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Author: Sephiroth

Bhavagad Gita ...

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 Author| Post time 29-6-2004 01:36 PM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

hmmm putting ur own opinion and words??? well, u will know the TRUTH  i am too lazy to rewrite again and again. i hve much better things to do and educate my C&C brothers and sisters.
U need that calling without that calling....u will still argue.

Come back when you have enough strenght to face the world without hiding behind a Multinick and lie to others on who you are. Maybe then I will see you as a True Christian. ;)

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Post time 29-6-2004 01:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 29-6-2004 01:36 PM:
Come back when you have enough strenght to face the world without hiding behind a Multinick and lie to others on who you are. Maybe then I will see you as a True Christian.


i do not used multi nick.what strong with u?? i hve enough strengh but too lazy to rewrite my defend because u hve not been  CALLED  yet.

u lable me lie  few hrs ago on the Astro things but God is all seeing exposed who and who is blind.

i end my case here

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 Author| Post time 29-6-2004 02:52 PM | Show all posts
Now that we have that slight detour over ... we can continue with the next chapter in Bhavagad Gita.

Jnana means Knowledge and this next chapter is called Jnana Yoga.

Jnana Yoga

Krishna spoke This everlasting system of devotion I declared to the sun, the sun declared it to Manu, and Manu communicated it to Ikshvaku.  Coming thus by steps it became known to royal sages. But that devotion was lost to the world by long lapse of time. That same primeval devotion I have declared to you today, seeing that you are my devotee and friend, for it is the highest mystery.

Meaning Krishna taught this knowledge to the Sun God first (one of the first Diety which Man had learn to worship since the beginning) and the Sun gave this knowledge to Manu.

Manu means Soil and considered to be the first Man, equivalent to Adam (minus the condemnation part). Manu taught it down the generations from kings and so one.

But over the time, the original knowledge have been corrupted by time as people start to add and delete things to suit their own understanding and now, once again, the knowledge must be retold once again.]

Arjuna asked , "Later is your birth; the birth of the sun is prior. How then shall I understand that you declared this first?

[Question - Sun was created first and then Krishna (as a Man), how is it possible for Krishna to inform the Sun of anything?]

And Krishna answered, " I have passed through many births, Arjuna, and you also. I know them all, but you do not know them. Even though I am unborn and inexhaustible in my essence, even though I am lord of all beings, still I take up the control of my own nature and am born by means of my delusive power."

Whenever sacred duty languishes, and impiety rules, I create myself. I am born age after age, for the protection of the good, for the destruction of evil-doers, and the establishment of sacred duty. Whoever truly knows about my divine birth and work casts off this body and is not born again. He comes to me, Arjuna. Many from whom affection, fear, and wrath have departed, who are full of me, who depend on me, and who are purified by the penance of knowledge, have come into my essence.

I serve men in the way in which they approach me. Men follow me in every possible way. Desiring the success of actions, men in this world worship the divinities, for in this world of mortals, the success produced by action is soon obtained.

[Simple enough to understand, right?]

The fourfold division of castes was created by me according to the apportionment of qualities and duties. But though I am its author, know me to be inexhaustible, and not the author. Actions do not pollute me. I have no attachment to the fruit of actions. He who knows me thus is not tied down by actions.  

[Important ... explaination about the Caste system which was created according to qualities and duties of a person (his nature) and NOT his birth or heritage.]

Knowing this, the men of old who wished for final emancipation performed action. Therefore you, too, should perform action as was done by men of old in ancient times. Even sages are confused as to what action is and what inaction is. Therefore I will speak to you about action, and learning that, you will be freed from this world of evil.  

[Enough ... let other read and understand it.]

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Post time 29-6-2004 03:39 PM | Show all posts
ur Gita any  proof?? history? any  land mark on arjuna war?? in Biblical we hve proof frm India right to middle east. we hve location, photos & etc  which recovered by archeology

does ur Gita or faith has any evidence to support ur clamied???

pls don't get offended just need some information

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 Author| Post time 29-6-2004 04:02 PM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

ur Gita any  proof?? history? any  land mark on arjuna war?? in Biblical we hve proof frm India right to middle east. we hve location, photos & etc  which recovered by archeology

does ur Gita or faith has any evidence to support ur clamied???

pls don't get offended just need some information

God! You just can't stay away, could you? :geram:

This is site showing information on the field of Kuruskshetra where the battle was conducted. It is roughly 80 miles from Delhi (the old one, I believe).

City of Dwarka, which said to be built and house Lord Krishna till end of Mahabratha War (5,000 years ago) is under the sea, off the coast of Goa and currently been exacavated by Scientiest, both local AND international.

And I believe you know Ayordha site.

Main problem with this ancients temples and sites are that they have been spoilt and rebuilt as some other site by invaders over the past few hundred years like the Muslims.

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Post time 29-6-2004 05:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 29-6-2004 04:02 PM:

Main problem with this ancients temples and sites are that they have been spoilt and rebuilt as some other site by invaders over the past few hundred years like the Muslims.

Muslims again  tak habis2

why they did that?? to removed the proof?? tak habis2 buat huru hara:agr:

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2004 09:57 AM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

Muslims again  tak habis2
why they did that?? to removed the proof?? tak habis2 buat huru hara  

No idea and no reason to be talking about it now. Past is Past and whatever evil they have commited, they will pay in their own sweet time.

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2004 10:42 AM | Show all posts
[Continue from above ...]

One must possess knowledge about action; one must also possess knowledge about prohibited action; and again one must possess knowledge about inaction.

[People need to know what is action (allowed), what action which is not allowed and what action which they have no power over]

The truth regarding action is obscure and difficult. He is wise among men, he is possessed of devotion, and performs all actions, who sees inaction in action and action in inaction. The wise call him learned, whose acts are all free from desires and fancies, and whose actions are burnt down by the fire of knowledge.

   Forsaking all attachment to the fruit of action, always contented, dependent on none, he does nothing at all, though he engages in action.

   Devoid of expectations, restraining the mind and the self, and casting off all belongings, he incurs no sin, performing actions merely for the sake of the body.

   Satisfied with earnings coming spontaneously, rising above the pairs of opposites, free from all animosity, and maintaining equanimity in success and failure, he is not chained down, even though he performs actions.

   The acts of one who lacks all attachment, who is free, whose mind is fixed on knowledge, and who performs action for the purpose of sacrifice are all destroyed.  

[Description of a person who knows the knowledge of action which can be formed, cannot be formed and inaction (action which one has no power over).]

Brahman is the offering; with Brahman as a sacrificial instrument it is offered up; Brahman is in the fire; and by Brahman it is thrown; and Brahman, too, is the goal to which he proceeds who meditates on Brahman in the action.  

[Brahman means God and this shows where God stands with all this activities. ]

   Some devotees perform the sacrifice to the gods, some offer up the sacrifice by the sacrifice of Brahman in the fire.

[Brahmins and priest in Hindusm use this method.]

   Others offer up the senses, such as the sense of hearing and others, in the fires of restraint; others offer up the objects of sense, such as sound and so forth, into the fires of the senses .

   Some again offer up all the operations of the senses and tne operations of the life-breaths into the fire of devotion by self-restraint, kindled by knowledge.

[I believe Yogis and those who perform severe tapas does this one.]

    Others perform the sacrifice of wealth, the sacrifice of penance, the sacrifice of concentration of mind, the sacrifice of Vedic study, and of knowledge, and others are ascetics of rigid vows.

[People who study religions in books, perform prayers, offer wealth, meditate etc offers this]

   Some offer up the upward life-breath into the downward life-breath, and the downward life-breath into the upper life-breath, and stopping up the motions of the upward and downward life-breaths, devote themselves to restraining their breathing .  

[Again ... Yogis and people like that, including those who meditates.]

   Others, who take limited food, offer up the life-breaths into the life-breaths.

[People who fast, probably]

   All of these, conversant with the sacrifice, have their sins destroyed by the sacrifice

   Those who eat the nectar-like leavings of the sacrifice repair to the eternal Brahman.

   This world is not for those who perform no sacrifice, nor is the other world, either.

[Meaning the sins they have commited is destroyed by the actions which they commit to God (as long as they have no personal gain from it).

Note : This world and the next one IS NOT for those who has no sacrifice to offer to God.

So think carefully what sacrifice have you offered to God in the past, what are you offering now and what are you planning to offer in the future?]

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Post time 30-6-2004 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 30-6-2004 09:57 AM:
by Truth.8

Muslims again  tak habis2
why they did that?? to removed the proof?? tak habis2 buat huru hara  

No idea and no reason to be talking about it now. Past is Past and whatev ...

what about indian??? i hear my indian friend once said this:

this reason why indian cannot come up in life is 'bad karama" even they are inteligent but still live in poverty.

why??? i asked

look at india,, they most bribe in the world....even in business they not honest or sincere thats why god do not bless them. even some spiritual leader makes used of them to gain money.

i also notice that indians seldom keep to their words. one momenth they says this next they play different tune??? why??? does ur gita did not warn them to keep promise , words should not be twisted and etc????

not all indians but some. even in my business, i notice most of indians clients makes appointment and changed last minute. again, not all but some.

[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 30-6-2004 at 10:55 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2004 11:08 AM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

what about indian??? i hear my indian friend once said this:

this reason why indian cannot come up in life is 'bad karama" even they are inteligent but still live in poverty.

why??? i asked

Your friend's poverty is result of his bad karma, BUT his intelligence is result of his good karma. He CAN overcome his poverty IF he choose to instead of making excuse. The choice is HIS, not God's.

And HOW he uses his intelligence - whether in a good way or a bad way will result in more karma - Good OR Bad, which will result in future actions and conditions which will govern him.

look at india,, they most bribe in the world....even in business they not honest or sincere thats why god do not bless them. even some spiritual leader makes used of them to gain money.

i also notice that indians seldom keep to their words. one momenth they says this next they play different tune??? why??? does ur gita did not warn them to keep promise , words should not be twisted and etc????

not all indians but some. even in my business, i notice most of indians clients makes appointment and changed last minute. again, not all but some.

Hello ... so does a Muslim client or a Chinese client. ;)

IF one of the rules by which a person allowed or not allowed into heaven is whether he doesn't LIE, then NO one will managed to reach heaven.

ALL Humans lie to others everyday, some know it is a lie and keep saying it while another doesn't know whether it is a lie or not.

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Post time 30-6-2004 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 30-6-2004 11:08 AM:

what about indian??? i hear my indian friend once said this:

this reason why indian cannot come up in life is 'bad karama" even they are inteligent but still live in pover ...

OIC itu macam kah

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2004 11:46 AM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

OIC itu macam kah

Muslims always pride themselves stating that God is with them. Thing is, God is watching them very carefully. He WILL give them ALL the chance they need to improve themselves and whether they will take it or not is up to them.

To live or to Perish is not because Fate had decided so, it is because of each person's action.

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Post time 1-7-2004 01:25 PM | Show all posts
is krishana aka brahman also womaniser???  i understand krishan is womeniser??? rite???

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2004 01:42 PM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

is krishana aka brahman also womaniser???  i understand krishan is womeniser??? rite???

hmph ... what is the purest way and the simplest way for a Human (come Man or Woman) to express his or her Love? :hmm:

How does a Mother express her Love? A father?

How does a Lover express her Love?

How does a child express her Love?

Christians always talk about Love. I ask you know how do you express it? :hmm:

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Post time 1-7-2004 02:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 1-7-2004 01:42 PM:
by Truth.8

is krishana aka brahman also womaniser???  i understand krishan is womeniser??? rite???

hmph ... what is the purest way and the simplest way for a Human (come Man or Woman ...

love is nothing wrong. but if i love will love her until my dying day 121.....but if me think women as sex object to play around then me became a womensier to hve more women around me as sex object ...of course to married them. there is two different meaning love and womensier. a womensier is sex manic and never satify his sexual lust.

prophet abraham only loves so much sarah thats why he refuse to married another women. only sara ask him to married hagar because need a child. after which prophet abraham kick her out hagar because of bitch behaviour

[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 1-7-2004 at 03:01 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2004 03:12 PM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

love is nothing wrong. but if i love will love her until my dying day 121.....but if me think women as sex object to play around then me became a womensier to hve more women around me as sex object ...of course to married them. there is two different meaning love and womensier. a womensier is sex manic and never satify his sexual lust.

prophet abraham only loves so much sarah thats why he refuse to married another women. only sara ask him to married hagar because need a child. after which prophet abraham kick her out hagar because of bitch behaviour

Here you are defining Love in a Human term with Physical concept as your main motive. When two person in love, they get married and they have sex.

What about God? Does He have to turn anyone away when all they want to do is express their Love to Him?

How do you Love your God? By praying? Putting Him in your thought? Fasting? Holding onto His words?

If Yes to all above, then by judging this activities in Human term (via physical concept), all this above activities should be illegal as well. I will explain.

Praying could be considered to be a waste of time by those who do not pray. Further more, those who have no faith will claim that you are wasting your time by praying when the prayers most likely won't be answered. Even when it does, it is purely coincidence and nothing more. Some even will claim that you are curi tulang (being lazy).

Putting Him in your thoughts? What is the difference between that and a person which no faith thinking about what he/she going to do with her lover in bed that night?

Fasting? Even among Muslim, you will find someone eager to get Medical cerificate stating he is medically unfit to fast. ;)

Holding onto His words? You will be called as a person who is othordox (mistake in word) and old fashion, believing in something which is useless.

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Post time 1-7-2004 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 1-7-2004 03:12 PM:
by Truth.8

love is nothing wrong. but if i love will love her until my dying day 121.....but if me think women as sex object to play around then me became a womensier to hve mor ...

me think u not replying with brain. i ask krishan is womensier is that love or taking them as sex object.

u coming with ur crap stories like fasting and bla bla bla.:stp:

how can ur god can manisfest as men hving sex??? Jesus is God and thats why HE remained single all HIS life for sake human to know true God.

but Krishan came to earth and womenise them   .....hmmmm remind me about muhammad:hmm:

btw, does ur krishan has sex with those women????

[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 1-7-2004 at 03:24 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2004 03:31 PM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

me think u not replying with brain. i ask krishan is womensier is that love or taking them as sex object.

u coming with ur crap stories like fasting and bla bla bla.

how can ur god can manisfest as men hving sex??? Jesus is God and thats why HE remained single all HIS life for sake human to know true God.

but Krishan came to earth and womenise them   .....hmmmm remind me about muhammad

btw, does ur krishan has sex with those women????

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Bravo, Christian ... I'd came out with an answer that even an Atheist could understand but you find it hard to accept. Truly a close-minded person. :clap:

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Post time 1-7-2004 06:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 1-7-2004 03:31 PM:
Bravo, Christian ... I'd came out with an answer that even an Atheist could understand but you find it hard to accept. Truly a close-minded person.

so this how u defend ur faith:stp:  clapping(:clap icon to runaway frm my question.

never mind about that atheist asking that question.

so how??? confused or still unable to answere  my question??

ok, i ask u simple question  YES or NO. Does ur krishan has sex with those womens???? pls YES or NO. no more all thise love , fasting and bla bla bla

if yes, how many womans???? pls indicate numbers not ur long stories

pls don't get me wrong or thinking i am offending u, it just matter of information I need to know.

[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 1-7-2004 at 06:19 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 2-7-2004 10:05 AM | Show all posts
[Continue from where I have left off. I have wasted enough time ... ]

Thus sacrifices of various sorts are laid down in the Vedas. Know them all to be produced from action and knowing this you will be released from the chains of this world. The sacrifice of knowledge, Arjuna, is superior to the sacrifice of wealth, for action is wholly and entirely comprehended in knowledge. That you should learn by humble submission, by asking questions, and by doing service.  

[Vedas in Hindusm means Religion, Veda means the Books of Veda like Rig Veda, etc. Know the difference.

Know which actions cause what outcome - the reasons for an action to be formed, what action is been formed by you and what action you have no control over. ]

   The men of knowledge who perceive the truth will teach knowledge to you. Having learned that, O son of Pandu, you will not again fall into delusion, and by means of it you will see all beings without exception, first in yourself, and then in me.

   Even if you are the most sinful of all sinful men, you will cross over all your sins by means of the boat of knowledge alone. As a fire well kindled, Arjuna, reduces fuel to ashes, so the fire of knowledge reduces all actions to ashes. For there is in this world no means of holiness like knowledge, and that one perfected by devotion finds this out in his own self.

   He who has faith, whose senses are restrained, and who is subdued, obtains knowledge. Obtaining knowledge, he acquires, without delay, the highest tranquillity.

[Description of what knowledge holds for a person who seeks it. Where to seek it? In his own actions and in actions of those who knows this Truth.

Those who have faith, hold his senses with restrain, subdued (humble, maybe) will obtain knowledge and with that knowledge, he will gain the highest (Moksha ... Nirwana)]

   He who is ignorant and lacking in faith, and whose self is full of misgivings, is ruined. Not this world, not the next, nor happinness, is for him whose self is full of misgivings.

[No need to explain, self-explanatory]

   Actions do not chain one who is self-possessed, who has renounced action by devotion, and who has destroyed misgivings by knowledge. Therefore, Arjuna, destroy, with the sword of knowledge, these misgivings of yours which fill your mind, and which are produced from ignorance. Engage in devotion. Arise!

[Simple instruction - destroy the misgivings of your Self (arrogant, anger, hatred etc which attach you to the World) by knowledge. Perform your actions with Knowledge and the actions cause by your action will not be yours. ]

Translated by Kashinath Trimbak Telano, 1882
Edited and annotated by Richard Hooker

And that ends Jnana Yoga. I will summarize later.

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