Eun Ji Won explains why he decided to leave ’1N2D’
On the February 28th episode of KBS2‘s ‘Win Win‘, guest Eun Ji Won shared his thoughts on leaving ‘1N2D‘ after five long years.
The singer who decided not to join the second season remarked, “My wife, my family, and others around me asked me if I was crazy,” and admitted that he gave the second season a lot of thought.
“My character is stubborn and whiney, but I suddenly realized that I too had matured,” he said, explaining his reasons. “There’s a limit to how much you can push that kind of image. Thinking about doing it again just made me laugh.”
“A piece of me wanted to stay, but I have no regrets,” he continued. “I know myself too well. This was the right time. The only thing is, I feel a little uneasy beacause Soo Geun hyung and the others were staying. I felt like I was the only one breaking away.”
oooooooooooo....aku pun memahami situasi oppa korang.sampe ble die nk jd choding kan...walopun kite seme suke gleeer ngan ke'choding'an die kite kene r respek keputusan die tuh.....n sedih plak kan..seme org syg Lee Seguen...seme sbb seguen org rse berat ati nk tgglkan 2D1N..ade yg sbb Seguen nk join 2D1N...
dh r malam td aku mmg jatuh cinta kt Seguen!!!tharu kt die..tgk kesusahan'cinta'an die kpd wife die!!!!!
ommo..chagiya kite dh matang skang!!!die kene r pande2 bwk diri!!!tp die mmg ske menolong org r makdik...ade aku tgk ep yg lame dulu....die org nek bas kt kg....skali ade org thn bas tu tepi jln...menciput chagiya ngan Seguen berlari turun bas...aku igt kan ape...rupenye nk tolong helmuni bwk brg nek bas!!!!baek btui chagiya kite tuh makdik!!!!
heheheheh...serius cinta mmg beralih arah smlm...sedih sgt tgk Seguen...patut r die rajin keje...tdo kt hosp ngan wife die...b4 g keje mkn dulu ngan wife die...pas shoot win2...kene lak g shoot 2D1N kul 5 naseb bek die enjoy bt keje die...die dpt rse kebahagian melalui keje die!!!!dh r wife die x mintak2 pe2 pun..kalu dpt mkn nga seguen pun dh cukup!!!!aigooooooooooo.....mmg sweeeet btui!!!!