We cannot afford to maintain these ancient prejudices against Islam
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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 20-9-2006 03:47 PM
Of all the in Islamic country ONLY Malaysia which gives slightly freedom to all expect one thing " against muslims to renounce to other faith"
Creating a mountain out of a molehill... you are desperate for war... as Christians like Hitler & Bush are |
Originally posted by KENNKID at 20-9-2006 03:51 PM
Creating a mountain out of a molehill... you are desperate for war... as Christians like Hitler & Bush are
the war in islam themselves. If muslims not interested in islam let them come out freely not by forced. |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 20-9-2006 03:21 PM
did not muslims bashing other faith all the times thinking their are the best and white when we are label as kafir.
why islam/or muslims cannot get along with others?? why Christians can g ...
im muslim, and i get along with others, my girlfriend is a catholic.
so who say muslim cant get along with others? the koran is for us to intepret, of course if intepret by bullocks like you, everythign good is not good. |
Originally posted by sLapshock at 20-9-2006 04:01 PM
im muslim, and i get along with others, my girlfriend is a catholic.
so who say muslim cant get along with others? the koran is for us to intepret, of course if intepret by bullocks like you ...
...and how muslims can get along with others compare to Christians? Look documentary National Geographical , why most Bible reading peoples going around world wide and mix other races regardless races , faith , cultural or colors ? Why not Muslims? Something is not righth here? Either the Koran has made them mental block?? |
turth.8, i think u miss an important point here: ANY INDIVIDUAL can get along well with ANYONE, as along as both of them consented and rejoice their differences. and after being here for many years, i wonder how did you get along well with others like you have claimed esp. muslims if your attitude is like this. i still wonder... perhaps by using hypocrisy?? |
MENJJ, care to debate against this account. The quote below are the replies to the article posted about prejudice against Islam.
I have read this book. She has deliberately ommitted ALL references to the misdeeds of the Great Prophet.
With regards to your previous thread about the sexual misdeeds of the Catholic clergy, it is true ALL those things happened. However, NONE of them claimed to do those things in the name of God or religion. None of them received sanction from Allah to do those things. Isnt it miraculous how the Great Prophet could always find justification for his sexual gratification?
I do not puport that Christianity of any kind is perfect. Far from it. But its amazing how Muslims see their religion fit to dictate to others (and kill) in the name of God. The crusades occured 1000 years ago. 9-11 happened 5 years ago. Its called maturing, something Islam has yet to do because of its adamant stand on "preservation" of culture and tradition.
If Muslims had their way, women would be uneducated, social mobility would be non-existent and political freedom would cease to exist. These concepts go against the very pillars of Islam, which is submission, not expression.
I do not defend Jesus Christ when he is defamed by madmen, because I am rational.
I do not defend my faith when it is wrong.
I defend my people because I love them.
And I certainly will not apologise or bow to someone clearly as sinful as me.
Your religion teaches you its okay to look down on other religions or kill in the name of the faith.
My religion teaches me to turn the other cheek because ALL life is precious.
I have ONE God, and He is not Allah.
He does not need me to defend His name.
He needs me to lead a good life.
[ Last edited by sLapshock at 20-9-2006 05:43 PM ] |
Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Ive read the link Kennkid. Sometimes I wonder whether these 2 are keeping a copy of the " HINDU PROTOCOL ".
Very nasty, widely spread in the whole world.
Those Hindoos working in the oil & gas industries in Mid-east are real pain-in-the-*** |
ALFLOSS This user has been deleted
slapshot and kenkid, you are trying to potray that muslims are peaceful and sensible, and seem to be succeeding, however describing barney50, sephiroth, truth8 and myself as unintelligent people is a very common response from muslims , that anyone who oppose their rule of law "guna bontot dan lutut" to think....now who is unintelligent? only people bankrupt of ideas and logical arguemnets will use those kind of words. if you are so kind and sensible and can get along with everyone of all religions and race, then abolish syariah law. then all non muslims will beleive you. |
- Originally poested by Iman_6:Ive read the link Kennkid. Sometimes I wonder whether these 2 are keeping a copy of the " HINDU PROTOCOL ".
- Very nasty, widely spread in the whole world.
- Those Hindoos working in the oil & gas industries in Mid-east are real pain-in-the-***
Copy the Code
Why then the Arab morons employ them instead? Are there no Arabs who could work in the oil and gas industries? Or may be they are plain lazy like those here that the government had no choice but import workers from India? If they do not like them why employ them? |
Originally posted by ALFLOSS at 20-9-2006 09:21 PM
slapshot and kenkid, you are trying to potray that muslims are peaceful and sensible, and seem to be succeeding, however describing barney50, sephiroth, truth8 and myself as unintelligent people is ...
Dear ALFLOSS....are you a Muslim ? If you are not then you should not have any problems with the shariah law as it only affects Muslims.....so may I know what is your point ?
Most Muslims are peaceful human beings but what I see is that they are just reacting to all the disparaging remarks of non muslims towards Islam. I believe you will do the same too if someone disses your religion.
Come onla....after 49 years of Independence are we succumbing to all this arguments about what or who is right and wrong ? Does that not show how immature our thinking are ?
You believe in your God and we believe in ours....so leave it be.Isn't that what being Malaysian is all about . Underneath all our differences...we are brothers and sisters....Malaysian.
Thank You. |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 20-9-2006 03:09 PM
Many peoples now a days make money in many way. Why not pretend to be religious. Menjj website seek donation if u compare Christians website like my faith, most booklets and magazines are giv ...
Gee, I didnt know that it is a crime to ask for donations. Even Answering Islam is asking for donations and you dont say a word about it. Maybe you are just jealous that we have utilised the money recently and gave the site a facelift, alhamdulillah. Costs me about RM800 to pay the designer. Would not have happened if not for the donations.
- MENJ |
Originally posted by sLapshock at 20-9-2006 05:35 PM
MENJJ, care to debate against this account. The quote below are the replies to the article posted about prejudice against Islam.
I am afraid I dont get what you are asking brother.
- MENJ |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 20-9-2006 03:47 PM
Of all the in Islamic country ONLY Malaysia which gives slightly freedom to all expect one thing " against muslims to renounce to other faith"
Dont think a nasty Christian like you have ANY RIGHT to comment on Islamic laws whatsover. Apostasy is a CRIME in Islam. Get it? Make sure you repeat it after me: APOSTASY IS A CRIME AND IN ISLAM IT MEANS DEATH. Period!
- MENJ |
The biggest problem with muslims are they have not learnt to let go and have bygones be bygones.
Look at what MENJ has just posted.
Muslims still talk about the crusades like it was yesterday.
They all sound like grandmother or nagging wives who repeat whatever wrongs were in the past and fail to deal with the present.
The present is this - muslims are killing civilians for the "wrongs" they perceive or imagine.
The pope did not say anything wrong - it was an intellectual discourse in a university in religious studies - and about why spreading religion by violence is not what God wants.
And he quoted someone else who spoke his mind about what he thinks given the context of his time and the behaviour of muslims then.
But as usual you see muslims reacting as if the pope sat on the quran or something - and most of this muslim may not have even read what the pope ACTUALLY SAID.
by nightlord
They ARE people who are looking for a fight. They are DRUNKARD who drunk with the illusion of 72 virgins and heaven that they willing to do ANYTHING to fight, die and reach heaven.
Such people have no God. :no: |
We all know who and what Karen Amrstrong is. She has thoroughly discredited in intellectual circles. The only audience she has are Muslims and hateful liberals and she does make money out of Muslims, just like Bucaille by selling their books and paid to attend talks sponsored by muslims.
Muslims are simply deluding themselves and nobody listens to these kooks anymore.
All the ex muslims I met hate armstrong. They are angry with her because they have suffered under islam and she is saying to the world that islam is religion of peace when it is obviously a religion of misery and oppression.
[ Last edited by Debmey at 21-9-2006 09:02 AM ] |
Here is an excert of a writer about Islam and our ex priminister's speech at a conferance in K.L:
The only time in history Islam has not been aggressive towards other nations is when they had a huge military disadvantage, when they were almost wiped out by the Mongols, and when performing their obligations to Allah would have caused their religion to be erased by civilized nations refusing to bend to the will of Mohammed.
This Dr. Mohamed never mentions the facts that if Muslims had not been so aggressive in a terrorist way, no one would have really needed to do anything in order to stop them. This is such a typical Muslim double standard that we see every day. It is always the same with this mindset, and it all boils down to this fact: Muslims and Islam can call for complete dominance and subjugation of every religion and culture. The Koran can call for the death of Christians and Jews, and the Dhimmitude of all who refuse to serve their god.
Muslims can attack towns and destroy temples and churches without thought or guilt, and with all irreverence. Muslims can enslave and kidnap. Muslims can behead and Muslims can threaten to kill anyone associated with anyone they deem outside of Islam.
Muslims can build mosques on top of sites where they destroyed holy places of other religions as seen in India many times. They can build a mosque on top of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and claim the place holy to Mohammed when he never even saw Jerusalem in his life.
Muslims can lie to Infidels; infidels must never lie to Muslims. Muslims can befriend infidels in order to betray them later as stated in Koran. Muslims can make claim to lands that were never theirs when they become a sizable part of any nation or community. Muslims can kill those who disbelieve, but unbelievers may never kill a Muslim without the vengeance of Hell. Muslims can commit suicide while killing innocent people. Muslims can dance in the streets when celebrating acts of cowardice and suicide. Infidels cannot. Muslims can praise Allah and dance when hurricanes hit the USA, while Infidels empty their pockets and resources and mourn the death of people when a tidal wave hits their people.
Do we the contrast here? If Allah is called the Merciful and Benevolent, why is that non-Mohammedans act more like Allah than his own followers? There is no outpouring of money and support from Muslims that I have seen. No mosques calling for the safety of the victims. Just dancing and praising Allah.
All this we see every day, and we can continue to see this attitude and like actions from these cowards like Dr. Mohamed who can never take responsibility for their actions, but rather have an innate need to blame others because they cannot admit their religion and philosophies are greatly flawed.
And when a nation defends its right to refuse terror and to be subjected to the cowardly practices of Mohammedans worldwide, they are called murderers and terrorists. Another one of Allahs' greatest attributes I suppose, to never accept the truth? Only the followers of Allah can show us any different, they just have yet to do so in the entire history of this religion.
One thing though Dr. Mohamed. Unlike those your people slaughter as they stoop for water in Sudan, or those who died in the Twin Towers, the London Tube Bombings, the U.S.S. Cole, and the Consulate in Kenya, the children in Moscow, the churches in Pakistan, the malls and busses filled with innocent travelers. The bombings all over Iraq, (which by the way more Iraqis have been slaughtered by terrorists than Allied forces so I have been told), and unlike almost ANY Islamic acts of evil perpetrated upon mankind, the USA and the U.K. gave several warnings they were on their way. They announced their intentions; they never snuck in and just dropped bombs on unsuspecting victims. The truth is if any of those people were victims, they were so only because their Islamic leaders never told them the truth nor warned them after we announced our intentions.
The Taliban had a choice, Saddam had a choice, Syria will have a choice, as well as any other terror sponsoring nation. If their leaders refuse to educate them, and if people like you refuse to speak the truth, then it is not the civilized world killing Muslims. It will be just another page in history of Muslims killing Muslims.
You will simply be using Infidel bombs to accomplish your tasks.
Pete Fisher is a concerned citizen in the Chicago area who has written several articles on the economy, educational system, politics, and religion. He has been featured on several sites such as RenewAmerica.us, Blessedcause.com, Michnews.com, RichardMullenax.com, The Rant.us, and has been circulated on various other sites worldwide. He is a 6 year veteran of the Armed Forces. |
Originally posted by nightlord at 21-9-2006 03:20 AM
The biggest problem with muslims are they have not learnt to let go and have bygones be bygones.
Look at what MENJ has just posted.
Muslims still talk about the crusades like it was yesterday ...
Actually I have read the Pope's speech. In fact I have the whole text in PDF. So no need to make stupid accusations before you actually verify your facts
- MENJ |
Originally posted by Debmey at 21-9-2006 08:54 AM
We all know who and what Karen Amrstrong is. She has thoroughly discredited in intellectual circles. The only audience she has are Muslims and hateful liberals and she does make money out of Muslim ...
All Christian evangelists despise Karen Armstrong because she is a fair, unbiased person who does not take sides. It is not that what she says about Islam is correct all the time, but I still give her more respect than I do the evangelists, because she is willing to listen.
Of course rabid dogs like Debmey are an exception.
- MENJ |
Originally posted by barney50 at 21-9-2006 11:20 AM
Here is an excert of a writer about Islam and our ex priminister's speech at a conferance in K.L:
The only time in history Islam has not been aggressive towards other nations is when they had a ...
Gee, wonder where you picked up this trash from?
- MENJ |
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