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Author: sazzy80

[MERGED]supplement untuk cantikkan kulit

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Post time 23-11-2005 05:55 PM | Show all posts
talking abt madu pulak...ive read various books and website...

kebaikan dier mmg dah tadek doubt..sbb tuhan dah tulis kan kalam dier dalam surah an-nahl ayat 69 ttg benefits madu.

but if i can share some information kalau boleh u all jgn misslead dgn info yg kater nak tau madu tue asli ker tak, semut tak hurung madu tue....the truth is....hanya semut yg budus ajek takkan hurung benda2 yg manis...aper ntah lagik madu.

yg buat semut tak hurung madu asli tue sbb semasa proses penapaian antara madu dan sangkar dier tue, cara traditional ialah melalui 'pembakaran' . kalau kat mesia, kiter refer madu asli tue yg diambil dr hutan.yg pure dari lebah tue sendiri. kebanyakan nya diasapkan. madu yg diasapkan akan mengandungi kadar sulfur (belerang) yg tinggi. sbb itu semut pun tamoh rapat.

org kate... madu asli... kalo di bakar.. akan terbakar. sebenarnya.. kandungan belerang or sulfur yg tinggi la, makanya terbakar.

so, lepas nie saper kater nak tau madu asli semut tak hurung.....toksahler percaya.......... :cak: (kan dah tau aper sebab semut pon tanak rapat....ehehe)

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Post time 23-11-2005 05:58 PM | Show all posts
terdapat beberapa cara untuk mengenalpasti ketulenan madu.(cara manual.....)

1. tiada mendakan di dasar botol.
2. tiada buih2 di bhgian atas, ( jika byk buih, makna kdgan air tinggi)
3. bau harum spt haruman bunga, buah2an
4. titik sedikit madu ke atas meja.....madu terbentuk bulat, tidak leper.
5. titis ke dlm air, akan terus jatuh ke dasar air.
6. lambat larut jika di kacau dlm air.
7. sapu nipis ke kulit, akan terbentuk spt sarang lebah.
8. letak sedikit pd mangkuk, piring dan curah sikit air. madu tetap kekal, tak larut terus, ambil masa utk larut air.
9. ** ikut kaedah no 8 di atas, pusing air tadi ikut bulatan, madu makin larut air dan akan terbentuk spt sarang lebah juga**
10. juga titis sikit madu atas kertas, tiada kesan serapan air di kertas

tue antara cara cara manual nak tau the truth..kena tau dari awal memula depa amek @ buat madu tue...hok nie leceh ler pulak kiter nak cek....ehehehe



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Post time 23-11-2005 06:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by drBaBy at 23-11-2005 05:47 PM
my mom pernah bercerita to me, her fren is a sister kat hkt..
her fren's hubby pernah admitted in selayang hospital becoz of jaundice (mata , kulit kuning)
the first thing the ...

:stp: mana satu betul ek...? Ok ke tak ok ambik spirulina....Tapi macam hubby eynda memang body dia takleh terima spirulina...mesti dia lemah-lemah badan....

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Post time 23-11-2005 06:11 PM | Show all posts
ambik jgn sebarang ambik...before ambil make sure ader enaf information atau buatla research sket2 utk diri sendiri jugak..
jgn main ikot cakap orang kata bagus..sumer berlumber2 nak telan...

ada satu ayat yg gue tokleh luper..satu author nie tulis : orang mesia kalau taik kambing bulat bulat jual cakap bagos pon ader orang sanggup beli, tanpa ada ilmu mengenainya :lol

so, berhati-hatilah geng!

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Post time 23-11-2005 06:54 PM | Show all posts
owh... i thot spirulina bagus mungkin yg ade masalah wif spirulina tu consume imported one...
sbb mrs ade dgr jugak kalau imported tu sometimes guna najis dan benda yg tak bersih sbg baja spirulina
so i what i used was local spirulina yg diternak di mesia..
kalau dia(spirulina) tu tak bess tak continue pun tak pe lah;)

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Post time 23-11-2005 08:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mrs_livingstone at 23-11-2005 06:54 PM
owh... i thot spirulina bagus mungkin yg ade masalah wif spirulina tu consume imported one...
sbb mrs ade dgr jugak kalau imported tu sometimes guna najis dan benda yg tak bersih sbg ba ...

baik le makan Nutrilite Daily.  khasiat dia pun lebih kurang sama

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Post time 24-11-2005 12:46 AM | Show all posts
here are some info on why we consume spirulina....a lot of people dont really know what spirulina here goes:-

Everyday's meal should have the proper propotion of 20% acidic food and 80% of alkaline food. Healthy body is slightly alkaline

alkaline food - vegetables, milk, fruits, egg white and seaweeds

acidic food - meat, fish, prawn, biscuit, chicken, bread, flour

most of the time we eat more of acidic food rather than alkaline food when it should be the other where round...cos of can cause many diseases such as gastric, hypertension, kidney diseases, diabetes, constipation, fatigue, headache, cancer and lots more....the body can only be healthy if able to work towards a perfect balance of about 80% alkaline and 20% acid.

So how does our body ph get out of balance? The quickest and easiest way to ensure proper PH balance may be by taking spirulina. Spirulina is highly alkaline This makes it a useful additon to the diet to shift our PH condition towards neautral.  So why should we take spirulina?...reason being:-

1) 100% alkaline food
2) the world 's richest natural source of vitamin B12
3) 18 types of vitamins
4) 20 types of minerals
5) carbohydrates
6) low in fat
7) 4 types of natural pigments  - chorophyll, beta carotene, xantophyll and phycocynin - all best food for cancer prevention

What is spirulina?

Spirulina is a kind of algae grown in tropical salt lakes. Reputed to be the most promising of all microalgae, spirulina is an immediate and nourishing food resource. It is often called the 'superfood' because it is high in nutrients.

Some of the benefits of taking spirulina:-

1) enhances immune system
2) helps slow the aging process
3) acts as an anti-oxidant
4) prevents asthma
5) prevents tumor growth
6) development of the brain

and many many more reasons....too many to type :lol....and you guys might get bored....what i have written here are taken from our new straits times and some books.

so for those that are consuming it....keep going cos it is very good for our bodies......but drink lots of least 8 glasses a day for a healthy body

for those that cant take it.....there is always other supplement out in the market

[ Last edited by Allure at 24-11-2005 12:51 AM ]

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Post time 24-11-2005 08:57 AM | Show all posts
yeah, i think when it comes to siprulina, we also need to know the quality of it. semua org nak yg murah, yg murah ni the quality tu suspect. quality control tak de. from my experience n my colleagues yg consume the stuff, if ur unwell in the 1st place, like ada some problems which u also might not know about, then u'll see the penat, lemah badan and such. but after continuous consumption, the spirulina will help to correct those ailments and u become and feel better.

i pernah dgr yg ada spirulina yg murah gila yg 1000 tablets for a mere Rm50 to RM100. ha..yg macam tu tok sah la makan. spirulina ni tak semuanya sama. lagi satu cara u nak test how good it is, yg kureng sikit tu if u put in water memang susah gila nak larut. yg quality dia bagus, easily larut and if campur dalam air, the warna is sekata throughout the watereven zfter awhile. yg tak bagus, u will see dia akan mendap kebawah and the colour will be the same, berkumpul kat bawah..

eh, kita sebelum ambik benda2 macam ni kita buat research. benda bukan murah pulak tu, mesti nak tau benefits betul2 before kita makan. nanti belanja mahal2 (dah la duit bukannya banyak!) membazir aje.  and i have a friend who works for a drugs company, she even sells spirulina to doctors who keep ordering it to prescribe to their patients.

that's my 2-cent worth!

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Post time 24-11-2005 09:23 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by owner at 23-11-2005 04:10 PM
oho...thanks k.daa..
ermm...1kg ek..byk jgk tuh...
klo thn 2 bln ok la tu for rm60..
rs2 nye mcm nk try laa.. nye yg rm5-10 tuh..tuh rege dh bole dpt kurang tolak ler dlm ...

owner... harga dpt kurang rm5-10 tu maknanya harga asal tolak lah rm5 atau rm10.

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Post time 24-11-2005 09:46 AM | Show all posts

Reply #372 niki_iyda's post

hmmmm.... so funny... he he he he.....

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ace This user has been deleted
Post time 24-11-2005 09:53 AM | Show all posts
lets take it this way la.. make it simple.. again no body suits to what that others suits (grammer?)... kira macam tak semua orang sesuai dengan sesuatu yang orang lain sesuai. Setiap dari badan kita ini terlalu unik dan kompleks utk ditafsirkan. walaupun beribu/berjuta perbelanjaan atas scientific research dijalankan, namun reaksi terhadap sesuatu ubat/drug/supplement kepada badan seseorang tidak dapat dipastikan..

dan mentaliti sesuatu yang murah itu sebagai tidak berkualiti juga boleh disangkal (sorry no offense k). Tak semestinya yang murah itu tidak berkualiti.. kita ambil contoh terdekat bedak rambai atau bedak sejuk. Murah? Tak berkualiti? You answer that yourself.. walaupun berkualiti.. can you make sure that everybody akan dapat glowing and perfect skin-look? you answer that yourself..

Jenama drug store macam Hovid, Blackmores dll telah membelanjakan berjuta2 dollar utk menghasilkan ubatan sintetik yang berkualiti sehampir yang boleh utk adapt pada badan seseorang. And of course kena lalu FDA atau apa badan sekalipun utk memastikan ubatan itu diluluskan. Jenama2 ini kalau nak compare dengan MLM punya barang.. agak murah sedikit.. so, can you tell me ini tidak berkualiti?

SEntuh pada MLM-direct selling punya barang pulak.. well, same goes dengan perkara diatas, research, ujian klinikal semua dah dijalankan.. again tak semua orang sesuai dan dapat efek yang mereka kehendaki..

semuanya bergantung pada individu itu sendiri...

p/s kalau sapa suka tengok citer HOUSE... sure boleh tau.. kalau letak drug ni.. sure effect kidney la.. itula inila.. walaupun pada masa yang sama.. dia nak treat satu lagi penyakit.. tapi penyakit lain pasti akan serang juga.. So... you decide sendiri la..

panjang?? hhehehe... sorilorr....

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Post time 24-11-2005 10:08 AM | Show all posts
ff:ff: sat ekk

last week elecom ada medical check-up for my sambil2 tuh amik kesempatan tanya kat doctor pasal spirulina & chlorella...sbb elecom sendiri mkn chlorella....and my family makan spirulina...

the doctor said....both are good suplements...cuma jgn over dose jer,makan yg berkualiti punyer & ikut arahan yg telah ditetapkan...kalau overdose tuh yg akan menyebabkan liver failure & etc...sbb dia ada kandungan satu bahan kimia nih(dia ada tulis kat kertas nama bahan kimia nih..but i can`t recall kat mana elecom campak kertas tuh :d)...bahan kimia nih yg akan menyebabkan sistem badan fail kalau overdose...

benefit spirulina (blue algae) & chlorella (green algae) nih seperti yg allure dah ckp tuh...even ibu2 mengandung pon boleh makan...hehehehe...

cuma elecom nasihatkan...jgn beli yg kurang berkualiti...biar mahal asalkan berkualiti coz utk kesihatan & kecantikan diri sendiri kan...elecom ckp nih pon sbb i learnt my lesson...kekekek

4 bulan lepas, i bought a cheap brand for vitamin E,B and C..baru seminggu makan...sayer collapse lah tak gi class gak aa seminggu, badan lembik fas as i concern saya tak pernah ada allergic kat ubat or makanan...dulu pernah makan the same vitamins but different brand..ok i stop makan those vitamins...sayer sihat semula.....sejak kes tuh sayer takut nak beli yg murah2....

dah lah wa jd lembik at that time..kene marah lg ngan mak,pakwe ngan org lain..cett!

oklaa...enough mengarut...utk maintain kulit saya...saya minum air madu & maybe chlorella juga membantu sedikit saya sedang bercadang utk meminum rose hip tea...rasanya2 ok tak?



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Post time 24-11-2005 10:38 AM | Show all posts
apa yg u cakap tu betul ace, but there are some things yg kalau murah, the quality is questiionable, esp when it comes to spirulina (and we are discussing spirulina). mungkin the quantity and quality of the spirulina inside is much less than those yg agak tinggi sikit harganya. and the production tidak mengikut piawai(chewah...first time guna ni!) yg the quality of water and environment that it is produced. and again u betul ace, bergantung pada individu. macam u pakai ubat sejuk okay, kalau i pakai...naik white heads, black heads and jerawat!

i memang champion barang2 murah...esp things like jamu and traditional stuff. i sendiri makan jamu yg mak cik urut lepas bersalin i buat sendiri. original from kelantan lagi. tak de commercialization langsung.

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Post time 24-11-2005 10:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by elecom at 24-11-2005 10:08 AM
ff:ff: sat ekk

last week elecom ada medical check-up for my sambil2 tuh amik kesempatan tanya kat doctor pasal spirulina & chlorella...sbb elecom sendiri mkn chlorella....a ...

brand murah apa yg ko beli elecom, meh le share, boleh org lain jd panduan :cak:

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ace This user has been deleted
Post time 24-11-2005 11:41 AM | Show all posts
ni kali ke-3 try! kalau takde jugak tak tau ler...

betulla tu. kadang tu badan kita macam tu la. ada yang bleh terima ada yang tak. Macam madu pun, tak semua orang serasi dengan madu.. walaupun menda tu mmg telah dinyatakan khasiat dariNya. Namun setiap yang hadir disisi kita juga adalah diturunkan dengan hikmah betul tak. Sure akan ada satu utk utk kita.. dan tak semestinya utk semua orang..

ace consume shaklee je buat masa ni..

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Post time 24-11-2005 02:39 PM | Show all posts
kita pun tk sure brand ape tp yg nie cecair warna hijau kot... dlm RM70 hinggit ke seratus hinggi... tp maybelah boss kita tue tak serasi mkn spirulina;)

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Post time 24-11-2005 03:25 PM | Show all posts
Goddamnit  I juz notice thread nih

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Post time 24-11-2005 08:26 PM | Show all posts
spirulina nih memang bagus utk ibu2 mengandung..

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Post time 24-11-2005 10:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yela at 24-11-2005 08:57 AM
yeah, i think when it comes to siprulina, we also need to know the quality of it. semua org nak yg murah, yg murah ni the quality tu suspect. quality control tak de. from my experience n my colleag ...

wahh u sound like a doc yela ....didnt know that was the way to test it....must try it

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Post time 24-11-2005 10:51 PM | Show all posts
mana org lain punyer posting nih

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