sori ladsss
oh...poll kat ask the men ni popuan je ke yang masuk....hehehe...ingatkan lelaki jeeeee...... soriii........tapi tq laaaaa....... harap2 dapat pentunjuk dengan komen korang tuuuuuu.......wasalam |
Originally posted by intan at 19-1-2007 06:08 PM
kita pompan
nom pun pompan
swit pung pompan
:lol tu la pasal.....x pe kita maafkan la dia intan....... |
btw HA.. i'm not a guy ya ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
in add for Hang, bila lepaskan dia, my life much more happier and more relax.... tak de pening2 tak tensen2.. jodoh pertemuankan di tanganNya
Andai benar dia milikmu, walau apa pun terjadi.. pasti kau kan dipertemukan dgn nya kembali suatu hari nanti... insyaAllah :pray: |
Originally posted by hambaAllah at 19-1-2007 06:14 PM
oh...poll kat ask the men ni popuan je ke yang masuk....hehehe...ingatkan lelaki jeeeee...... soriii........tapi tq laaaaa....... harap2 dapat pentunjuk dengan komen korang tuuuuuu.......wasalam
untuk memberi pendapat, tak kira la lelaki ke pmpuan, yg penting bernas...:bgrin: harap2 awak ok lepas ni.... |
Originally posted by intan at 19-1-2007 06:10 PM
betoi tuh
ada ramai lagi pompan diluar sana yang lebih baik
contohnya swit...nom...dll
cik intan pong calon yang sesuai gak.....![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
Originally posted by sH0paHolliC at 19-1-2007 06:12 PM
muahahaahaha... it's damn tru dearie Hang
tpkan, dr seksakan jiwa dan raga utk pertahankan cinta kita sdgkan hati si dia ingin dibebaskan, kenapa harus memaksa?
my personal opinion la.... ...
I beg to differ
Winner never quit ! Quiter never won !
You want to be a loser or a winner ?
think over this mat salleh story :
10th grade **********
As I sat there in English class,
I stared at the girl next to me.
She was my so called 'best friend'.
I stared at her long, silky hair,
and wished she was mine.
But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it.
after class, she walked up to me
and asked me for the notes
she had missed the day before.
I handed them to her.
She said 'thanks' and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I want to tell her,
I want her to know that
I dont want to be just friends,
I love her
but I'm just too shy,
and I dont know why.
11th grade **********
The phone rang.
On the other end,
it was her.
She was in tears,
mumbling on and on about how
her love had broke her heart.
She asked me to come over
because she didn't want to be alone,
so I did.
As I sat next to her on the sofa,
I stared at her soft eyes,
wishing she was mine.
After 2 hours,
one Drew Barrymore movie,
and three bags of chips,
she decided to go to sleep.
She looked at me,
said 'thanks'
and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I want to tell her,
I want her to know
that I don't want to be just friends,
I love her
but I'm just too shy,
and I dont know why.
Senior year ***********
The day before prom
she walked to my locker.
"My date is sick" she said, "he's not gonna go"
well, I didn't have a date,
and in 7th grade, we made a promise
that if neither of us had dates,
we would go together just as 'best friends'.
So we did.
Prom night, after everything was over,
I was standing at her front door step.
I stared at her as she smiled at me
and stared at me with her crystal eyes.
I want her to be mine,
but she isn't think of me like that,
and I know it.
Then she said- "I had the best time,thanks!"
and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I want to tell her,
I want her to know that
I dont want to be just friends,
I love her but
I'm just too shy,
and I don't know why.
A day passed, then a week,then a month.
Before I could blink, it was graduation day.
I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel
up on stage to get her diploma.
I wanted her to be mine-
but she didn't notice me like that,
and I knew it.
Before everyone went home,
she came to me in her smock and hat,
and cried as I hugged her.
Then she lifted her head
from my shoulder and said-
'you're my best friend,thanks'
and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I want to tell her,
I want her to know
that I dont want to be just friends,
I love her but I'm just too shy,
and I don't know why.
Now I sit in the pews of the church.
That girl is getting married now.
I watched her say 'I do'
and drive off to her new life,
married to another man.
I wanted her to be mine,
but she didn't see me like that,
and I knew it.
But before she drove away,
she came to me and said 'you came!'.
She said 'thanks'
and kissed me on the cheek.
I want to tell her,
I want her to know
that I dont want to be just friends,
I love her
but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
Years passed,
I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my 'best friend'.
At the service, they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school
This is what it read:
"I stare at him wishing he was mine; but he doesn't notice me like
that, and I know it. I want to tell him, I want him to know that I don't
want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know
why. I wish he would tell me he loved me!"
'I wish I did too...' I thought to myself, and I cried.
Do yourself a favor, tell her/him you love them. They won't be
there forever. |
Originally posted by hambaAllah at 19-1-2007 05:14 PM
a'kum....guys n lads......
aku nak ty kat korang patut ke aku teruskan hubungan ni.... aku dgn bf makin lama terasa sakit laaa..... ni b'mula bila dia pye exbf(xbf) datang nak rujuk balik dengan ...
pandangan ikhlas dari chem sbg pompuan..
sebnrnya hati ur gf tu masih kat x-bf dia..
hanya di mulut dia kata awak 90% sayang awak..tp sebnrnya sebaliknya..
maaf jika saya kata..
sebnrnya awak ni hanya tempat utk dia melepaskan rasa sunyi sblm x-bf dia datang pujuk..
hati dia masih sayang pada x-bf dia..
kata pujangga cinta tak semestinya memiliki..
kalau awak betul2 sayangkan dia,just let her go..
tentu awak gembira dia bahagia (jika bahagialah kan)...
dan dlm masa yg sama awak tak bengang2 lagi dgn situasi ni..
soal hati dan cinta tak boleh dipaksa..
mungkin kasih dia pada x-bf dia tu terlalu dlm compare dgn kasih dia pada awak..
ni hakikat yg kena terima..
bukan bermakna awak kalah if u let her go..but u win in the smartest way :ah: |
~Do not expect love in return, just wait for it to grow, in their hearts.
But if it does not, be content that it grew in yours.~ |
Reply #26 Hang's post
i'm not a loser!!! :jeler:
*be a woman, n u'll know
full stop |
SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Reply #28 chemist_UTM's post
:setuju: :setuju: :setuju: |
pada mulanya sukar utk awak lupakan semua..nak let her go..
tp percayalah,jika awak teruskan this relationship,awak akan lebih terluka bila tahu hatinya bukan milik awak !!!
dan apa yg perlu ialah masa utk this gals decide..apa yg dia nak sebnrnya..coz ada possibility yg dia ni confused.. |
SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Reply #31 SilentKiller's post
Tapi tak patut gf dia buat mcm ni.. Dia mcm nak play safe... Kalau ex bf tak dapat, dapat le bf lani.. Girl skarang buat mcm ni, pastu pilih yg terbaik.. Girls mcm ni tak boleh diharap coz dia tak pilih sidia bila ada pilihan. Enough said.. Just let go that girl with her ex-bf... |
Originally posted by SilentKiller at 19-1-2007 06:46 PM
Tapi tak patut gf dia buat mcm ni.. Dia mcm nak play safe... Kalau ex bf tak dapat, dapat le bf lani.. Girl skarang buat mcm ni, pastu pilih yg terbaik.. Girls mcm ni tak boleh diharap coz dia ta ...
to say this i think im fair enough..
as woman, this is my opinoin..
i dont like spare part term ke apa..or play safe dgn pasang spare..coz my heart bukan boleh dibahagi2..
but utk bersangka baik,
i think this gals dia confuse..dia tak sangka x-bf dia akan datang pujuk..
selalunya gals ni susah nak lupakan kenangan lalu..hati dia masih ada..so bila datang pujuk,bagai org mengantuk disorong bantal..
and this hambaAllah jd org teraniaya.. |
SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Reply #34 chemist_UTM's post
I pun penah kena situation mcm ni... I feel i have been used to heal her wounds when she need me.. Then, bila luka dah sembuh, mula cari org lain, then buat mcm2... But i didnt say all girls... Some of them dont know what is "kesetiaan"... |
Originally posted by sH0paHolliC at 19-1-2007 05:58 PM
KENYATAAN ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
'If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were meant to be'
define set them free plz... |
pendapat sy
kalau betul2 sygkan gf awk ni...
try to win her heart back...
kadang cinta yg dibiarkan cam tu lama2 dgn xde apa2 usaha utk mekarkan
mmg akn layu..
x mustahil ada org lain akn ambil kesempatan
itupon kalo awk sygkan gf awk la...
kalo rasa malas nk berebut ppuan,
biar la dia buat pilihan...
tp kalo dia yg buat pilihan... syg awk dgn dia mmg xkan sama dh
just my 2 cents... :hatdown: |
Originally posted by <i>Hang</i> at 19-1-2007 06:26 PM
Do yourself a favor, tell her/him you love them. They won't be there forever.
ada bnrnya kisah mat saleh ni..
tp tak mudah utk buat apa yg di quote oleh me itu.. |
lg satu HA,u in long distance relationship (ldr)..apa yg chem fhm hubungn sebegini perlukan kepercayaan yg sgt2 tinggi utk survive ..jika tdk awak takkn rs indah dln relationship tu melainkn rs gelisah,susah hati,curiga..tmbh lg dgn mslh sebegini..
org yg berkasihn patutnya rs bahagia dan gembira.. |
Originally posted by sH0paHolliC at 19-1-2007 06:43 PM
i'm not a loser!!! :jeler:
*be a woman, n u'll know
full stop
I thought you have a strong will and will strive for it......but... you dissapoint me....!!
lambat lagik la aku nak makan nasik minyak ko....!! |
| |
Category: Wanita & Lelaki