tiM This user has been deleted
Membaca keseluruhan artical tuuu kita boleh lihat sendiri umat muslim membuktikan yg mereka ganas dari apa yg Pope text yg Pope baca itu.
Apa yg mereka lalukan cuma ugutan yg membuktikan mereka adalah pengganas!
Tiada nilai keamanan langsung bukan???. |
Originally posted by tiM at 17-9-2006 08:16 PM
Membaca keseluruhan artical tuuu kita boleh lihat sendiri umat muslim membuktikan yg mereka ganas dari apa yg Pope text yg Pope baca itu.
Apa yg mereka lalukan cuma ugutan yg membuktikan mere ...
Anyone would be "ganas" by provocation, and not just Muslims alone. For your info, it was the Christian Church who was "ganas" during the era of the Crusades and Inquisition, and yet you wish to hide that part of history, eh?
- MENJ |
part 2 of 2
For centuries Christian translators acted as teachers for Muslim scholars. Through them Hellenistic thinking was integrated into Arab, Persian, Turkish and other cultures. And it is against this background that Islam experienced its 'Golden Age', an age that saw thinkers like Averroes flower. We Arabs know that this was the most beautiful period in Islam's history, which ended in the 12th century.
Many Muslim thinkers today realise that an Islamic Renaissance today requires looking back at the world of Medieval ideas. In fact, we must heed the Pope's suggestions; we must face, assimilate, and evaluate modern thinking the way Christian translators and then Muslim scholars did in the Middle Ages.
Today Islam is tempted to reject Western culture as a whole dismissing it as "pagan" (which is partly true). However, this means failing to separate the wheat from the chaff.
As a great scholar, the Pope has dared to do so. With great acumen he has said yes to Reason, but one that is not robbed of its spiritual content; yes to enlightenment but no to its anti-religious version.
This explains why in so many Muslim countries, people are taking to the streets to protest as they did for the Muhammad cartoons controversy. In so doing they actually confirm what the Pope said, namely that violence is against Reason and God.
These fundamentalists want to defend Islam in the West by resorting to violent methods, but all they do is confirm to the West that it is right in condemning Islam.
From this standpoint it is clear that Theo-Con violence that fuels wars and Muslim fundamentalism are like "Siamese twins" that can only help each other.
If violence and street protests should grow because of fundamentalism, I slam will further spiral downward into its own crisis.
Only by listening to the Pope's suggestions, and those of a few Muslim intellectuals, can Islam's chances for renewal become real. It is high time that Islam deal with modernity; not to be swallowed up by it, but rather to take what good it has to offer and improve on it.
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[ Last edited by 13Friday at 17-9-2006 10:55 PM ] |
silly and emotional people
the Islamists have nothing better to do and mad always. |
: |
Thats was cheap of you Nick. |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
That Polish Pope had more sense |
cheap of you too alhaadi2
The German definitely makes more sense |
jgn lah marah Debmey, tak ada niat langsung nak persenda Pope awak. Cuma rasa klaka ngan gambar tu je...:lebai: |
Originally posted by Debmey at 18-9-2006 10:03 AM
cheap of you too alhaadi2
The German definitely makes more sense
Funny, ur defending the Pope now? Dont you consider the Catholic Church to be infidels?
- MENJ |
I do not fully agree with Catholism but I think the pope is correct on this one, Islam does need to be questioned and muslims do need to question their own religion. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 18-9-2006 10:14 AM
I do not fully agree with Catholism but I think the pope is correct on this one, Islam does need to be questioned and muslims do need to question their own religion.
Well once our article on the issue is published, perhaps others will no longer consider your opinion.
- MENJ |
Perhaps, perhaps not. but history does show islam up to be bad and violence prone.
Are you saying that muslims shld not examine islam objectively? |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Those Christians leaders are nots, just like those who divest from Israel and ordain gay bishops.
The pope is definitely right on this one, islam does need to be closely examined. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 18-9-2006 10:44 AM
Those Christians leaders are nots, just like those who divest from Israel and ordain gay bishops.
The pope is definitely right on this one, islam does need to be closely examined.
Well he has been refuted again:
http://www.bismikaallahuma.org/a ... -pope-benedict-xvi/
- MENJ |
why no coment on this by Muslim
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