one tree hill ( contain spoilers) ~S7 Aired: 9/14/2009 (pg 36)
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Originally posted by arysa at 3-10-2006 06:07 PM
dah putus kawan dgn peyton...
nanti dia move in with rachel...
can't wait for 2nd episode...
mmm...x beshla macam ni...:hmm: |
Eps 2 - Things I Forgot at Birth
As three lives hang in the balance after the car wreck, Brooke tries to celebrate her 18th birthday and Lucas deals with pregnancies.
ayoyo...Rachel is making a move on to Nathan :
tht biatch....:geram:
skrg nih...sape sebenarnyer yg peknen??:stp:
sian pulak ngk si Dan...jd psycho laa plak skrg...:pmuka: |
Episode 3
As Lucas and Brooke clash at a post-game party, Haley uncovers Rachel's true intentions and Peyton connects with her half-brother.
Rachel masih nak mengorat Nathan.Mouth terdengar tentang Brook pregnant masa Brooke ngan Rachel gaduh.Ermmm..Derek tu betul ke abang Peyton?
[ Last edited by luv_boril at 13-10-2006 03:37 AM ] |
aku nk lucas ngan peyton...huhuhu |
Originally posted by luv_boril at 12-10-2006 01:13 PM
Ermmm..Derek tu betul ke abang Peyton?
ayo.....Peyton ada stalker psycho... ..most definitely not her brother...
si Nathan plak dok obsessed ngn 'lembaga' dark water tu laa plak...:siok:
something tells me...Nate n Hales marriage nanti misti ada byk problema..:jeling: |
macam abg dia yg psyco la... dalam bilik dia penuh gambo peyton..... |
tension aku tgk rachel..... terang depan si haley lak tu.... mmg terre blakon minah ni... naik nyampah tgk muke dia.. |
Reply #26 ct_subang's post
it could be anybody...
peyton pun tak pernah tengok rupa abg dia camner... |
derek realy freak me out man...... total psyco...... finaly tau sape yg bebetol mandung..... |
Originally posted by krepek_pisang at 21-10-2006 02:53 PM
derek realy freak me out man...... total psyco...... finaly tau sape yg bebetol mandung.....
:setuju:...freakazoid sunggh si Derek...
so Hales yg mengandung yerr..habih aaa....
Dan and Karen nyer crita kembali daaa:siok: |
Reply #31 ct_subang's post
x sanggop aku kalau dan n karen.... x nak.... x suke...heheheh kang cian lucas... sape nak pujok..aku jugak...wahahaha in my dream je la ...
sah nat marah...kan dia kt x sedia nk ank g.... tp brooke nyee bshavior nmpk cam dia pn mndg gak.... kompius sat hheheheheh |
hope sesgt si Dan ngn Karen tak menjadi....:pray:
can the OTH writers bg laa si Lucas ngn si Peyton once and for all... :ketuk:
dah naik penat aa ngk...:geram: |
ler abang Peyton,black rupanya..hehe.. |
wahahah sape sangke...eheheheh ye la....derek sebenar anak bapak tiri dia g kawen ngan ellie.... ehhhh sat sat.... kire derek ngan peyton bukan blood bro la kan...... kalau aye mesti si peyton x de la putih cam ohm putih.... |
huhu...best gler episod 5 ..derek tu creepy..psycho ar...derek ngn peyton mcm step sibling la kot..lain bapak kan..
xkan brOOke ngn teacher dy kot??xswaii laa...tp aku suka luke ngn peyton..cutee.. aku suka brooke jgk.. tp nympah bila dy insult mak peyton yg da mati masa eppy 3 ari 2.. |
aku tgk preview utk next episode peyton ngn cikgu english dier...
x suka derek..psycho giler.... |
really freak me out..derek mmg psycho btul le...
tp msh smpt larikan diri lg w/pun dah kna tolak dr tingkap.... |
Reply #37 iem1985's post
tgk preview utk next episode kat ne? |
things are getting much more twisted + creepier...:pompom:
Eps 5 - I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness
Peyton finds out Derek is not really her brother but instead is her stalker. Lucas comes to save her when Derek attacks her. Rumors continue to spread that Brooke is pregnant. Haley feels like she's losing Nathan when he recieves a scholoarship to Duke. Deb tries to quit her addiction because of Nathan's request.
thnk God Nate made a gud call...awww....so sweet...:love:
plg best part Peyton kena serang ngn Derek...waaa...ala2 cete horror...
:bodek:..bley plak tu..Derek ilang...
ayo...Brooke is totally scrwd!! : konflik2...
Lucas + Peyton...oh please.....get a room:geram: |
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