...percaya bulat2 jahpisang cakap..iols kes ...
Dia xyah sign atau approve apa2 document kot.. serah je bulat2 kat marketing team yg dia hire tu.. nk membohong pun cerdik la sket Lopa oii.. dh terang2 ko ada dlm meeting tu & atas meja dpn ko tu ada brochure khasiat susu pise tu.. zmn medsoc ni mmg xleh nk tipu netizen.. |
ternyata kombinasi paki + serambi memang terbukti suka putar belit dan tuding jari...tiada beza dengan yang satu lagi bila kita jumpa ular dengan dia kita ketuk dia dulu...so yang ni pon sama kita ketuk dia dulu ...makin terserlah true colors nya  |
orkedkecik replied at 7-12-2019 04:22 PM
chuols baru keluar dari gua ke?punya la banyak produk yang Dr Amalina ni tegur,nak jadi penjilat t ...
Iols tak mcm u yg byk mase nak bace insta, twit dan apa segala mcm medsos org lain sbb iols pun tak amik tau. Iols pun tak mcm u, suke melabel org sbg penjilat tegar. Bace pun tak habes so nampak sgt u tak tau depan dan blakang. Iols ikut insta pun bebenda superficial utk isi mase lapang yg takde kaitan dgn akademik.
Yang merah itu saga,
yang kurik itu kundi;
yang indah itu bahasa,
yang baik itu budi.
Ms Amalina tu dolu2 ada kontroversi. When she first got her many As, the question was if the As were justified since there were overlapping subjects i.e. taking Science when she has already taken the science stream subjects in depth. However, kudos to her for obtaining those results by studying some of the subjects on her own. But bear in mind, the barrier of taking as many subjects were open during that time period onwards because it was to give the candidates from day schools a leg up compared to boarding/residential schools with limited subjects to take and also to give leeway as to what kids wanted to learn.
There was also that issue about the previous government exploiting her and bringing her around like their poster girl with her top SPM results. This was a bad move as it catapulted her as a public figure in Malaysia and every move she made from then on was monitored. From the time she took her hijab off which she received a lot of backlash to this instance when she tweets publicly. Was this tweet meant to gain publicity, to shame or to help sincerely? If to help sincerely, highlight all, not just one or privately message or give a general statement. Given her current status, her public comments will be taken seriously. Iols totally applaud her for her efforts in helping the baby and would totally support all her future efforts of similar value. It gives her opportunity to see more cases in surgery and would definitely help her in her professional surgical career, as well as help the community directly. And because she has so many followers, and the malaysian community is outwardly caring, we can achieve more and not limit to just that one baby. However, in this instance, iols have difficulty supporting bcos it appears more like personal public shaming rather than 'teguran'. Maybe she never meant for it to be that way, but the netizens are moving towards k-netizen type of people. What she does is trigger cyberbullying and divide the community between her followers and cikpah's followers. This is what iols see. And iols would never condone any form of bullying taking into account the case of Sulli. Maybe uols rase it's acceptable bcos sume kat sini keyboard warriors yg berselindung di sebalik nama samaran. Iols pun brani tak ingat tulis pepjg ni sbb iols yakin uols pun tak kenal iols.
Iols tak penah kata menjual barang atas nama kesihatan tanpa bukti adalah betul. Iols dah kata sblm ni, iols #teamcikpah sbb dia cantek dan ini superficial me yg bercakap. So what if iols ada superficial side. At least iols honest about it. Kalau dua2 cantek dan berhijab, the academic me akan kata kat cikpah personally, jgn jual produk kesihatan kalau takde bukti. Kalau nak sgt jual produk, pastikan ada maklumat sahih. Tapi kalau jualan ni dah diamanahkan kpd org lain dan dia sekadar maskot utk promote, dia kena blaja utk tgk background sblm promosi. Learn from the mistakes of all the other people who have endorsed many products. Iols tahu life can be hard and she may feel that she has no choice but there is always a choice to do the right thing.
Since u rase iols dari gua, iols rase baik nenek pun balik masuk gua bertapa. Lebih baik dekatkan diri kpd tuhan drp berinteraksi dgn org2 yg dah hilang kehemahan kat sini. Kang terikut skali hilang kehemahan.
#stoptaggingme sbb iols masuk utk tambah tacang je. Skang bod yg iols hang out dah aktif dgn topik yg iols minat. Segala replies to my previous comments from now on takkan dilayan. Iols nak naik level jerr..
Baidewei, iols tak rase uols bace sampai habes.. knowing uols.. iols pun dah tak minat nak folo benang ni. Tak juicy mcm benang missy kena bunuh aritu. Sekadar nak ngutuk sana sini, iols rase uols yg ngutuk tak berhemah also maybe kepam berkerak. Iols takkan kata rupe mcm kodok, sbb kodok pun makhluk tuhan. So kodok is better-looking than those with ugly hearts. Try to be pretty on the outside and inside, please. #donemodesetajahjahatdramamelayu |
Perghhh.. Buah hati dah masuk back up..
Bitter lg rupanya..
Siap ngadu letewww |
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Piramida replied at 7-12-2019 08:02 AM
Situasi A: Kenapa tak serang Dutch Lady
Situasi B: Kenapa tak retweet Pamoga....
Deyols tak faham isu sebenar lagi...... pusing2 play victim......
Sekurang2nyer kita tahu susu perisa banana nelofa tu tak seperti yang di claim dlm advertisement
Bagi golongan yang masih nak percaya dan support susu perisa banana nelofa...... iols salute juger tahap indenial dan betapa taat nyer deyols pada nelofa haahahaa
Wujud yer manusia yang taksub dan taat pada retis sampai cenggituh |
Nak jugak highlight Dato Chairman  |
Cekla replied at 8-12-2019 02:55 PM
Perghhh.. Buah hati dah masuk back up..
Bitter lg rupanya..
Siap ngadu letewww
Merpati dua sejoli ni memang tak preach apa diaorang campaign ke
Terang terang tok insinuate/menyindir atau kata kasar menambah pekong konon"when u have great product many will try to take awaythe success by finding the negative"tok ckp dia experience many times???.......apo tokkk kau jual poduk dgn false claim ke.....tak caya tengok berbondong karatss akan komen kat ig dia pasal ni......Itu yng dia up nyindir kata2 mcm ni so pprt President takle ke act reserve!
Masalah nya jah ni penipu pasal content susu dia klau tak takan kkm suh tukar pakaging padahal the claim is in a bigger picture |
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