yes that i know...they all panggil pagans..duk worship matahari, bulan...pokok...same la mcm nenek moyang kite dulu...
my point is..ustaz tu according to him..mmg makin hari makin byk kes2 sihir menyihir..yg die handle..also world wide..skit2 magic skit2 magic..yg satanic cult = black magic ritual + pedophilia + blood sacrifice + and the list goes on...also makin menjadi2...
Post time 8-2-2019 05:58 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 7-2-2019 08:08 PM
yes that i know...they all panggil pagans..duk worship matahari, bulan...pokok...same la mcm nenek m ...
Bukan pagans. Pagans are much better than satanists. Pagans at least hads hati perot hada yang takat korbankan binatang jah huntok appease ruh2 di sekeliling depa. Satanists sembelih manusia terus huntok dipersembahkan pada Behemoth, Lucifer, etc.
Post time 8-2-2019 06:05 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Ngkorang mungkin kebaru-baruan dengan menda ni.
Akak since kecik sekolah rendah derjah 2 or 3 gitu, di gereja, dah diajar tentang satanists ni dan how to not fall into their traps. Mungkin ngkorang tak pircaya, tapi akak pircaya jah bidang hiburan pon dikuasai satanists. Karna itu akak nak kata, bukan Yahudi Nasrani sebenarnya yang Moslems perlu be aware of, tapi satanists. But Moslems ni mana la dia tau, bagi born Moslem, asal kokesen = Yahudi x Nasrani. Sebab tu hiburan2 tu semua biasanya umat Islam akan tuduh dakyah Yahudi Nasrani huntok melalaikan umat Islam. Umat gereja tradisional konservatif pulok akan kata hiburan itu medium syaiton/satanists huntok melalaikan semua manusia secara generalnya.
u kata black magic...mmg la black magic & satanist ni berpisah tiada...
hhmm...i pulak dpt pencerahan psl satanist ni dari tgk movie2...than tgk review2...youtuber..1 thing i like about mat saleh ni is that die org brani bersuara..just say it like it is..xde nak cakap berlapik bagai..jaga hati whoever...
Akak since kecik sekolah rendah derjah 2 or 3 git ...
setahu manja...mmg iblis la makhluk pertama yg mencipta alat muzik..aka seruling..
also..bidang hiburan teater ni mula2...dulu pulak dicipta golongan satanist ni...then dari situ...makin berkembang teknologi & hiburan..jadi la cinema..
Sblm nie ceq x aware psl ni...bila dh bc kt thread ni......moga kita semua dijauhi dr smua ni....trauma trus bca....sdgkn yg guna ilmu sihir pun dah syirik...apth lg yg korbankan manusia xberdosa
Post time 9-2-2019 06:54 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 8-2-2019 08:29 PM
u kata black magic...mmg la black magic & satanist ni berpisah tiada...
hhmm...i pulak dpt pencer ...
Kat Youtube banyak video2 New Age pasal magic2 ni. Depa claimed white magic, but hati2 ya walau namanya white sah2 depa berdoa kat syaitan jugak huntok makbulkan hapa depa nak (walau dalam jampi tu takda sebut syaiton). Siap hada yang ngaja jampi serapah huntok buat orang jatuh centa kat dia la (sapa kata kokesen takda ilmu pengasih? ), jampi serapah huntok jadik lawa la, etc. Tapi ai layan gak tengok. Hahaha.
Post time 9-2-2019 06:58 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Wakefield replied at 9-2-2019 07:29 AM
I rasa dah cukup triggered bila tahu pasal dark web (pun ada culik, seksa n bunuh secara online) ...
Somtimes, ignorance is a bliss...
Manusia sangat jahat sebenarnya. But jahat camna pon manusia, ai pircaya Tuhan tak pernah membenci manusia. If possible, Tuhan barangkali mahu tarik lebih ramai manusia masuk sorga. Tapi malangnya lebih ramai manusia yang suka memilih jalan ke nuraka...
Post time 9-2-2019 07:05 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 8-2-2019 08:34 PM
setahu manja...mmg iblis la makhluk pertama yg mencipta alat muzik..aka seruling..
also..bidang h ...
Aha, itu lagik satu persamaan ajaran Islam ngan Kristian. Lucifer tu dipercayai originally adelah angel of worship, so sah2 Lucifer ngan muzik berpisah tiada.
Was Lucifer originally an angel of worship?
by Matt Slick
It is quite possible that Lucifer, another name for Satan, was originally an angel whose purpose was to be involved in the worship of God. We do not know for sure, but the case can be made from Ezekiel.
Ezekiel 28:13, “You were in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was your covering: The ruby, the topaz, and the diamond; the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper; the lapis lazuli, the turquoise, and the emerald; and the gold, the workmanship of your settings (timbrels) and sockets (flutes), was in you. On the day that you were created they were prepared.
In the Hebrew, the word for “settings” is toph which means timbrel, which is a musical instrument.1 Likewise, the Hebrew word for “sockets” is neqeb and means “pipes, grove, hole.” 2
This is why some people suspect that Lucifer (name means ‘light bearer’) was involved with music and therefore worship before God. But because of Lucifer’s exceeding beauty and greatness, some suspect he became prideful and rebelled against God.
Isaiah 14:12-15, "How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth. You who have weakened the nations! 13 But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north. 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ 15 Nevertheless you will be thrust down to Sheol, to the recesses of the pit."
Post time 11-2-2019 05:40 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by mrsLucky at 11-2-2019 05:41 AM
Eee sakit hati i..kalau Kidman tuh sempat di dakwa I am sure polis akan dapat tahu ahli2 yang turut terlibat. I am sure he kena bunuh supaya rahsia x bocor. Berkawan dengan syaitan perangai sama cam syaitan..