Fazura and her love for high-end arm candies
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Elfira yg agak suam sendu tu pon shopping make up sampai 10k
Faz yg byk job sampai ke filem indo tu sure la lagi byk duit dan mampu beli semua tu
Takde masalah pon kalo perempuan kerja dan belanja utk diri sendiri..self reward gitew
Yang dok dengki ckp faz guna duit fatah tu msti sbb duit gaji dia laki dia sebat hahahaa |
A’ah kan. And mostly design classic & not seasonal. Boleh pakai berkurun2 & boleh turunkan kat her future baby girl 
Exactly... faz dah pakai chanel masa dia umur 20 kot
Berbaloi lah beli bag high end sbb harga naik setiap tahun utk chanel, hermes
Design pun classic , tak go out of fashion
aldilla_zahraa replied at 7-1-2018 08:13 AM
TApi ada mangkuk hayun risau pulak Fazura habiskan duit laki dia sendiri beli handbag mahal dan Loub ...
Kannn...hahhaha.. |
Harga beg dia tu kira reasonable la dgn income dia as pelakon duta produk ambassador dll..nowadays org keje gomen pun mampu pakai beg belas2 ribu..apatah lagi pazura ni.. |
Bestnya. Iols nak beli seken hand LV pon berfikir dua tiga kali. |
Laaa..fazz ni mmg loaded pun. Jadi product ambassador aje pun dah kena byr 6 figure income, dah kenapa ada yg "stinky hearts"..she earns her own money for so long..takkan hadap duit laki aje. |
skinskin replied at 7-1-2018 09:48 AM
sape yg ade gambar koleksi faz tu tepek la kt sini dlu sesambil cuci mata
nak tengok koleksi kasut.... hihi |
Mesti ada bilik khas utk simpan handbeg2 sheolls khennn |
masa dkt anak raja tu kan dh biasa showered dgn kemewahan..lgpun faz nmpk classy sgt kelek beg mahal2 cmtu..
Lana replied at 7-1-2018 09:24 AM
Baru nak tanya if ada thread khusus untuk archive Fazura’s fashion..tak kiralah arm candies ker kas ...
Yes yes.dah lama terpikir x de ke sesape nak bukak thread pasal her fashion& style esp her red carpet look |
Edited by samisfar at 7-1-2018 03:43 PM
Kena lah Faz carry Birkin dgn status dia!bag dinamakan frm Jane Birkin,Kelly frm Grace Kelly HConstance named after designer tu nyer anak and this bag is currently in fashion as a symbol of wealth due to high price and banyak celebs pakai
Status symbol giteeww
Tapi klau Faz carry memang lah cantik ada vvip carry meolls tengok mcm kampong.com |
samisfar replied at 7-1-2018 03:38 PM
Kena lah Faz carry Birkin dgn status dia!bag dinamakan frm Jane Birkin,Kelly frm Grace Kelly HConsta ...
U sebut kelly trngat crita kt 702
Org tua ni kasi dia pnya prmpuan smpanan kelly wrna merah
Org laki tu org france, prempuan org us, kira naif la prmpuan tu dia tak tau brapa hrga beg tu
Dia pkai gi merata buat selamber je
Dan smua org tgk dia org tau dia prmpuan simpanan haha |
Lana replied at 7-1-2018 09:24 AM
Baru nak tanya if ada thread khusus untuk archive Fazura’s fashion..tak kiralah arm candies ker kas ...
Yes, she def has a very good fashion sense. Bila pakai tudung style mcm brunei-ans pun, nampak kemas dan lawa. Kalau I pakaingotu, dah nampak mcm maid dah haha |

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Post time 7-1-2018 04:30 PM
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Post time 7-1-2018 04:33 PM
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Whoah...leh cuci mata. Thanks mod/tt. Love it and keep em pics coming! |
skinskin replied at 7-1-2018 04:33 PM
wohh tq mod. faz memang classy.effortlessly.tak payah beriya.simple outfit,just pakai nice shoes pastu kelek bag pun dah wow sangat dah..
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