Originally posted by sephia_liza at 16-4-2007 03:59 PM

The body of a Chupacabras was recently found on the land of a farmer from Nicaragua. Specialists described the animal as an uncommon species af ...
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Mysterious alien/humanoid like creature found in Chile
Chile -- On October first of 2002, while vacationing in the Southern Chilean city of Concepcion, a group of family members found what appeared to be a small humanoid creature. The miniscule being measures about 7.2 centimeters long. It has a relatively large head, two arms with long fingers, and two legs. The discovery was first reported by Mega News Service, which is the local news channel in the Santiago area.
According to previously gathered evidence and interviews conducted by journalist Rodrigo Ugarte, the bizarre creature was found among bushes by one of the children during an outdoors trip. The child allegedly picked it up and wrapped it with a piece of paper.

The Story
The child claims that it stayed alive for about eight days, and in some instances, it even opened its eyes. Nevertheless, after supposedly being dead for a few days, the small creature displays signs of advanced decomposition; it even appears to be in a strange state of mummification.

Nevertheless, after supposedly being dead for a few days, the small creature displays signs of advanced decomposition; it even appears to be in a strange state of mummification.
Specialists from the University of Chile pointed out to a possibility that it might be a fetus from local wild life, such as a wild cat. However, they have not reached a conclusion to determine the exact species the supposed fetus could be scientifically associated with. They expect to carry out DNA testing in order to come up with a conclusion.
What the Family Said
Henriquez Carre駉 family described the accounts to Terra.cl News Service, and how 22 days earlier, they found the strange-looking creature. They provided shocking and bizarre details about the discovery. They invited the journalist inside their modest home, located in the suburban area of Pintana.
Julio Carre駉, the child that found the tiny creature, was the one in charge of showing it to members of the media. Carefully and jealously guarding it, he brought it inside a first-aid kit box, still marked with a red cross. As he opened the box, the journalists were astounded to see the tiny humanoid-like creature, lying in the center of the box, among carefully placed cotton material.
'It has changed color since we had found it. It used to be more pinkish; now, it has turned darker. May be it is turning darker because we are keeping it in the refrigerator", he explained. And indeed, some areas of its tiny body look almost as dry as a red pepper.

The first thing that caught the attention of the journalists was the size of the skull in relation to the body. The fingers -located on what appear to be the hands - seem to have quite long fingernails: "They seem to be continuingly growing", Carre駉 said. The slanted-shaped eyes, although closed, can easily be seen. They are located on each side of the head.
The body, almost in its entirety, somehow appears to be mummified. In some parts of the extremities, tiny black stains can be seen. The carcass is very light and fragile; it is for that reason that it is kept inside the first-aid box with cotton inside. "We keep it inside the box to avoid causing any damage", they said. Nowadays, for the Henriquez Carre駉 Family is almost normal to have frequent visits from journalists and other people interested in seeing the so-called humanoid-carcass. "A lot of people have come to visit us: Media, psychiatrists, and even people that claim to have special powers", said Mrs. Luisa Carre駉.

The Golden Woman of Ugra

Siberia is a part of the Asian territory of the Russian Federation between the Ural Mountains in the West and the mountains of the Russian Far East; and between the Arctic Ocean in the North and the steppes of Kazakhstan and Mongolia in the South. It is divided into Western Siberia (occupying predominantly Western lowlands and Altai mountains) and Eastern Siberia (comprising elevation occupying mostly the Mid Siberian plateau).
Western Siberia occupies the territory between the Ural Mountains in the East, and the Yenisey River in the West.
Konda is a river in Western Siberia, a tributary of the mighty Ob. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, is located in the central part of the Ob-Irtysh basin, by far the largest in Eurasia. Marshy forests surround Konda's shores. Vast swamps, numerous rivers and lakes, richly forested, are the hallmarks of this territory. Winters are very cold, and snow covers the land for many months. Summers are humid, infamous for their floods and myriads of mosquitoes. Those who have lived in the area would keep fires in their huts year round to save themselves from swarms of ever-present insects.

This is the Ugra land, a place of some heretofore-unsolved ancient mysteries.
The land has populated by various tribes since ancient times, as far back as the Mesolithic age.
They left behind many tombs, settlements, artifacts and unsolved mysteries. One of them is the legend of the Golden Woman (Zolotaya Baba in Russian; baba is an archaic term for a woman; used today mostly as a slang word, demeaning to women; it also means grandma).
Let us look at the people who had worshipped the Golden Woman, and whose mythology may help us unlock her secrets.
Today the territory of the Ugra land is better known as the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (District). It is historical homeland of three small nationalities. They are Khanty, Mansi and Forest Nentsy (Selkupy). They number about 30000 people. We are primarily concerned with Khanty and Mansi in this article. To understand their beliefs, we need to look at their origins and history.
During the Bronze and Early Iron Ages, forest-steppes of Western Siberia were roamed and inhabited by horse-breeding nomads. These nomads are considered to be the early Ugric tribes. The horse-breeders and hunter-fishermen from the North interacted closely. Then the Samoyed tribes invaded the northwestern Siberia by the end of the first millennium BCE. As a result of ethnic interactions, the Ugric nomads incorporated elements of the Samoyed culture.
The Ugric nomads, except for the Hungarians, largely remained in the forests-steppes or in the Arctic regions. The nomads left the northern areas around 2000 BCE and became "mounted nomads" in the steppes, living in a Turkic ethnic environment between the 4th and 9th centuries CE. Magyars left these wooded steppes in the 9th century CE to migrate to Central Europe, to form the Hungarian nation. Their Ugric brethren moved north. There they engaged in hunting, fishing and rain-deer breeding. They lived in log huts but during their hunting expeditions in the cold winters, tents made from animal skins were of better use to these people. Reindeer-herding tribes lived in special tents (chums) covered either with reindeer skin or birch bark in the winter.
The ancient Uralic Proto-language was in use between the Volga Bend in Eastern Russia and the Ob River in Western Siberia. This was the language of Khanty and Mansi ancestors. The language of Khanty and Mansi belongs to Finno-Ugric family that includes also the languages of Hungarians, Estonians, Saames, Udmurts, and Komis, etc.
The Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic languages form the Uralic language family. Nenets, Enets, Nganasan, Selkup, Kamas are related to the Samoyedic languages. The people speaking these languages live in the western Siberia, except most of the Nenets who live in the European North. Along the banks of the River Ob the Nenets settlements reach the dense forest area of the Siberian taiga.
Anthropologically, the Nenets are representatives of the Uralic race with stronger than average Mongoloid characteristics.
Hungarian language is classified as a member of the Ugric branch of the Uralic languages; and as such it is most closely related to the Ob-Ugric languages, Khanty and Mansi. It is also related, though more distantly, to Finnish and Estonian, each of which is (like Hungarian) a national language. Ancestors of the following (and still living) populations also spoke the Uralic Proto-language: Lapp, Karel, Veps, Izhora, Livonian; Mari, Mordva; Komi, Udmurt; Khanty, Mansi, Selkup, Nenets, Enets and Nganasan.
As official names, the words "Khanty" and "Mansi" were accepted after 1917, but in the old documents of the Russian Empire and scientific literature, Khanty people were called as "Ostyaki" and the Mansi people were called as Voguly or Vogulichi.
The term Ob-Ugric has been used in scientific writing to designate the Mansi and the Khanty as one entity. Yugra and Yugoria were Russian terms in the annals of the XI-XV centuries for the territory of the Arctic Urals, Western Siberia and the tribes who lived there.
In Ukrainian, the word Ugorschina means Hungary.
As far as we know now, the Khanty and the Mansi originated from related and yet different cultures. They shared neither a single ruler nor a sense of common identity. Rather they belonged to many separate clans. Hereditary tribal chief ruled such clans dispersed through the land.
Mansi settled closer to the Urals, upon its slopes, on left tributaries of the Ob River, Konda and the North Sosva. Khanty settled in the valley of the Ob and the Narym up to its mouth and near its tributaries.
The basis of the Ob-Ugric tribal groups was a patrilineal clan.
Religion of the Ob-Ugric people was totemistic (each clan possessed a sacred totem), as well as animistic. Shamans (the tribal priests or "medicine men") supervised religious rites in these sacred places. Horses, reindeer, and other animals were sacrificed under a tree. Spirit effigies were smeared (in the area of their mouths) with blood; that is how they were "fed". Human sacrifices were performed in the ancient times as well. The shamans had used drums for their ceremonies, and in the days gone by, each family used to have such a drum. It was believed that guardian spirit of the Khanty family lived inside the drum. During visits the shamans would use the family drum for their ceremonies.
The shamans actually did not have to wear any special clothes except for a cap. |
The Legend of Shambhala

Shambhala's King
"Behind snowy peaks, somewhere to the North, lies a Mystical Kingdom, where a line of Enlightened Kings is guarding the innermost teachings of Buddhism for a time when all truth in the outside world is lost in war and greed. Then, the King of Shambhala will emerge with a great army to destroy the forces of evil and bring in a new Golden Age."
Rumors and reports have been in existence, for millennia now, that somewhere near or beyond Tibet, among icy peaks and in some of the secluded valleys of Eurasia, lies a "paradise", inaccessible to us. It is a place of enlightenment, wisdom and peace, called Shambhala, known by several other names such as "Shangri-La" and "Agharta."
Shambhala is a Sanskrit word, which means "place of peace." It has often been thought of as a cluster of minds, of perfect and semi-perfect beings, who are guiding the evolution of humanity. It is also considered to be the source and safeguard of Kalachakra (The Wheel of Time), one of the highest branches of Tibetan mysticism and Buddhism's teachings.
According to the legends, The King of Shambhala (Shambhala's existence predates Buddhism) travelled to India to meet Buddha and learn the Kalachakra teachings. He then took those teachings back to the Kingdom, where the teachings have been preserved. It is said that only a person with a pure heart can live in Shambhala. There, they shall enjoy ease and perfect happiness and will not know suffering, desire or age. Love and wisdom reign. Injustice and vices are unknown. The inhabitants are long-lived, wear beautiful and perfect bodies and possess supernatural powers; their spiritual knowledge is deep, their technological level highly advanced, their laws mild and their study of the arts and sciences covers the full spectrum of cultural achievement, but on a far higher level than anything the outside world has attained.
By definition Shambhala is hidden. Of the numerous explorers and seekers of spiritual wisdom who attempt to locate Shambhala, none can pinpoint its physical location on a map, although all say it exists in the mountainous regions of Eurasia. Many have also returned believing that Shambhala lies on the very edge of physical reality, as a bridge connecting this world to one beyond it.
Tibetan lamas spend a great deal of their lives in spiritual development before attempting the journey to Shambhala. Perhaps deliberately, the guidebooks to Shambhala describe the route in terms so vague that only those already initiated into the teachings of the Kalachakra can understand them.
According to some lamas, "As the traveller draws near the kingdom, their directions become increasingly mystical and difficult to correlate with the physical world. At least one lama has written that the vagueness of these books is deliberate and intended to keep Shambhala concealed from the barbarians who will take over the world." This line being referred to is from the Prophecy of Shambhala. |
The 13 Crystal Skulls
One of archaeology's most compelling mysteries is that of the 13 Crystal Skulls. Skulls have been one of the most powerful objects of symbolism in human history, all over the world. Several "perfect" crystal Skulls have been found in parts of Mexico, Central and South America. Together, they form a mystery as enigmatic as the Nazca Lines, the Great Pyramids and Stonehenge.
These skulls are believed to be between 5000 and 35000 years old. During early expeditions, archaeologists were told by locals that the skulls possessed magical powers and healing properties. However, people were unsure as to where they came from, or even why they existed. Some like to believe that these were remains from the lost civilization of Atlantis. Others like to believe these are fakes. And yet another group of psychics believe that these skulls have the capability to enable us to look into the past, present and future.
Historians and social anthropologists decided to find out more about the strange skulls. Very soon, they came across an ancient Indian legend saying that there had been thirteen crystal skulls of the Goddess of Death; they had been kept separately from each other under the strict control of pagan priests and special warriors.
Searches for more skulls started; some of them were found in museums and some in private collections not only in the USA, but in Mexico, Brazil, France, Mongolia, and in Tibet. There were more than 13 skulls found. However, not all of them were as perfect as Mitchell-Hedges- was. Very likely, those were just later attempts to create something similar to the original skulls that were believed to have been gifts by God to the people.
The very construction and make of the skulls defies common logic. There are several crystal skulls in existence today around the world. We start off with the most famous one: The Mitchell-Hedges Skull.
The Mitchell-Hedges Skull

As the story goes, the skull was first discovered by the expedition headed by famous English archeologist F. Albert Mitchell-Hedges in Central America in 1927. Before that, the archeologist started clearing an ancient Maya settlement in a damp tropical jungle in Yucatan (British Honduras at that time and currently Belize) in 1924. It was decided to burn down 33 hectares of forest covering the ancient constructions of the settlement to make the archeological dig easier. When the smoke lifted, the expedition saw amazing ruins of a stone pyramid, city walls, and a huge amphitheatre capable to seating thousands of spectators. The ancient settlement was called Lubaantun: The Place of the Fallen Stones.
After three years, Mitchell-Hedges organized another expedition; he took his daughter Anna with him, but, at that moment, the archeologist hardly supposed that the girl would be a lucky talisman for the expedition. On the day of her 17th birthday, in April 1927, Anna discovered a strange item under the debris of an ancient altar. That was a natural sized human skull made of a rock crystal and wonderfully polished. The skull lacked its lower jaw, which was found dozens meters from the site three months later. The crystal details could be moved with the help of perfect, smooth joints on the skull and easily moved with every touch. Those who touched the skull experienced rather strange feelings.
It now appears that this tale of the skull's discovery was entirely fabricated. Mitchell-Hedges apparently purchased the skull at an auction at Sothebys in London, in 1943. This has been verified by documents at the British Museum, which had bid against Mitchell-Hedges for the crystal artifact, but the origin of which is attributed to Central America. The skull remains in the possession of the octogenarian Anna Mitchell-Hedges. She resides in Canada and displays the skull on frequent tours. Anna has maintained for all these years that she discovered the skull, even though there is reason to doubt that she was present at the Lubaatun expedition at all.
Continuing, Anna was the first to experience strange things. The girl put the skull near her bed before going to sleep. Anna said that she dreamed of the life of Indians who had lived thousands years ago, and the girl could describe the dream in detail.
At first, Anna didn'tt attribute the strange dream to the crystal skull. However, strange dreams haunted the girl each time she had the skull near her bed. New dreams brought more new details about the life of Indians, details unknown even to scientists. When the skull was removed from the bedroom, there were no strange dreams. And they recommenced as soon as the strange find was taken back to Anna's room. The girl heard Indians talking and watched their everyday life and sacrifice rituals.
After the death of her father, at the beginning of the 1960s, Anna decided to give the strange skull to scientists for investigations. She believed that the skull was too perfect to have been made by the Indian civilizations living before the Columbus discoveries.

First, art critic Frank Dordland started investigating the strange skull. After a closer investigation, he discovered that the skull had a complicated system of lenses, prisms, and channels, creating unusual optical effects. The investigator was surprised to discover no signs of processing on the skull's perfectly polished surface. They couldn't be seen even with a microscope. Frank Dordland even addressed Hewlett-Packard, the famous company that specialized in crystal oscillators at that time, for a competent examination of the crystal.
The results were shocking not only for the scientist himself. The research by Hewlett-Packard in 1964 in a special laboratory revealed that the skull had been made long before the first civilizations appeared in that part of America where the skull was found. In addition, rock crystal of such perfect quality couldn'tt be found in that area. The most amazing thing was that the ancient skull weighing 5.13 kg, 203.4 mm long and 125.4 wide had been made of a whole crystal. This fact contradicted the laws of physics.
Hewlett-Packard experts analyzed the skull and discovered that it consisted of three or four joints grown together. After close analysis, they found out that the skull had been cut of one piece of crystal, together with the lower jaw. The rock crystal has a hardness that is slightly lower than that of topaz, corundum, and diamond; it can be cut with diamonds only. It is astonishing, but the ancient Indians managed to cut it somehow, and even made a lower jaw with the joints. Someone had made the skull of a whole crystal so carefully that it seemed that nobody had ever touched it. A kind of a prism was found at the back bottom of the skull; any ray of light that strikes the eye-sockets is reflected there. If you look into the eye-sockets, you may see the whole room reflected.
Hewlett-Packard experts say that the skull had been made regardless of all laws and rules. They surprisingly said: "The damned thing can't exist at all. Those who had done it had no idea of crystallography or of fiber optics. The people completely ignored the axis of symmetry, which was to prevent the crystal from splitting during processing. It is strange why it didn't split at that!" No matter how unbelievable it may seem, the strange crystal skull can be seen in the Museum of American Indians.
Researchers found that the skull had been carved against the natural axis of the crystal. Modern crystal sculptors always take into account the axis, or orientation of the crystal's molecular symmetry, because if they carve "against the grain," the piece is bound to shatter -- even with the use of lasers and other high-tech cutting methods.
To compound the strangeness, HP could find no microscopic scratches on the crystal which would indicate it had been carved with metal instruments. Dorland's best hypothesis for the skull's construction is that it was roughly hewn out with diamonds, and then the detail work was meticulously done with a gentle solution of silicon sand and water. The exhausting job -- assuming it could possibly be done in this way -- would have required man-hours adding up to 300 years to complete. |
British Crystal Skull and Paris Crystal Skull
There is a pair of similar skulls known as the British Crystal Skull and the Paris Crystal Skull. Both are said to have been bought by mercenaries in Mexico in the 1890s, possibly at the same time. They are so similar in size and shape that some have guessed that one was copied to produce the other. In comparison to the Mitchell-Hedges skull, they are made of cloudier clear crystal and are not nearly as finely sculpted. The features are superficially etched and appear incomplete, without discretely formed jawbones. The British Crystal Skull is on display at London's Museum of Mankind, and the Trocadero Museum of Paris houses the Paris Crystal Skull.

The British Skull

The Paris Skull |
Mayan Crystal Skull and Amethyst Skull
These were discovered in the early part of the 20th century in Guatamala and Mexico. They had been brought to the US by a Mayan Priest. The Amethyst Skull is made of purple quartz and the Mayan skull is clear, but the two are otherwise very alike. Like the Mitchell-Hedges skull, both of them were studied at Hewlett-Packard, and they too were found to be inexplicably cut against the axis of the crystal.

Amethyst Skull (Ami) |
Texas Crystal Skull (a.k.a. MAX)

In the early 1980s, a human-sized quartz crystal skull surfaced in Texas. It was in the possession of Norbu Chen, a Tibetan healer. The skull was given to Carl and Jo Ann Parks to satisfy a debt. The skull was placed in a cosmetic case and stored on the floor of a closet in their Houston home for several years. It was while Jo Ann Parks was watching television that she realized that her skull may be an important artifact.
The program was about the Mitchell-Hedges skull, and F.R. Nick Nocerino, a world-renowned expert in crystal skull research, was a guest on the show. After viewing the program, Jo Ann, contacted Nocerino, upon which he traveled to Houston from his home near San Francisco to examine the skull. He determined that the skull was authentic and that it was ancient. He had indeed been aware of the existence of the skull, but had not been able to determine its location. Soon after Nocerino's visit, Jo Ann, after several discussions with the rock, as she fondly referred to it, was told its name was Max.
"Max," or the Texas Crystal Skull, is a single-piece, clear skull, weighing 18 pounds. The origin is believed to be Guatemala. The Parks family allows visitors to observe Max and they display the skull at various exhibitions across the U.S. |
ET Skull

Also in the mid 80s, Joke van Dieten Maasland, who presently resides in Miami Beach, Florida, acquired a smokey quartz crystal skull from a dealer in Los Angeles. It was reported that this skull had been in the possession of a family in Guatemala, whose parents found the skull in 1906, while excavating a Mayan Temple. Joke credits the skull, which she calls E.T., as instrumental in a personal healing of a brain tumor. She shares the story in her book, Messengers of Ancient Wisdom.
"ET" is a smoky quartz skull originally found in the early 20th Century in Central America. It was given its nickname because its pointed cranium and exaggerated overbite make it look like the skull of an alien being. ET is part of the private collection of Joke Van Dietan, who tours with her skulls to share the healing powers she believes they possess.
Rose Quartz Crystal Skull

The only known crystal skull that comes close to resembling the Mitchell-Hedges skull is one called the Rose Quartz Crystal Skull, which was reported near the border of Honduras and Guatemala. It is not clear in color and is slightly larger than the Mitchell-Hedges, but boasts a comparable level of craftsmanship, including a removable mandible. |
Aztec Skulls

The Museum of Man, in London, contains a crystal skull which is called the Aztec Skull. It is no longer on display in that museum. Museum personnel as well as visitors claim the skull moves on its own within the glass case in which it is enclosed. It was acquired by the museum at the turn of the century from an antiquity dealer in New York. I've also heard that workers demanded the skull case be draped over by a cloth at night so that they could work around it in peace.
The Paris museum of Man also contains a crystal skull called The Aztec Skull, which is no longer on display. Both the Paris Skull, and the British Skull are much smaller than the Mitchell-Hedges skull, and not nearly as perfectly carved or as clear.
Sha-Na-Ra, Jaguar Man and the Rainbow Skull

Sha-Na-Rah Skull

the Rainbow Skull
During a lecture tour in Mexico many years ago, Nocerino (the same expert mentioned earlier) was invited to a location in Guerro Provence, to assist in locating the buried ruins of an ancient city. It was during this visit that Nocerino provided the information as to the location of what he thought was an ancient temple. (Due to the current political situation in Mexico, the safety of those currently involved with this excavation would be compromised should I reveal the exact location of the excavation, or the name of the city.) Excavation of that location later revealed several carved crystal artifacts. Among these artifacts were two crystal skulls, one of which is currently owned by Nocerino, which is 13 pounds 3 ounces and is carved of clear quartz crystal. Nocerino calls the skull Sha-Na-Ra, in memory of a Shaman Healer he once knew. The second is currently owned by DaEl Walker, a well- known crystal researcher and author of several crystal healing books. It is smaller than Sha-Na-Ra, about 9 pounds, also quartz crystal. DaEl calls it The Rainbow Skull, due to the rainbow of colors that dance through the skull when in the natural light.
There were many other artifacts found at this location. Several small carved crystal skulls, half skulls which were hollow and a very rare and powerful item we call The Jaguar Man. It is five inches high, two inches in diameter and is carved of quartz crystal. It depicts the head of a Jaguar, with the head of a man in its mouth. The facial features of the man do not appear Mayan. This piece is currently owned by Charles C. Pelton (Pelton Foundation of Paranormal Research), and is being exposed to extensive research. |
alize13 This user has been deleted
the x files...doubtful about allien haunted in dis earth? fearfulness |
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