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Author: Ice_Q

Ooloong Tea tu sama dgn Chinese Tea ke?

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Post time 22-10-2007 06:41 PM | Show all posts
teh ni sedap kalau buat ais/sejuk .. n buat tawar

kat c4kan ada.. belila..  atau kedai singseh..

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Post time 22-10-2007 06:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by XoXo at 22-10-2007 06:38 PM
oolong tea ngan chinese tea boleh detoxifykan..

chinese tea ni green tea ke? nina suka green tea, minum cam tu jek, tambah lagi kalau suam..

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Post time 22-10-2007 06:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chemist_UTM at 22-10-2007 02:56 PM
TQ ice for the desprate to lose weight

chem.. nape desperate sangat nak kurus? bukan chem dah lama diet ke? nak kurus lagi berapa banyak?

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Post time 22-10-2007 06:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #22 masnina's post

green tea lain... ijau..
green tea ada dua.. satu green tea jasmine, satu lagi green tea biasa..

chinese tea tu teh kuning...  kalu minum banyak tak leh tido la... personally lah... kalau i minum ni i macam high.. macam tak betui sket...keoekoekoek.. rasa macam nak buat kerja macam2...  kelam kabut ..macam minum kopi.. setengah orang lain la effectnya..kekekekek

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Post time 22-10-2007 06:57 PM | Show all posts
cik kemis uitm

- ianya increase metabolism by detoxifying liver.

macam milk thistle.. :d kalau tak tahan , makan le milk thistle.. tapi kuat kencing nanti..

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Post time 22-10-2007 07:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #25 XoXo's post

thanks xoxo for ur terperinci explanation

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Post time 22-10-2007 07:54 PM | Show all posts
no perobelewmo

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Post time 22-10-2007 10:40 PM | Show all posts
mana lebih okey utk kurus, teh hijau ke teh oolong?

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Post time 23-10-2007 01:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chemist_UTM at 22-10-2007 02:56 PM
thats mean boleh jer gi kedai seng seh tu cakap nak oolong tea dia tahu la eh?

nak gi carik jugak

TQ ice for the desprate to lose weight

darling chem.....nak kurus camner lagi sayang? .....

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Post time 23-10-2007 03:58 AM | Show all posts
bp sekotak ooloong tea ni?

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Post time 23-10-2007 03:59 AM | Show all posts
haku bab2 kuruskn badan ni, cpt je nk cube

thanx pd yg byk kasik info

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Post time 23-10-2007 08:36 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by XoXo at 22-10-2007 06:57 PM
cik kemis uitm

- ianya increase metabolism by detoxifying liver.

macam milk thistle.. :d kalau tak tahan , makan le milk thistle.. tapi kuat kencing nanti..

Mama setuju part ni..kekadang kalau dah bagai2 cara di lakukan utk kurus...tapi hampeh gak..
HATI BERTOKSIN pun salah satu penyebab melambatkan proses turun berat badan...

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Post time 23-10-2007 06:35 PM | Show all posts
nak share some info...harap2 dpt membantu

Wulong tea burns 1.57 times more calories than green tea: In a study published in the August 2003 edition of the Journal of Medical Investigation, scientists from Japan's University of Tokushima School of Medicine found that people who drank two cups a day of wulong tea experienced over 157% greater fat burning results than those who drank the same amount of green tea.

Question: How Do You Recommend I Use Wu-Long Tea?
Answer: For best results, we recommend drinking two cups of Wu-Long daily. Preferable before taking your meal for best results. You can drink more than two cups daily, even after your meal or during your meal, if you aren't overly sensitive to the effects of caffeine. Keep in mind, each cup of Wu-Long contains about as much caffeine as a cup of green tea, but less than that found in a regular cup of coffee. As the tea can be rebrewed for numerous time up to 8 times or till it run out of flavor.

Question: Why is Wu-Long Tea Good for Health?
Answer: Teas contain a number of ingredients that have an influence on the human body. The quantities and percentages of these ingredients differ widely depending on the extent of fermentation. Green tea contains a wealth of one ingredient called "catching," while Wu-Long tea contains a large quantity of polyphenol. According to research, it has become clear that polyphenol is the ingredient that generates the delicious flavor unique to Wu-Long tea and also promotes beauty, health, energy and well-being.

Question: How Does Wu-Long Tea Burn Fat?
Answer: In China, tea has historically been used as a medicine. Many studies have been carried out up to the present day about the effects of tea. It has been known for some time that tea helps to control body fatness, and this is common knowledge in China. A Chinese classical pharmaceutical book called the Bencao Shiyi (The Compendium of Materia Medica) states, "Drinking tea for a long time will make one live long and stay in good shape without becoming too fat and too heavy."
Why does weight gain occur? Among other food items taken into your body through meals every day, sugar and fat are synthesized into triglyceride in the liver and the small intestine, which are then carried in the bloodstream into various other tissues in the body. More triglyceride than any other kind of fat is contained in the human body and is used as a source of energy for life support and physical activities. Excess amounts of triglyceride will be deposited within fat cells. This is the mechanism of fat metabolism in which an excess accumulation of triglyceride in the body causes weight gain.
Polyphenol in Wu-Long tea is effective in controlling body fatness. Specifically, it activates the enzyme that is responsible for dissolving triglyceride. It has been confirmed that the continuous intake of this kind of tea contributes to enhancing the function of fat metabolism and to controlling obesity.
Studies were conducted to verify the effect of this kind of tea on the prevention of body fatness. In one study, lab animals were divided into three groups: One was a control group that was given normal feed and water; another was given high-calorie feed containing extra fat and water; while the third group was given the same kind of high-calorie feed but with this kind of tea as a drink. All the animals weighed the same before the experiments but weighed differently six weeks later according to their groups. The two groups of high-calorie-fed animals gained more weight than the control group with the normal feed, and no weight difference was observed between the two groups of high-calorie-fed animals.
But when the fat cells of the two groups of animals were compared, the quantity of the visceral fat and that of the subcutaneous fat of the group of animals that were given Wu-Long tea was smaller than that of the other group. It was also proven that even when animals were given fatty food, if they were also given this kind of tea, they were prevented from becoming obese without any effect on their growth.
In another clinical test, 75 overweight individuals between 22 and 68 years of age were asked to consume a drink made by infusing two packs of this kind of tea in water, once in the morning and once in the afternoon for six weeks. They were also asked to refrain from receiving any dietary treatment or taking any exercise.
Echography sensors were placed at a spot 3 cm to the right of the naval of each of the subjects to measure the thickness of their subcutaneous fat. Compared with readings before the test, the thickness of subcutaneous fat decreased by about 4 mm on average after completion of the study.
In another study published in the August 2003 edition of the Journal of Medical Investigation, scientists from Japan's University of Tokushima School of Medicine found that people who drank two cups a day of this kind of tea experienced 2.5 times greater calorie-burning results than those who drank the same amount of authentic Japanese green tea.

Question: Is Wu-Long Tea Safe?
Answer: This kind of tea has been used for hundreds of years and is cited in scientific research to be beneficial to human health.

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Post time 23-10-2007 07:24 PM | Show all posts
oolong tea ni VIRTUALLY 0 calories.... if it burns more calories, means.. it's a negative calorie food..

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Post time 23-10-2007 08:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by XoXo at 23-10-2007 07:24 PM
oolong tea ni VIRTUALLY 0 calories.... if it burns more calories, means.. it's a negative calorie food..

xoxo, ada petua tahan selera makan tak? desperate sangat2... selera makan susah nak bendung.. kalau masuk kedai makan mulalah lupa diri, tambah lagi kalau ada budu. kalau puasa tak berkesan la sb badan i akan naek balik

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Post time 23-10-2007 08:59 PM | Show all posts

Reply #35 masnina's post


minum 2 gelas air sebelum makan. makan sayur dulu sebelum makan nasi berlauk.. atau simply leh makan buah juga..

kalau saya.. hahaha .. 2 gelas air sebelum makan, 1 gelas air sambil makan (keke tak buncit pun), i makan sayur kan 2 cawan, so  1 cawan makan dulu, 1 cawan lagi makan dengan nasi.. dan lauk pauk...

makan atleast 4 times sehari..  .. boleh pecah2 kan seperti berikut.. breakfast, light meal, lunch, light meal, dinner, light meal  (300-450 cals per meal)

makan high protein breakfast..  

1/2 cawan baked beans, makan dengan 1 telur goreng (guna 1/2tbsp oil), 1 roti whole meal, 1 cup betik..

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Post time 23-10-2007 09:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by XoXo at 23-10-2007 08:59 PM

minum 2 gelas air sebelum makan. makan sayur dulu sebelum makan nasi berlauk.. atau simply leh makan buah juga..

kalau saya.. hahaha .. 2 gelas air sebelum makan, 1 gelas air sambil mak ...

thanx a lot, xoxo... akan dipraktikkan..

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Post time 24-10-2007 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by masnina at 22-10-2007 06:50 PM

chem.. nape desperate sangat nak kurus? bukan chem dah lama diet ke? nak kurus lagi berapa banyak?

erm to look skinny and hv a sexy body - 5-7 kg kena trim lagi ni..

thats very hard   compare dgn nak lose weight dulu dgn hanya dgn kurangkan food intake & pills - lost 15 kg..

but skrg ikut nasihat XoXo, my consultant (tp takde gaji - sian XoXo) - eat the rite food - more frequent - small quantity..
include dgn cardio exercise & weight training...

erm maybe lambat skit la kot nak nampak result..

tp XoXo - chem noticed kan..
after around 3 weeks wat cardio xtvt (3 times/week) & 2 weeks wat weight training (3 times/week), lengan rasa cam nampak berotot skit,kurang flabby..baju rasa cam longgar2 skit laa..
but wat make me frust - no change kat penimbang tu

tp takpelah la - akan ku teruskan usaha ku ini

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Post time 24-10-2007 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by XoXo at 22-10-2007 06:57 PM
cik kemis uitm

- ianya increase metabolism by detoxifying liver.

macam milk thistle.. :d kalau tak tahan , makan le milk thistle.. tapi kuat kencing nanti..

TQ dear..

erm nak minum jugak la tea ni..

tgh cuba pelbagai cara to boost my metabolism

-- nota kaki : tadi google pasal weight training.. - dia kata boost metabolism & make our body burn more calories --- penambah semangat utk chem gi weight training class frequent --- masa plak kurang nak gi byk kali tu

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Post time 24-10-2007 09:48 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hemorion at 23-10-2007 01:16 AM

darling chem.....nak kurus camner lagi sayang? .....

nak kurus cam kak emo

jeles kak emo dah berjaya

pstttt - share ah ur plan aritu yg berjaya aritu

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