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Author: changepassword

Hadish sahih ajar omat minum ayerrrrr kencing onta padang paserrrr

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Post time 26-7-2016 12:01 PM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 25-7-2016 07:56 AM
Perrrrrgggghhhh Patotlah lobai samdol otak jadi slow + high sebab banyak minom ayerrrr kencing onta  ...
But this could be further from the truth, according to The World Health Organisation (WHO), which has warned against consuming the urine.‘Food hygiene practices should be observed,’ WHO said in a statement.
‘People should avoid drinking raw camel milk or camel urine, or eating meat that has not been properly cooked.’

quoting out of context.  boleh dikatakan sebagai 'pembohongan dengan menyembunyikan'.

Adakah Atheist memang suka berbohong?  dah kena kantoi berapa kali dah ni.

sila rujuk artikel yang betul.
Mers has been detected in camels, and humans have contracted Mers after coming into contact with camels. However, doctors are still not sure how how humans become infected.

The man, who was said to be in a stable condition on a hospital isolation ward after testing positive for Mers on 29 May, was reported by WHO to own "a barn with camels and young calves, and [have] frequent contact with them".

WHO said that those with pre-existing conditions including diabetes, renal failure and chronic lung disease are considered to be at high-risk from MERS.

"General hygiene measures" such as avoiding close contact with animals, especially camels, and hand-washing after coming into contact with animals, should be followed, WHO said.

A statement posted on the WHO website adds: "Food hygiene practices should be observed. People should avoid drinking raw camel milk or camel urine, or eating meat that has not been properly cooked." ... warns-10307041.html


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Post time 26-7-2016 05:19 PM | Show all posts
ibnur replied at 26-7-2016 12:01 PM
quoting out of context.  boleh dikatakan sebagai 'pembohongan dengan menyembunyikan'.

Adaka ...

di CI lain pulak lenggok diskusi yg reratanya ... =1010753&extra=

tak ada content , tapi bila di sini  , kan?

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Post time 26-7-2016 05:21 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 26-7-2016 11:04 AM

LOL , ko nak cari kawan ke pasak ko dah ekena tampar kiri kanan? Si mat slow tu ...

dekat CI bukan main kutuk Islam dengan  a) mainkan status hadith
b) misinterpret konteks hadith = mesti ... =1010753&extra=

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Post time 26-7-2016 08:14 PM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 26-7-2016 03:01 AM
Acong mai kita pi pekena ayerrrrr kencuing onta dara padang paserrrr cong

kasi botol & baca yassin pastu jual....... kayo   

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Post time 26-7-2016 09:11 PM | Show all posts
hahahaha....  campur kencing pengembala unta utk lebih power.............   

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Post time 26-7-2016 09:19 PM | Show all posts
Hujatul_Jihad replied at 26-7-2016 08:14 PM
kasi botol & baca yassin pastu jual....... kayo


Ala .... kesian nya. Sorang mat super slow (pasal kepala dah terhantuk kat lantai) & sorang lagi tak ada pelajaran tapi kaki meroyan bagai janda gila talak  mengadu nasib sama sendiri pasal dah kantoi.

Biasak lah .... boleh tak korang cuba jawab :

For the 8th time

Jelaskan dari artikel korang sendiri :
‘Food hygiene practices should be observed,’ WHO said in a statement.
‘People should avoid drinking raw camel milk or camel urine, or eating meat that has not been properly cooked.’

Apa makna tersebut? Apa WHO cakap ttg camel urine? Korang tau tak apa WHO?

Sekarang ko kena bagi aku peer reviewed publication yg kata camel urine tak ada anti cancer properties.

Lets see how good you are.

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Post time 26-7-2016 09:28 PM | Show all posts
hindu agama lebih tua dari islam, penganut hindu minum ayaq kencing lembu

moslem pula minum air kencing unta..  

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Post time 26-7-2016 09:31 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 26-7-2016 09:32 PM
Hujatul_Jihad replied at 26-7-2016 09:28 PM
hindu agama lebih tua dari islam, penganut hindu minum ayaq kencing lembu

Laaa , masih tak mampu jawab

Ko konfom mat super slow (kadang2 ko jugak mat super slow super dayus)

Jawab le .... pasal apa pusing2? Oops ... ko buta sains & tak paham english .... betul tak

For the 9th time

Jelaskan dari artikel korang sendiri :
‘Food hygiene practices should be observed,’ WHO said in a statement.
‘People should avoid drinking raw camel milk or camel urine, or eating meat that has not been properly cooked.’

Apa makna tersebut? Apa WHO cakap ttg camel urine? Korang tau tak apa WHO?

Sekarang ko kena bagi aku peer reviewed publication yg kata camel urine tak ada anti cancer properties.

Lets see how good you are.

Agak2 nya kalo ko nanti kena cancer , berapa gelen camel urine ko nak sental?


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Post time 26-7-2016 09:44 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 26-7-2016 01:31 PM
Laaa , masih tak mampu jawab

Ko konfom mat super slow (kadang2 ko jugak mat super slow super da ...

mat slow, apasal hospital tak guna air kencing unta utk rawat kanser?   

hari ni dah minum berapa liter kencing?  

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Post time 26-7-2016 10:13 PM | Show all posts
Hujatul_Jihad replied at 26-7-2016 09:44 PM
mat slow, apasal hospital tak guna air kencing unta utk rawat kanser?   

hari ni dah mi ...

LOL , ko jugak yg mengaku dari artikel tersebut ia adalah traditional medication
The practice of drinking camel's urine mixed with milk is believed to date back centuries while some insist it has health benefits.
Lagi sekali ko konfom yg ko ni mat super slow .... ko tak tau apa tu traditional medication.

Macamana pon ko masih takut jawab :

For the 10th time

Jelaskan dari artikel korang sendiri :
‘Food hygiene practices should be observed,’ WHO said in a statement.
‘People should avoid drinking raw camel milk or camel urine, or eating meat that has not been properly cooked.’

Apa makna tersebut? Apa WHO cakap ttg camel urine? Korang tau tak apa WHO?

Sekarang ko kena bagi aku peer reviewed publication yg kata camel urine tak ada anti cancer properties.

Lets see how good you are.

Agak2 nya kalo ko nanti kena cancer , berapa gelen camel urine ko nak sental?


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Post time 26-7-2016 10:21 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 26-7-2016 10:24 PM
sam1528 replied at 26-7-2016 10:13 PM
LOL , ko jugak yg mengaku dari artikel tersebut ia adalah traditional medication
Lagi sekali ko  ...

This is really funny , dari CI

so far takde pun reliable study yang akui urine unta ni berkhasiat selain study yang dibuat oleh doktor2 keturunan middle esat yang religiously inclined study kata doktor2 didunia

kalau dah maha hebat sangat dan betul najis ni penawar penyakit..apasal takde lak hospital2 sure orang terdesak nak mampus kena cancer walaupun kaum kaper sekalipun sanggup minum or inject terus air kencing tu kedalam tubuh nak cure cancer

tapi what to do..mofti haramsanansini kata dalam agama tak leh guna akal
saudi sendiri yang fund doktor2 yang "religiously inclined study on camels urine benefits" terpaksa kelaurkan statement jauhi dari jauhi dari unta kerana close contact je dah boleh kena penyakit maut mers...jauh sekali minum kencing unta untuk sembuh..tapi kan..apalah kita tau...dah hadis kata gitu..

Poof ... sorang lagi yg tak tau apa makna 'peer reviewed publication'

Last2 speculate aje .....

Last2 mat super slow ikut pulak the said line of reasoning


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Post time 26-7-2016 11:25 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 26-7-2016 10:21 PM
This is really funny , dari CI

tu lah ...tapi kenapa kat sini tak leh nak jawab?
sama je tajuk thread ?


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 Author| Post time 27-7-2016 05:14 AM | Show all posts
Hujatul_Jihad replied at 26-7-2016 09:44 PM
mat slow, apasal hospital tak guna air kencing unta utk rawat kanser?   

hari ni dah mi ...

Gosh lobainita and the gang minom ayerrrr konching onta arab padang paserrrrr ka?

Patotlah bobal semacem tapi angan angan sodang berujah gitoh.


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Post time 27-7-2016 09:12 AM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 27-7-2016 05:14 AM
Gosh lobainita and the gang minom ayerrrr konching onta arab padang paserrrrr ka ...

LOL , observe folks ... macamana org yg tak ada pelajaran yg perasan dia pandai.

Last2 meroyan bagai janda gila talak.

Bila kita mintak bukti .... mentetel lari

For the 11th time

Jelaskan dari artikel korang sendiri :
‘Food hygiene practices should be observed,’ WHO said in a statement.
‘People should avoid drinking raw camel milk or camel urine, or eating meat that has not been properly cooked.’

Apa makna tersebut? Apa WHO cakap ttg camel urine? Korang tau tak apa WHO?

Sekarang ko kena bagi aku peer reviewed publication yg kata camel urine tak ada anti cancer properties.

Lets see how good you are.

Agak2 nya kalo ko nanti kena cancer , berapa gelen camel urine ko nak sental?


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Post time 27-7-2016 09:33 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 27-7-2016 10:22 AM
mbhcsf replied at 26-7-2016 11:25 PM
tu lah ...tapi kenapa kat sini tak leh nak jawab?
sama je tajuk thread ?

This is again so funny from CI

This 2nd time i facepalm sikap awak.
U rasa i kutuk islam ?
Or hasil cari u dan sam tidak dapat hasil journal dari biotech convention tahun 2013 tentang this issue.
Ramai sahaja scientist bukan islam amaze tentang these issue even thou banyak lagi najis boleh dibuat research even untuk najis lembu not only that japanese pun buat research jenis sama
That u dengan sam argue tentang vitro cultur tidak lepas lagi even untuk fasa 2.  This is not an easy problem to address and there needs to be some high level peer-reviewed scientific reports of evidence to move in this field forward.
There is no evidence here that this new treatment does anything to the natural history of human cancers,Even if there were positive results, it would be wise to wait for independent replications.

U tidak peelu kecil hati tentang forumer comment u sudah baca review dari WHO concern dan MERS CoV

U cari abstrack of paper 2nd biotechnology congress in dubai .u tolong beri di sini sebab i sekarang tiada laptop disini di rumah MIL

Thats why i hendak tahu etika kebersihan dalam context u .

Isu skg the peer reviewed publication have provided data that camel urine has anti cancer properties. Now he is talking about field application. Hmm , I wonder if this person knows that to get from research to field application it takes time and effort.

Now he is questioning about vitro culture and forgetting about the other peer reviewed articles. Even such , no refutation of the data and conclusion.

The big issue here , until now such study is not refuted. There is no refutation except diversion from the issue at hand.

still by ulang by peer review..but still she didint bring any sort of proof  that it can cure anything let alone cancer..takde pun mana2 hospital,clinic or doctors specialist guna kencing ni untuk ubat

dah ada byk articles yang akui benda ni adalah Only from middle east doctors aje mostly funded by saudi reseach

oh by the ni je bukti dia yang duk ratib tu peer review

    Peer-reviewed (refereed or scholarly) journals - Articles are written by experts and are reviewed by several other experts in the field before the article is published in the journal in order to insure the article's quality.

sendiri buat research funded by negara origin then reviewed by geng2 dia sendiri terus jadi alright..peer reviewed..

sebab tu banyak articles pasal benda ni westeners doctors kata "research are done by those who are religiously inclined" sahaja..sampai la ni takde proof benda ni berkhasiat pun..its well...najis..itulah faktanya

tapi if its mbfchsas "placebo"..hey..its your kinky all means..gulp away

Ha ha , same tactic used. Instead of providing any peer reviewed publication to refute the data that camel urine has anti cancer properties , this person is  already talking about field application. Still in denial of what is peer reviewed publication (ie. done by their own gang)

The best part he is also a bigot and claiming that the Saudi Government is funding the research not knowing that in most top universities , the government funds their research. Kalo such research being done in a non Saudi University probably this person would embrace it with open arms while not realising that the said researchers are much more intelligent and smarter then him.

LOL , in the end its just speculation like
sebab tu banyak articles pasal benda ni westeners doctors kata "research are done by those who are religiously inclined" sahaja..sampai la ni takde proof benda ni berkhasiat pun..its well...najis..itulah faktanya

Tapi tak sedar for such publication to get into PUBMED , it has to be peer reviewed .... don't even know the meaning of peer reviewed (to him reviewed by the same gang)

** Most of these guys would have never heard of Premarin which is used for treating menopausal symptoms , osteoporosis and to a lesser extent breast cancer for women and prostate cancer for men - which probably their parents might be consuming. What constitute this drug? It is isolated from pregnant mare's urine.  But hey , the bigots among us are ok with it as it is not from any Saudi scientific research but from a 'western scientific research'.

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Post time 27-7-2016 10:34 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 27-7-2016 10:41 AM
sam1528 replied at 27-7-2016 09:33 AM
This is again so funny from CI

why these people are so good in manipulating the whole context ? acquired  traits gitu.

she went on ranting phase 3 and 4, we just ask - bawa lah article  yg kata bukan ada anticancer properties.  tak der but just saying phase 3 and 4. then the rest is speculation.

i could not believe that by just quoting  abunch of middle eastern doctors conducting a study  based on religious merits - can be used as an argument ? how bias.

my god.


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Post time 27-7-2016 10:38 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 27-7-2016 10:39 AM
sam1528 replied at 27-7-2016 09:33 AM
This is again so funny from CI

yeah another part is name calling , personal attcking and being rude and totally ignorant to ask pertinent questions first

- what is the context of this hadith?
- what is the message and implication of this hadith ?

but noooo

euwwkotor , euwwww tak hygienic then passed on judgement  - that show how 'thoughtful' / culturally competent/ clever  a person is.

full stop.


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Post time 27-7-2016 10:49 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 27-7-2016 09:33 AM
This is again so funny from CI

lagi satu  research based on ibadat puasa and benefits ,  most studies are  from  islamic countries/ middle east usebab , mana western nak buat study on puasa12 jam or 18 hours  !!! logically speaking . but the beauty is ,  the west will conduct a study on intermittent fasting - well that is good as well because even in performing intermittent  fasting pun , we could see the benefits what is more with 12 hours , 30 days fasting, so.....the researcher from the muslim countries  published their studies on  the benefits of fasting ( total ) in whatever systems of the body.

so in a way these are the activities that will contribute to the whole body of knowledge , filling the gaps...this is important

i guess being dismissive of the peer-reviewed findings  is not very academic hardly a good attitude.

first time i tengok - org cakapor masukkan bab 'bangsa/ agama' in empirical based study in vitro - ooopssss  hahaha



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Post time 27-7-2016 10:50 AM | Show all posts
so TT apa hujah balas?

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Post time 27-7-2016 04:29 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 26-7-2016 02:13 PM
LOL , ko jugak yg mengaku dari artikel tersebut ia adalah traditional medication
Lagi sekali ko  ...

ko nie mmg dah SEWEL kan?  

LOL , ko jugak yg mengaku dari artikel tersebut ia adalah traditional medication

skru kat otak dah longgar? minta tuhan odin tolong ketat kan  

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