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Post time 2-5-2021 07:55 PM
From the mobile phone
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Nana_Man replied at 2-5-2021 04:14 PM
Mgkn kenal dr love pun tak lama sgt. Tak mcm the sisters. Kenal dah lama.
Kalau abg razz ngan ...
Hahahaha fishy nya couple nih |
Edited by Nana_Man at 2-5-2021 08:21 PM
Na_Ni replied at 2-5-2021 07:10 PM
Yg benarnya umrah ni ni sunat, haji yg wajib. Yg betulnya, buat haji, kawen baru umrah in that m ...
I saw ur non-edited post... so kt msia bole lah yg kaya raya gi haji mcm gi holiday tiap tahun? Assuming quota dari arab saudi for malaysian for tat year is 10000 jemaah. If 1000 kaya raya mampu bayar that 50k untk pegi tat year, does it mean there are ppl yg in queue under Tabung Haji will be deprived of the place to perform haj for that year? Coz yg bnyk duit dah potong jalan?? Like instead of 10k in the queue bole pegi this year. But with 1k org kaya dah take over the places, cuma 9k ppl in the queue can go for that year?
Or memang ada slots yg reserved for those bnyk duit? |
Edited by Na_Ni at 2-5-2021 08:22 PM
Nana_Man replied at 2-5-2021 08:01 PM
I saw ur non-edited post... so kt msia bole lah yg kaya raya gi haji mcm gi holiday tiap tahun? As ...
Dulu yes, now dah tak boleh, skali je boleh. But that expensive package yg subsidize the muasasah, sbb the real costs is much higher for muasasah. Klu tak muasasah lagi mahal. Klu u tak buat package mcm tu, muasasah pon byk tak mampu. But package tu pon limited lah, bukan free flow. Brapa kerat je yg ada. Tp usually that quota senang dpt. U need that “rich quota” to conpensate the muasasah. N kaya2 u pon tak ada lah tiap2 tahun nak gi haji, selalu max org gi haji 2-3 kali je, kaya2 pon. Package mahal pon performing haj itself is challenging, so kaya pon takkan u nak gi tiap tahun. How do u think neelofa la siti la boleh pergi byk kali u rasa? |
Na_Ni replied at 2-5-2021 08:19 PM
Dulu yes, now dah tak boleh, skali je boleh. But that expensive package yg subsidize the muasasah, ...
Okok... get it... part subsidise tu.. kira dorang sambil gi haji and indirectly buat amal jgk... hehe.
Nana_Man replied at 2-5-2021 08:25 PM
Okok... get it... part subsidise tu.. kira dorang sambil gi haji and indirectly buat amal jgk... h ...
Yup so u tak rasa bersalah dpt gi cepat bcos u r helping the poor to perform the haj also n u pon dr buat bukan2 guna duit utk tujuaan baik gitu. |
bedahmenjuyah replied at 2-5-2021 07:53 PM
Mcm fattzura ke. Balik je depa nikah
Fazura tu dgn tmj dulu pon pernah gak gi umrah. Bukan ngan fattah je...tp yg ngan fattah tu i rasa mmg dia plan balik nikah la... |
Nana_Man replied at 2-5-2021 04:14 PM
Mgkn kenal dr love pun tak lama sgt. Tak mcm the sisters. Kenal dah lama.
Kalau abg razz ngan ...
I do agree jihah ngan abg razz mcm sekufu, age is one thing tp both are skewed towards politics. Same passion. Tk dpt najuwa dpt nurjihah pon okay. |
Eh kenapa pishball punya jubah nmpak perut??? Jubah inspired by bucci eh? |
Na_Ni replied at 2-5-2021 08:44 PM
I do agree jihah ngan abg razz mcm sekufu, age is one thing tp both are skewed towards politics. S ...
Tak beriparkn najihaa tapi berbinikan nurjihah pun ok...
biar lah medjoul dgn ajwa nya. |
Na_Ni replied at 2-5-2021 08:29 PM
Yup so u tak rasa bersalah dpt gi cepat bcos u r helping the poor to perform the haj also n u pon ...
Ok thanks for the info. Btw izit true yg msia will also “take” quota fr neighbouring countries kalau those countries ada unused quota? |

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Post time 2-5-2021 09:13 PM
From the mobile phone
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Na_Ni replied at 2-5-2021 08:19 PM
Dulu yes, now dah tak boleh, skali je boleh. But that expensive package yg subsidize the muasasa ...
You tertinggal visa furada. Tu direct dgn kerajaan arab Saudi dan bukan utk Malaysian je. Pakej ni lg mahal dr pakej swasta dan biasanya jauh lebih pendek, dlm 15 hari je |
Nana_Man replied at 2-5-2021 09:12 PM
Ok thanks for the info. Btw izit true yg msia will also “take” quota fr neighbouring countries k ...
Tak lah...quota is granted by Saudi govt. Mana boleh u main ambik2 je. Visa pon approved by saudi. Tp saudi mmg suka malaysia so we usually get additional quota compare to other countries. But malaysia usually get extra special treatment from saudi govt tu, yes mmg btol. |
bedahmenjuyah replied at 2-5-2021 09:13 PM
You tertinggal visa furada. Tu direct dgn kerajaan arab Saudi dan bukan utk Malaysian je. Pakej ni ...
Haaa yes, thanks bed for pointing this out. I rsa yg 100k n 50k byk pki this quota. Yg 20k tu mmg other visa. |
Na_Ni replied at 2-5-2021 09:16 PM
Tak lah...quota is granted by Saudi govt. Mana boleh u main ambik2 je. Visa pon approved by saudi. ...
Someone told me her cousin got the thai haj quota. And this person is msian. So dunno hw true this info is. |
Nana_Man replied at 2-5-2021 09:29 PM
Someone told me her cousin got the thai haj quota. And this person is msian. So dunno hw true this ...
I think i know what u mean. Di bukan ambik quota but dia pergi tru other countries punya agent. Usually that agent klu ada slot n people nak bayar, dia bagi je. Kawan i ada yg pergi tru Sg. So they will fly to Sg dulu n manage by Sg lah. Usually sbb quota malaysia dah full or Tabung Haji mahal. Tp usually last minute la tak guarantee dr awal. Tp klu TH non malaysian mmg dia tak bg... |
Na_Ni replied at 2-5-2021 09:36 PM
I think i know what u mean. Di bukan ambik quota but dia pergi tru other countries punya agent. ...
I think kalau thru SG pun pasal last minute jgk. Mcm lepas SG dpt additional quota and ada yg tak bole pegi earlier due to watever reasons. |
Jap... TH pricing lagi murah even if takde subsidy. |
Edited by Na_Ni at 2-5-2021 10:01 PM
Nana_Man replied at 2-5-2021 09:53 PM
Jap... TH pricing lagi murah even if takde subsidy.
Kita sembang pm tepi la...panjang pulak citer bab haji ni...sian org lain baca tak berkaitan ngan ZA. |

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Post time 2-5-2021 10:43 PM
From the mobile phone
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Na_Ni replied at 2-5-2021 09:59 PM
Kita sembang pm tepi la...panjang pulak citer bab haji ni...sian org lain baca tak berkaitan nga ...
OK what dah nama timangan za pun abah Haji kan |
bedahmenjuyah replied at 2-5-2021 10:43 PM
OK what dah nama timangan za pun abah Haji kan
Abah haji kesayangan i pki jubah shave helokkk sgttt...td i gi pavi tak terserempak lak ngan abah haji... |
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