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Post time 13-7-2017 01:45 PM
From the mobile phone
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shuk_one replied at 13-7-2017 10:38 AM
kekadang kena check jugak...baca term and cond. dia....
I jarang guna agoda sebab banyak kena baya ...
Mmg ikut currency semasa. Tapi sekarang duit indo dah murah.
"You will be charged the MYR equivalent of IDR 978,200 on your pay date of July 13, 2017. Exchange rates may vary."
Jadi sepatut nye agoda charge lagi murah, bukan mahal kalau ikut currency semasa. |
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Post time 13-7-2017 01:47 PM
From the mobile phone
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Themilo replied at 13-7-2017 11:14 AM
Kalo book pakai Agoda, kena bayar time tu gak, baru la murah.. kalo ko delay 2-3 hari, rate akan ber ...
Mmg ikut currency semasa. Tapi sekarang duit indo dah murah.
"You will be charged the MYR equivalent of IDR 978,200 on your pay date of July 13, 2017. Exchange rates may vary."
Jadi sepatut nye agoda charge lagi murah, bukan mahal kalau ikut currency semasa. |
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Post time 13-7-2017 01:51 PM
From the mobile phone
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manehnya replied at 13-7-2017 11:46 AM
huhu.. aku pun dh tekena ngan agoda ni , setelah sekian lama jd pengguna nya..
sejenis ketahian, ...
Sebelum terkena ni, mmg selalu puji agoda. Harga hotel murah compare dengan website lain. Dah banyak kali redeem point agoda.
Next month ade booking 3 hotel kat nepal. Konsep yg sama 'book now, pay later'. Nampak gaya nyer, kena bayar terus. X nak terkena lagi lepas ni. |
book now pay later tu bukan kita dah lock harga tu ke?
pernah book thru agoda, tapi domestic jela..
masa bayar tu rasanya takde beza pun ngan harga book..
memang murah compared direct ngan hotel..(ada tepon hotel tu tanya best price b2b kalau nak tambah 1 malam, memang lagi mahal dari beli online) |
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Post time 13-7-2017 02:06 PM
From the mobile phone
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spankee_fili replied at 13-7-2017 01:58 PM
book now pay later tu bukan kita dah lock harga tu ke?
pernah book thru agoda, tapi domestic jela.. ...
Kalau booking awal mmg murah. Jadi kita lock harga tu. Bila due date, dia akan charge ikut currency semasa. Tapi x banyak beza nye. |
drivethru replied at 13-7-2017 01:42 PM
"You will be charged the MYR equivalent of IDR 978,200 on your pay date of July 13, 2017. Exchange ...
agoda bukan ikut harga money changer tp bank. Bank mmg harga hisap darah. Rate bank mmg tinggi. aku compare several banks yg aku ada akaun, RHB & Maybank paling hanat |
drivethru replied at 13-7-2017 01:51 PM
Sebelum terkena ni, mmg selalu puji agoda. Harga hotel murah compare dengan website lain. Dah bany ...
Agoda ni not the best bagi aku. So selalu aku buat several comparison before book dgn site mana. Dulu dpt rega cun kat New Zealand hotel 4*. Ramai yg heran mcm mana aku dpt rega murah. Time tu aku book dgn Expedia. |
Klu guna debit card? Ok je kan |
i dont know... tapi rate msian currency nowadays mmg suck..
even pegi thailand pun akan ambik rate rendah lagi dari market currency..sbb msian currency skrg is unstable..bila2 masa blh drop.
so i believe agoda buat t&c yang sama
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Post time 13-7-2017 05:36 PM
From the mobile phone
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cicicumel replied at 13-7-2017 04:42 PM
Klu guna debit card? Ok je kan
Debit card mmg ok la. Sbb konsep mcm kita bayar cash. CC pun ok jer kalau bayar terus. |
Selalu kalu bayar guna cc akan ada charge untuk proses..cam kita bayar beli ticket AA akan ada extra carge utk proses, macam tu gak kalau kita bayar hotel.
Selalu kalu bayar guna cc akan ada charge untuk proses..cam kita bayar beli ticket AA akan ada extra carge utk proses, macam tu gak kalau kita bayar hotel.
Aritu pnh kene camni.. tp aku bsangka baik maybe ni hidden caj bank.. beza x byk la.. so aku malas nak ruin holiday pikir bnd camni.. yg penting i nak enjoyssss.. |
Memang mcm ni, sbbikut current currency exchange. Then, Agoda ada certain bilik tu tak termasuk kos utk tax etc. Final price tu kena check.
I biasa kalau oversea, I prefer guna booking,com sbb harga dah all in, takde hidden charge, Then, bookin.com kebanyakkannya boleh by cash. So, you pay what you have to pay. Sbg contoh pegi Jepun, kalau kat receipt yg kat emel tu tulis 16,000 yen n pay at the hotel, you just have to pay 16,000 yen cash. Tak risau pasal charge lain atau exchange rate sbb sendiri dah boleh bajet masa tukar duit tu.
Expedia pun not bad. Boleh dpt collect point Air Asia, pastu kalau last minute booking yg konfem xde nak kensel, boleh dpt bilik murah with discount.
sy pon slalu guna expedia..sbb bila compare its way cheaper wlupon kne kne trus bayar@paY now..boleh kumpul point jgk.
ah!! aku pun selalu guna Expedia & Agoda. Kena compare compare harga. Tp lately Agoda punya rate tak competitive. Derang ada antar aku borang survey & aku kondem kata harga korang tak competitive. Tak best lg dah. kekekeke!!
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