Edited by yprat at 1-7-2020 05:30 PM
Ok as a (married with kids) guy, let me give you some points, pertaining to your curiosity.
1. Most reasons i would say would just be the guy wants to have fun with other woman, does not mean he's bored/does not like his wife, he just wants to try and experience other girls.
2. Most probably the second most common reason and similar to (1) above, bored with wife, as simple as that.
3. Wife xnak buat, atau selalu xde mood, boleh jugak wife x suka seks atau xde nafsu (asexual).
4. Wife x pandai melayan atas katil, performance macam kayu, dead fish, not excited to have sex, do not want to experiment nor explore.
5. Wife x boleh dibawak berbincang hal atas katil, ignoring or in denial of the problem, not wanting to find solution despite being confronted time and time again.
6. Wife keep giving her husband stress at home, macam2 tak puas hati, memerli/menghina/merendahkan suami sendiri, perkara kecik pon nak bawak gaduh.
Other reasons can be tied to any of the above as well.
Most men's weakness is what lies between their thighs, if you can master his tool, you can conquer his world.
I'll be honest to say that i have thought of makan luar before, many times actually, particularly for reason no. 3, 4, and 5 above. But my love towards my kids trumps everything else, including my lust, but as time goes by, that fine line is slowly thinning, i'm not sure how long i can keep up. |
ada sebab partner sakit or in critical illness so tak boleh perform , so they sleep with others because they dont get what they need , the question is berapa lama nk keep on doing that ? |
Edited by green~tea at 1-7-2020 11:32 PM
yprat replied at 1-7-2020 05:28 PM
Ok as a (married with kids) guy, let me give you some points, pertaining to your curiosity.
1. M ...
Wah good feedback.... i hope the ladies out there take your advice with a pinch of salt.. tak perlu denial or melenting bila baca nie....
Normally perempuan akan defensive and highlight pasal "kerajinan" lelaki dlm membantu urusan rumah tangga....
But somehow women kena dengar this kinda advice... sometimes women need a bitch slap jgn asyik play victim bila suami mencurang |
Edited by green~tea at 1-7-2020 11:32 PM
inangsari replied at 1-7-2020 06:33 PM
ada sebab partner sakit or in critical illness so tak boleh perform , so they sleep with others beca ...
i believe kalo ada illness yang lama, boleh je kahwen lain... my mom lumpuh since i was primary school... at 11 y.o, i dah mula memasak, doing house chores jaga family.. my dad remarry when i was 16 y.o, tp dia tak pernah abaikan arwah mama... my late mom passed away in 2012, after almost 30 yrs paralyzed...
That should be the way la.. bukan sleep around merapu2.. nnti hidup tiada keberkatan |
Meiizu replied at 1-7-2020 04:59 PM
antara no1-4 ... yg no1 tu paling bertuah - ada jln keluar tapi sendiri taknak.dia stop ke tak sto ...
kejam kan.. bg i dia kufur nikmat... |
Benda dah biasa "celup" sana sini sebelum kahwin, mana boleh nak terus berhenti selepas berkahwin. Apatah lagi kalau pasangan halal tak boleh bagi nikmat yang sama sebelum masa liar dulu, haruslah sambung balik aktiviti skandal sana sini nak cari kepuasan macam dulu.
Seks tanpa emosi? No string attached or one night stand gitu kita panggil. Kalau dah banyak kali main sampai tak cukup tangan nak bilang, emosi tu jadi hilang, akhirnya seks tu hanya untuk nikmat jer. Perkahwinan sekarang ni dah banyak isteri jadikan sebagai hypergamy dan open relationship. Husband ada, boyfriends pun ada. Takut nanti terlekat benih, nanya suami jaga anak yang bukan zuriatnya. Suami pun sama, tak sah kalau tak main kayu tiga, empat lah.
Nak bagi nasihat pun tak guna. Orang tengah syok layan sana sini payah nak dapat kesedaran kecuali hidayah datang daripada Allah. Cuma doa banyak-banyak agar kita pun tak terjebak sekali. |
yprat replied at 1-7-2020 05:28 PM
Ok as a (married with kids) guy, let me give you some points, pertaining to your curiosity.
1. M ...
Terkesima jgk baca your response ni. Truth hurts. Kalau kes ni mcm nampak byk salah wife la kan...i mean bukan salah...tapi kelemahan dan kekurangan wife tu yg boleh jadi punca lelaki sleep around. But instead of sleep around better solve the problem dulu kan. Hang in there bro...jgn makan luar please for the sake of your marriage and kids. Tak berbaloi rasanya marriages crumble just bcoz of wife yg dingin sex thus lead to husbands' infidelity. |
yprat replied at 1-7-2020 05:28 PM
Ok as a (married with kids) guy, let me give you some points, pertaining to your curiosity.
1. M ...
as a husband u x direct/ bgtahu ke ur wife what u want to do whilw sexing |
Earkix94 replied at 1-7-2020 08:56 PM
Benda dah biasa "celup" sana sini sebelum kahwin, mana boleh nak terus berhenti selepas berkahwin. A ...
Daripada mencurang rata2.. sebaiknya bercerai lah... tak baik buat pasangan sebegitu.. rosak institusi keluarga.. i pun bukan baik sgt, tp hidup kena ada prinsip dan integrity... celup2 merata ni takde integrity, its just an escapism and just lying to themselves |
Psycholily replied at 1-7-2020 09:04 PM
Terkesima jgk baca your response ni. Truth hurts. Kalau kes ni mcm nampak byk salah wife la kan... ...
Tp tujuan asal perkahwinan adalah utk menghalalkan sex... apa guna kahwin kalo tujuan asal tu sendiri tak tercapai?
Bg i.. sex ialah keperluan (nafkah).. tetapi dlm mendapat keperluan nafkah batin, perkahwinan tu mengikat si lelaki dgn tanggungjawab, utk membela nasib wanita... tpt tinggal selamat, makan pakai, utilities.. |
yprat replied at 1-7-2020 05:28 PM
Ok as a (married with kids) guy, let me give you some points, pertaining to your curiosity.
1. M ...
Kadang2 kena tau jgk why isteri takde mood nk sex..adakah suami syok sendiri dkala mendayung..cepat panc** contohnya..or die je nak isteri bj while die taknak pun buat kat isteri mcmtu..takpun kote laki kecik..isteri susah nk dpt kepuasan
kadang2 isteri ni nak jaga hati suami..die malas nk bising2 tapi disudut hati hanya die je yg tahu. Tu kadang2 emo tak tentu pasal. Takpun laki tak pernah tanya anggap isteri da dapat kepuasan. Ni i cakap secara general..utk kes u, hanya u yg tau apa masalah wife. |
Edited by Psycholily at 2-7-2020 02:47 AM
green~tea replied at 2-7-2020 12:19 AM
Tp tujuan asal perkahwinan adalah utk menghalalkan sex... apa guna kahwin kalo tujuan asal tu send ...
Semoga ada jalan penyelesaian utk laki2 org and bini2 org yg dapat pasangan yg dingin sex |
Psycholily replied at 2-7-2020 02:34 AM
Semoga ada jalan penyelesaian utk laki2 org and bini2 org yg dapat pasangan yg dingin sex{:1_545 ...
Aamiiin... smoga bahagia till jannah.... being naughty dgn husband lg best kot.... dah halal kan, bleh all out.... |
Benda haram itula yg ditagih pd yg merasai...yg halal x diherannya |
dah bagitau banyak kali dan cuba bawa berbincang, even offered to pay (good money too) for any treatment untuk solve the problem thus i stated my reason in no.5, suffice to say, i've done my part, countless times. So skrang nih i tengah bersabar aje.
I pon x tau, dah cuba bawa berbincang, mula2 agree untuk berubah, at least sikit2 lah, tapi masih xde usaha, kalau nampak usaha xpe lah jugak kan, tapi nih ilek, buat benda nih macam x penting, remeh temeh gitu.
well not to toot my own horn, but i can either last 15 minutes or an hour straight, i will always try to accommodate my wife, dan i bukan suami yg pentingkan diri sendiri, i love eating out my wife, i can feast on her for a very loooong time (dah pernah post pasal nih sometime ago, with many disbelievers in how many orgasm she gets every session lol), i love pleasing my wife, her satisfaction gives me satisfaction, i won't stop until she's had enough, every....single...time. Tuh yg i sedih, i'm willing to put all my effort in giving her the best sexual experience.
dan sebelum org kata i nih suami pemalas/x tolong bini, i'm the only breadwinner in the family, even so, money is no object for me. Whenever i get home, i take care of the kids, i do 80% of the houseworks, everything is paid for by me.
but hey this is the internet, it's your choice to believe a stranger's (and maybe one sided?) story.
exactly, i really hope that all wives would take this matter very seriously, the importance of it cannot be understated. That said, kalau husband jenis pemalas, biawak hidup, itu aku paham lah kenapa bini xde mood ke apa ke kan, i would even suggest that the wife to consider angkat kaki if he's not being a good provider (zahir & batin).
betul tuh. nasib i nih bukan jenis yg suka sleep around, i dislike sex without any emotional attachments, not to mention what i would feel if my wife does this thing to me behind my back, as they say, dont do things unto others what you dont want others do unto you.
prinsip i senang je, kalau i dah x tahan, i akan bagi ultimatum, and if kalau apa2 pon masih x berubah, i akan angkat kaki, peacefully, and wish her the best, rather than sleep around and catch any diseases, not worth suffering for life for a few minutes/(hours? ) of fun.
just to feed one's ego
hopefully tuhan sentiasa tebal kan iman you and i pray that someday your wife would come to her senses and realize that marriage is everyday efforts in every aspect baik perut you, pakaian you dan juga bilik tidur..
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan