[MERGED] Panglima Awang @ Enrique @ Ariberto : Melayu Pertama Mengelilingi Dunia
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sila terangkan...me pon dok tohu arrr |
Enrique of Malacca
penah tak korang terpikir yang Enrique ni walaupun dia melayu, ada kemungkinan dia dah murtad, convert to christian? tak mungkin Magellan sayang pd si Enrique ni kalau dia still Islam.
Enrique of Malacca (Enrique in the Last Will and Testament of Ferdinand Magellan and in the muster roll; Henrich in all four extant manuscripts of Antonio Pigafetta, whose account of the circumnavigation is considered the most complete and comprehensive) may be historically significant as the first person to circumnavigate the world, a notion that stems from a complete misreading of Pigafetta and total disregard of all primary sources (Magellan's Last Will, eyewitness accounts of the circumnavigation by Pigafetta and Gin閟 de Mafra, and Maximilian Transylvanus' secondhand account that explicitly tell he is from a Malay-speaking place and that he did not speak Cebuano.
The dispute as to whether he is originally from Sumatra in Indonesia, Malacca in Malaysia or Cebu in the Philippines can easily be resolved by going to eyewitness accounts where his origin is precisely and explicitly stated. Magellan's Last Will and Testament refers to him as "Enrique, mulatto" native of Malacca. Pigafetta says he was from Zamatra, formerly called Traprobana, 16th century name for Sumatra. (Taprobana in Ptolemy's map is the name of present-day Ceylon.) These two by themselves completely belie the notion Enrique was from Cebu.
Magellan says in his Will that Enrique was more or less 26 years old at the time of the execution of the document, August 24, 1519. So when Magellan bought him in the slave market of Malacca sometime in 1511 he must have been around 18 years old. He must have had a good ear for languages as he learned Portuguese from Magellan; and perfect Spanish, according to Maximilian, and quite probably Italian.
He has been given the appellation of Panglima Awang in the novels of the Malaysian Harun Aminurashid. This is an invention which is the domain of fiction, not history. |
THERE have been claims that Enrique de Malacca (as he is listed in the Seville archives and in the chronicles of that historic journey) was actually a native of Cebu province. This conclusion may have come about because in chronicler Antonio Pigafetta's account (by the way, he was not Venetian but Vicentian, having been born in Vicenza, according to Vicente de Jesus' e-mail correction), we are told that after a week in Homonhon Island, Ferdinand Magellan with his three ships headed southwest, deeper into the archipelago. The following day they saw an island and as they approached, a small boat with warriors came by to greet them.
Enrique "addressed them in a Malay dialect, and to Magellan's astonishment, the men appeared to understand him and replied in the same tongue. No one, not even Magellan knew how Enrique managed to converse with the islanders..." Whether this was the Cebuano dialect or a language used by traders around Southeast Asia is something we will never know. What we have is conjecture. It is a matter of record that Magellan bought Enrique 10 years earlier in Malacca, where he was baptized, and he followed Magellan to Africa and to Europe. He could have come from the Philippine archipelago, having been captured as a child by Muslim raiders and sold in the slave mart. Whether he was originally from here or from another country, he may hold the distinction of being the first circumnavigator of the globe.
Magellan, on the other hand, was like one of those tragic heroes with a fatal flow in his character. It could have been his quest for glory, his reckless conduct (he unnecessarily risked lives in the crew's point of view), his foolhardiness, his belligerent attitude where he could have been diplomatic, his seeming conviction that he was omnipotent -- all of these eventually led to his death. Bergreen believes that Magellan's "thirst for glory, under cover of religious zeal, led him fatally astray."
On the other hand, there is a suspicion that the strange behavior of the crew could be evidence of their final mutiny. When Magellan landed to confront the forces of local chieftain Lapu-Lapu in Mactan Island, the gunners aboard the ships were supposed to cover them with fire. It is possible that the low tide prevented them from coming closer, but neither did they send reinforcements in their longboats when they saw their captain and the men in trouble. It was the Cebu people who finally intervened, but either the crewmembers refused to come to Magellan's aid or the officers ordered them to stay put.
His death led to infighting among the officers as to who was to succeed him and although Duarte Barbosa, Magellan's brother-in-law, and Juan Serrano, a Spanish captain, were voted as captains, there were dissenters. One of them was Enrique who had been promised his liberty by Magellan. Claiming that he was now free, he refused to obey orders to leave the "Trinidad" and negotiate with the natives. The new leaders of the expedition though were in need of his linguistic and diplomatic skills.
According to Pigafetta's account, Barbosa told Enrique that he would not be set free and that when they returned, he would still be the slave of Beatriz, Magellan's wife. In Sebastian Elcano's account, it was Serrano and not Barbosa who abused him, declaring that he was still a slave even if his master had died and threatening to whip him if he didn't obey and go ashore. Enrique, highly incensed, stalked off.
Both Pigafetta and Elcano believed that Enrique sought out Humabon and schemed against the armada. He may have convinced the Cebu ruler that the Spaniards were plotting against them and were "endlessly greedy."
Whatever Humabon's motives -- whether he believed that Magellan was his protector, and that now that the latter was dead, Lapu-Lapu would come after him and there would be no one to defend him, or he thought that he could take over the ships and the merchandise -- we will never know. What we do know is that on May 1, Humabon invited the officers to a banquet. Over 30 men accepted, a quarter of the entire crew, including Barbosa and Serrano. Luckily Pigafetta, wounded in the Battle of Mactan where he fought by Magellan's side, stayed behind nursing a swelling wound.
In Gines de Mafre's account, the men on board heard shouts and groans and saw armed men attacking the crew. Twenty-seven died, while the priest and Serrano were captured. A few were able to swim to the ship and they prepared to sail.
The Cebu people brought Serrano to the shore and offered to exchange him for ransom. The ransom consisted of an iron gun, but as soon as this was given them, they asked for more and this continued until the men on board gave up despite Serrano's pleas. Serrano, stranded on the shore, confirmed that Barbosa and San Martin were dead. It is believed that soon after, he perished along with the rest.
Their last glimpse of the island was of the Cebu people "tearing down the cross on the mountaintop and smashing it to bits." At this point, Enrique disappears from history, as do Humabon and Lapu-Lapu.
Only 115 of the 260 who had sailed from Sanlucar de Barrameda remained. In the end only, 18 would make it back.
[Data from Bergreen, Laurence, "Over the Edge of the World"]
ref: INQ7.net. About Enrique - May 15, 2004, Harper, L. Bambi. Retrieved 2006, Sept 16, from the World Wide Web: http://www.inq7.net/opi/2004/may/15/opi_blharper-1.htm |
mmm sah enrique nie masuk kristian
lgpun masa maggelan beli enrique
umur enrique br 18 tahun kot
masih muda .......
so dia dibaptistkan ...... n covert ke kristian
kat blog ada kata enrique leh bertutur dlm bahasa bisayan
bisayan tu bahasa ape? |
How the Nusantao maritime trading network influenced the world.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Black Henry, or Enrique de Malacca (Glossary)
Black Henry, aka Henry the Black, Enrique de Malacca and Henry of Malacca is often said to be the first person to truly circumnavigate the globe in known history.
Taken as a slave by Magellan during his stay in the East Indies, Enrique was described as a "mulatto" and is said variously to have come from Malacca, "Taprobana," or "Zamatra."
There is though, as mentioned previously in this blog, a good argument for giving Enrique at least a partial Bisayan ancestry from the central Philippines.
The Italian and Yale manuscripts of Pigafetta's journal during Magellan's voyage, give lists of not only Malay but also Bisayan words. These lists are attributed to Enrique, who also displayed in-depth knowledge of local customs and traditions upon landing in the Bisayan islands.
Also, it is rather curious that Magellan, who had pre-planned his course to what is now known as the Philippines, would just coincidently happened to have a servant onboard who spoke the local dialect!
Political situation before Magellan's circumnavigation
In the decades leading up to Magellan's voyage, the "New World" had been divided by the papal Line of Demarcation which set up a race for the control of the East Indies between Portugal and Spain, the two great exploring nations of the time.
One of Spain's stragegies starting with Columbus was to approach the East Indies from the East by sailing West from Europe.
In the East Indies, on the other hand, the Lusung kingdom was apparently quickly developing ties with the Portuguese through their merchants, pilots, sailors and other agents in Malacca, Brunei and elsewhere in Southeast Asia. These links are attested up until the mid-16th century.
Further south from Lusung, in the central Philippines the Cebuano kingdoms were on the ascent since when Magellan arrives in the area we hear that the Sugbu (Cebu) king had trade relations as far as Siam in the West.
About a decade earlier, Magellan had obtained Enrique when the latter was 12 to 18 years old and the latter was quickly baptized in the Christian faith. Magellan may have taken his servant on his mysterious voyage further east of Malacca possibly together with his friend Francisco Serr?.
Did Enrique provide Magellan during this trip with information on the Cebuano kingdoms setting up the future voyage to what is now known as the Philippines from the East?
We know that Spain used its relations in the Bisayas to build alliances and to Christianize the inhabitants setting up the future invasion of Luzon.
Giovanni Battista Gesio of Naples, the astrologer and advisor of King Philip II of Spain told the king that Luzon was 'the key to the entire east', and should be regarded as highly as Flanders or Italy.'
He may have been simply echoing Magellan's much-earlier beliefs. But by Gesio's time, Lusung's relations with the Portuguese had apparently soured, and the kingdom itself had serious internal divisions. It was ripe for the taking.
When Magellan renounced allegiance to Portugal after King Manuel's refusal to promote him and reassign him to the East Indies, it is not clear whether Magellan had ever brought to the king a circumnavigation proposal.
However Magellan, bringing with him Enrique and others, did present such a plan to Charles I of Spain. By this time, Enrique could speak Portuguese and Spanish, in addition to Malay and Bisayan. Later he may have also learned Italian.
After four expeditions to the Philippines following Magellan's discovery, Philip II ordered Miguel Lopez de Legazpi to occupy the islands for Spain. This Legazpi did with the aid of Cebuano Rajah Sikatuna of Bohol who helped the Spaniard force King Tupas of Cebu to submit to Spain.
Legazpi then obtained the Cebuano units that formed the backbone of his invasion force for Luzon. Here he also managed to exploit internal divisions with Lusung and enlisted the rajahs Soliman, Matanda and more reluctantly Lakandula, to help reduce the 'Moro' resistance in Pampanga and Bulacan.
Looking at this entire scenario it seems likely that Enrique's ability to act as interpreter and informant on Magellan's landing in the central Philippines was not an accident.
Ironically, Enrique rebelled against his master at Cebu and apparently stayed on with the king of that island after Magellan's death.
Paul Kekai Manansala
Goodman, David C. Power and Penury: Government, Technology and Science in Philip II's Spain, Cambridge University Press, 2002, p. 63.
Lach, Donald F. Asia in the Making of Europe: The Century of Discovery. Book 2, University of Chicago Press, 1994.
ref : Quest of the Draong and Bird Clan: Black Henry, or Enrique de Malacca (Glossary). Retrieved: 2006, Sept 17 from the World Wide Wbe: http://sambali.blogspot.com/2006 ... que-de-malacca.html |
malas nak paste sebb pjg
so refer pd link yg fly kasi ek .....
ada cite pasal enrique lagi ....-->Click Here |
Originally posted by TimahMulia at 11-10-2005 11:53 AM
Adakah Panglima Awang ni adalah Tun Bandan seperti yang diperkatakan dalam catatan2 sejarah..? Bhw Tun Bandan ni amat2 berani dan menyukarkan Portugis untuk masuk ke bandar Melaka kerana jambatan y ...
he he he .Tun Bandan tu dalam citer 1515 NYEMAH MULYA kan.ngaper timah tak tanya dia sendiri.bukan ke timah idup satu zaman dengannya.:nerd::nerd: |
Originally posted by WonBin at 11-12-2005 08:33 PM
Dengar cerita, orang melayu ialah pelaut yang handal sehingga mereka mampu belayar ke Pulau Hawaii, kini jajahan USA. ada apa2 komen tak?
Benar.orang melayu adalah bangsa pertama menggunakan layar pergi balik(tanpa perlu menunggu arah tiupan angin yang tepat)teknologi tersebut telah di tiru oleh bangsa arab dan kemudian bangsa barat.teknologi itu masih di gunakan untuk kapal layar moden.di zaman melaka bahtera melayu tidak perlu menunggu peralihan monsun untuk belayar seperti kapal india dan cina.janji ade angin bertiup mereka pun belayar.
Originally posted by sayapghaib at 22-11-2006 05:47 PM
he he he .Tun Bandan tu dalam citer 1515 NYEMAH MULYA kan.ngaper timah tak tanya dia sendiri.bukan ke timah idup satu zaman dengannya.:nerd::nerd:
Kak Tim tak sompek tanyo, Nyemah dah balik portugal le.. |
kak tim.citer nyemah mulya tu dari kisah benar ke atau khayalan si faisal tehrani semata-mata?
saya nak tau juga.dia juga wat citer combat 1511 hijrah tapi tak se best citer nyemah mulya.combat ni merapu sangat .tanam cip dlm badanlah ,boring.lagi satu si faisal suka bab bom berani mati.bom berani mati bukan ajaran islam kerana kaedah ni tak ade daya usaha untuk hidup mcm org yang mati syahid.org yang syahid dlm peperangan berusaha melawan dan melindungi diri sehingga gugur.tapi penyerang berani mati memang sah tidak berusaha melindungi diri kerana mengebom musuh dan diri sendiri.mereka bukan dibunuh musuh tapi diri sendiri.
sory off topic |
Originally posted by sayapghaib at 23-11-2006 01:21 PM
kak tim.citer nyemah mulya tu dari kisah benar ke atau khayalan si faisal tehrani semata-mata?
saya nak tau juga.dia juga wat citer combat 1511 hijrah tapi tak se best citer nyemah mulya.combat ...
Setuju sangat tuh..mereka nie sebenarnya golongan pengecut..kalau nak lawan musuh Islam kita lawan dengan cara lebih intelektual bukan musnahkan diri sendiri..dunia dah kalah, akhirat tak konfem lagi...nasib, nasib... |
Jejak: Panglima Awang kelilingi dunia
Oleh Nasron Sira Rahim
Pejuang Melayu buktikan bumi bulat selepas terbabit dalam pelayaran bersama Ferdinand de Magellan dari Barat ke Timur
"MASYARAKAT kita terlalu mengagungkan Barat; kita memandang hebat pelayar asing seperti Vasco de Gama, Christopher Columbus dan Ferdinand de Magellan sehingga melupakan sejarah siapa Panglima Awang.
"Kita lupa Panglima Awang adalah manusia pertama mengelilingi dunia. Beliau adalah bangsa pertama membuktikan Bumi adalah bulat, bukannya Barat," kata penulis yang juga pakar motivasi, Dr HM Tuah Iskandar mengenai peristiwa besar bangsa Melayu itu yang kini mulai hilang dari lembaran sejarah negara ini.
Suasana hening di pejabatnya di Bandar Manjalara, Kuala Lumpur seolah-olah menggambarkan kesayuan yang terdetik di jiwanya tatkala mengenangkan sejarah Panglima Awang. Ada nada kesal dalam intonasi suaranya ketika menceritakan mengenai pahlawan Melayu itu.
Walaupun Panglima Awang pernah menobatkan martabat bangsa di persada dunia, anak-anak kecil hari ini sudah tidak mengenali jasa mahupun siapa lelaki itu.
Jasa Panglima Awang bukan kecil. Lelaki Melayu itu membuktikan tanggapan bahawa bumi leper adalah salah. Beliau sebaliknya membuktikan bumi itu bulat dan menghubungkan Timur dengan Barat.
"Sejarah besar itu bermula ketika Portugis berjaya menakluk Melaka pada 1511," sambung Dr Tuah seterusnya memulakan kisah seorang pahlawan Melayu digelar Panglima Awang atau Enrique dalam menyumbang sesuatu kepada peradaban dunia, sebuah sejarah yang jarang diketahui ramai termasuk bangsa Melayu sendiri.
Tewas dalam usahanya menentang Portugis yang cuba menjajah tanah airnya iaitu Melaka, anak muda digelar Panglima Awang dan ratusan lelaki Melaka akhirnya ditawan dan disumbat ke dalam kapal besar milik bangsa Barat itu.
Rakan-rakan lain ramai yang terkorban ketika membela tanah watan, betapa gagah dan meluapnya semangat mengusir penjajah, akhirnya Panglima Awang dan rakan-rakannya tewas dengan kelengkapan senjata senapang dan meriam Portugis.
Dalam kesayuan mengenangkan hilangnya tanah air tercinta akibat dijajah, pemuda Melaka dirantai tangan dan kaki mereka serta dikurung di dalam kapal besar itu. Bagaimanapun Panglima Awang diasingkan kurungannya daripada pemuda Melaka lain.
Kehebatan dan keperkasaannya menyebabkan Wizurai Portugis, Alfonso de Albuquerque menetapkan bahawa Panglima Awang adalah tawanan peribadinya sekali gus hamba kepada dirinya seorang.
Selepas beberapa lama, sauh diangkat dan kapal itu mula belayar membelah lautan meninggalkan bumi Melaka menuju ke benua asing bersama tawanan dan hasil rampasan perang. Kapal itu singgah di Goa dan sebahagian tawanan dijual sebagai hamba di hentian itu. Seterusnya pelayaran diteruskan menuju Lisbon, ibu negara Portugal.
Pelayaran jauh yang memakan masa lama akhirnya merapatkan hubungan antara kapten kapal, Ferdinand de Maggellan dengan Panglima Awang. Betapa lelaki Portugis itu amat tertarik dengan perwatakan pemuda Melaka itu sehingga Panglima Awang diberi keistimewaan dengan dilepaskan dari kurungan manakala rantai di kaki dan tangannya dibuka. Panglima Awang diarah menjadi kuli di atas kapal sepanjang pelayaran dengan syarat pemuda itu tidak memberontak.
Ketika itu jugalah Ferdinand menukarkan nama Melayu Panglima Awang kepada 慐nrique |
Bagaimanapun raja itu kecewa kerana bukan bukti besar itu yang dimahukannya, raja itu kepingin harta dan tanah jajahan baru menerusi pelayaran itu.
Memandangkan Panglima Awang berbangsa asing, pengiktirafan sejarah itu diberikan kepada Ferdinand walaupun Panglima Awang adalah orang yang bertanggungjawab menyelesaikan ekspedisi mengelilingi bumi buat julung kalinya selepas Ferdinand gagal dan mati di Cebu.
Pengiktirafan itu turut menenggelamkan nama 慚elayu |
Jejak: Jasa pahlawan Melayu semakin dilupakan
PANGLIMA Awang adalah individu pertama mengelilingi dunia. Semua usaha itu bukan kecil, sumbangan beliau adalah peristiwa besar yang mengubah catatan sejarah dunia lampau.
Sayangnya jasa pahlawan bangsa itu seolah-olah hilang bersama angin lalu. Tidak seperti Hang Tuah, Tok Janggut, Parameswara mahupun Pak Pandir, tidak ramai yang mengetahui sejarah besar Panglima Awang.
Berikutan itu lebih 10 tahun lalu, Dr HM Tuah Iskandar menulis buku 慐nrique Mengundang Jauh', mengenai sejarah Panglima Awang. Usahanya selama empat tahun mengkaji sejarah hidup dan ekspedisi panglima itu mengelilingi dunia menatijahkan novel berkenaan yang akhirnya dipilih sebagai finalis Hadiah Sako 2 Bagi Novel Nasional 2002.
Dr Tuah merenung novel sejarah yang dihasilkannya, dalam diam dia mungkin tertanya-tanya mengapa jasa besar pahlawan Melayu terhadap dunia itu tidak dimartabat dan diperjuangkan bangsa Melayu kini.
Walaupun agak terkilan, hatinya sedikit terubat apabila usaha kecilnya menulis novel itu berjaya merekodkan catatan sejarah mengenai Panglima Awang dalam Bahasa Melayu, jika tidak, pasti ia mungkin terus hilang ditelan masa.
Sememangnya sukar sekali menemui catatan dan kajian mengenai tokoh itu untuk tatapan generasi muda ketika ini. Catatan Harun Aminurrashid juga sudah payah dipertemukan.
Kesedaran itulah, selain semangat cintakan bangsa, menggerakkan hati Dr Tuah untuk mengkaji dan menulis mengenai Panglima Awang. Dirasakan tugas itu adalah satu tanggungjawab.
揝aya akui, saya amat cintakan bangsa Melayu, saya berbangga apabila Melayu dinobatkan dan marah jika ada pihak mengatakan perkara negatif kepada Melayu. Menerusi novel ini, saya mahu menyedarkan ramai pihak bahawa bangsa kita pernah hebat di persada dunia, |
aku tak respect langsung ngan awang ni. nama je melayu dari melaka tapi convert jadik christian, lupakan asal usul dia. jadi perlukah kita sanjung dan martabatkan dia sebagai melayu? |
betul ker dia jadi kristian? |
Originally posted by bendera at 9-1-2007 12:51 PM
betul ker dia jadi kristian?
ada dinyatakan (sila baca balik posting terdahulu) dia telah dibaptistkan
kalau dia still Islam sampai ke mati, mustahil ferdinand sayang kat dia |
bisayan tu rasanya bangsa bisaya..kt filipina ada bangsa ni tp ejaan dia kalo x silap visaya.. |
Tak sangka ada bangsa seakar kita yg pernah mengelilingi dunia. Selama ni i ingatkan bangsa Bugis sj yg berani,rupenya ade lagi selain mereka.
Walau apapun nasib agama Panglima Awang ni...harap2 yg terbaik saja... |
Originally posted by WonBin at 11-12-2005 08:33 PM
Dengar cerita, orang melayu ialah pelaut yang handal sehingga mereka mampu belayar ke Pulau Hawaii, kini jajahan USA. ada apa2 komen tak?
bukan orang bugis ker?? |
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