org dah cium Hajr Aswad , dah kena air liur . tak bau ke? auta sam ckp
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kenapa aku tak tahu pulak mereka MEMUJA patung/berhala seakan ianya Tuhan
sepertimana kamu juga sama - MEMUJA AYAT2 TUHAN
PUJA TUHAN lain sangat2 dr
Edited by Truth.8 at 14-9-2017 03:06 PM
kenapa aku tak tahu pulak mereka MEMUJA patung/berhala seakan ianya Tuhan
sepertimana kamu juga sama - MEMUJA AYAT2 TUHAN
PUJA TUHAN lain sangat2 dr
kamu tahu ke istilah memuja ? ayat 'puja" dtg dari sangkrit atau Pooja
kamu dah berguru dgn mereka yg pakar yg tahu maksud pooja ini atau nak berlaga mcm zakir naik seperti tin kosong berbising kuat??![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Puja (Hinduism) ... Sometimes spelt phonetically as pooja or poojah, it may honour or celebrate the presence of special guest(s), or their memories after they die. The word pūjā (Devanagari: पूजा) comes from Sanskrit, and means reverence, honour, homage, adoration, and worship.
Edited by sam1528 at 14-9-2017 06:59 PM
Ha ha .. you are repeating the same BS argument over and over again
This has been addressed a couple of years ago with you in which you appealed to the bible to argue that prophet Ibrahim(as) did not build the Kaabah
The same bible was used to prove that he built the Kaabah and the Kaabah is mentioned being God's sanctuary
You should go back to the same thread and continue from there.
Macamana dgn kononnya ko hantar geng halus ko tu? Another one of your 'pull from the ass' things that you are famous for. Of course everyone will vanish in time .. it is called dying ... everybody does it
Kah kah kah .. 'truth.8' always chasing his own backside
Ha ha .. you are repeating the same BS argument over and over again
This has been addressed a couple of years ago with you in which you appealed to the bible to argue that prophet Ibrahim(as) did not build the Kaabah
The same bible was used to prove that he built the Kaabah and the Kaabah is mentioned being God's sanctuary
You should go back to the same thread and continue from there. I c, ok will try to search for it.
Macamana dgn kononnya ko hantar geng halus ko tu? Another one of your 'pull from the ass' things that you are famous for. Of course everyone will vanish in time .. it is called dying ... everybody does it
OK this is last chance...once it cast out not turning back... now , you challenged me to cast the spell on you? can you says " I challenged you send those spell on me, I dare you"
Me waiting
Ha ha .. you cannot even recall that you ran from the last encounter , ye lah malu punya pasal
OK this is last chance...once it cast out not turning back... now , you challenged me to cast the spell on you? can you says " I challenged you send those spell on me, I dare you"
Me waiting - I challenged you send those spell on me, I dare you
- I challenged you send those spell on me, I dare you
- I challenged you send those spell on me, I dare you
repeat 1000 times
Ada paham tambi? LOL .. after this please seek profesional medical help
Kah kah kah ... 'truth.8' yg kononnya boleh kontrol makhluk halus .. podah lah
As you wish...dont blame me if it come...surly you looking 4 me to remove it...it matter of time
Ha ha ... oooh .. macamana dtg ye? Dengan asap berkepul tebal ke?
LOL .. lepas ni boleh tak ko pergi jumpa doktor sakit jiwa?
Kah kah kah
kamu tahu ke istilah memuja ? ayat 'puja" dtg dari sangkrit atau Pooja
betul - itu adalah istilah PUJA
kan aku dah kasitau PUJA TUHAN
sepertimana kamu dok memuja berkali2 Ayat Psalam 37 tu
cuba kamu belek dan hayati sepenuhnya Psalm 37 tu....
1 Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong;
2 for like the grass they will soon wither,
like green plants they will soon die away.
3 Trust in the Lord and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
4 Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5 Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him and he will do this:
kan senang PERCAYA PADA TUHAN dan BERBUAT BAIK.................![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Edited by Lagubestbest at 16-9-2017 11:15 PM
Sunnah nabi. Kalau nabi tak cium, takde lah ramai berebut nak cium serpihan batu tu. Non muslim tau hape pasal sunnah nabi. Tapi kalaulah bukan sunnah nabi sekalipun, kenapa tak nak sentuh pulak? Batu syurga tu, batu tertua di dunia. Malaikat Jibril yang bagi pada nabi Ismail yang tengah cari batu terakhir yang sesuai, masa tolong Nabi Ibrahim susun batu2 untuk bina kaabah buat kali pertama. Maksudnya batu yang pernah disentuh/ dicium hampir kesemua orang2 hebat mengikut Islam.
Kalau jeles nak kutuk jugak, jangan risau nanti akhir zaman, masa Islam dah pupus dari ingatan, perkataan Allah pun takde orang tau nak sebut, zaman tu akan ada geng serang kaabah. Orang arab sendiri, kaki bengkok, akan datang runtuhkan kaabah untuk korek harta bawah kaabah. |
Edited by Truth.8 at 16-10-2017 10:55 PM
batu syurga kah ? cuba ke kedai yg jual batu kristal...tanya ada batu meteorite..pasti ada jual...saya pun ada ...hitam....zaman dulu2 bila batu metorite jatuh ke bumi, ia di anggap keramat atau special ....sehingga taksub...cium, touching2 , sapu minyak atar sehingga sayang sangat dgn batu tersebut...
setiap perbuataan ada 'niat' kalau niat dgn Pencipta....ok lah
lu pikir lah sendiri apa maksud tersebut
In Islam, there are many Holy places, relics, and remains that are sacred to Muslims and are respected because of their religious status. One of such relics that enjoys equal respect and reverence between all the Muslims is the Hajr e Aswad or commonly known as ‘The Black Stone’ |
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“The Black stone descended from paradise, and it was more white than milk, then it was blacked by this sins of the children of Adam.” (Tirmidhi)
This hadith proves that Hajr e Aswad stone came from the paradise, and it was originally in pure white condition, and then started turning black with the progression in the increasing sins of humankind
Hajj is a world's largest annual worship of Muslims and one of the important pillars is Saee in Hajj |
Edited by Truth.8 at 5-8-2018 01:14 PM
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“The Black stone descended from paradise, and it was more white than milk, then it was blacked by this sins of the children of Adam.” (Tirmidhi)
This hadith proves that Hajr e Aswad stone came from the paradise, and it was originally in pure white condition, and then started turning black with the progression in the increasing sins of humankind
helloooooooooooooooooooooooo...do you know cyrstal stones will change color due chemical reaction :
one example is Petrified Wood. it changes color and become crystal ...even is wood it changes to crystal.
google it
a sin of humans indication GOD wrath thru weathers ,climax and others......
the black stone is a meteoroid ...is common meteroid will fall and while falling to earth it burn like fireball and touches the earth.. ...pagan believed it from paradise because uneducated during that time...you can easily buy meteoroid..secondly while falling to earth it shine because fire burning..a kind fire ball...so it changes color into black...you excuses it sin and bla bla bla is not accepted.
Hajj is a world's largest annual worship of Muslims and one of the important pillars is Saee in Hajj
google pagan circling and touching the black stone and history...
Dentuman, gegaran dirasai di Sabah mungkin akibat meteor-21 Ogs 2018, 8:48 pagi | Dikemaskini 21 Ogs 2018, 8:52 pagi
Pengarah Jabatan Meteorologi Sabah, Azemi Daud, tidak menolak kemungkinan tahi bintang atau meteor yang menyebabkan letupan kuat disusuli gegaran di sekitar beberapa daerah seperti Kota Belud, Tuaran dan Tamparuli lewat malam semalam.
Katanya, jabatan itu masih menyiasat punca gegaran tersebut, namun mengesahkan tiada gempa bumi yang berlaku dan maklumat awal juga menunjukkan tiada ribut petir lewat malam semalam.
“Kalau ada pun (meteor) susah untuk dikesan. Boleh jadi juga, letupan itu kemungkinan terhasil daripada meteor yang terbakar ketika memasuki di ruang angkasa.
“Ini kerana meteor atau tahi bintang adalah cahaya terang yang kelihatan melintasi langit malam dengan begitu pantas dan secara tiba-tiba. Ia biasanya adalah habuk dan debu yang terbakar apabila memasuki dalam atmosfera bumi.
“Namun meteor yang besar boleh membunuh juga dan meteorit ialah nama serpihan batuan yang mungkin jatuh atas bumi,” katanya yang dipetik oleh portal Berita Harian Online.
Susulan kejadian itu, warga maya di laman sosial mengaitkannya dengan kejadian tahi bintang dengan ada yang mendakwa sempat merakamkan pergerakan cahaya terang di langit.
Ada yang mendakwa melihat satu cahaya seperti meteor di langit selama beberapa minit sebelum meletup dan mengeluarkan bunyi yang kuat.
Selain itu, ada juga mengaitkan kejadian berkenaan dengan latihan tentera di Kem Paradise, Kota Belud.
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