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Author: Aduradura

[Edisi jaga tepi kain] Apa yang anda mau?

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Post time 28-12-2017 08:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aduradura replied at 28-12-2017 07:54 PM
iolls kalau boleh avoid laaa gabung nama laki bini cmni utk company , hahaha bukan ape, teringat p ...

I suka if they both venture in diff direction other then acting nyanyi

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2017 08:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
samisfar replied at 28-12-2017 08:04 PM
I suka if they both venture in diff direction other then acting nyanyi

Khennn, like hairul & hanis

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Post time 28-12-2017 08:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Untuk 2018, Meols harap:-
1- Boleh terlibat dgn drama/filem yang berkualiti.. Masuk acting class dan fokus untuk bagi lakonan yg terbaik.
2- Nyanyi tu x kisah sgt.. sampingan pun x pe..
3- Dapat jadi duta utk well known product.

1- Dapat jd duta utk well known product jugak
2- Semoga business soul sister dia berjaya kaching kaching
3- Lepas habis shoot 2 filem tu rehat jap, fokus dkt family.. Baru balance kerja dan personal

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Post time 28-12-2017 08:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bisnes selain bidang lakonan dan nyanyian. For long term sustain nya bisnes

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Post time 28-12-2017 08:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Fattah: please kurgkan drama2 anak org kaya..cari tele/drama/ movie yg berat..keluar dr comfort zone anda..

Fazura: nk tgk as a host utk apa2 program..and of course nk tgk fazura as a mother too..

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Post time 28-12-2017 09:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iols nk pada tahun depan dan mendatang.. theyols berdua ni meningkat or naik setakuk dari yg sekarang contohnya pelakon popular ke terbaik.. terbaik ke legend.. same goes to endorsement  nk dr endorsed produk biasa2 ni naik ke produk yg berjenama skit.. fattah da nampak kearah tu like oppo n king koil.. same goes to business nk maju setapak lagi better promosi for HOD n maybe bleh bukak hotel ke permulaan like hotel ninety six ke.. hihi

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Post time 28-12-2017 10:12 PM | Show all posts
Cikjie replied at 28-12-2017 08:39 PM
Fattah: please kurgkan drama2 anak org kaya..cari tele/drama/ movie yg berat..keluar dr comfort zone ...

Suka dia berlakon dalam Wanita Terindah bila jadi marhaen je. Menjadi betul watak Fahim Aiman tu.
Fattah pernah juga berlakon watak Dino marhaen/pemuzik jalanan dalam Alien Planet Cinta. Other "marhaen" roles are:

Anas (mekanik) dalam Plan Cinta Tak Jadi.
Zakhif dalam Dia Anak Jeneral (belum tayang)
Shahidan dalam Awaklah Imam Saya
Rayyan dalam Raya Kami
Awang dalam Cik Siti

Tapi given his good looks and commanding presence, it can't be helped when producers choose him untuk watak2 aristocratic.


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Post time 28-12-2017 10:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kita nak mereka berdua jadi produser pula. Tubuhkan satu syarikat produksi

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Post time 28-12-2017 10:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baru perasan melnanzz pun dah komen yang serupa

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Post time 28-12-2017 10:40 PM | Show all posts
Fazura...1)hos program berkaitan fashion atau lifestyle, kalau boleh for regional network  sbb English dia bagus
2) product endorsement yg upmarket
3) ambil vocal class so that nyanyian live dia makin improve
4) berlakun...kalau boleh filem genre sejarah like Putri Gunung Ledang ( sapa nak produce aku tak tau)

Fattah... 1) berlakun teater ( Dgn tunjuk ajar sifu teater)
2) product endorsement yg upmarket
3) berlakun movie Indonesia yg best mcm AAC2 or SYTD tapi biar watak yg ada impak
4) habiskan degree

FATTZURA - Rancangan TV Walimatul urus, Romantika,  rancangan travelogue sambil Jalan Jalan Cari Makan


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Post time 29-12-2017 01:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dr dulu aku nak faz serius dlm bisnes dia.
Hod start lama dh tp faZ kurg serius..
Dia boleh jd mcm vivy n lofa kalau betul2 serius..
Sbb market clothing line ni ok jah even eco down..
Baju2 n tudg dia semua ok..
Kalu setiap bulan sentiasa ada new product insyaAllah boleh maintain..nk lg best dia buat dgn fatah sbb dua2 mmg best in fashion..

Lain2 aku nk tgk depa  jd duta intnl brand.baru sesuai dgn rupa n status deme..

Faz plz jd pngcra mcm yg prog Mas la

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Post time 29-12-2017 08:39 AM | Show all posts
Fazura :
1. jadi HOST...die pandai bercakap..
2.majukan bisnes HOD die tu...she can do it...just need to fokus n team designer and marketing yg aktif.
3.cari bisnes baru..gunakan nama/pengalaman yg ad utk bisnes baru tu.. (belakon ni lama mane je leh btahan kn)
4.cepat2 la jadi ibu

1.tlg cpt2 abiskan belajar tu
2.fokus utk syarkat production die..nak die jadi mcm syamsul yusof.. (belakon ni lama mane je leh btahan kn)
3.more bisnes from him

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Post time 29-12-2017 10:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
samisfar replied at 28-12-2017 07:47 PM
Fattzura Corporation
Fattzura Sendirian Berhad
Fattzura Holdings

boleh tambah?? ...  "Yayasan FattZura"  hikhik     .   tetiba mencemar duli.. dah bertahun Meoww SR di forum..., nie fazura lah punya pasal.

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Post time 29-12-2017 11:26 AM | Show all posts
iols nk both of them endorse lebih bnyk label international..

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Post time 29-12-2017 11:31 AM | Show all posts
pennypond replied at 28-12-2017 07:49 PM
yup tv host..suka sangat  tengok faz cakap.smooth je..lancar mcm air.confident sangat..

Faz punya communication skills mmg superb. Articulate & confident.
Suka tgk masa dia mengacara Aspirasi MAS dulu tuu. boleh nampak sisi cheeky & funny dia... and at the same time passionate & ardent, as well as assertive when needed.

Lepas tu facial expression dia tu macam... camana nak ckp ehh, macam animated gittew. Andaikata dia buat hosting on the food review ke hapa, kalu dia ckp batu goreng tuu sedap mungkin aku pon leh percaya & terlior kot

Mungkin Faz leh consider jadik juri untuk pertandingan jugak... dia ada credibilty untuk menilai dari segi persembahan/lakonan. aku tak tgk MLM dulu, so aku tak tau macamana kemampuan dia jadik juri dulu... tapi aku assume it was ok.
Tgk Mas Idayu tuu mendoniaaaaa di Indonesia dgn DAA. bukanlah aku nak Faz jadik juri DAA yerr, tapi kalau ada peluang dia lebarkan sayap dia sebagai juri ke tv host ke di Indonesia, why not kann


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Post time 29-12-2017 11:35 AM | Show all posts
iols cuma nak fattzura happy together sampai tua bersama anak2 & cucu cicit
thats all.

pasal karier iols yakin team management both fattah & fazura mmg dah ada plan yg terbaik utk mereka. iols just akan support dari belakang.

kalau boleh nk request satu : Walimatulurus Fattzura please

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Post time 29-12-2017 11:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Faz..1. Project baby 2. Host food program or any program berbahasa Inggeris 3. TV producer 4. Once a while acting or singing
Fattah..1. Project baby 2. Upkan his current business 3. TV/movie producer 4. Complete study, if possible continue until PhD 5. Motivator, bila dah confident sikit 6. Once a while acting and singing.

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Post time 29-12-2017 12:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nyah nak theyols banyak lakon drama and filem, so boleh selalu tengok theyols di TV and supaya theyols sentiasa relevan dalam industri. Mungkin bamtah boleh cuba under production ziela jalil atau zaiton jiwa. Lebih banyak impak. Nyah nak theyols terus endorse local product since theyols masing masing usahawan yang ada product sendiri. Dari situ theyolz boleh belajar bagaimana membina jenama dan branding dari usahawan berjaya seperti puteri, vivy dan lain lain. Bukan mudah yach...endorsement International brand ni hanya berasa gah sajork...tapi value added in the long run tak banyak.

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Post time 29-12-2017 12:13 PM | Show all posts
nakkk futf season baru, new movie from faz,
bab anak tu ikut dorg lah, sbb faz pun ada upcoming movie utk dishoot.


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Post time 29-12-2017 12:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aduradura replied at 28-12-2017 07:44 PM
Sorry to say, utk drama okla nk partner dgn mek jenna...but utk filem, mek jenna bukan filem pun ...

kimchi utk awk bukan emma maembong ke heroin die

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