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Author: R2D2

[Dunia] Keputusan Perancis haramkan pemakaian tudung kekal

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Post time 30-11-2015 11:04 AM | Show all posts
noraidil_06 replied at 28-11-2015 06:25 PM
Exactly. My daughter ms darjah 1, blk nangis2, kwn dia ckp dia kafir sbb x pakai tudung. Akak tany ...

suka2 mengkafirkan org tu pun satu hal....
lepas tu suka2 suruh org murtad...

semua nak paksa2 hal hidup org...

kenapa entah busuk hati sesetengah mereka ni...


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Post time 30-11-2015 11:09 AM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 replied at 30-11-2015 08:01 AM
You should have come out with a better excuse in your attempt to run away from providing the evide ...

I do not have the desire to trouble myself just because you are ingorant of certain basic facts. I am sorry.

Of course it was someone else, I may be happy to oblige....

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Post time 30-11-2015 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 30-11-2015 11:03 AM
Yes....and you have to be human first to be a Muslim.

The Muslim world is in dire need of in ...

the first thing: menghambakan diri anda
ulamak ektremis kata apa, ikut je la..

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Post time 30-11-2015 11:39 AM | Show all posts
Edited by milo_888 at 30-11-2015 11:46 AM
Maideen. replied at 30-11-2015 11:03 AM
Yes....and you have to be human first to be a Muslim.

The Muslim world is in dire need of in ...

To just be human is undemanding.... and lesser threat to mankind than any human with belief, sometimes..... or most of the time?...

Tapi I suka tonton war feature films esp crusades movies walaupun tak berkepentingan pada mana2 pihak meskipun adakala kemudiannya menyebelahi kepada salah satu pihak.... observing their thoughts and art of thinking, if it's really related to their spirituality or something else driving it...


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Post time 30-11-2015 11:43 AM | Show all posts

balik arab la

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Post time 30-11-2015 11:44 AM | Show all posts

balik arab la...

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Post time 30-11-2015 12:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak taulah minah perancis ni ikut pemahaman mana. Kalau dia ikut antara 4 mazhab:

1. Dia boleh tayang muka. Ikut je pendapat yg bagi tayang muka.

2. Islam ada guideline penting bila duduk di negara2 yg diperintah org kafir. Iaitu, boleh berhijrah klu syiar islam dikongkong, rights ditekan. Tak pyh nak kecoh dan memburukkan suasana negara tersebut. Pindah ke tpt tinggal baru/ kerja yg veil-friendly.

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Post time 30-11-2015 12:03 PM | Show all posts
baulu replied at 30-11-2015 12:01 PM
Tak taulah minah perancis ni ikut pemahaman mana. Kalau dia ikut antara 4 mazhab:

1. Dia boleh ta ...

sesuatu yg sma di mesia
asal x bertudung je, trus dihencap, dicop kapiaq/haram

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Post time 30-11-2015 12:05 PM | Show all posts
when in as the french do..senang je konsepnya..x suka pindah

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Post time 30-11-2015 01:03 PM | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 30-11-2015 11:09 AM
I do not have the desire to trouble myself just because you are ingorant of certain basic facts. I ...

Incorrect Maideen. You cannot simply quote from someone else and expect people to just believe in you. It is possible that you made that stuff up... That is why evidence is very important.

I would say it is safe to conclude here that you don't have the evidence.


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Post time 30-11-2015 01:04 PM | Show all posts
kla timur tengah dan arab bagus, nape korang gigih nk pi buat taik di eropah...puih...

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Post time 30-11-2015 01:29 PM | Show all posts
milo_888 replied at 29-11-2015 01:53 AM
U kena paham, selain sikap holier than thou sesetengah pihak di sini, ada juga pihak (boleh jadi p ...

tak paham dengan manusia yang ada superiority complex atas tiket agama ni.

yang kelakar, mereka ingat mereka berdakwah, tapi dalam dia berdakwah dekat forum ni, dia sewenang2nya merendahkan maruah dan pemikiran orang lain. dakwah style memalukan orang ni, dia fikir jalan ke.. masuk2 je, dan2 dia suruh i hayati sirah macamkan i budak darjah dua yang tak pernah bukak buku pendidikan agama islam. dah im not swayed by her opinion, dia masukkan i dalam golongan pembenci islam and later conclude that i ni manusia yang ada konflik dalaman sebagai hamba (ayat lembut nak kata apa teww).

and u can all read her reaction for her implication on my credibility as a muslim; 'yes, i forgive u. no problem'. she can honestly take her forgiveness up to where it doesnt shine, takde beza dengan hujah dia yang selalu kelaut dan tak dapat difahami tu.

angkuh seangkuh-angkuh manusia. ujub dan takbur dengan ilmu yang tak seberapa. gigih berperang sampai tak tidur demi approval dari netizen. laki ko tak bising ke woii

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Post time 30-11-2015 01:38 PM | Show all posts
dekat malaysia dah lama ada judicial ruling pasal burqa/serban untuk places run by gomen ni. dan ruling dia sma je cam perancis. sebab benda ni extension of the essential prctice, and not an essential practice per se.

dah negara dalam ancaman tu, sendiri faham la kenapa practice menutup muka ni kena put on hold. mana pergi solidarity dia sebagai warga perancis, nak menyulitkan benda yang mudah walaupun benda tu tak wajib pun dipakai. bukan kerajaan mintak dia bukak tudung altogether pung.


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Post time 30-11-2015 01:40 PM | Show all posts
Fieza-mira replied at 29-11-2015 03:36 AM
Mana boleh....menurut ustazah2 bimbo tak pakai tudung/bukak tudung dah setaraf kafir. Diorang puny ...

dan kalau aku anak murid tu mungkin aku akan cakap "....dan ustazah suka capmelan"

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Post time 30-11-2015 01:45 PM | Show all posts
Astora Jabat:


Saya mungkin orang pertama yang mengeluarkan pandangan bahawa tudung tidak wajib dalam Mingguan Malaysia kira-kira 14 tahun lalu. Kemudian isu yang sama diulang bincang dari pelbagai sudut dan disiar dalam Mingguan Malaysia, Utusan Malaysia dan Al Islam beberapa tahun kemudian. Pandangan itu merupakan hasil kajian saya sejak lebih 20 tahun lalu.

Kini sebuah tesis PhD yang dihasil oleh Syeikh Mustafa Rashid, di Kuliah Syariah dan Undang-Undang, Universiti al-Azhar cawangan Dahanhur, Mesir yang menyatakan perkara yang sama.


al Azhar's endorsed Sheikh Mustafa Mohamed Rashid's PhD thesis on Sharia and Law for which he obtained a grade of excellent, where he tated that hijab is not an Islamic requirement (fard), and that the interpretation (tafseer) of the verses (ayat) and the circumstances during which they appeared has led to the widespread misunderstanding about the so-called 'Islamic Hijab' denoting covering the head, of which there is absolutely no mention in the Quran.

Yet some have misconstrued the intent and correct interpretation of the Sharia, refusing the logic and sequence of its appearance, abandoning the proper methods of citing and interpreting of the verses (ayat), their historical background and reason for them. They have done so either intentionally, or with good intention but with lack of the essential analytical savvy.

This hijab issue imposed itself on the Islamic and non-Islamic psyche, and thus becoming the defining factor, meaning, and nature of the Islamic faith to non-Muslims, which led some non-Islamic nations to consider it a divisive political statement. In consequence to the resulting friction, some female students have been expelled from universities and jobs, only due to their adherence to this false belief, thereby attaching to Islam a non existent requirement.

So inconsistent and misguided have the proofs of the jalabeeb, which distanced them from what they meant by head cover, which is indicative of their restrictive set of mind.

'Hijab' was mentioned in verse (ayah) 53 of al AHzab, where it signifies 'wall' or 'what prevents view' and it was in regards to pure "ummuhat al mo'mineen" where a "hajib" is to be placed between them and any men.

As for verse (ayah) 31 of Al Khimar - Sourrat al Noor, that is also a redundant claim, as the intent here is the cover of the breast and neck - the background here is the covering of the breast whose exposure is un-Islamic, and not what is now understood by hijab for
the head.

And in regards to the historical background of verse (ayah) 59 of Sourrat al Ahzab was to distinguish between the pure and the promiscuous whores and slaves.

Finally, in the mis-use of the Hadith about Asma'a, daughter of Abu Bakr, when she walked in on the prophet (pbuh)s gathering, and he ordered her to not expose her face or palms - this Hadith is not a binding Hadith, as it is one of al Ahaad and not one of the consistent, or the connected confirmed.



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Post time 30-11-2015 01:47 PM | Show all posts
milo_888 replied at 29-11-2015 11:09 PM
We just need to be human to make this world a better place to live... when the world says "give up ...

lol thank u for the kind words, tapi i ni bukan manusia berilmiah sangat pung. register id cari pun atas sebab yang tak bermanfaat; nak baca thread gossip blogger. cuma sebagai manusia biasa, ada la i terbabas sekali dua pergi berbalas komen dengan manusia2 random dekat ci ni. i bukanlah messiah forum yang ilmu sekontot tapi berinspirasi menjadi professor holier-than-thou dalam mana2 board. gigih berperang demi ego diri sendiri, bukannya demi agama macam yang dicanangkan. oops

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Post time 30-11-2015 01:50 PM | Show all posts

Oleh: Kassim Ahmad
28 Mei, 2014

Tudung yang dipakai oleh kebanyakan wanita Melayu yang beragama Islam sekarang tidak berasal dari ajaran Quran. Dalam ajaran Quran, rambut wanita bukan ‘aurat. Buktinya terdapat dalam ayat-ayat berhubung dengan wuduk (Quran, 5: 6) dan dengan pakaian (Quran, 24: 30-31).
Tudung ini  berasal dari kitab Taurat, Perjanjian Baru, Bab Korintus I, 11: 5-9 yang berbunyai, “Tetapi tiap-tiap perempuan yang berdoa dan bernubuat dengan kepala yang tidak bertudung menghina kepala-nya sebab ia sama dengan perempuan yang dicukur rambutnya. Sebab jika perempuan tidak mahu menudungi kepalanya maka haruslah ia juga menggunting rambutnya. Tetapi jika bagi perempuan adalah penghinaan bahawa rambutnya digunting atau dicukur, maka haruslah ia menudungi kepalanya. Sebab lelaki tidak perlu menudungi kepalanya; ia menyinar-kan gambaran dan kemuliaan Allah. Tetapi perempuan menyinarkan kemuliaan lelaki. Sebab lelaki tidak berasal daripada perempuan, tetapi perempuan berasal daripada lelaki. Dan lelaki tidak diciptakan kerana perempuan, tetapi perempuan diciptakan kerana lelaki.” (1)TUDUNG: PENEMUAN bARU. (Tekanan ditambah.)
Tidak banyak orang Islam mengetahui bahawa tudung yang dipakai oleh kebanyakan wanita mereka sekarang berasal dari kitab Taurat.



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Post time 30-11-2015 01:51 PM | Show all posts
L211 replied at 29-11-2015 11:34 PM
kalau burqa or purdah ye kerajaan perancis ada laa bawak kes ni kat dewan negara depa & bersetuju  ...

waktu dekat uni dulu, ada senior dalam gang usrah i yang start adopting burqa in her daily life. disebabkan kita pun tahu kenapa orang pakai burqa, i tanya jujur dekat kawan2 i; cantik ke akak tu ( i tak pernah lepak dengan senior tu jadi i tak tahu rupa dia). kawan2 i pakat gelak giggle2, tak mampu nak sorok pendapat masing2.

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Post time 30-11-2015 01:52 PM | Show all posts
faraway1 replied at 30-11-2015 12:28 AM
korang berdebat camlah memasing duduk kat france....

dekat malaysia pun issue ni so amateur's hours lol. dah dapat ruling dari mahkamah pun

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Post time 30-11-2015 01:58 PM | Show all posts
faraway1 replied at 30-11-2015 01:13 AM
I'm married to French Canadian, so apa berlaku dengan our cousins di France sana, semua me tahu, s ...

perang tak tidur pulak tu.. kalau pun weekend, ur life doesnt extend more than ur internet activity ke. i reply area pukul 1 pagi tu pun dah rasa bersalah dekat laki sendiri (walaupun i main internet dekat bilik)

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