Wicked, jgn layan Truth. Dia tu mereng sebab desperate sgt nak cari isteri. Kesiannya..... Sebab tulah rumah dia bnyk...... he he he. This is a WP Forum BTW! |
WICKED This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 22-5-2004 12:29 PM:
Wicked, jgn layan Truth. Dia tu mereng sebab desperate sgt nak cari isteri. Kesiannya..... Sebab tulah rumah dia bnyk...... he he he. This is a WP Forum BTW!
Iye ke Desperado??? : haha kesian nya  |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 22-5-2004 12:29 PM:
Wicked, jgn layan Truth. Dia tu mereng sebab desperate sgt nak cari isteri. Kesiannya..... Sebab tulah rumah dia bnyk...... he he he. This is a WP Forum BTW!
aku bukan desparte sangat nak cari isteri tapi lu desparte sangat cari jantan hehehehhehe
4 me anytime can get wife not a problem but the problem is my identi being a muslim which i am not interested in musim wife. |
Robotic This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 22-5-2004 01:53 PM:
aku bukan desparte sangat nak cari isteri tapi lu desparte sangat cari jantan hehehehhehe
4 me anytime can get wife not a problem but the problem is my identi being a muslim which i am not ...
what is musim wife....nak cari jantan : |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-5-22 01:53 PM:
aku bukan desparte sangat nak cari isteri tapi lu desparte sangat cari jantan hehehehhehe
4 me anytime can get wife not a problem but the problem is my identi being a muslim which i am not ...
My reply:-
Betul ke? Anytime can get a wife???? Takkan alasan cuma dgn your Muslim name. Semua gadis reject you sebab your Muslim name???!!! That's ODD!
BTW, I have my own family. So pls jgnlah jealous! Tak payah cari, tak payah petik jari pun memang ramai yg dtg.:lol |
Robotic This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 22-5-2004 02:10 PM:
My reply:-
Betul ke? Anytime can get a wife???? Takkan alasan cuma dgn your Muslim name. Semua gadis reject you sebab your Muslim name???!!! That's ODD!
BTW, I have my own family. So pls jgnlah jealous! Tak payah cari, tak payah petik jari pun memang ramai yg dtg.
bukan gadis reject i sebab i muslim ...lagi i tak cakap dengan gadis2 i ini muslim. cuma nak cari jodoh yg bukan islam. i dah cerita i punya ID is rejected by syariah court and i hve to remain muhammad followers. kalau dah keluar nanti....senang lah cari jodoh.....
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 22-5-2004 02:10 PM:
BTW, I have my own family. So pls jgnlah jealous! Tak payah cari, tak payah petik jari pun memang ramai yg dtg.
tak payah cakap besar2 . nanti yg datang semua dah tua2 nak mampus .....dah pula kena telan viagra untuk dot dot dot dot bila tak pil perasang itu , mula dia punya itu lembik :malu:..... last2 u kena cari lelaki gigolo clap: |
Robotic This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 22-5-2004 02:23 PM:
nothing is joke compare to ur sensual paradise hving non stop action sex in ur muslim paradise.
just like the fairly stories lol :clap:
Ye ke Tambi..ke ko buat buat cerita....kata orang kalau nampak ular then ternampak orang macam ko ketuk kepala kau dulu sebab kaki pembelit... |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-5-22 02:21 PM:
bukan gadis reject i sebab i muslim ...lagi i tak cakap dengan gadis2 i ini muslim. cuma nak cari jodoh yg bukan islam. i dah cerita i punya ID is rejected by syariah court and i hve to remain ...
My reply:-
Mana ada married woman kena cari pasangan lagi? Gila ke? |
Robotic This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 22-5-2004 02:30 PM:
My reply:-
Mana ada married woman kena cari pasangan lagi? Gila ke?
Dalam ugama dia boleh kot ...jenis sembah matahari  |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 22-5-2004 02:30 PM:
My reply:-
Mana ada married woman kena cari pasangan lagi? Gila ke?
did i say married women???u damp stupid....
i mentioned that i was rejected by syariah court not convert to other religion and stay in this stupid allah religion. |
Originally posted by Robotic at 22-5-2004 02:34 PM:
Dalam ugama dia boleh kot ...jenis sembah matahari
aku bukan sembah matahari atau tonggeng 5 kali macam lampu aladin, atau mengangkat jari atas & bawa, cium batu hitam, baca ayat2 sendiri tak paham tapi aku sembah Tuhan yg anuti oleh Nabi Adam, Ibrahaim sehingga Nabi Jesus (not Isa)
bukan macam kau nabi ....konon2 cit chat dengan allah dengan riding buraq:lol :clap: nampak sangat macam belit2
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 22-5-2004 at 06:26 PM ] |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-5-22 04:35 PM:
did i say married women???u damp stupid....
i mentioned that i was rejected by syariah court not convert to other religion and stay in this stupid allah religion.
My reply:-
I'm not sure abt this. So I decline to comment any further. Anyway, awak ni jenis tak faham bahasa kot. I didn't say abt you marrying married woman. I just mentioned that married women are not supposed to look for another partner. |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 22-5-2004 05:18 PM:
My reply:-
I'm not sure abt this. So I decline to comment any further. Anyway, awak ni jenis tak faham bahasa kot. I didn't say abt you marrying married woman. I just mentioned that married ...
so in ur sensual paradise men do all the dirty jobs hving live sex show while u women left none???? may be watching will be good 4 u:hmm: |
BO and truth
sorry for this interruption,
this is global politics, not ding dong over marriage.
Truth, you will be set free soon in a promised land, as you hold on to the new faith. |
Yup.. soon he will be in freeland because of his racist remark toward chinese... |
Originally posted by kid at 22-5-2004 08:51 PM:
Yup.. soon he will be in freeland because of his racist remark toward chinese...
is not racist remark but giving my point. read my posting frm begining.
don't tell me u did not pass racisit remarks??? mostly comes from Muslim in this forum. all those kling lah & bla222 |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 22-5-2004 09:18 PM:
is not racist remark but giving my point. read my posting frm begining.
don't tell me u did not pass racisit remarks??? mostly comes from Muslim in this forum. all those kling lah & bl ...
giving your racist point is not racist... ?? :nerd: |
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