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 Author| Post time 1-12-2018 01:12 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 1-12-2018 11:55 AM
LOL ... lobai mat slow v2 bila kena macam ni - 'Peeeeekkk!' satu round

lobai samdol kau tak malu ke?

takan lobai samdol malu kan? kerana
LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak! MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2018 01:15 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 1-12-2018 01:22 PM
sam1528 replied at 1-12-2018 01:09 PM
LOL .... lepas lobai mat slow v2 kena macam ni

Apa ke benda CE , AD & classification of century ...

ye ye jeeerrr lobai samdol! lobai samdol tau ke AD dan CE memberi maksud yang sama? sebab itu saya kata lobai samdol adalah seorang yang paling bodoh lembam gila muka tak tau malu. kau pergi terjun kolam taik ajalah lobai estate

LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak! MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2018 02:01 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 1-12-2018 02:14 PM
sam1528 replied at 1-12-2018 11:42 AM
Baaaahwahwahwa .... lobai mat slow sekali lagi konfom diri tu amat2 kureng cerdik

Dah kena maca ...

Cuba ko baca balik rujukkan ko sendiri : Conquest started during the Umayyad Period (CE638 - CE750)

Started in the 7th Century CE jugak tambi tapi ko agak2 lah ini selepas atau sebelum wafatnya Nabi Muhammad(saw)?

Ko ni tau ke ttg dates yg ko baca? Ko lagi sekali buktikan yg ko ni amat2 kureng fasih english

Kebodohan ko ni defies logic lah tambi ... ko salah satu org yg paling bodoh kat Forum Cari ni

Kah kah kah ... lobai mat slow v2 ... ko tak kesian ke kat mak pak ko ... kebodohan ko reflects badly on them tau

atas^^^^ tu apabila lobai samdol kekononya terlalu cerdik tetapi lobai samdol adalah manusia yang paling bodoh dan banggang lembam kerana lobai samdol tak faham 7 century ad bersamaan dengan 601-700AD jadi ianya bermaksud nabi muhammad masih hidup lagi kerana nabi mangkat pada 632ad... sebelum ni saya dah bagi tau pun. oleh kerana otak lobai estate saiz otak burung sebab tu tak boleh ingat

tapi tak apa saya faham siapa itu....
LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak! MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

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Post time 1-12-2018 05:43 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 1-12-2018 06:02 PM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 1-12-2018 01:12 PM
lobai samdol kau tak malu ke?

takan lobai samdol malu kan? kerana

LOL ... lobai mat slow v2 kena 'peeeekkk' sekali lagi :

Langsung tak mampu jawab apa2. Merapu aje macam ni :

lobai samdol kau tak malu ke?

takan lobai samdol malu kan? kerana
LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak! MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

Apa ni tambi?

Apa yg ko nak cakap ni? Fokus tambi ... fokus

Mana dia rujukkan yg ko mati2 klaim Qibla pertama , Islam bermula & Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir kat Petra?

Asyik aku aje tampar ko ... senang lah aku macam ni

Kah kah kah ... lobai mat slow v2 dah jadik bahan belasahan aku aje

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Post time 1-12-2018 05:51 PM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 1-12-2018 01:15 PM
ye ye jeeerrr lobai samdol! lobai samdol tau ke AD dan CE memberi maksud yang sama? sebab itu saya ...

He he he he he ... lagi sekali lobai mat slow v2 kena dari aku : 'poooowwww'

Terkangkang kangkang melayang

Bila dah pening tu , merepek lah macam ni :
ye ye jeeerrr lobai samdol! lobai samdol tau ke AD dan CE memberi maksud yang sama? sebab itu saya kata lobai samdol adalah seorang yang paling bodoh lembam gila muka tak tau malu. kau pergi terjun kolam taik ajalah lobai estate

LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak! MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

Dok cakap pasal CE & AD pulak ... Hang dok cakap ttg apa yg org tau lah tambi

LOL ... apa ni tambi? Sudah mati kutu ka?

Konfom dah yg ko sebenarnya tak tau apa tu CE , AD & classification of century

Bila bagi tau ... cepat2 ko google ... tak lah nampak sgt yg ko ni 'bodoh sampai ke tulang'

Macamana ko boleh :
- Nampak aje cubic structure , ko mati2 ingat tersebut kaabah
- paham yg Qibla pertama , Islam bermula & Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir kat Petra manakala rujukkan ko catat hanya dari Umayyad Period , Petra ditawan oleh geng muslim
- paham ttg pilgrimage geng Cult of Aaron kat Petra adalah zaman Nabi Muhammad(saw) manakala konfom tersebut bermula dari 12 or 14 th century

Kah kah kah ... lobai mat slow v2 dah mula mengundur & tak lama lagi surrender lah ... dok tunggu ko menangis aje ni

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Post time 1-12-2018 06:00 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 1-12-2018 06:08 PM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 1-12-2018 02:01 PM
Cuba ko baca balik rujukkan ko sendiri : Conquest started during the Umayyad Period (CE638 - CE750 ...

Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 sekali lagi bukti yg diri tu dah pening pasal kena macam ni :

Mula lah merepek macamni :
Cuba ko baca balik rujukkan ko sendiri : Conquest started during the Umayyad Period (CE638 - CE750)

Started in the 7th Century CE jugak tambi tapi ko agak2 lah ini selepas atau sebelum wafatnya Nabi Muhammad(saw)?

Ko ni tau ke ttg dates yg ko baca? Ko lagi sekali buktikan yg ko ni amat2 kureng fasih english

Kebodohan ko ni defies logic lah tambi ... ko salah satu org yg paling bodoh kat Forum Cari ni

Kah kah kah ... lobai mat slow v2 ... ko tak kesian ke kat mak pak ko ... kebodohan ko reflects badly on them tau

atas^^^^ tu apabila lobai samdol kekononya terlalu cerdik tetapi lobai samdol adalah manusia yang paling bodoh dan banggang lembam kerana lobai samdol tak faham 7 century ad bersamaan dengan 601-700AD jadi ianya bermaksud nabi muhammad masih hidup lagi kerana nabi mangkat pada 632ad... sebelum ni saya dah bagi tau pun. oleh kerana otak lobai estate saiz otak burung sebab tu tak boleh ingat

tapi tak apa saya faham siapa itu....
LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak! MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

Konfom lagi mat slow v2 tak tau apa ke benda tu 7th century CE

Bila google baru lah dapat tau 1 century = 100 thn

Ni ko konfom tau :

...jadi ianya bermaksud nabi muhammad masih hidup lagi kerana nabi mangkat pada 632ad...

Rujukkan dari ko pulak catat :

Petra dlm tangan geng Umayyad (CE638 - 750)

Kalo ikut National Geographic , post# 1 dari ko :
700-1096 Following the Islamic conquest, Petra becomes little more than a village. During the First Crusade, the Christian king of Jerusalem, Baldwin I, occupies Petra, now part of the barony of Karak.

Skg ko dah konfom yg Nabi Muhammad(saw) wafat dulu sebelum geng muslim tawan Petra

Jadik macamana ko boleh mati2 klaim Qibla pertama , Islam bermula & Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir kat Petra?

Ko tak jawab lah ni ... ko akan maki hamun aje

Ye lah , tersebut adalah cara mak pak ko besarkan ko ... ko belajar dari depa pon

Tu pasal aku kata ko adalah mamat yg paling bodoh kat Forum CARI ni , 'bodoh sampai ke tulang'

Dah lah amat2 kureng fasih english

Kah kah kah ... lobai mat slow v2 kena lagi ... asyik kena tampar aje ko ni

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2018 09:27 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 1-12-2018 10:32 PM
sam1528 replied at 1-12-2018 06:00 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 sekali lagi bukti yg diri tu dah pening pasal kena macam ni :


Hahaha...lobai samdol sudah naik gila kerana terkencing kencing disebabkan tak faham English dan buat andaian sendiri kekononya untuk tunjuk cerdik.
lobai samdol faham apa itu maksud a brief history of Islamic petra?kalau lobai samdol cerdik mesti lobai samdol faham berapa lama nabi ambil masa untuk jatuhkan Byzantine dan Jordan sepenuhnya?
. Tetapi disebabkan                   .....LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak! MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

Bunyi tong kosong lobai estate...klonggggg...klongggg...tenggggg...tenggggg..klonggggg.... .siapalah agaknya disebalik nick lobai estate nih!


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Post time 2-12-2018 12:40 AM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 1-12-2018 09:27 PM
Hahaha...lobai samdol sudah naik gila kerana terkencing kencing disebabkan tak faham English dan b ...

Baaaahwahwa ... lobai mat slow v2 dah mula nak carik jalan lari selepas kena

Terkangkang kangkang melambung

Ko dah kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali lah tambi

Ko tak paham rujukkan ko sendiri pasal ko amat2 kureng fasih english :
Hahaha...lobai samdol sudah naik gila kerana terkencing kencing disebabkan tak faham English dan buat andaian sendiri kekononya untuk tunjuk cerdik.
lobai samdol faham apa itu maksud a brief history of Islamic petra?kalau lobai samdol cerdik mesti lobai samdol faham berapa lama nabi ambil masa untuk jatuhkan Byzantine dan Jordan sepenuhnya?
. Tetapi disebabkan                   .....LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak! MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

Bunyi tong kosong lobai estate...klonggggg...klongggg...tenggggg...tenggggg..klonggggg.... .siapalah agaknya disebalik nick lobai estate nih!

Skg dok berpusing ttg berapa lama pulak nak jatuhkan Byzantine empire

Ni semua nak lari & alih perhatian lah tu

Ko dah tak mampu justify klaim ko : Qibla pertama , Islam bermula & Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir kat Petra

Alas ... such remains a wet dream from you

Lagi sekali aku tanya .. macamana ko dlm 'kebodohan sampai ke tulang' boleh mati2 klaim Qibla pertama , Islam bermula & Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir kat Petra?

Rujukkan dari ko pulak catat :

Petra dlm tangan geng Umayyad (CE638 - 750)

Kalo ikut National Geographic , post# 1 dari ko :
700-1096 Following the Islamic conquest, Petra becomes little more than a village. During the First Crusade, the Christian king of Jerusalem, Baldwin I, occupies Petra, now part of the barony of Karak.

Ko pon konfom Nabi Muhammad(saw) wafat pada CE632

Macamana ko boleh buat klaim yg paling bodoh - Qibla pertama , Islam bermula & Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir kat Petra ; manakala rujukkan dari ko sendiri catat Petra hanya jatuh ke tangan geng muslim 700CE ke atas semasa pemerintahan geng Umayyad.

Konfom lah yg ko ni mamat yg paling bangang kat Forum Cari ni.

Apa pon ko tak tau

Kata dah , bila ko kantoi dimalukan dgn terhina sekali ... mula lah maki hamun

Ni semua belajar dari mak pak ko ... keluarga yg tak ada kelas ... apa daaa

Patut pon ko lari ke UK , kalo kat Malaysia ni ... jgn harap lah dapat keje ... ko ni teramat amat slow ... tak mampu bersaing

Kah kah kah ... lobai mat slow v2 kena lagi ... tapi ko ni jenis muka tak malu

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 Author| Post time 2-12-2018 01:36 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 2-12-2018 01:42 AM
sam1528 replied at 2-12-2018 12:40 AM
Baaaahwahwa ... lobai mat slow v2 dah mula nak carik jalan lari selepas kena

Terkangkang kangka ...

samdol kau tak boleh ke jadi cerdik sikit? sikit sahaja tau. saya bagi lobai estate satu contoh...kalau lobai estate nak beli basikal lajak lobai estate kena kompol duit dahulu kan? jika lobai estate dah cukup duit maka baru boleh lobai estate mebeli basikal lajak lobai estate tu kan? so mungkin lobai estate akan ambil masa 2-3 tahun ataupun mungkin 10 tahun untuk simpan duit baru basikal lajak tu akan berada didalam tangan lobai samdol. so kisahnya sama juga dengan peperangan ummayah dengan byzantine tu. lobai estate ada faham ka?

tapi tak apa saya faham...LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak! MUAH..HAHAHAAAA
Bunyi tong kosong lobai estate @ lobai samdol...klong...klongg....klongggg....teng...tengg..klonggggg.....siapalah agaknya disebalik nick lobai estate nih!


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Post time 2-12-2018 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 2-12-2018 10:39 AM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 2-12-2018 01:36 AM
samdol kau tak boleh ke jadi cerdik sikit? sikit sahaja tau. saya bagi lobai estate satu contoh... ...

Baaaaahwahwahwa .... lobai mat slow v2 dah tak mampu jawab lepas kena 'peeeeekkk!' setepek :

Mula lah merepek macam ni :
samdol kau tak boleh ke jadi cerdik sikit? sikit sahaja tau. saya bagi lobai estate satu contoh...kalau lobai estate nak beli basikal lajak lobai estate kena kompol duit dahulu kan? jika lobai estate dah cukup duit maka baru boleh lobai estate mebeli basikal lajak lobai estate tu kan? so mungkin lobai estate akan ambil masa 2-3 tahun ataupun mungkin 10 tahun untuk simpan duit baru basikal lajak tu akan berada didalam tangan lobai samdol. so kisahnya sama juga dengan peperangan ummayah dengan byzantine tu. lobai estate ada faham ka?

tapi tak apa saya faham...LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak! MUAH..HAHAHAAAA
Bunyi tong kosong lobai estate @ lobai samdol...klong...klongg....klongggg....teng...tengg..klonggggg.....siapalah agaknya disebalik nick lobai estate nih!

Lu sudah hilang akai lah tambi .... memang akai ko dah lama hilang

Dok merapu pasal 'beli basikal' lah , 'peperanan umayah dgn byzantine' lah

Dok bebel ttg isu remeh pasal ko cuba nak lari & alih perhatian

Isu sebenar : Ko mati2 klaim Qiba pertama , Islam bermula & Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir kat Petra

Rujukkan yg ko sendiri bagi konfom kantoi malukan ko dgn terhina sekali & skg ko dah jadik bahan belasahan

Sebenarnya ko tak paham apa ko baca - ko kan amat2 kureng fasih english

Rujukkan yg ko bagi konfom Petra jatuh ke tangan geng muslim ~ 700CE ke atas semasa pemerintahan geng Umayyad

Ko sendiri konfom Nabi Muhammad(saw) wafat pada CE632

For your information : CE632 lebih awal dari CE700 tau

LOL ... you have pulled the wrong things from your ass lah tambi

Dah terlampau banyak you pulled things from your ass , jalan pon dah jadik macam ni :

He he he he ... ko dah kena sepak terlampau banyak lah tambi

Tak lama mula lah maki hamun yg ko belajar dari mak pak ko

Kesian ... lobai mat slow v2 hanya mampu merepek aje ... dah surrender lah tu

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 Author| Post time 2-12-2018 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 2-12-2018 11:10 AM
sam1528 replied at 2-12-2018 10:37 AM
Baaaaahwahwahwa .... lobai mat slow v2 dah tak mampu jawab lepas kena 'peeeeekkk!' setepek :

Hahah...lobai estate sudah mau surrender ka?

By the way, saya tidak pernah kata pun nabi lahir di Petra, Lobai samdol sudah gila ka?
Yang saya bahaskan sekarang Mecca becca bacca dan kiblat pertama adalah di Petra bukan di Mecca arab saudi!

Apabila lobai estate sudah mau surrender mulalah buat andaian sendiri! Kalau dah tiada ideas tu cakap sahaja lah lobai estate sudah dimalukan sehinggakan terbogel sehinggakan tiada kemaluan lagi!

Tapi tak apa saya faham siapa itu .....LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak! MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

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Post time 2-12-2018 11:30 AM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 2-12-2018 11:09 AM
Hahah...lobai estate sudah mau surrender ka?

By the way, saya tidak pernah kata pun nabi lahir ...

Baaaahwahwa .... lobai mat slow v2 selepas kena macam ni :

Dah mula nak bohong pasal nak lari
Hahah...lobai estate sudah mau surrender ka?

By the way, saya tidak pernah kata pun nabi lahir di Petra, Lobai samdol sudah gila ka?
Yang saya bahaskan sekarang Mecca becca bacca dan kiblat pertama adalah di Petra bukan di Mecca arab saudi!

Apabila lobai estate sudah mau surrender mulalah buat andaian sendiri! Kalau dah tiada ideas tu cakap sahaja lah lobai estate sudah dimalukan sehinggakan terbogel sehinggakan tiada kemaluan lagi!

Tapi tak apa saya faham siapa itu .....LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak! MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

Bila dah kena dgn terlampau teruk , mula lah bohong & nafi yg ko dah cakap sesuatu

Buat malu aje diri ko tu ... tambah pulak yg ko ni pembohong

Yg ko dok klaim macam ni buat apa :

Yang saya bahaskan sekarang Mecca becca bacca dan kiblat pertama adalah di Petra bukan di Mecca arab saudi!

Ko ni amat2 kureng cerdik & 'bodoh sampai ke tulang'

Ko sendiri bagi rujukkan : post#133
[size=26.66666603088379px]إِنَّ أَوَّلَ بَيْتٍ وُضِعَ لِلنَّاسِ لَلَّذِي بِبَكَّةَ مُبَارَكًا وَهُدًى لِلْعَالَمِينَ
Asad:Behold, the first Temple ever set up for mankind was indeed the one at Bakkah:75 rich in blessing, and a [source of] guidance unto all the worlds,Note - 75All authorities agree that this name is syronymous with Mecca (which, correctly transliterated, is spelt Makkah). Various etymologies have been suggested for this very ancient designation; but the most plausible explanation is given by Zamakhshari (and supported by Razi): in some old Arabic dialects the labial consonants b and m, being phonetically close to one another, are occasionally interchangeable. The mention, in this context, of the Temple in Mecca - that is, the Ka'bah - arises from the fact that it is the direction of prayer (qiblah) stipulated in the Qur'an. Since the prototype of the Ka'bah was built by Abraham and Ishmael (see 2:125 ff.) - and is, therefore, much older than the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem - its establishment as the qiblah of the followers of the Quran does not only not imply any break with the Abrahamic tradition (on which, ultimately, the whole Bible rests), but, on the contrary, re-establishes the direct contact with that Patriarch: and herein lies the answer to the second of the two Jewish objections mentioned in note [73] above.

Ko ni betul2 badut yg suka malukan diri sendiri

Ko lagi sekali konfom yg ko ni mamat yg paling paling paling bodoh kat Forum Cari ni

This is not normal lah tambi : ko paksa diri ko jadik macam ni atau semula jadi atau ko pernah jatuh tang kepala semasa kecik

Ttg ko minum air kencing sendiri ... such is a fact - looking at your sloppiness

Kah kah kah ... lobai mat slow v2 memang dah konfom org yg amat2 kureng akai


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 Author| Post time 2-12-2018 11:47 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 2-12-2018 11:30 AM
Baaaahwahwa .... lobai mat slow v2 selepas kena macam ni :

Dah mula nak bohong pasal nak lari

Apa lobai estate fikir saya kaki putar-belit seperti samdol ka? Pergilah cari kalau ada saya klim Nabi dilahirkan di petra!
Lobai estate kaki temberang seperti pak Arab juga

Dan saya tak pernah pun klim AD638-750! Hahaha itulah bila lobai estate dah kantoi bodoh bermacam macam fitnah lobai estate klim! Hahaha Tapi tak apa saya faham.....LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak!MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

Lobai samdol @ lobai estate @ samdol tong kosong!...klong..klongg..klonggg

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 Author| Post time 2-12-2018 12:06 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 2-12-2018 12:45 PM
sam1528 replied at 2-12-2018 11:30 AM
Baaaahwahwa .... lobai mat slow v2 selepas kena macam ni :

Dah mula nak bohong pasal nak lari

Hahaha..lobai estate sudah pening..sudah naik gila disebabkan menggunakan Google trans.

Btw apa masalah dengan yang kat bawah ni? Saya tiada pun klim nabi lahir di Petra dan saya tiada pun klim nabi tawan Petra pada AD638-750, di thread ni saya ada klim nabi tawan Petra pada 7thCAD, tengok sahajalah headline thread ni dan juga saya ada kilm mecca di Petra adalah kiblat pertama. Lobai samdol sudah jadi pening kerana kehilangan arah

Ko ni amat2 kureng cerdik & 'bodoh sampai ke tulang'

Ko sendiri bagi rujukkan : post#133
[size=26.66666603088379px]إِنَّ أَوَّلَ بَيْتٍ وُضِعَ لِلنَّاسِ لَلَّذِي بِبَكَّةَ مُبَارَكًا وَهُدًى لِلْعَالَمِينَ
Asad:Behold, the first Temple ever set up for mankind was indeed the one at Bakkah:75 rich in blessing, and a [source of] guidance unto all the worlds,Note - 75All authorities agree that this name is syronymous with Mecca (which, correctly transliterated, is spelt Makkah). Various etymologies have been suggested for this very ancient designation; but the most plausible explanation is given by Zamakhshari (and supported by Razi): in some old Arabic dialects the labial consonants b and m, being phonetically close to one another, are occasionally interchangeable. The mention, in this context, of the Temple in Mecca - that is, the Ka'bah - arises from the fact that it is the direction of prayer (qiblah) stipulated in the Qur'an. Since the prototype of the Ka'bah was built by Abraham and Ishmael (see 2:125 ff.) - and is, therefore, much older than the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem - its establishment as the qiblah of the followers of the Quran does not only not imply any break with the Abrahamic tradition (on which, ultimately, the whole Bible rests), but, on the contrary, re-establishes the direct contact with that Patriarch: and herein lies the answer to the second of the two Jewish objections mentioned in note [73] above.

Tapi tak apa saya faham.....LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak!MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

Lobai samdol @ lobai estate @ samdol tong kosong!...klong..klongg..klonggg

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Post time 2-12-2018 12:20 PM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 2-12-2018 11:47 AM
Apa lobai estate fikir saya kaki putar-belit seperti samdol ka? Pergilah cari kalau ada saya klim  ...

Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 dah kena macam ni :

Poooow!! Mula lah nak membohong macam ni :
Apa lobai estate fikir saya kaki putar-belit seperti samdol ka? Pergilah cari kalau ada saya klim Nabi dilahirkan di petra!
Lobai estate kaki temberang seperti pak Arab juga

Dan saya tak pernah pun klim AD638-750! Hahaha itulah bila lobai estate dah kantoi bodoh bermacam macam fitnah lobai estate klim! Hahaha Tapi tak apa saya faham.....LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak!MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

Lobai samdol @ lobai estate @ samdol tong kosong!...klong..klongg..klonggg
Too bad tambi ... ko ada klaim Nabi Muhammad(saw) lahir kat Petra , hanya org bodoh yg kaki kencing aje buat sedemikian

Konfom lagi yg ko ni mamat paling paling paling bodoh kat Forum Cari ni

Rujukkan ko yg catat Umayyad Period (AD638 - 750) : sendiri bagi sendiri tak tau ka?

Nampak benar ko tak baca rujukkan ko sendiri & kemungkinan ko tak paham apa ko baca - kureng fasih english

Skg ko dah kena tampar kiri kanan ... nampak benar yg ko ni org kureng normal dari sudut intelligence (sub intelligent lah kira2)

Kah kah kah ... lobai mat slow v2 betul2 kena pagi ni ... meleleh ayak liuk ko bila kena tampar


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 Author| Post time 2-12-2018 12:22 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 2-12-2018 12:24 PM
sam1528 replied at 2-12-2018 12:20 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 dah kena macam ni :

Poooow!! Mula lah nak membohong macam ni  ...

Hahahaha...bila tong kosong sudah kantoi bodoh yang keterlaluan kerana kefahamanya hanya berpandukan pada Google trans!  Tak susah kan? Sila copypaste kan kat thread ni apa yang lobai samdol klim! Senang kan?

Tapi tak apa saya faham.....LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak!MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

Lobai samdol @ lobai estate @ samdol tong kosong!...klong..klongg..klonggg


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Post time 2-12-2018 12:26 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 2-12-2018 12:36 PM
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 2-12-2018 12:06 PM
Hahaha..lobai estate sudah pening..sudah naik gila disebabkan menggunakan Google trans.

Btw apa ...

Baaahwahwahwa ... lobai mat slow v2 dah pening pasal

Poooowww! Terkang kang kangkang melambung :
Hahaha..lobai estate sudah pening..sudah naik gila disebabkan menggunakan Google trans.

Btw apa masalah dengan yang kat bawah ni? Saya tiada pun klim nabi lahir di Petra dan saya tiada pun klim nabi tawan Petra pada AD638-750, di thread ni saya ada klim nabi tawan Petra pada 7thCAD sebab itu dalam artikel asal tu saya buat redhighlite dan juga saya ada kilm mecca di Petra adalah kiblat pertama. Lobai samdol sudah jadi pening kerana kehilangan arah

Ko ni amat2 kureng cerdik & 'bodoh sampai ke tulang'

Ko sendiri bagi rujukkan : post#133
[size=26.66666603088379px]إِنَّ أَوَّلَ بَيْتٍ وُضِعَ لِلنَّاسِ لَلَّذِي بِبَكَّةَ مُبَارَكًا وَهُدًى لِلْعَالَمِينَ
Asad:Behold, the first Temple ever set up for mankind was indeed the one at Bakkah:75 rich in blessing, and a [source of] guidance unto all the worlds,Note - 75All authorities agree that this name is syronymous with Mecca (which, correctly transliterated, is spelt Makkah). Various etymologies have been suggested for this very ancient designation; but the most plausible explanation is given by Zamakhshari (and supported by Razi): in some old Arabic dialects the labial consonants b and m, being phonetically close to one another, are occasionally interchangeable. The mention, in this context, of the Temple in Mecca - that is, the Ka'bah - arises from the fact that it is the direction of prayer (qiblah) stipulated in the Qur'an. Since the prototype of the Ka'bah was built by Abraham and Ishmael (see 2:125 ff.) - and is, therefore, much older than the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem - its establishment as the qiblah of the followers of the Quran does not only not imply any break with the Abrahamic tradition (on which, ultimately, the whole Bible rests), but, on the contrary, re-establishes the direct contact with that Patriarch: and herein lies the answer to the second of the two Jewish objections mentioned in note [73] above.

Tapi tak apa saya faham.....LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak!MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

Lobai samdol @ lobai estate @ samdol tong kosong!...klong..klongg..klonggg

LOL .. bila dah kena mula lah nak membohong & nafi apa ko sendiri cakap

Kesian ... too bad lah tambi ... ko dah kena 'pooooowww!!'

Skg ko cuba mengundur & dok mengencing merata

Mati2 klaim macam ni :
Yang saya bahaskan sekarang Mecca becca bacca dan kiblat pertama adalah di Petra bukan di Mecca arab saudi!

Tapi bagi rujukkan macam ni : post#133
[size=26.66666603088379px]إِنَّ أَوَّلَ بَيْتٍ وُضِعَ لِلنَّاسِ لَلَّذِي بِبَكَّةَ مُبَارَكًا وَهُدًى لِلْعَالَمِينَ
Asad:Behold, the first Temple ever set up for mankind was indeed the one at Bakkah:75 rich in blessing, and a [source of] guidance unto all the worlds,Note - 75All authorities agree that this name is syronymous with Mecca (which, correctly transliterated, is spelt Makkah). Various etymologies have been suggested for this very ancient designation; but the most plausible explanation is given by Zamakhshari (and supported by Razi): in some old Arabic dialects the labial consonants b and m, being phonetically close to one another, are occasionally interchangeable. The mention, in this context, of the Temple in Mecca - that is, the Ka'bah - arises from the fact that it is the direction of prayer (qiblah) stipulated in the Qur'an. Since the prototype of the Ka'bah was built by Abraham and Ishmael (see 2:125 ff.) - and is, therefore, much older than the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem - its establishment as the qiblah of the followers of the Quran does not only not imply any break with the Abrahamic tradition (on which, ultimately, the whole Bible rests), but, on the contrary, re-establishes the direct contact with that Patriarch: and herein lies the answer to the second of the two Jewish objections mentioned in note [73] above.

TQ ye geng muslim ucapkan ... ko baru aje kantoikan diri sendiri

Ko tau pasal apa? Ko adalah mamat yg paling paling paling bodoh kat Forum Cari ini

Ko asyik kontradik diri sendiri aje

Kah kah kah ... TQ ye lobai mat slow v2 kerana support pendirian geng muslim


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 Author| Post time 2-12-2018 12:38 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 2-12-2018 12:26 PM
Baaahwahwahwa ... lobai mat slow v2 dah pening pasal

Tipikal lobai samdol bila dah kantoi bodoh mulalah berpusing pusing untuk cover malu! Hahaha... trick lama kau lah lobai samdol! Semua orang tau! Hahaha sebab itu forumer namakan kau penipu bersiri!

Kalau lobai estate masih tak puas hati kemukakan bukti! Lobai estate fikir saya terlalu bodoh seperti lobai estate ke? Dah lah bodoh ...IQ rendah pula tu!

Tapi tak apa saya faham.....LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak!MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

Lobai samdol @ lobai estate @ samdol tong kosong!...klong..klongg..klonggg

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Post time 2-12-2018 01:39 PM | Show all posts
FOTHERMUCKER2 replied at 2-12-2018 12:38 PM
Tipikal lobai samdol bila dah kantoi bodoh mulalah berpusing pusing untuk cover malu! Hahaha... tr ...

Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 dah kena macam ni :

Tersembur pulak kencing mengencing macam ni :

Tipikal lobai samdol bila dah kantoi bodoh mulalah berpusing pusing untuk cover malu! Hahaha... trick lama kau lah lobai samdol! Semua orang tau! Hahaha sebab itu forumer namakan kau penipu bersiri!

Kalau lobai estate masih tak puas hati kemukakan bukti! Lobai estate fikir saya terlalu bodoh seperti lobai estate ke? Dah lah bodoh ...IQ rendah pula tu!

Tapi tak apa saya faham.....LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak!MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

Lobai samdol @ lobai estate @ samdol tong kosong!...klong..klongg..klonggg
Kan aku dah kata , ko adalah mamat paling paling paling bodoh kat Forum Cari ni

Skg ko cuba mengundur & dok mengencing merata

Mati2 klaim macam ni :
Yang saya bahaskan sekarang Mecca becca bacca dan kiblat pertama adalah di Petra bukan di Mecca arab saudi!

Tapi bagi rujukkan macam ni : post#133
[size=26.66666603088379px]إِنَّ أَوَّلَ بَيْتٍ وُضِعَ لِلنَّاسِ لَلَّذِي بِبَكَّةَ مُبَارَكًا وَهُدًى لِلْعَالَمِينَ
Asad:Behold, the first Temple ever set up for mankind was indeed the one at Bakkah:75 rich in blessing, and a [source of] guidance unto all the worlds,Note - 75All authorities agree that this name is syronymous with Mecca (which, correctly transliterated, is spelt Makkah). Various etymologies have been suggested for this very ancient designation; but the most plausible explanation is given by Zamakhshari (and supported by Razi): in some old Arabic dialects the labial consonants b and m, being phonetically close to one another, are occasionally interchangeable. The mention, in this context, of the Temple in Mecca - that is, the Ka'bah - arises from the fact that it is the direction of prayer (qiblah) stipulated in the Qur'an. Since the prototype of the Ka'bah was built by Abraham and Ishmael (see 2:125 ff.) - and is, therefore, much older than the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem - its establishment as the qiblah of the followers of the Quran does not only not imply any break with the Abrahamic tradition (on which, ultimately, the whole Bible rests), but, on the contrary, re-establishes the direct contact with that Patriarch: and herein lies the answer to the second of the two Jewish objections mentioned in note [73] above.

TQ ye geng muslim ucapkan ... ko baru aje kantoikan diri sendiri

Ko tau pasal apa? Ko amat2 kureng cerdik & 'bodoh sampai ke tulang' tambah dgn amat2 kureng fasih english

Ko asyik kontradik diri sendiri aje

Kah kah kah ... TQ ye lobai mat slow v2 kerana support pendirian geng muslim


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 Author| Post time 2-12-2018 04:37 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHERMUCKER2 at 2-12-2018 05:09 PM
sam1528 replied at 2-12-2018 01:39 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... lobai mat slow v2 dah kena macam ni :

Tersembur pulak kencing mengencing macam  ...

Tapi tak apa saya faham.....LOBAI SAMDOL HANYALAH  SEORANG uneducated moron who goes in circles chasing HIS own black and berkerak backside. hahaha... backside samdol hitam dan berkerak!MUAH..HAHAHAAAA

Lobai samdol @ lobai estate @ samdol tong kosong!...klong..klongg..klonggg

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