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Author: barney50

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 Author| Post time 21-9-2006 12:51 PM | Show all posts
  1. responded by SilentKiller:Then blame the terrorist, not Islam. Clear ? Islam did not ask Muslims to suicide, its a sin in Islam.
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If you believe what you say than you should go and tell al those would be suicide bombers and most improtant the folowers of Al" Queda members. Can you please do that for us?

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 21-9-2006 05:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 21-9-2006 12:51 PM
responded by SilentKiller:Then blame the terrorist, not Islam. Clear ? Islam did not ask Muslims to suicide, its a sin in Islam.

If you believe what you say than you should go and tell al those ...

Why should i ? Then, can u go and preach the same thing to those Hindu suicide bombers who killed civilians in Sri Lanka?

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Post time 21-9-2006 05:48 PM | Show all posts
like barking to the tree perhaps... barney, when ppl use religion as their agenda, they will be very adamant in saying that they are right. like you are right now saying that you're right in saying that islam is a threat, no matter what ppl put in front of you. perhaps you're so blinded by your hatred, well that's your main problem i believe, when the truth is the extremist/ppl who abuse the religion is the real threat.

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 Author| Post time 21-9-2006 06:29 PM | Show all posts
  1. responded by LostSoul:like barking to the tree perhaps... barney, when ppl use religion as their agenda, they will be very adamant in saying that they are right. like you are right now saying that you're right in saying that islam is a threat, no matter what ppl put in front of you. perhaps you're so blinded by your hatred, well that's your main problem i believe, when the truth is the extremist/ppl who abuse the religion is the real threat.
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We are not barking at the wrong tree... It's Islam that breed these terrorist and it's Islam that brought trouble to countries like Iraq, Persia and India. This is an excuse and defence of Muslims to say that it is the work of the extremist, but who are these extremist? They are Muslims being thought by Muslim Ulamas and in the end became fanatics of their religion and follow what had been thouhgt in the hadith.

Muslims just brush aside and say it's the work of extremist. They have to strive to put things in order and to do that they must gather their most learnered Ullamas in the world and call for a world conference and condemn these acts of terrorism and call for a fatwa to ex communicate the renagate Muslims who kill innocent people in the name of Allah and Islam. Only than we'll know the true nature of Islam and its peace loving people. Until than it's Islam that breeds terrorist. This is also a Jihad if Muslims all over the world collectively condemn such acts and in one voice excommunicate the renagades who brought shame to Islam.

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 Author| Post time 22-9-2006 12:07 PM | Show all posts
  1. responded by SilenKiller:Why should i ? Then, can u go and preach the same thing to those Hindu suicide bombers who killed civilians in Sri Lanka?
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Why should I preach to them as they do not fight the oppressor as Hindus but Tamil tigers which consists of Muslim Tamils, Christian Tamils and Hindu Tamils. None of them say we kill in the name of Hindu religion or Hindu GOD. Why is it so difficult to undersatnd this simple fact? Unlike Muslim terrorist who slit the throat of innocent victims shouting "ALLAUAKHBAR"! "ALLAUAKHBAR"! "ALLAUAKHBAR". and they enjoy doing it as they believe they are sacrificing human to their blood thirsty god called ALLAH. So don't come here crying non Muslims are belittling Islam.

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 22-9-2006 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Why should I preach to them as they do not fight the oppressor as Hindus but Tamil tigers which consists of Muslim Tamils, Christian Tamils and Hindu Tamils. None of them say we kill in the name of Hindu religion or Hindu GOD. Why is it so difficult to undersatnd this simple fact? Unlike Muslim terrorist who slit the throat of innocent victims shouting "ALLAUAKHBAR"! "ALLAUAKHBAR"! "ALLAUAKHBAR". and they enjoy doing it as they believe they are sacrificing human to their blood thirsty god called ALLAH. So don't come here crying non Muslims are belittling Islam

Were you beside the Hindu suicide bomber when he blow himself ? How could u know they didnt shout ur God's name? Or is it maybe they dont know which God they wanna shout coz in Hinduism there got many Gods in many departments. If Muslim terrorist shouts "ALLAHUAKBAR" when slit the throat, its their sin, why should Islam be blamed by it ? I condemm it, do u understand and im a Muslim. Dont come with craps saying Tamil Tigers got christian, muslim and other religion. The main focus is on HINDU TERRORISTS who kill Sri Lankan civilians !!!!

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 Author| Post time 22-9-2006 12:27 PM | Show all posts
  1. responded by SilentKiller:Were you beside the Hindu suicide bomber when he blow himself ? How could u know they didnt shout ur God's name? Or is it maybe they dont know which God they wanna shout coz in Hinduism there got many Gods in many departments. If Muslim terrorist shouts "ALLAHUAKBAR" when slit the throat, its their sin, why should Islam be blamed by it ? I condemm it, do u understand and im a Muslim. Dont come with craps saying Tamil Tigers got christian, muslim and other religion. The main focus is on HINDU TERRORISTS who kill Sri Lankan civilians !!!!
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Hey! It did not happened some 1400 years ago and you rely on the book called Quran and believe everyword of it whereas the LTTE strugle against the Sri Lankan government is happening now and we know what is happening there. Bpy! you are as ignorant as a new born baby. Ye, Muslim terrorist shout "ALLAHUKHBAR" because it is stated in their hadith to kill infidels and those Muslims who support them. You cannot deny that coz it is in black and white. It looks like you are really stupid. Go to Sri anka and see the Tamil Muslims, Hindus and Christians suffering under the Sri Lankan Government's atrocities. Or may be you have not read the history about Sri Lanka. There is no Hindu terrorist in Sri Lanka but Tamil Tigers. Tamil is a race of people consisting of Muslims and Christians too. If in India I would agree as they have the RSS who are known as the Soldiers of SHIVA which is in north India and not in Tamil Nadu. They are bent of driving the Musims out of India and I do not deny that. They feel the Muslims should have migirated long time ago when India was divided inot Pakistan and Bangladesh where Muslim majotiy live. Can you get the picture or you need to study the indepadance of India?

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 22-9-2006 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Hey! It did not happened some 1400 years ago and you rely on the book called Quran and believe everyword of it whereas the LTTE strugle against the Sri Lankan government is happening now and we know what is happening there. Bpy! you are as ignorant as a new born baby. Ye, Muslim terrorist shout "ALLAHUKHBAR" because it is stated in their hadith to kill infidels and those Muslims who support them. You cannot deny that coz it is in black and white. It looks like you are really stupid. Go to Sri anka and see the Tamil Muslims, Hindus and Christians suffering under the Sri Lankan Government's atrocities. Or may be you have not read the history about Sri Lanka. There is no Hindu terrorist in Sri Lanka but Tamil Tigers. Tamil is a race of people consisting of Muslims and Christians too. If in India I would agree as they have the RSS who are known as the Soldiers of SHIVA which is in north India and not in Tamil Nadu. They are bent of driving the Musims out of India and I do not deny that. They feel the Muslims should have migirated long time ago when India was divided inot Pakistan and Bangladesh where Muslim majotiy live. Can you get the picture or you need to study the indepadance of India?

Let me ask you, show me a verse in Quran or Hadith which asks its followers to commit suicide bombing to kill infidels without any reason. Proof it, im waiting. If u cant find any, then stop saying Islam ask its followers to commit suicide bombing. I can accept your explanation regarding LTTE coz my mind is clear. Im matured enough to know their struggle, unlike u who still bark like a mad dog that just becoz some lunatics shouts "ALLAHUAKBAR" to slit the throat of someone, u say Islam asked their followers to do it. Ur mind is full of hatred. Now im waiting for u to show me the verse.

[ Last edited by  SilentKiller at 22-9-2006 12:39 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 22-9-2006 02:39 PM | Show all posts
  1. responded by SilentKiller:Let me ask you, show me a verse in Quran or Hadith which asks its followers to commit suicide bombing to kill infidels without any reason. Proof it, im waiting. If u cant find any, then stop saying Islam ask its followers to commit suicide bombing. I can accept your explanation regarding LTTE coz my mind is clear. Im matured enough to know their struggle, unlike u who still bark like a mad dog that just becoz some lunatics shouts "ALLAHUAKBAR" to slit the throat of someone, u say Islam asked their followers to do it. Ur mind is full of hatred. Now im waiting for u to show me the verse.
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What do you take me for? Do yu think I'm as stupid as you? They have yet to invent explosive in the 6th century. But as I have mentined earlier they Quran encourages its followers to die for cause of Allah whcih simply means in any why as long as they fight the infidels and kill them or be killed. No in modern they need no take up swords by a simple divice loaded with explosive chemicles would sufice. And now the innocent teenagers are being brainwashed by the Islamic terrorist leaders [I won't call them Mullas] to kill their enemies with explosives and at the same time sacrifice themselves for Allah so that they would be in paradise as promised by Mohammed. Mullas represent Islam and so Islam is at stake simple as that. I know in truth these morons are misinterpreting the hadith for their own selfish means but no Muslims are calling for a fatwa to outcast or excommunicate these terrorist. If they do than we would understand that Muslims by the majority do not encourage such acts. But since they are not doing what they are suppose to do and just by saying it is not the true teachings of Islam would not do any good.

As long as Muslims encourage and clap and enjoy such destruction than it only means one thing and that is Islam as well as Mulims agree to such acts as mentioned intheir hadith. Just like kiling apostates, some sya yes and some say no so who is righ and who is wrong here? You tell me....

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israfil This user has been deleted
Post time 22-9-2006 04:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 22-9-2006 02:39 PM
responded by SilentKiller:Let me ask you, show me a verse in Quran or Hadith which asks its followers to commit suicide bombing to kill infidels without any reason. Proof it, im waiting. If u cant ...

For killing apostates, some say yes for it. And I one of them.  Muslim scholars have a reason to say yes base  on thier knowledge. Its not mean that the people says no is wrong. However please bear in mind that only Highest authority let say goverment can executed the laws toward apostates. Individual has no right to excecuted the law. Hopefully PAS will rule someday and then we can implement the law for killing the aspotates.

Why are u so concerned towards apostates? Is ur god cant do anything when people happily change god  let say Elephant God to whatever god .  If u regard ur god methapor to elephant , no wonder laaaa.  Elephant  itself as a creation of truly God Allah.

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Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Post time 22-9-2006 05:04 PM | Show all posts
How very true this statement is :

" It is useless to try to tell a person with a sick bile or liver how sweet sugar is. Perfection and superior things cannot be described to sick, dirty souls."


The muslim rulers in India never ever forced Islam on the people, in fact they were honored by their muslim rulers as proven from trusted reliable history records.

The only reason stopping the hindoos from embracing Islam was caste prejudices which have been there for more than 3000 years even before muslims ventured into India.


[ Last edited by  Iman_6 at 22-9-2006 05:05 PM ]

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 22-9-2006 05:50 PM | Show all posts
What do you take me for? Do yu think I'm as stupid as you? They have yet to invent explosive in the 6th century. But as I have mentined earlier they Quran encourages its followers to die for cause of Allah whcih simply means in any why as long as they fight the infidels and kill them or be killed. No in modern they need no take up swords by a simple divice loaded with explosive chemicles would sufice. And now the innocent teenagers are being brainwashed by the Islamic terrorist leaders [I won't call them Mullas] to kill their enemies with explosives and at the same time sacrifice themselves for Allah so that they would be in paradise as promised by Mohammed. Mullas represent Islam and so Islam is at stake simple as that. I know in truth these morons are misinterpreting the hadith for their own selfish means but no Muslims are calling for a fatwa to outcast or excommunicate these terrorist. If they do than we would understand that Muslims by the majority do not encourage such acts. But since they are not doing what they are suppose to do and just by saying it is not the true teachings of Islam would not do any good.

As long as Muslims encourage and clap and enjoy such destruction than it only means one thing and that is Islam as well as Mulims agree to such acts as mentioned intheir hadith. Just like kiling apostates, some sya yes and some say no so who is righ and who is wrong here? You tell me....

You failed to answer my question!!

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Post time 23-9-2006 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Just like kiling apostates, some sya yes and some say no so who is righ and who is wrong here? You tell me....

Do you know how the rule to Kill Apostate? I will tell you.
1) First, Advice them, teach them the real ISLAM is. Ask them their doubt and answer it with CORRECT Fact.
2) If they still not believe on other day. Advice them again, Ask them their Doubt. teach them.
3) If they still not believe, and they try to misled people about ISLAM, Kill Them..

There are 3 steps before we can kill them. 3 steps in different timeline.
Thats why we give counseling to Apostate.

People who do not know ISLAM law and  full with HATRED will use this point to Insult ISLAM. People like Like Barney50.. AND He still not give reasonable Answer to SlientKiller.

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 Author| Post time 23-9-2006 02:38 PM | Show all posts
  1. responded by israfil:For killing apostates, some say yes for it. And I one of them.  Muslim scholars have a reason to say yes base  on thier knowledge. Its not mean that the people says no is wrong. However please bear in mind that only Highest authority let say goverment can executed the laws toward apostates. Individual has no right to excecuted the law. Hopefully PAS will rule someday and then we can implement the law for killing the aspotates.

  2. Why are u so concerned towards apostates? Is ur god cant do anything when people happily change god  let say Elephant God to whatever god .  If u regard ur god methapor to elephant , no wonder laaaa.  Elephant  itself as a creation of truly God Allah.
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Sur do you want Hindus to kill ex Hindus? If such ardewrs are given do you know how many million Muslims would die in India? We cannot behave like idiots of Islam. Islam is a religion that fears if Muslims are allowed to revert back to their original religion than there would be no Islam on earth. Can you get the meaning. All Muslims including the Arabs are converts and if given the chance I'm afraid Islam is lost forever and knowing that very well Mohammed brought the syariah to kill whoever apostate. Elephant or no elephant we know to whom we are praying but it is a pity Muslims do not know coz all they rememebr is the name Allah but where is Allah? How does Allah look like? Is Allah in any shape, round, square, rectangle, pentagon or is he a ball of fire? What is the symbol of Allah? Muslims are without any symbol for their GOD. Energy has shape  and we are a good example of it. But what about Allah the all knower does he have no shape or may be he does not possess any power that he canot take any form? Start thinking and come up with some solid answers.

  1. responded by Iman_6:The muslim rulers in India never ever forced Islam on the people, in fact they were honored by their muslim rulers as proven from trusted reliable history records.
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That much you know about Indian History. Which university did you study that, Islamic? Islam has made its followers not only stupid but blind to truth too. Do not make me laugh at your stupidity......

  1. responded byi212:Do you know how the rule to Kill Apostate? I will tell you.
  2. 1) First, Advice them, teach them the real ISLAM is. Ask them their doubt and answer it with CORRECT Fact.
  3. 2) If they still not believe on other day. Advice them again, Ask them their Doubt. teach them.
  4. 3) If they still not believe, and they try to misled people about ISLAM, Kill Them..

  5. There are 3 steps before we can kill them. 3 steps in different timeline.
  6. Thats why we give counseling to Apostate.

  7. People who do not know ISLAM law and  full with HATRED will use this point to Insult ISLAM. People like Like Barney50.. AND He still not give reasonable Answer to SlientKiller.
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What ever excuse you give it would not justify. Killing and taking ones life fro the sake of converting to another religion is barbaric and sin. What GOD is he who demands such an act until and unless it's the cult of the devil. Only devil will demand death upon those who refuse to accept him. Is Islam the religion of the devil? My answer to Silent Kileer is given but he is bilnd to see it as you are blind to truth.

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 23-9-2006 02:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 23-9-2006 02:38 PM
responded by israfil:For killing apostates, some say yes for it. And I one of them.  Muslim scholars have a reason to say yes base  on thier knowledge. Its not mean that the people says no is wron ...

You havent show me any verse from Quran or Hadith for which says its ok to be suicide bomber. Islam condems people who took their own life, but you are blind to accept it.

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 Author| Post time 23-9-2006 03:47 PM | Show all posts
  1. responded by SilentKiller:You havent show me any verse from Quran or Hadith for which says its ok to be suicide bomber. Islam condems people who took their own life, but you are blind to accept it.
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Please show me where in the Quran does it say you can make nuclear bombs? Iran is preparing and was it sanctioned by Allah and Mohammed? If you are stupid question the answer would only be given if you answer this question.......

Where in the Quran or hadith is stated Muslims can use cell phones and internet? Where in the Quran and hadith says Muslims can fly in planes andride in trains? Where in the Quran and hadith says Muslims can listen to MP3 and watch television? Are this all sunnah of your prophet?  Please answer all these before I answer your question.

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 23-9-2006 03:52 PM | Show all posts
Please show me where in the Quran does it say you can make nuclear bombs? Iran is preparing and was it sanctioned by Allah and Mohammed? If you are stupid question the answer would only be given if you answer this question.......

Where in the Quran or hadith is stated Muslims can use cell phones and internet? Where in the Quran and hadith says Muslims can fly in planes andride in trains? Where in the Quran and hadith says Muslims can listen to MP3 and watch television? Are this all sunnah of your prophet?  Please answer all these before I answer your question

I dont know why you are such a DUMB !!! You are the one who said Islam asked its followers to be suicide bombers, when i asked in which verse in Quran or Hadith it stated, u come with craps here!! Its a sin in Islam to take own life. Now prove me in which verse it says its ok for Muslims to take their own lives. Dont answer like squid dumb again!!

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 Author| Post time 23-9-2006 06:59 PM | Show all posts


  1. responed by SilentKiller:I dont know why you are such a DUMB !!! You are the one who said Islam asked its followers to be suicide bombers, when i asked in which verse in Quran or Hadith it stated, u come with craps here!! Its a sin in Islam to take own life. Now prove me in which verse it says its ok for Muslims to take their own lives. Dont answer like squid dumb again!!
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Looks like you being dumber than dumer here. When kiling of infidels is allowed and dying for Allah is good than comon sense would tell Muslim fanatics and terrorist to become suicide bombers. GET THAT INTO THE NUMB SKULL OF YOURS. Do not ask childish question while sucking your thumb.

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 23-9-2006 07:52 PM | Show all posts
Looks like you being dumber than dumer here. When kiling of infidels is allowed and dying for Allah is good than comon sense would tell Muslim fanatics and terrorist to become suicide bombers. GET THAT INTO THE NUMB SKULL OF YOURS. Do not ask childish question while sucking your thumb.

Hey, then whats ur answer for HINDU suicide bomber who kill Sri Lankan civilians ? If u cant show me any verse or hadith, then admit it, dont come and bark here u DUMB !!!

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Post time 24-9-2006 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 22-9-2006 02:39 PM
responded by SilentKiller:Let me ask you, show me a verse in Quran or Hadith which asks its followers to commit suicide bombing to kill infidels without any reason. Proof it, im waiting. If u cant ...

Hahaha...Barney stucked already...I have asked you to show to me a verse in THE HOLY QURAN and Hadith saying that the followers should commit suicide bombing to kill infidels without no reasons...and you have failed. And now SilentKiller asked you the same thing and you failed. You are just an ignorant kafir that never learned and never want to understand.Please show the verse before you say anything about this

What Quran said about this is:

"Let not the unbelievers think that they can get the better (of the godly): they will never frustrate (them). "

"Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever
ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly".

"But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah. for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things). "

(Surah Al-Anfal 8:59-61)

[ Last edited by  eastrun at 24-9-2006 11:27 AM ]

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